AGNPH Stories

First Day of by etinogard


Innuears's Lessons

Disclaimer: This story is done solely for the purpose to entertain, and is in no intention attacking the Pokemon Company or Nintendo in any way. Anyone under 18 please cease reading this story, since it does contain nudity and N/C sex, and other things that might make you cry or tell your mommy. If this sort of thing offends you or you do not enjoy Pokemon sex, WHAT THE F*#L are you doing in this site in the first place?

First Day of "School" Part 1
Inuears's Lessons

Here's the scoop: I've gotten some free time, so I'm going to make three stories and put them up. This first part is going to explain the three characters that are the center of the story.


A 17-year-old Vulpix that loves to show initiative with everything she does. She's smart, athletic, and very friendly. She hangs out with Zenefret and Lauranthalas all the time.
Virgin, and very shy about sex.


An 18-year-old Absol with a short temper. She's always the calmest around Inuears and Lauranthalas, but if anyone threatens either herself or her friends, she won't hesitate to defend them. Also very athletic, but has troubles with her schoolwork without her friends' help.
Not a virgin, and has been with numerous boyfriends.


A 17-year-old Delcatty who feels uncomfortable around men. She feels like she's more than friends with the two other heroines of the story, but she stays silent due to fear that they might not want to be her friend if she says something. She doesn't go out much, therefore she's not very strong.
Virgin, and the fact that she's afraid of men would probably keep it that way.

The story will go through the same day, but due to them going in different directions, you'd have to read all three completely to put everything together and find out what happened, and who started this. I hope you enjoy reading this.

Inuears walks into homeroom, just getting to school by bus, and waves hello to some people she recognizes from last year. She's just started senior year and feels good that after this year she can leave her parent's house and go to college. She looks at the chalkboard and looks at the seating arrangement, then heads over to her seat.
"Inu!" Inu looks back and smiles as she sees Lauranthalas in a seat two desks in front and one to the left, looking more cheerful than usual.
"Hey there, Laura. How was your summer?" She's happy to see her, since Laura left for the whole summer to go to band camp. She didn't hear from her at all except for some e-mail every other week. She would have been happier, but the fact that it was raining and she was standing outside waiting for the bus without an umbrella made her feel a little moody. She didn't show it, though, since she didn't want Laura to feel bad.
"It was kinda fun. I wish I wasn't gone the whole summer though. I really wanted to spend some time with you."
Inu smiles and nods a bit. "I know what you mean. You didn't miss much though. Ze and I just hung about all day and watched t.v. every now and then, and the few parties there were just weren't very interesting. I think you were lucky to get away from here and go somewhere fun."
Laura giggles a bit until they hear the teacher come in, the classroom filled with the noise of people moving to their assigned seats. There were a few empty seats from tardy people, including the seat to the left of Inu. The teacher takes roll call, and Inu looks around the classroom. She can't help but think to herself, "Where the hell is Ze? She knew that school started today."
And speak of the devil, there was a knock on the door, the outline of an Absol could be seen on the outside of the glass. The teacher opens the door to reveal a soaking wet Ze, blushing a bit from her clothes showing her fur underneath. "Uh oh. Someone's getting smacked", is all Inu could think to herself after seeing Ze in that state.
"I see miss Zenefrit finally fit us into her busy schedule. Please take a seat." Ze murmurs something to herself as she storms over to a seat in the back. Some kid near the middle of the class snickers and nudges a friend of his, and she slaps the back of his head hard as she sees an empty desk next to Inu.
"Miss Zenefrit?" The teacher gets an impatient tone in his voice.
She only spins around to look towards the teacher. She acts all innocent to try getting on his nerves. "Yes, sir?"
He responds by pointing over to the side, towards an empty desk on the right side of the room. "That's your assigned seat. Please go there."
"What?!? I'm right here. Why can't I just sit over here?"
"One more outburst like that, and you'll be sent to detention. Now, please take your seat."
Ze just sighs and moves over to the seat that the teacher pointed to. That's all she needs was to be sent to detention on the first day. She wouldn't mind just sitting down for a few hours and getting some rest, but she had to keep from slacking like last year or risk being held back yet again.
Ze moves to her assigned seat and sits down, only to feel a painful poke on her ass from something on the seat.
"AAAAAHHH!!!!" She leaps up and pushes her desk on the girl in front of her, causing her to fall forward. As she feels behind her to see what's poking her, she grabs a thumbtack that was placed there before she noticed. She hears some laughing behind her and looks back to see the class clown Mr. Mime laughing at her. That was the last straw for the enraged Absol. She grabbed him by the shirt and punched him hard in his jaw, dropping him to the ground quickly. She can't even say anything before the teacher yells at her.
"That's it! Head over to detention now, and no excuses!"
She didn't even try to protest, since the teachers never believe her anyways. She leaves the room and closes it behind her.
Inu can't help feeling bad for Ze for the constant accidents. She always hated the class clowns since they annoyed everyone and had no friends, but she was hoping she wouldn't have done that to him. She tries forgetting what's happened and looks up at the teacher, who's shaking his head and looks at his schedule book.
"OK, class, let's get started with today's lessons. Everyone come up front to get your books."

