AGNPH Stories

Mudkip's last day by dmitri


Mudkip's last day

It was a light summer's day, the stream was gurgling along. Mudkip waited there patiently, observing the fish as they swam merrily past. He stayed stock still on the bank of the stream, waiting and watching. He was quite a skilled fishermon, he'd been practicing his art for years. He'd wait and watch them, not going after the large and powerful, or the small and swift. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he'd wait for days on end at the bank of the stream to get it. The Mudkip spied every fish going about it's business, until suddenly providence struck... a Magikarp. Magikarp were slow and stupid enough to get caught, but they were so weak their spines could be snapped at the flick of a Pikachu's whiskers.

The predator Mudkip leapt into the stream, his teeth gnashing and his claws slashing deftly and purposefully. A few moments later, the mudkip hefted out a Magikarp from the stream. His face was slightly bloodied by the Magikarp's innards, but that didn't phase him as he feasted on Magikarp's flesh. Mudkip was feeling excessively cruel that day, over years of practice he'd also learned how to keep a fish alive while he ate it. Magikarp felt each and every one of his ribs snap like twigs under Mudkip's powerful jaws, and the disembowelling was particularly unpleasant as his very innards spilled out into the open. Mudkip gleamed happily as he cleaned the blood off of himself, kicking the Magikarp back into the stream. Hopefully his family would see him... or what was left. The very thought pleased Mudkip as he laid back onto the bank of the river, satisfied after another successful mutilation. Mudkip was really starting to enjoy the say, a perfect cloudless sky. Mudkip sighed happily as the trees rustled in the wind and the air filled with sweet birdsong.

Manectric watched the little Mudkip from the bushes, her dark eyes hidden behind the foliage. He engrossed her. She grinned softly, now would be a perfect time to begin. Just as Mudkip had been fishing for years, she had been perfecting her art... fear. "Mudkip..." She cooed softly. The Mudkip startled and looked around, he looked directly in her direction, "Who's there?"
"Don't worry Mudkip... it'll all be over soon..."
Mudkip just blinked, confused by the strange voice, "What? Who are you?"
"The last person you will ever talk to... who are you?" She cooed in a sugary sweet voice.
"What are you playing at! Tell me who you are!" Mudkip frowned at the bushes, breathing in deeply he aimed a fierce bubble attack at his attacker.
"Come now Mudkip, don't fight, it makes your flesh tender." Mudkip could almost hear the voice salivating. His bubble attack rended the bushes into pieces, but now the voice was coming from somewhere behind him. Mudkip span around, frowning at thin air, "Come out now!" He demanded.

Manectric had no intention of doing that, instead she flicked her mane softly, sending little sparks out into the air. Her mother taught her the teleport trick a while ago, simple enough really, and very effective. "Come out I said!" Mudkip screamed, he couldn't tell what it was, but the creepy voice was starting to freak him out a little.
"Aren't you going to run away little Mudkip?" She asked. Mudkip grimaced and span around to the source of the voice, "I'd never run away from a loser like you!!" He yelled at her.

Manectric snapped, her very core filled with rage at the insult. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" She screamed. Her cry thundered with raw energy as a great black blur filled his vision. Mudkip suddenly felt pain, pain like he'd never felt before coursing through his body and a slow realisation what it was... electricity. Mudkip gathered his wits, he was pinned, trapped under the powerful paw of a Manectric, her eyes red with rage as electricity coursed through his watery body. Manectric fumed, watching as the Mudkip struggled against her raw power, "I am beautiful! I AM BEAUTIFUL!" She screamed at him, intensifying her attack at him.

Mudkip stammered and stuttered, struggling underneath the powerful paws of the Manectric as she electrified him. His vision was getting dimmer, the electricity shooting pain through every crevice of his body. Then nothing. Mudkip panted as her barrage stopped, whimpering softly as the Manectric lifted up her paw, nuzzling him soothingly, "Don't you think I'm beautiful?" a spark flew as she said it.
Mudkip's breathing slowed down as he registered the question, he began to struggle as his senses came to but realised to his horror that the electricity had caused temporary paralysis in every muscle. Mudkip felt a huge lump in his throat as he struggled to breathe, slowly he was realising the hopelessness of the situation. Mudkip's every fibre trembled and sobbed as he fought with himself to be rational, his gasping breaths causing him to hyperventilate as she extended her powerful, fleshripping claws, "Well?" she demanded an answer, "Am I beautiful daddy?" Mudkip fought with himself, it might be his only way out, "Y-y-yes..." He struggled to talk, unable to move from fear and paralysis, his heart thudding against his chest erratically.

