AGNPH Stories

The Search for the Truth, Eurasia's Story by eurasia21xx


Chapter 2 - From Pokemon Trainer to Lover

Chapter 2 - From Pokemon Trainer to Lover

It has been three days since the incident, but my mind is still on edge since then. Too many unanswered questions still lurked around. The damages to the lab were minimal and no one was seriously hurt thanks to the effort of my pokemon. Oak had a minor concussion and was expected to make a full recovery by tomorrow. I have been spending time with my old friends since then, talking about the miserable past and planning the bright future.

I rose up from the circle my pokemon and I formed for chit-chatting over the past few days, "Ok girls, I have to go for a while. I have something....important to do." They all started to rise as well, but Chara started to gave me an annoyed look, "Again? You have been leaving us around this time since the lab attack. What are you doing that you must keep a secret from us? Where do you disappear to?"

"Uhh...", I couldn't tell them yet, since I wasn't ready to reveal the truth to them. I turned around and looked the other way, "I cannot say. I'm sorry. But I will tell you at a later date." Tyra started walking towards me, "I can't believe that you would keep a secret from us! Why?!" I starting feeling guilty, "I'm sorry!", I cried as I started running towards the forest towards my destination with tears flowing down my eyes.

The pokemon started looking at each other, feeling bad that they made their master weep in tears of guilt. Tyra spoke up first, "I guess I went a little too hard on him...." Typhla started walking towards the lab, "I hope that we didn't hurt him too much...", Fera started to follow, "Yea, he was always a sensitive person. I hope he comes back soon..." Tyra decided to stay in the same spot to wait for his return. Draga started flapping her wings, "I'm going to the Lab to get some food. Tell me if he returns..." In an instant, she flew off towards the lab. Nida walked towards Tyra, "I'll wait with you. Besides, you will get lonely out here without anyone. How about you Chara?" Chara was looking in the direction Eurasia ran off in, "I'm going to fly around a bit to clear my head. I'll be back soon." Chara waved good bye and started flapping her wings.

I continued running in the forest, still feeling guilty about my actions of keep "it" a secret. After sprinting for 10 minutes, I arrived where I wanted to be, a meadow in the middle of the forest by Oak's Lab. No one knows about this place, except for maybe the local pokemon. I slowly walked over to the middle of the area and started taking off my shirt on the way. I discarded it and started stretching, "Ok, time to get to work!"

It has been an hour since Eurasia left. Chara has been looking for him since but has found no trace of him. She had started losing hope for ever finding him on her own. While in the air, Chara looked down to find a trace of him, but the forest is too dense to look through, "Where is he...I've been up here a long time and have found nothing on him. Maybe I should just give up..." Suddenly an explosion rocked the area.

Chara was startled by the shattering of the peace. She started looking around, "What was that?! It came from the west... I'd better keep my guard up." She quickly changed directions, and headed for the source of the explosion. Chara decided to head the rest of the way on foot. She started making her landing into the dense forest. As she walked, she heard a voice, "Damn it! I still can't get it right...I must try harder.."

Chara started following the sound of the voice, but at the same timem tried to be as quiet as possible. Eventually she arrived at the base of what seemed to be a meadow in the middle of the forest. She spied the one she has been looking for, Eurasia. Chara noticed that hes shirtless, "Wow..., he has such a nice build. He wasn't like that before...Is this big secret?"

I started raising my right arm, "Ok, I've got to try again. I've got to surpass my limits!" The energy began
Energy starts building up in my hand. " to...continue..." As the energy started building, a sharp pain suddenly struck my arm, "AHH! No!", I shuddered.

Finally the energy was fully charged in my hand, "Finally...Here we go, HYPER BEAM!", I yelled but suddenly the energy backfired and it sent me back hard.

"AHHH!", I screamed as I fell down to the ground with a hard thud.

Chara was shocked to have witnessed what had just happened to her poor trainer, "This can't be right...How can he use the Hyper Beam. Something is going on here, and Eurasia is not telling us everything about himself." Chara started pondering, "Maybe this has to do with what happened to him all those years ago... It has to be! It's hard to believe that he's suddenly able to understand what we say. I need to find out has happened to him..."

I struggled to get back up, since that misfire took a lot out of me, "Damn... Five is still my limit. I need to get strong so I can over come that limit. At this rate, I'll never master my elemental attacks." The fatigue started to get to me, so I decided to start making my way back home. I started walking towards my shirt which was still on the ground, covered by the dirt caused by my failure. As I was about put back on my dirt stained shirt until I noticed that something was in the bushes, at the side of the meadow.

I started to panic, thinking that someone saw what I just did. The panic quickly turned into anger, "Whoever you are, get out from hiding. If you don't, you'll regret it..."