Well, that was such a bore. No lessons at all. The only things they did was get their books for their classes so far. Well, Inu could tolerate it for now, but hopefully, after lunch, they can learn something today. Both Inu and Laura were walking through the lunch line, getting the slop they pass as food in the lunchroom these days.
After a few minutes of waiting to pay for their food, they go to the sitting area to find a table and they see Ze sitting alone. They yell over to her, and she waves them over to her table.
"So," Inu starts talking first, as usual. "How was detention?"
"Boring, as usual. Same people in there as before. Although I beat them in there today."
Inu couldn't help but laugh a bit. Only she would be proud of something like that. "Well, you could have just given that kid a warning, you know? You really should try controlling yourself."
"The only reason that guy's still alive is because of my self control!" Ze looks away from the two as she says this. She really hated saying anything mean to her friends, but she also hated being lectured about her behavior. Laura stands up from her seat and steps away from the table.
"Please excuse me. I have to go to the ladies' room."
With that, she walks away from the table and through the cafeteria doors. The two seemed puzzled about her being more quiet than normal. Even she would have let out a laugh while listening to their conversations.
Ze looks back at Inu after watching Laura walk out of the cafeteria. "Wonder what her problem is? It's not like this is our first fight."
"I've noticed a change, too. Maybe something happened to her at band camp. Think we should try asking her later?"
"What for? It's better to keep things bottled up." Ze goes back to eating her food, since she was still in detention and she had to finish eating quicker.
Inu had to fight to keep her response from coming out. She knew it was better to just let her win an argument than to let the subject drag on and make them feel angry at one another. She decides to just eat for a while and try talking again after a few minutes.
As she thinks this, she hears a crash on the other side of the cafeteria and then screams. The two look over and see that something went through the glass and was causing an uproar. Someone from the distance was yelling "Sleep Powder"! Apparently, someone from the outside shot a gas grenade into the cafeteria and the contents of the grenade were sleep powder and spore. Many of the shouts died out as the students close to the blast area were put to sleep instantly.
The students that were farther away from the grenade started running for the doors to try getting away. Inu and Ze also run for the doors and reach them before any of the other students, but they hear a click just before they reach them. Ze rams into the door, but is secured and locked from the other side.
"Damnit! What the Hell is going on?!?" Ze continues to pound on the door, but they were designed to keep intruders from breaking in. Inu looks back to see some teachers that used safeguard going to the collapsed kids and try pulling them to safety. Inu, feeling that she can help, also uses her safeguard and hurries over to the kids near the blast site while Ze worked on the doors.
Suddenly, she hears more shattering glass as she looks up and sees random Pokemon coming through the windows. She grabs one kid and pulls him away from the sleep powder, but as she tries to go back to get someone else, a fist comes from out of the sleep powder and hits her hard. She falls to the ground and darkness engulfs her as she faints.