This just made Manectric angrier as she slashed at Mudkip fiercely, ripping a flesh wound across his chest with her powerful slash. "Damnit daddy! Why don't you talk to me! Why don't you love me!!" She screamed, fighting back her tears as she looked deeply into Mudkip's eyes, "Why..." she whispered softly, sobbing to herself. Mudkip's heart skipped a beat when she opened up his chest like that, the searing, burning pain overshadowed by what this crazy girl would do next. He whimpered, he'd been able to keep a body alive for an hour after disembowelling it before, a fact that kept whirring in his mind as he stared deeply into her eyes, filled with insanity. "It's your fault you know..." She said in a low, dangerous tone, "You never loved me..." she sobbed softly, gasping out breaths, "You always loved that bitch who killed mom!" She screamed at him.

Manectric whimpered and sobbed, her body was weak like a little child's as she bawled her eyes out. Mudkip was thinking quickly, if he was shrewd maybe he could talk his way out... escape. "N-n-no!" He still struggled to talk, "I lu... I lu.... I luuuuv..." He panted for breath, taking it in deeply, "I love you!" He managed to say.
"LIAR!" She swatted at his face with fury, her claw barely missing his eye, Mudkip grimaced softly at the sharp feeling, the clean wound filling up with blood as it dribbled down his face. "You always hated me daddy! I'm beautiful! Beautiful!!" She took a deep breath, sobbing and shaking violently.
"P-p-please..." Mudkip managed, "Princess... I l-love you... you are beautiful..." He managed to say through his own trembling sobs.

"No Daddy I'm not... you'd never want to fuck me... never." She sobbed softly, "You only want to fuck that slut... that slut..." She breathed deeply and screamed loudly, giving an ear shattering scream, "I killed her daddy, I killed her because she doesn't deserve you! She was a slut, how dare you choose her over me! I'm beautiful! I'm the princess! Me! I don't care if she's my mother... don't care..."
Mudkip clenched his jaw, slowly the dread sank into him, there was no way he'd walk away from this alive. He stayed silent for a while as she cried and sobbed her heart out, her tears mingling with the blood from his gaping wounds. Feeling was finally coming back to him now, and he felt as it it would be easier to talk. "D-darling..." He said, looking for words, a sick thought occurred to him, maybe if they made love he'd be free. "Darling..." he said a little firmer, "I want to fuck you... I-I always want to fuck you... you're... you're my daughter."

Manectric's ears perked as she heard him say it, and her sobs all but disappeared. Smiling, she nuzzled at him softly, cooing as she kissed at his neck. Mudkip was frozen in fear, knowing the girl was very unstable. He had to make a break for it, first chance he got. Lying back in the soft grass, he waited patiently while Manectric delicately ran her claws across his naked chest, his heart pounding again once she started to direct her attention downwards. Maybe it wasn't his last day at all, Mudkip thought to himself, maybe he was just gonna get lucky and then be allowed to leave. Manectric grasped at his crotch, running her paw along it smoothely as she licked at his face softly. Unfortunately, due to all the trauma he'd gone through, his cock was unresponsive to her touching. It stayed hidden like a turtle, not wanting to face the psycho woman.

This didn't deter Manectric though, cooing and humming, she bent her pointed tail back, pressing it up to his tailhole gently. Focusing a tiny amount of power into her tail, she shocked at his prostate. Mudkip yelped in pain, his entire body twitching into a very unpleasant orgasm. It felt like all his muscles were clenching all at once, and then tightening impossibly, before releasing. The 'orgasm' made Mudkip's cock hard and ready, though it had already spurted a round of semen onto Manectric, she didn't seem too concerned. "That's what happens if you go floppy before I'm done daddy." She grinned evilly, baring her teeth at the little mudkip as he whimpered in pain.

