AGNPH Stories

Seven Days in Paradise by ben01


Taming the Beast

Chapter three - Taming the Beast

By: Ben01
Disclaimer: The usual
Pairings(chapter): Pikachu/Squirtle, Ash/Charizard
Chapter summery: Squirtle needs to be taught a lesson in modesty and because Charizard could use the same lesson, it's killing two birds with one stone.
General note: I learned I won't be able to update every Tuesday, so it will be every other Tuesday. The next update will be 13 September. Please mail me if I haven't updated by then.
Lando: That's just my seeing things that aren't there. There probably is a female pikachu, but it wouldn't be as fun as my version. ^ _ ^
shadowphantomness: I do have a three-day-weekend coming up, so I might be able to update next Tuesday anyway.

Ash woke up, sore from the previous day. He knew that he would not be able to do any kind of work all day. Not only had he received the pleasure of his red dragon, but after that he had walked all the way to the store, ignoring his body's pain. He was paying for that now.

He got Squirtle out of his pokeball and asked him to gather some food for breakfast. Squirtle didn't notice that Ash was wearing clothes again, he didn't care really. Ash rubbed his eyes, still slightly asleep, before noticing that Pikachu had been awoken by a dropping piece of fruit. Squirtle had of course taken the easy way out, using his water attack to make fruit fall out of the trees.

Pikachu was a little confused when he awoke, but the sight of food immediately brought him to his feet. Squirtle had gathered the food down to the middle of the clearing and Ash and Pikachu flocked to it. Squirtle had just clenched his teeth into an orange when Ash started speaking.

'' I hear you had an interesting day...'' Squirtle looked up, but kept eating. '' I hear you had quite some fun with Pikachu...'' Squirtle's jaws froze. He was wondering were Ash was going with this. '' I hear you left Pikachu wanting more...'' Squirtle dropped his orange as Ash told Pikachu to go get Squirtle in the mood.

Pikachu moved over to squirtle and lay a paw between his legs. He slowly moved it up and let it fall back down. It didn't take Squirtle long to react to this as his dick became erect very soon. After only a few strokes, Squirtle's erection was throbbing, but he didn't act on it, as if he waited for Ash to give permission.

Squirtle however couldn't hold out longer than another two strokes before pushing Pikachu on his back and positioning his dick at Pikachu's hole. He was just about to push in when Ash ordered him to stop. Squirtle reluctantly withdrew and listened to his trainer's commands. He obeyed without question and lay on his back, giving Pikachu a clear shot at Squirtle's opening.

He didn't need more of an invitation and dived right in. He lay his body onto Squirtle and lined his erection up with Squirtle's ass. He looked into Squirtle's eyes and smiled before pushing his entire body forward, making his member slide easily in Squirtle's wiling hole.

Squirtle yelled out of pleasure as he felt himself being filled by a pokemon that appears to be so small. He felt himself being stretched, being dominated and he was loving it. As Pikachu came closer, Squirtle's tail moved between his legs, gently rubbing the creature's balls, making Pikachu love this even more.

Pikachu again placed his paw at Squirtle's sensitive spot and started rubbing, but refrained from driving him over the edge. He didn't want Squirtle to have to experience sex without being horny.

Pikachu could feel he was getting close, so he stopped. He waited a couple of seconds, having the feeling of his first near-orgasm die out, and then slowly continued again. He repeated this, driving Squirtle greatly mad. Then, when Pikachu finally allowed his orgasm to take place, Squirtle was begging for it. He pleaded to feel Pikachu's sperm in places that had never seen the light of day.

Pikachu's shots were in great quantity. His sperm took up twice the amount of space that his dick did, causing Squirtle to have to adjust to a lot in only a few seconds. Pikachu's dick had baracaded his ass, so the sperm had nowhere else to go but deeper, deeper into the pokemon's body. Pikachu let his body drop forward. He felt so good that he wouldn't mind staying like that for hours.

But Squirtle couldn't retain himself; he hadn't come yet and was very eager to do so. He squirmed himself out of Pikachu's hold, letting some of the fluids come out as he moved and grabbed Pikachu, placing him firmly against the floor and placing his dick at his entrance.

Ash ordered him to stop immediatly and told him it was up to Pikachu when they would do what. Squirtle reluctantly dropped back. Pikachu came up to him.

'' You have to say please first.'' He said softly.

'' PLEASE!!!'' Squirtle cried out without thought or hesitation.