Inu awakens to the feeling of a hand pinching her fur, then looks around her to see random Pokemon looking at her and talking to one another. She tries to get up to yell, but gets pulled down pretty quickly by ropes that tied her to a chair. The ropes were tied nice and tight by someone who knew how to use them, her legs tied with her ankles to the bottom of the legs of the chair and her knees secured by a rope that was also tied to her upper arms. Her arms were tied with her wrists connected to the bottom of her seat, and her neck was tied with a loop of rope to keep her from struggling too much.
"What the fuck is going on? Where am I?"
The Pokemon surrounding her don't answer as they look at one another and comment on her. She noticed that they didn't bother using fireproof ropes, and they didn't even bother removing her shirt and skirt, so she figured she could escape easily. She breathed in and tried using a flamethrower, but she couldn't even muster a tiny flame. When she tried again, she heard the Pokemon laughing as she tried, then a Pokemon steps up from out of the light to reveal himself: A Flygon.
"Don't bother, babe! We made sure to drain your PPs before you woke up using spite, so all you can do is struggle."
Shit! She should have known they would have known she would burn the ropes. She pulls at the ropes and hopes they would come loose, but no such luck. The Flygon reaches out and grabs her chin, and she turns away, feeling sick from his touch.
"Heh, hey, Bo, looks like she doesn't like you. Maybe you should give her a reason to hate you!"
Bo looks back at the others. "Oh, I would have anyways. This bitch needs to learn where she is." He motions for a Pokemon to come out from the crowd, and a Scizor comes out. He points at Inu, and the Scizor walks to her and moves his scissor-like pincers to her clothes and cuts them to pieces. First, her shirt was cut down, then her bra was snipped to expose her small, furry breasts to the horny Pokemon around her. She couldn't react or talk fast enough before the Scizor moves down and shredded her skirt and panties to reveal her crotch, her hair hiding her cunt.
Once the Scizor finishes, it looks over to Bo. "Just remember, The boss wants all the virgins to be sent to him for deflowering, so check her before you start raping her!"
She gets a look of shock from the Scizor's words: Who would their leader be, and what would that Bo do to her if he wasn't going to fuck her? She struggles at the ropes even more, wanting to be anywhere than there right now. She gasps as she feels Bo's hands rubbing her crotch to reveal her pussy lips, then blushes as he steps back so the Pokemon can all get a good look.
She shakes her head about. "What happened to my friends? Did you kidnap them too?"
Bo looks at her and just smiles. "No. We left them there to sleep. Of course we kidnapped them, you retarded bitch! Why would we leave all the girls alone when we can use them for ourselves?"
She looks at the Pokemon with fear. Did Ze or Laura get away from these guys? She would have asked, but these guys probably didn't care about the names of the girls they took. The Flygon walks over to the side as the crowd closed in on her.
"Hey, don't touch her yet! She's going to feel pain before she's pleasured, remember?" The crowd backs up as Bo comes back with some strange looking equipment bag. He opens the bag and pulls out a flashlight, then puts two fingers on the folds of her pussy and opens them as he shines the flashlight in her. She struggles as hard as she can, hoping he would let go, but nothing helped. She could hear him laugh a bit as he puts the flashlight away. "Well well, looks like she is a virgin! I wonder if I can get her after the boss rapes her?"
She cries to herself a bit. What did she do to deserve this? She felt a slap on her cunt as he lets her pussy lips go, then he grabs some alligator clamps with electrical wires connected to them and shows them to the crowd. They cheer as they see his choice in punishments, then he moves up to pinch at her right breast, pinching the nipple hard and licking the tip as he held one clamp in his hand. Inu screams a bit from the pain she's feeling, never having her nipples pinched that hard, then she breathes softly as he lets go, only to watch in horror as he snaps the clamp on her nipple hard.
Inu screams out loud as she feels the clamp being tightened on her nipple, tears escaping her eyes as she sees him move down after tightening the clamp down. She sees him grab one more clamp and pinch her pussy folds, then clamps the lips and tightens it in place. After doing the same on her other side of her pussy, Bo moves his hands over her pussy until he reaches her clit. He reaches into the bag and pulls another clamp out of it, and she shakes her head frantically.
"Please, not there! I beg you!" This only fueled Bo's desires for pain as he clamped her clit hard and tightened the clamp down. Her screams filled the room and it went silent as she screamed out, then Bo stands and steps away so the others can see his handiwork. They yell and scream in praise at the sight of the bound girl in pain, and they look at Bo again as he motions for some Pokemon in the back to come forward. The crowd makes room as a Pikachu femme and a Pichu femme both crawl to the bound Vulpix on their hands and knees. Their cheeks were jolting a bit, but they are shackled and restrained to keep them from using any of their attacks successfully. Bo walks to them and laughs a bit. "Get up close, sluts!" He slaps both of their asses, and they shudder from his hands, moving up to Inu, looking up to her and crying a bit.