Mudkip groaned as she started, her body slipping down onto his meat. He had an awful feeling in his stomach, as if he'd just vomitted and wanted to dry retch. The swirling, churning pain in his stomach got worse as the mating went on, her body slamming down harder and faster, raping him. He didn't know sex could feel so bad. She screamed out 'daddy' again and again as she went harder and harder, her cunt was dry as a bone, it felt like sandpaper scraping over him. The torture was making his penis go flaccid, but that didn't stop her, it just egged her on, harder and faster. Soon he felt another jolt in his asshole, and screamed in pain. His cock shot up, cumming out another blast of semen as she caused him to orgasm again with her little trick. He winced in pain as the sickening feeling slowly got worse and worse, and then gently began subsiding.

She must have been fucking him for ten minutes before her body trembled and panted, "Ooh... daddy I came!" she cried happily. Mudkip panted and sighed, maybe it was all over. Manectric was hardly done though, soon her form started bouncing up and down over him all over again, "I wanna come again daddy!!" she demanded, grinding her hips over the top of his, "Nooo!" Mudkip cried in pain. He received another shock to his tailhole to perk up his cock again, this time though he dry orgasmed, which felt even worse. Squirming and writhing in pain and exhaustion, it was another ten minutes before she collapsed in orgasmic bliss.

Mudkip struggled, and managed to break free from the exhausted Manectric. She was far too tired to chase after him he figured, so he ran. He ran as far as his tired little legs would take him. It felt futile, every step he took was like walking through mud, his legs were like jelly and every part of his body ached from those horrid 'orgasms'. Wading into the forest, he panted and collapsed, crawling and squirming, his only chance was to hide from her... he had to hide. His head was starting to feel a little dizzy from the blood pouring down his face and chest, and when he dared to look down at his cock all he saw was a bloody little stump, the skin ripped away by that wretched psycho's pussy. The world span around him and he collapsed in the grass, using his last ounce of strength he crawled behind an old tree stump.

It must've been a few hours later when he roused, it was night time and the forest was as black as pitch. Tall, lanky spires of trees rose around him on all sides, and the night was alive with sinister noises. Shaking off the haze in his head, he remembered the urgency why he was running away, his heart filled with fear he clumsily stumbled away into the forest. Twigs and leaves snapped and crackled under his feet as he cut himself dozens of times. He had to get away, he had to. Just then, his eyes filled with fear and his heart grew heavy with dread as he heard her.

"London bridge came falling down... falling down... falling down..." She was singing, her voice was so close he could almost smell her breath. Panting and darting away, his legs felt like jelly as he struggled against himself to get away. All of his primal urges and instincts for survival were alive as he ran, sobbing and bleeding everywhere as twigs clung to him and rended his flesh in all places. "London bridge came falling down... my faiir mudkip..." She kept on singing, her voice drawing closer and closer as the seconds rolled by.
"No! No! Nooo!" Mudkip cried desperately, sobbing and panting as he tripped and fell over himself. he had to get away, this psycho would kill him, his life depended on getting away. "Please no! I have a wife and kids!!" He bargained for his life desperately, lieing through his teeth, "I don't deserve this! Please! Please!" He begged.

"London bridge came falling down... falling down..." She kept up her sickly sweet song. Struggling against himself he pressed on, before suddenly a great force flew at his back. His knees buckled, and bfore he knew it the great, red eyes of insanity bored down at him once again. Mudkip panted, sick, wounded, every muscle in his body turned to jelly as he resigned his life to her mercy. Gently, while singing her soft nursery rhyme, she twisted Mudkip's neck, further and further until he was looking past his shoulder. He could feel it, his neck bending past the point of no return, his vertibrae poppling as little black spots filled his vision, with a sickening 'snap' she rended his neck, and his body convulsed. The pain was unnatural, like a thousand stabbing knives of pain as every fibre in his body screamed. His lungs cut off by her weight and his broken neck, he began to suffocate while her claws mauled his face, gouging out his eye cruelly and showing his still living brain, he was beyond pain, watching in horror as she feasted on him. His vision was tunnelling... his spirit was floating away, he was watching the Manectric kill him up from a distant tree. Her powerful jaws broke open his skull, showing off his brain before she dug her greedy muzzle into that as well.

Oddly, all Mudkip could think to do as he floated towards the light was sing london bridge.
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