AGNPH Stories

Seven Days in Paradise by ben01


Bulbasaur's Joy

Seven Days in Paradise

By: Ben01
Disclaimer: The usual
Pairings(chapter): Ash/Bulbasaur
Summery: The things that could happen if you leave a horny teen alone with the interenet and a pokemon. I blame AGNPH ^_^
Note: this is not one of the days in the story, nor will this story get a sequel.
This is a little something I had stored in some story I wasn't going to use. I didn't get around to write the next chapter, because, to be honest, I delayed it. You know what they say, 'Delays have dangerous ends.' Well, I had to make something in an hour and decided I'd use my old Bulbasaur yiff part. The hour was spent correcting my spelling and grammar and by putting the yaoi in good context. Hope you enjoy!

Ash and Bulbasaur were alone at Ash's home one day. Ash's mother wanted to go take a nice ride over the country and Brock and Misty had decided to come along. It was quite the trip, so Pikachu was taken along as well. Ash however had been with his mother on the trip many times, so he decided to sit this one out.

All the rest of his pokemon had been injured by a recent pokemon fight. Their injuries weren't serious, but they took a while to heal. Bulbasaur, who hadn't been used in the fight, was presented with the opportunity to spend some quality time with Ash and he accepted gratefully. He loved getting attention, so being alone with Ash for an entire week was like Paradise. Seven days in Paradise.

The first day was mostly spend helping Ash's mother pack and saying goodbye. Then at the end there was some cleaning to do and preparations for the upcoming week. It was near midnight when they were finished. Bulbasaur had fallen asleep on the coach, but Ash was filled with energy. So, as any horny teen with leftover energy, he went to look at some porn.

Now for Ash, looking at porn meant reading text and creating information from it. He found it fun to look at some people making out, but he just wasn't moved by it. He liked it way more to create fantasies.

He was checking out a site on the male anatomy when suddenly something popped up. '' AGNPH, for all your pokemon desires.'' Ash didn't know what to think. He knew pokemon could reproduce and that they got pleasure from doing so, but for the rest his information was rather limited. He clicked on the link and a blue internet site appeared. Under the heading stood:

'' Alternative Games Nota by Pokemon Helpers; The complete encyclopaedia for those who wish to play games with pokemon, that help them fulfil desires.''

He was intrigues to see the diversity of Pokemon mating habits. How male Arcanine claim an available pokemon or person, regardless of sex, and make him or her his bitch. How Pikachu, who are all male, have random sex, between a Raichu and a Pikachu with no strings attached. Ash stopped at the section of Bulbasaurs.

He thoroughly read every passage twice, memorising details and sensitive spots. He didn't know if he was going to spend his live being a pokemon 'lover', but he knew he needed to try it at least once.

He went to bed, still in somewhat of a shock and fell right asleep. His dreams are only to be guessed, but I'll let you know they weren't PG-13.

The next morning Ash woke up with Bulbasaur over him. Bulbasaur had long awoken and seemed cheerful to see his trainer up too. Ash was just glad Bulbasaur didn't notice what other things were... up.

Bulbasuar have two ways to be sexually stimulated, unlike most males, who only have one. The second is a Bulbasaur's dick, which brings great satisfaction to the plant like beast, but the first brings more pleasure.

'' Say Bulbasaur, could you give me your vine whip for a moment?''

He gave Ash the green vine, not sure why he needed to. Ash messaged it and started to slightly nibble on it.

'' What...What're you doing?'' Bulbasaur asked, gasping for air. He seemed to like this. His mouth remained open after the sentence and he seemed to be panting by the little stimulation Ash was giving.

Ash put it in his mouth, sucking a little. Bulbasaur rolled onto his back out of pleasure, letting his tongue escape his mouth completely, getting a little bit of drool on the mattress. Never before had pleasures like these overcome him. He had lived in seclusion after all, having nobody to talk with, let alone do this with.

Ash could see Bulbasaur's tummy. It was smooth, yet manly. And it had this graceful way of moving together with Bulbasaur's breathing. In many ways it was even manlier than Ash's. Only female Bulbasaurs have nipples, so Bulbasaur was stripped of that little imperfection. Ash, turned on by the rawness of the belly, slowly moved his free hands to Bulbasaur's skin.

As soon as Ash's hands left the vine, Bulbasaur took over the movement, allowing Ash to continue his oral pleasure. As Ash touched Bulbasaur's tummy, he was amazed by the toughness of the texture. It was so hard, yet easy to caress. If he were to lay his head on it, he would fall asleep within seconds.

Ash lovably moved his hand over the animal, massaging him thoroughly. Bulbasaur moaned, finding Ash's hands feel magical. Everything was almost too much for little Bulbasaur. As Ash's massage went lower and lower Bubasaur's body, his dick became harder and harder. Bulbasaur panted loudly, as if he was a dog whose tummy was being scratched.

Bulbasaur became more active, moving his second vine under Ash's shirt and caressing his nipples. Goosebumps crept over Ash's body as Bulbasaur's vine gently touched his skin and ran circles around his sensible spots. Not only was Bulbasaur's dick growing, but now Ash's was also.

'' Go on!'' Ash ordered.

'' Don't stop!!!'' Bulbasaur cried.

After five minutes of foreplay, Ash could no longer take it. His dick was hard as hell and so was Bulbasaur's. He halted for a few moments to quickly remove his only piece of clothing, a white shirt that he wore as pyjamas. When he had finished, he was sitting next to Bulbasaur on his bed, extremely horny, just like Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur jumped against Ash's chest, forcing him to lay his back against the bed. He licked Ash's cock, facing his ass to Ash's face. Seeing Bulbasaur's small opening, his hanging balls and his erect cock forced Ash into pulling Bulbasaur's crotch to his face, licking his area with only lust filling his mind.

Bulbasaur, receiving more pleasure than anyone could ever hope for, felt like he had to do something to participate as well. He took his vines out again and wrapped one around Ash's cock and the other he moved into his passage. The first he used to jack Ash off and the second to fuck him.

Ash moaned into Bulbasaur's crotch as Bulbasaur was forcing his ass to open and his dick to harden. Ash's dick could withstand only little of the pleasure and soon came. Bulbasaur's vine, now wet with sperm, went back to Bubasaur's mouth to be licked by him.

Getting addicted to the taste, he leapt forward and licked Ash completely clean. He took the sperm from his dick, his crotch and even the bed,

'' So you like my sperm...'' Ash grunted '' Let's see how I like yours.''

Ash threw Bulbasaur on his back and sucked his dick as hard as he could. With the extreme pleasure from pressure, Bulbasaur soon came into Ash's willing mouth, moaning with great pleasure. Ash took Bubasaur's sperm with ease and delight.

Bubasaur shot twenty warm beams of manhood into Ash's mouth and Ash welcomed every wave. After five minutes, when the last wave had come, Ash felt tired and weary, Bulbasaur as well. They had just done something they were eager to do more often.

Ash only hoped that Bulbasaur would evolve soon, as Ivysaur's vines were bigger, thicker and longer. Besides, Ivysaur would be big enough to fuck Ash and, when Ivysaur would evolve, he would also be able to accept anal pleasure. In the exhaustion Ash told Bulbasaur this and, without any hesitation, the Bulbasaur let his anxieties go and started evolving.

The end

I'm sorry if it felt a bit rushed. Truth is, I did rush myself. If you liked it, let me know. I have this Butterfree yiff somewhere that I could use as well.
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