Chara started to quake in fear and began to panic, "Damn, he saw me! What do I do?!", she thought. Chara knew that she should reveal herself, as it was the right thing.

As I awaited for this intruder to reveal his/her self, questions entered my mind, "What am I supposed to do now? If its a pokemon, I don't have to worry, but its a person..." I started to get anxious, and nervous. I noticed the bush started to shake. The intruder was finally about to show who he/she really it. As a figure revealed its self, I couldn't believe it who it was.

"I'm sorry... Can you ever forgive me?", said the figure. It was my dearest pokemon, Chara. I was devastated, to see her here, in my secret training spot. I fell to my knees, not being able to comprehend this, "H-how long have you been there?", I asked.

Chara looked down, feeling guilty about her actions, "Not too long. I came just before you were about to try out the Hyper Beam, and you fell back." I felt a bit better, knowing that she wasn't around for long, but I still had a problem to take care of. I threw my shirt back down to the ground and started looking dead at her.

"I can't believe you would invade on my privacy...,but I guess it can't be helped now. Come on over here, so I can explain everything." I started towards the center of the area, with Chara following close behind. I was still feeling bad about what she did. I took a seat on the ground, "Ok, have a seat. This is going to take awhile." Chara sat down right in front of me and listened closely to what I had to say.

"I cannot say all of the details cause they are classified to anyone without the proper clearance, but I can tell you this. I am no longer all human, I am what is now considered a Half-breed. That accident caused this to happen to me..."

Chara was dumbfounded to this new development, "Half-breed...I don't really understand. Do you mean that you are half human and half pokemon?" I nodded my head to show that she is correct.

Again, another question entered her mind, "If you are half pokemon, of which pokemon?", she asked curiously.

I looked away, unable to answer that question, "That... I cannot say. Thats top secret, but now you know. Do me a favor, don't tell the others about this. I'll tell them when I'm ready to. Besides, I have to tell them anyway before we leave on the journey."

Chara nodded, "Ok, I promise not to say anything about this." I rose up and started looking dead at her, "I hope so, now let me show you what I was trying to do."

Chara started at my chest while I was talking to her, "I can't believe how beautiful he is from up close. He has such a well built body...", she thought to herself.

I noticed that she was just staring at me, "What are you looking at?" I asked.

Chara realized that she was lost in her thoughts, "Nothing... So what are you going to show me?" As I was about to answer, I noticed something on Chara's chest"

"What the...?!", I wondered as I saw two large, round breasts, looking right at me, jiggling up and down.

Chara also realized that I was staring at her, "Whats wrong?" she asked. I blushed and looked away. "N-n-nothing.", I replied. I pondered to think which move I should show her. Then I got an idea of a simple move, "I got it! Check this out!", I said, feeling confident. She kept her eyes glued to me.

Suddenly I vanished, leaving a small cloud of dust where I stood. Chara looked around to see where I disappeared to, but was unable to find me. "Right behind you!", I yelled.

She jumped up in surprise, "Whoa! How did you get there?!" I gave a smirk, "That was agility. I moved at a fast speed, too fast for the untrained eye." Once again as I looked at her, those large, juicy breasts stared back. I started sweating, feeling a bit lightheaded and starting to feel a bulge in my pants. I tried to hide it by turning to the other direction.

Chara was astounded at my feat, "Wow, that was incredibly fast! I barely saw you move." I started panting as I fell down to the floor. "

Yea, but I was a bit slower than I'm supposed to." Chara started to realize that I kept on avoiding eye contact with her. She was getting concerned.

"Why can't you look at me? I've been noticing that you haven't been able to keep eye contact with me for more than a few seconds."

I was in a bad situation, since she got me cornered, "Um.. I haven't really noticed...", I replied, trying to keep cool. There was a silence, I had hoped that Chara believed me. I decided to look back at her to make the illusion that I'm telling the truth. When I looked back, I realized she wasn't there, "What the... Where is she?", I asked myself, as I looked all over the meadow and could not find a trace of her.

"If there is nothing wrong, why do you have a bulge in your pants?", said a voice behind me. I jumped up in surprised from the voice that came from behind me. I looked back to find Chara looking back at me.

"Whoa? When did you get over there? I didn't even hear you move?", I asked. She gave me a sexual glance. "Thats my little secret. Now can you answer my question?" I started blushing, feeling embarrassed that she found me out.

Knowing there was no real way out, I decided to come clean. I looked up at her, still flushed in the face, "I can't lie to you. You see... I can see your breasts, and they are very glorious."

