AGNPH Stories

The Search for the Truth, Eurasia's Story by eurasia21xx


Chapter 1 - Friends Reunited!

Chapter 1 - Friends Reunited! - Part 1

Part 1

I was starting to get nervous and excited after all these years, to finally return to this place I once called home. As I made my way to the front door, I suddenly stopped for a moment... I had been through a lot to get to this point. Since I left the lab, I have been searching, wandering... for the truth or at least an answer to what happened to me. The horrors from that foul place left chills in my soul. It's only been about a few days since I left, but time seems so slow now that I have left that miserable place. It feels more like years rather than days since my departure. The cold feel of that claustrophobic room is now but a faint memory. Even so, every time I close my eyes, I can still see myself in that lab. As for my search, I decided to ask the one man who could help me answer my questions.

Realizing that I have been reminiscing about my accursed past, I shook my thoughts and decided to continue in. As my hand reached the doorknob I heard a sound, coming from behind. I wasn't able to turn fast enough before something hit me and I was suddenly knocked down on the ground. It was heavy whatever was on me. I couldn't turn my head to see my assailant and I could barely breathe. Much to my surprise, I heard the door open in front of me.

"Wow, you really are happy to see him. It has been a long time so I don't blame you... now get off of him before you turn him into a pancake." I look up and I see Professor Oak chuckling slightly as he shoos the thing off my back. "Here, let me help you up. Your name is... Eurasia, right? Yes, I remember. You did say you were coming but you got here much faster than I expected." The weight from my back lifted and I was finally able to get up, getting air into my lungs. I turn around to find the most unexpected pair of eyes staring at me.

"Oh my god... Chara! It's been years since I've seen you!" The fire from her tail had grown much brighter than I remembered. It was the first pokemon I raised when I started my journey all those years ago. When we first met each other, she was just a charmander, but now a fully grown charizard. I ran up to charizard with tears flowing from my eyes, giving her huge hug.

"So warm, just like before... I'm sorry for being gone all these years.", I blurted with tears streaming from both of them, the joy of being reunited too great to hold inside. After the long embrace, we entered the Lab of Oak. Walking down long hallways and cavernous labs, it took a while until we came to the study. Oak walked around his desk and took a seat and motioned us to take a seat. I respectfully declined and Chara just snorted softly.

Oak grined slightly "I don't blame her for being happy to see you. It's been like what?, eight years since you saw each other?"

I looked down, starting to feel bad that for leaving her alone for all those years. "I know... that accident robbed me of most of my life. I promised that I would return, but it took much longer than I thought." I turned to her, with confidence in my eyes, "I hope you can forgive me for being gone for so long. Now I hope to finish the pact we made."

A shadow passed Chara's eyes for a slight instant, but then she closed them and nodded silently. As if to say that all is forgiven, she nuzzled my shoulder as an affectionate gesture.

Oak rose up from his chair with a smile on his face. "Well, I'm glad to see you still retain some of that confidence you had when you started." He looked at my charizard. "As much as I hate to separate you two for a moment, I need to discuss some private matters with Eurasia. Don't worry; he'll join you shortly with the rest of his pokemon in a moment." Chara looked at me with tears swelling in her eyes, uncertain of what to do.

"Sorry Chara, I promise I won't be long. It's just that I have to talk with Oak about something important." To reassure her, I patted her cheek and gave a friendly scratch under her chin. She turned and slowly sulked out the door, not completely unhappy but eager for their little talk to be over already. Oak's expression suddenly turned serious. "I'm sorry I had to do that, but what we have to discuss has to stay in between us."

My smile faded slightly. "I understand. But on to more important things. Can you tell me what you knew about my father? I need to know what you know about him and his work, his experiments, everything."

Oak got out of his chair and started pacing around the room. "Well Eurasia, like I told you before, I did used to work with him but when he opened his own lab, we started losing touch with each other. He just wanted to conduct his experiments. The last thing he told me was that something bad happened and that he just disappeared. That was Eight years ago."

"Eight years ago... that's about the time when the accident happened. Didn't he tell you anything else? What he worked on?"

"Unfortunately he didn't say much of anything to me and that his work had to be kept top secret. But on the other hand, he did tell me that he found the D.N.A. of an extremely rare pokemon."

Unable to stand still, I started pacing around thinking that this conversation was a waste of time. "You probably don't know more about it than I do...I need to find out more... Wait! Do you remember what I wrote to you about when I said I was about to come here? About the problem that I am having..."

He started walking over to his computer. "Yes, of course. I may have not been much help on the issue of your father but at least I'll do my best to help your... other problem."

The screen blinked to life and revealed the note I emailed to him before arriving here. "Let's see... you said here that something was happening to you. According to your note, pokemon have been following you and that you've been having extreme headaches along with periodic blackouts."