What are these people? How many girls do they need, anyways? She looks at both of them and imagines what horrors they've gone through here, but loses her train of thought as she sees Bo reach for the wires connected to her clamps and attaches the ends to each Pika femme's cheek. Inu feels a sudden jolt and shudders a bit, not hurting very much, but she knew that the slaves weren't trying anything yet.
"What are you waiting for, you little bitches? Thundershock her now!" They don't attack her, not wanting to hurt her. He frowns and grabs something out of his bag, and pulling out a horse jockey's crop. The girls yelp as they see what he grabbed, and the Pichu screams as she's slapped hard on her ass with the crop, shocking a bit and electrocuting Inu's pussy lips a bit. "Now, Do it!"
"Wait! No! Don't, please!" The two girls close their eyes and use a Thundershock, the electricity going to the clamps and shocking her mercilessly. She cries and screams out in pain, but is only answered by laughs and jeers. As she screams out, she feels a ring getting shoved into her mouth, and getting strapped behing her head by Bo. "I think we need to put that mouth to better use!" She opens her eyes to see his shaft erect and under her head. It was huge, and she knew what he was planning on using it for. She shakes her head, and looks to the girls.
Unknowns to them, two Pokemon, a Sandslash and a Graveler, were walking behind the two Pika femmes, then they grab their hips. Startled, they shock Inu harder by mistake, then they tried to fight and get out of their grips, but failed. The Sandslash goes behind the Pichu while Graveler took Pikachu, and they revealed their dicks to the two and rubbed the heads on the girl's cunnys. They screamed for them to stop, but the two screamed in pain as they entered their pussies. They let out a Thunderbolt from the pain and shock poor Inu even more, causing her to shriek in pain.
"No, please. I'm going to die! I can't..." She's silenced as Bo shoved her head down on his shaft hard and his head rubbing the back of her throat.
"Ah, much better. Now, start sucking, or I'll have the slaves use a Thunder attack!" She cries and tries biting his dick hard, but the ring gag prevented her from trying it, then gives up and moves her head up and down his long cock. She can hear laughs from the sides at her, then she feels Bo's hand pinching her left breast and nipple hard as he groans in pleasure.
She looks to the side and sees the girls now screaming as all the Pokemon on the sides is pounding them hard, but the screams were of pleasure, not pain. She's amazed at how they can feel good from the Graveler and Sandslash in their cunts and other Pokemon raping their assholes. She sees their faces as well ands she sees them smiling from all the fucking, but she sees more coming from the sides and getting in front of them as they start raping their mouths.
She feels her nipple getting tugged and twisted and shrieks in pain, seeing Bo with an unpleased look on his face. "Who told you to stop, slut? Keep sucking, or you'll get worse than shocks!" She sobs and starts back on sucking the Pokemon off. After a few more minutes, she feels his hand go from his breast to her nose and pinches it. She can't breathe and doesn't think about the cock until she feels something coat the back of her throat. Seeing as how she can't breathe, she realizes what she's to do and swallows the nasty cum in her mouth.
Bo laughs a bit as he watches her try to spit, but the gag makes it difficult to spit the cum out. He grabs the clamps and takes them off and puts them in his bag, then he pulls out a plug and shows it to her as he closes the bag. "Now, you enjoy the show, and I'll inform the boss about your virginity. They won't touch you, so you don't have to worry about anything for a while. I'll be back in a bit, so I'll leave you this so you won't feel left out of their fun."
The plug is shaped so it's widest about an inch from the base, and the widest is about 2 inches. She screams at thinking where it'll end up and shakes as hard as she can, hoping the ropes would be loose by now. No such luck! Bo moves the plug to her pussy and rubs it on her. She can't believe she got so wet from the tortures she's been through! After getting the plug wet, Bo moves it to her love bud and pushes up, the tip disappearing and more and more of the plug going in her ass.
"Nhhhh! Plhhhsss, Dnnnt!" She can't even form clear words and she screams out as the plug pushes to it's widest point and her ass muscles squeezing the rest of the plug in her. She can't help but to cry and shake her head from pain, then she looks and sees Bo walking out the door.
She hears the Pika femmes scream again and looks over to see the Pokemon in their mouths shoot loads on their faces, and their smiles as the girls lick at the cocks to clean the tips, then turning to eachother and cleaning their own faces as the Pokemon raping their holes shooting cum into them.
She can't help but to blush a bit. Was she going to end up like them? Would she just be another fuck slave for these monsters? She closes her eyes, not wanting to watch any more of it, but she hears the girls breathing and sighing with delight as they started their rape all over again.


Well, that's my first part. Please leave comments for my story so I know that people have been reading my stories so far. Otherwise, I'll just leave the series incomplete.
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