She gave me a puzzling look, "You can? Thats...", she was unable to finish, finding it hard to believe what I just said. She started walking towards me, "Well, since we are telling the truth, allow me to tell you. I have been feeling the same way. Seeing your chest started making me wet, even being around you aroused me to no end."

I stayed silent for a second, trying me make sure that I heard right. I then looked up at her, directly in the eyes. I felt some kind of force acting upon my self, as if pulling me in closer to her. Then without thinking I started moving closer to her, as she did I. we started moving our heads closer together until we closed the gap between our lips and kissed. She was such a passionate kisser. Then I felt her tongue pushing at the walls of my lips. I opened my lips and allowed her tongue access to my mouth while she did the same. Her tongue was so warm, wrapping around mine. Our bodies slowly melting into one entity.

After what seemed like hours, we repelled our faces and started at each other passionately. I then looked away for a second, feeling a bit uncomfortable, "Are you sure you want to do this? I won't force you if you don't.", I asked, feeling a bit hesitant about what this will lead to. I heard her foot steps come closer me. She grabbed my head and pointed towards her face.

"I want this... Part of me always wanted this. I feel no regret about to do this with you.", she whispered, her voice sounding lovingly. That made that ill at ease feeling go away as I slowly reached and grabbed one of her breasts.

"AHHHH!", she screamed, full of of pleasure while releasing a flamethrower into the sky.

I quickly let go and backed up in surprise. She looked at me, feeling a bit embarrassed, "I'm sorry, It's just been a while. Go easy on me..."

Still being shocked by her response to my touch, I managed to get over it and grabbed her breast a second time. Again she moaned as my hand gently made it's way to feel every part of it.

I started to fondle it slowly, just barely being able to hold it all in my hand. It felt so smooth and as soft as the clouds in the sky. I started to fondle her nipple, noticing it slowly rising and expanding. From her moans of pleasure, I thought I have been doing a good job, so I decided to make her feel really good.

As I took my other hand and grabbed the other one, her moans grew louder and faster. After fondling her for a few minutes, I decided to stop and let her have her fun. She started lowering her head and started to lick my stomach while slowing continuing going lower. I was getting very hard and felt like I was going to blow.

In the whole moment of pleasure, I forgot that my pants where still on. Before I could remove them, Chara unfastened the button with her teeth and unzips the zipper. My briefs were the only thing blocking Chara from my shaft. There was a huge bulge, very noticeable as she eyed it closely. She used her tongue to poke in the front hole and fished it out.

Then a new sensation ran through my body. Chara was licking my shaft, sliding it up and down. The warm feeling almost made me cum, but I held it in, wanting this moment to last. Then I felt her tongue wrap around it and started to put it in her mouth.

"Watch those teeth ok?" I joked. She gave me a pout for that comment and started to suck harder. With her tongue wrapped around my penis, and her vigorous sucking gave the most pleasurable feeling ever.

A few minutes later, her sucking took its toll on my resistance to hold it back. I lost all control and came with enormous force. Chara tried to swallow it all, but it was too much even for her to handle. The rest she couldn't swallow spurted all over her face.

I then started to pant a bit, since that took a lot of energy out of me. Even though I had just came, my dick was rock hard still, not faulting on inch. Chara was surprised at my endurance.

"Wow, after that, and you are still rock hard...", she awed. I saw that she started to lie down on her back. She gave me a seductive look. "Ok, I made you feel good... Its your turn..."

Even though my length was still ready for action, my body was not as ready. I slowly walked over to her body and place my hand on her firm breast. Quickly I let go and started to slide my hand below her breasts. Slowly sliding down lower, and lower. As I passed her stomach, I felt her trembling in anxiousness and excitement.

I continued until I saw the prize that waited me at the bottom. I then suddenly decide to stop, just short of her clit. I decided to circle her lips for a bit instead. She started to look at me, with a slightly annoyed look, "Don't tease me!", she cried.

I chuckled and smirked, "Sorry, thats the way I am." Then I decided to start the fun. I started rubbing her slit. Rubbing slow and soft, while slowly gaining speed. The faster I rubbed, the faster her breathing and the the louder her moaning. She started moving her body with the motions of my hand.

Then I decided to move on to a bigger pleasure. I took my other hand, and started fondling her clit. Almost immediately she screamed and let out another flamethrower in the air, but it was much bigger and torched a few trees.

I stopped for a quick second to check the damages to the trees. Luckily the trees were instantly burned, so there was no risk of a fire in the forest. I felt a bit awkward at this, "I hope I don't get in trouble for that!", I joked.

Chara blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed about her reaction once more to my touch, "Sorry again.. but that feeling was incredible... You really know how to please...I've never felt this way...", she said. I winked at her, "I know, its my job.", I joked.