I pulled up a chair and sat beside by Oak. "Yea, it's really weird... I mean even on the way here, when I take a break, I see pokemon hiding the bushes. What's weirder is that they were all female."

Oak looked up at me, slightly puzzled. "Female? How would you tell just by looking? You do realize that pokemon genders are only shown by special devices like my pokedex."

I could feel my face going red. "Well, that's the thing... When I look at them, I can see "features" that females normally have... At first it would appear there for about a second, and then it vanishes. Now I see them more often and they stay there."

Oak's jaw dropped about 10 feet. "What?! That's impossible! How can you see something like that?"

He mulled it over in his head for a bit. "Hmmm... well you did mention that somehow you are a it could be that you have reached what I think is considered adulthood in the pokemon Life-cycle. That's just a speculative theory but it does fit together nicely..."

Confused, I asked him, "Adulthood? I've been an adult for quite a while now you know? I'm 25 years old! How did something like this take so long?" I was feeling like I didn't understand who I am anymore.

"I don't know Eurasia. Maybe time will tell, But you now have somewhat of a reason behind everything that has been happening to you. A poke-puberty to say the least."

Still puzzled, I got up from my seat. "Heh, I didn't think about that. It's still confusing, but thanks Professor. Well, I think that's everything I wanted to talk to you about. Let's continue later. I want to see my Pokemon now. Is that ok?"

Oak rose from his seat and pointed to another door to the right of the room. "Of course, Eurasia, they are waiting for you in the south wing. I won't keep you from them anymore. Off you go!"

I gave Oak thumbs up. "Thanks Professor! I still owe you for hanging on to my pokemon."

Smiling, Oak replied "Don't worry about it Eurasia. Now hurry to your pokemon!"

I quickly ran out the door and headed for the south wing. After getting lost a few times, I found a sign hanging overhead labeled "South Wing". My heart started beating faster, my muscles tightened and my breathing became shallow. Seeing my old friends has made me nervous. I approached for the double doors and opened them slowly.

The bright light shining in from the sunroof blinded me. I shielded my eyes from the incredible brightness of the afternoon sun. As my eyes adjusted I started to see silhouettes in the background. "Is that them? Too bright to tell..." I thought to myself. When my eyes fully adjusted I finally recognized them.

The pokemon raised all those years ago were standing around, chatting to each other. They all looked up at me as I came close. Familiar faces surrounded me now, their names going through my mind as I looked at each of them. Charizard, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Feraligator, Dragonite and Nidoqueen. I almost fainted at the sight of them. I hugged every one of them in turn, tears of joy coming to my eyes each time. They all growled with affection and happiness at the return of their trainer. "It's so good to see you all again! I missed you all so much. Can you all forgive me for being gone for so long and be able to call me your trainer again?"

Chara was the first to answer with a low growl, confirming her previous answer in Oak's office. Confused, I looked at her for a second.

"Wait, can you repeat that?" I said, but then it was her turn to look at me, puzzled and confused.

"Rrawl... good rawl..." I paused again, unsure of what to make of it.

"Can you say that one last time?" I reluctantly queried. This time annoyance replaced her confusion.

"I said that it's good to see you again. Are you feeling ok?"

Suddenly my jaw dropped to the ground. "Wait a second... Since when did you learn to speak? Can you say something else?"

My pokemon started looking each other, unsure what was going on.

Tyranitar started to in a low growl. "How can you understand us? We're just speaking as we would normally. I thought humans couldn't understand what us pokemon say."

I turned to Tyranitar. "I don't know... I suddenly am able to make out what you're saying to each other. I understood that whole sentence, yet I know it's not English!" My pokemon started talking amongst themselves in eager and excited tones. I couldn't hear what they were talking about so I waited patiently for them to finish.

After what seemed to be a short while, they finally finished their discussion. Chara walked up to me and looked down upon me. "This is unheard of, yet you're fully capable in understanding us. What has happened to you?" She paused slightly, eying me carefully "What are you?"

I started to tremble slightly. "I-I-I don't think I even know. When I find the answer, you will all be the first to know. But look at the bright side; I can understand what you say! That will make trying to guess what you all are trying to say to me a thing of the past!" They all looked at each other and nodded hesitantly. "Ok, as of now, I'm going to refer to you the nicknames I gave you all before I had to leave. Chara," my Charizard nodded "Tyra," Tyranitar nodded "Typhla," Typhlosion bowed slightly "Draga," Dragonite chirped "Nida," Nidoqueen grinned slightly "and Fera" Fraligator also bowed.