Pikachu lowered his head on the blue Pokemon and softly nibbled on the acking rod, awaited the pleasurable moans. He got it instantly as he lowered his head more, taking in the entire length. He could feel the end of the cock poke him all the way in the back in his mouth, becoming wet from the siliva, wanting to go deeper and wanting to erupt.

Having had the experience of cock in his ass just minutes ago, Squirtle required little encouragement to spray and did so after only one movement of Pikachu's tongue. Squirtle screamed out as his orgasm shot right into Pikachu's open throat.

Ash was looking at this entire spectacle with a considerably grown cock, which was pressing uncomfortably against his jeans and made him run to a more private spot and command Charizard out of his Pokeball.

Charizard stood tall, smiling at the boy for wanting more of him already. The dragon approached him slowly, awaiting him to drop on his knees. But Ash did not drop, he didn't offer himself, causing Charizard to remember his promise.

'' I see you're starting to remember...'' Ash said softly, seeing Charizard think back to the day before. Charizard suddenly remembered the exact promise he had made.

Charizard was a rebel. From the day he was born, as a Charmender, he had disliked the notion of having a trainer. Then, when he met his first trainer, his rebellion ended. He had found someone he could call a father, someone who was raising him to listen. He was willing to spend the rest of his life with him, unfortunately the trainer didn't want to. He left him to die.

Charmender was completely distraught by this, mostly because his trainer had promised never to leave him. But Ash saved the little creature, making him transfer his father feelings to Ash. But then, as Charmender evolved, he started to see Ash less as a father he needed to obey and more as a friend he was doing favours to.

He couldn't stand the attitude Ash had when they went to battle, that Charizard should just obey him. Ash was his friend, not his master. No matter how cute he looked, he had no right to tell Charizard what to do. However, Charizard had made a promise and he was going to keep it. He wasn't going to break his promise like his first trainer had done.

Ash told Charizard to lie on his back. Charizard sought a tree, where he could easily lie, and lay down against it. Ash went to stand in front of him, putting one of his legs at each side of his tail. He unzipped and let both his pants and his underwear drop to the ground. He went to his knees and placed his dick near Charizard's ass.

Charizard was looking the other way, not interested in the things Ash was doing. He was thinking about how he could have let Ash get so much control, how he could have lost his control, not realising that he loved being without control.

'' Look at me, Charizard.'' Ash said, causing the dragon's head to turn. '' I don't want to hurt you. Especially not for your first time.'' Ash looked into Charizard's eyes as he slowly pushed forward. When he saw the pain, he halted immediately. He waited for Charizard to look relaxed again and then entered a little more. He kept doing this until he had fully entered him.

Charizard did not know what he was feeling. It seemed to hurt like hell, having Ash enter him, but it satisfied a desire he did not know he had. It made his dick grow erect, his nipples hard and his mind without thought. He wasn't able to find the desire, because his thought were only at the fulfilment of it.

Ash saw this and placed his hand on the dragon's massive object with awe. He could not believe he had this beautiful equipment in his ass before. That he had been allowed to touch it, feel it, have it in him. If he had been able to, he would have sucked that thing until it blew, but Charizard would not like having his first time interrupted, nor would Ash like to leave his dick waiting.

Ash started moving, listening closely to the sound of Charizard. He would only go as fast as Charizard wanted him to go. He found such amazing pleasure in the movement that he needed to let some of it rub of on Charizard. But, judging by the expression on Charizard's face, it wasn't necessary; He already was in complete ecstasy.

It was at the expansion of Ash's dick, the warning of his orgasm, that Charizard realized he didn't need to have his, all he wanted was Ash's. He wanted to feel Ash in a place that would only be Ash's. He wanted him to mark his territory and keep marking it forever.

As Ash pushed one last time, his dick exploded in Charizard's ass. Ash collapsed on his lover, the panting Charizard, before feeling Charizard's head go to his neck and lay a kiss. He could feel Charizard's mouth blow a warm breath in his neck and he knew that this pokemon needed to be his.

Ash lifted himself just a little, making it possible for him to look Charizard in the eyes while giving him his present. He reached in his pocket and took it out. The pokemon smiled at the sight of a little black circle, the size of his neck, with the inscription 'Charizard, the property of pokemon trainer Ash, to be forever his'. He put it around the smiling Charizard's neck, something Charizard did not protest to at all.

Ash wanted to tell Charizard how he would be forever his, but Charizard lifted his finger to his lover's lips. Words would only spoil this moment, where Charizard became truly of Ash. Ash let his head drop to Charizard's chest and let the beating of his heart drum him to sleep.

End of Day Three

The Next Chapter: Pikachu/Squirtle
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