When I am about to continue fondling her, I realized that my hand is covered in her juices. The smell of it, pungent all over got me even more turned on.

I chose now to change my tactic of pleasing her. I continued rubbing her clit as before, but this time, using my other hand, I penetrated her using my index finger. The walls inside of her was so warm, wet, and tight around it.

I noticed that Chara's body stiffened when I entered her body, stunned with a bolt of pleasure from my entry. I moved my finger in and out, slowly at first so it would be enjoyable. Then I inserted another finger, and continued moving in and out of her. My hand was almost drowning, getting wetter every time It moved.

The heat generated by the pleasure between us caused sweat to cover both our bodies. This lubricated my hand even more, making the entry smooth and slick. Then finally, I inserted one last finger, to complete the . Chara yelled in pleasure and couldn't handle it anymore. She climaxed all over my hand, face, and chest with such force, it knocked me back.

We both took a minute to recover from the orgasm that just occurred. I wiped off some of the juices off my face and arm, but leaving just a bit to keep it lubricated and smooth. I noticed that my cock was swelling much harder than before. I realized that it was time for me and Chara to become one.

I walked up and as I was about to insert my length inside of her until I stopped a few inches from her entrance. I was about to continue in, but something was holding me back. I became hesitant and started moving away from her. Chara looked at me, with disappointment and concern.

"What's wrong?", she asked. I looked away from her and then stared down at the ground with grief, "I-I-I can't do it...", I whimpered. Chara got up and started moving towards me. I started shaking my head, " I don't know if can go through with this... what if something goes wrong and we'll end up apart again?"

She nuzzled my cheek reassuringly, "You remember that pact we took on when you were to be my trainer? I would never leave your side." The nuzzle she gave me became little licks on my face. I tried to look away but I couldn't. She began to continue, "I'm stronger now, so nothing will keep me from you anymore.", she said, as she grabbed my face and kissed me, with her tongue and all.

I tried to move away, but her kiss slowly memorized me. I started to kiss back, with more passion than before. After the passionate kiss, I stared into her eyes, "You are right! Thanks for that Chara.", I said, with my confidence boosted, I was ready for it.

Chara lied down once again and looked at me. My cock bounced forward and it was erect, swollen, and ready to be used. Chara was very excited at the its size, "Is it just me, or is it bigger than before?", she asked. I grinned, feeling both embarrassed and flattered, "I don't really know, but you have me at my full potential."

As I inched closer, I started to get anxious as my heart began to beat furiously within me. My shaft was now at her lips, awaiting orders to continue. I took a deep breath and slowly penetrated her, going in slow and smooth.

Her face went back in pleasure, "Oh! Its going in..!", she cried. My member continued in and was being pulled in by her vaginal muscles, which made penetrating her even more pleasurable.

"You are.... tight Chara, tighter than I expected...", I sputtered. Chara just looked at me, "Well, as... I said, its been a while... Besides, you aren't small you know.... You are bigger than most Charizards... I've been with."

I blushed at her compliment. "Well, you are going to enjoy this..."

I started moving back and forth, in and out at a steady pace. Our bodies, melding into one as the feeling of infinite pleasure engulfs us.

I decide to quicken the pace, to make the feeling more enjoyable. Chara's mouth continuously gave out moans and sparks of flame. Then I started to slow down the pace, as to not finish off as fast as last time. Slowly, back and forth until my climax came up again, I started to slow down. I wanted us to savor this moment as much as possible.

"Urg...can't hold out much longer...", I whimpered, the tension building within my sack is starting to reach critical. Chara wasn't able to respond, but she gave me soft nod. That was the sign that she wasn't able to last long either. On my last thrust in, I let it all out within her. My seed spurted within her, as an orgasm of epic proportions was underway. Her juices overflowed, as the flow from me dissipated. I collapsed on her, feeling completely exhausted my well was dry. We were panting like crazy, just having experienced the greatest pleasure between us, as we became more than just a pokemon, trainer pair. We were now much closer, as we held each other tightly.

"That...was...the most incredible rush I have ever experienced Chara.", I complimented, barely able complete the sentence.

She wiped the sweat off of her snout, "Indeed it was my dear trainer...we have become much closer than ever before.."

I slid my length out and gathered my clothes, "Well, we should start heading back, before they start worrying about us. Come with me so we can get washed up, since I don't want everyone noticing that I have your smell. I know a small lake around here, so we can get cleaned up quickly.", I said, just barely able to walk.

She started getting up, nodding in agreement with what was needed to be done. I took point and we headed off to wash ourselves, as the start of my adventures start tomorrow at noon.
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