They all smiled in satisfaction knowing that they were once again united as a family. "Okay everyone; let's talk about what you all have been doing all these years." All of them agreed in unison and we decided to walk over to a shady spot underneath a huge tree. For the next hour, my pokemon all spoke about what happened to them in the last eight years. Everyone had suffered many hardships during my absence. But I realized that they all had one common hardship; they all missed me.

I rose up, with determination in my eyes, "I can't believe that you all suffered immensely while I was gone. Don't worry, that won't happen again! I'm not leaving you behind ever again!" We all cheered in unison to the fact that our bond was restored yet again. I sat back down and looked over my pokemon. "Ok, Chara, you remember that I said that I would tell you what I knew that has happened to me. All of you listen well because it's a long story. You see it all started when I--"

A huge explosion drowned out the rest of my words as it rocked the area. I came from the direction of the northern labs. Screams were heard in the hall as pokemon and lab technicians started panicking. I jumped to my feet; adrenaline pumping through my body. "What the hell was that?!" My pokemon were already up. "Let's check out the damage and see what we can do!"

Running all through smoke filled corridors, I got myself lost but with the help of my pokemon, we arrived to the closest lab to Oak's office. Even From the doorway, we could see that parts of the lab area and computers were on fire. Panic began swelling in the pit of my stomach. "Fera, see what you can do to put out the fire. After that, come find us."

Fera ran to the source of the fires, looking over her shoulder to confirm she's got it handled. "Leave it to me Eurasia! I'll have this fire out in no time." She opened her maw widely and immediately shot her water gun to extinguish the fire.

I turned to my other pokemon. "Ok, we need to work fast. While Fera takes care of the fire, I need the rest of you, except Tyra to get everyone in the area to safety."

"Got it" they replied. My pokemon all headed out in different directions.

Tyra looked at me, with a slightly confused expression on her face. "What about me? What can I do?" I looked back at her, trying to keep my self calm. "Well, I need you to come with me to find Dr. Oak and make sure he's ok."

Tyra jumped with joy. "You can count on me!" As we headed through the smoky building, Tyra jumped in front of me. "Follow me, I know the way much better than you do and I'll keep you safe." Nodding, I followed after her.

The fire luckily did not spread too far inside the building since Fera was doing a good job putting it out. The only thing on my mind was finding the professor. Quickly, we started heading for the Central Lab, where Oak might be. The fire was almost completely out but smoke still filled the corridors and other places around the labs. We finally reached our destination within moments. As we entered the door, we paused for a moment to find an unknown person standing by the central computer. Right beside him on the ground was the Professor, out cold. There also seemed to be a large hole in the ceiling. "The explosion must have caused that hole but whole caused the explosion?" I thought to myself. I again focused my attention on the mystery man. It seems that he was copying data from the central memory bank. We slammed the doors open to make our entrance.

"Who are you!? Did you cause the explosion?! Answer me?!" I was filled with anger at this mysterious person, dressed in a black suit with a mask that revealed only his eyes. He turned around while holding a disk in his hand. "Damn it, I didn't think you would be here...It doesn't matter, I got what I came for. You are too late Eurasia!"

I was confused on how this person knew my identity. That wasn't important at the moment. I decided to go on the offensive. I pointed at the thief, "Tyra lets get him! Use your Hyper Beam and blast him!" Tyra opened her mouth and started charging energy for one of the strongest attacks ever. The thief didn't seem intimidated.

He started pointing at the computer. "Do you really think that is wise Eurasia? Using an attack that if it misses, you destroy the computer with all the valuable data. Also, don't forget about your friend Oak, is also in the line of fire. I don't think you want to take that risk..." I started to get desperate. He was correct, if the attack misses, all the data along with Oak could be lost forever. I looked at Tyra.

"Tyra, call off the attack. We can't take a risk like this." The energy started to vanish until nothing was left. Tyra looked back at me. "What now? There isn't much we can do. What can we do Eurasia?", She asked. The Thief started laughing maniacally. "Of course there isn't anything you can do! You can only watch as I make my escape!" I started looking dead at the Thief. "Wait a second... How did you understand what she was talking about...?"

The Thief started trembling. "Crap, I've said too much... Time to go!" He jumped up an incredible height and right out the hold in the ceiling. I ran towards him. "Wait! Who are you?!", but it was too late. He was gone, and there was no way to know what his intentions were. Suddenly I remembered about the Professor. I walked towards the Professor. He seemed ok, except that he had a huge bump on the back of his head.

"Tyra, can you carry him? We need to get him out of here and into a safer place." Tyra walked over towards the Professor and picked him up with ease. As we started walking out, questions filled my mind. Who was that guy? What did he take from the database? How did he understand what Tyra said? There were too many questions but not enough answers. I decided to think more about this later, getting the Professor to safety was the first priority.

To be continued...
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