AGNPH Stories

Passionate Dreams by dmitri


Passionate Dreams

It was a dark, cold little room. The only features were a bed and a wardrobe. Moonlight flooded the room through its solitary window and the covers of the bed rustled restlessly. Crystal was trying desperately to get some sleep; she had a big day tomorrow. She sighed, curling up into a little ball under her blankets. It was so hard to sleep when he was on her mind. Whenever she thought about him she had this sick feeling in her stomach, like it was churning butter. She sighed hopelessly and pounded her fist into her pillow angrily, she wanted him so badly. Why couldn't she just say something? Why couldn't she just say "I really like you." When he was around? She whimpered softly and folded her arms across her stomach; she had to stop thinking about him.

The little eevee switched positions again, rustling around under the covers of her bed. Was it so hard to ask just to have someone to snuggle up to at night, to just lose herself in her lover's sweet embrace? Was it so hard just to put her arms around him, to touch him with her fingers, comb them through his fur? Deep down inside she knew if she asked he'd just want to be friends, at least this way she'd always have her dreams. Slowly reality was beginning to slip through her fingers, her eyes heavy, a dream slowly forming in her mind.

Crystal's breath rasped as she sprinted through the woods. Snapping and breaking twigs beneath her feet while the haunted, gnarled wood towered and spiraled above her. Her legs were weak like jelly from the running, no matter how fast she tried to escape from her danger she just couldn't run fast. It was like her legs were on fire they burned so fiercely, and she could feel him gaining ground quickly. Behind her she heard the terrifying howl of a houndour, the sound so fearful it made her heart skip a beat, it was like a hound from the deepest pit of hell was chasing her.

Mustering up her last reserves of strength, she bolted through the undergrowth, weak and terrified. Whenever she screamed or whimpered she couldn't make a sound, her breath rasping out instead as her body tried to keep up the pace. She felt so weak, so pathetic against this thing following her. He was so powerful, so evil, and he was right behind her. Thoughts flew through the little eevee's mind as she imagined what would happen if she was caught, all she could think of was pain, suffering and torture if she fell into his grasp. She ran past the trees at a blinding pace, darting and dodging between them clumsily, their branches brushed her and scratched her skin furiously, leaving bloodied marks on them, it was like the trees themselves were holding her so the evil behind her would catch her. She shook her head with determination as she burst through some more undergrowth, her knees wobbling with every step. She could feel the hunter and his houndour getting closer, she could hear them breathing hoarsely as they approached her effortlessly, they had demonic speed.

She panted and sobbed hopelessly, falling down and just laying there, maybe if she hid they wouldn't find her. Thinking desperately, she crawled behind a tree, shaking and sobbing, her heart pounding in fear. All was silent for a moment, all the sound drained from the world and all she could hear were her own laboured breaths, and her pathetic sniveling as she bawled. Suddenly, she heard the trainer cry, "Alright Rex! Flamethrower! Burn her out" Her heart leapt up into her throat, the trees around her combusting into a furious flame. The large oaks crumbling under the flames as fire licked at its surroundings, going from tree to tree. The flames soon engulfed the entire forest, surrounding her and forcing her back to her assailants. The fire was hot with fury and before she knew it the choking fumes were filling her lungs. Desperately she clambered out from behind the tree, listening to the roaring flame in the background, tears from pain and terror streaming down her face as she readied herself for a last stand against her attackers.

The houndour looked like something out of her nightmares, his eyes narrowed at her, two evil slits locked in a bony horned skull, his lips curled up in a vicious snarl as he stared her down. He seemed so much bigger than her, his muscles pulsing with power as his every fibre leaked an intense evil glow. The houndour's trainer didn't look much better, his face covered underneath his hat, his muscular frame imposing over her as she quivered in fear. He was looking over her body, assessing it's value on the black market. If she thought the houndour looked evil, she hadn't seen into the cold calculating eyes of his master. His very essence was filled with malice and hate, and the power to use it. He was a hunter, well known for selling young girls like her as fuck toys on the black market.

Crystal gritted her teeth, launching a desperate attack against her opponent. Leaping at the houndour desperately with her claws, her body was already worn thin from running so desperately. The houndour's attack was like lightning, fluid and fast, he moved from her attack, dodging skillfully and tackling her to the ground. Before she knew it his jaws were clamped around her neck. The houndour had her defeated, and she gulped in dread. She couldn't struggle, or even move a muscle or else the houndour would tighten his grip around her neck. She knew full well that a houndour's crunch attack would kill her instantly in this position. She lay on the ground, helpless while the hunter stood over her victoriously, like he owned her now.

The hunter lifted his hat back, kneeling down to get a closer look. She was filled with terror as she recognized the face of the hunter. A figure that had given her so many nightmares, her old trainer. She screamed in helplessness, sobbing uncontrollably, 'anyone but him' she thought furiously, 'anyone but him'. Lifting up the Eevee's chin softly, looking her over, he looked at his houndour "Hello Crystal... Whaddaya reckon Rex? She's a fine piece of meat, C cup breasts, I'd say five foot ten, weight fifty five kilo. Virgin flesh, no visible scars, muscle tone from battle practice. You're finally going to make me rich little whelp, an 'A' grade easy, can't wait to get my teeth into you." Crystal retched at what he was saying; grading her and talking at her like that. Flaring up in rage and desperation she spat in his face, but Rex's jaw stiffened noticeably, the tight feeling of his canines around her neck telling her to bite her tongue.

Her trainer wiped the spit off his cheek, a pleased expression on his face, "Feisty li'l thing, you'll need some treatment before I can sell you to my clientele. Still... he wasn't too specific on whether you had to be a virgin or not... and my pal Rex here hasn't had the pleasure of a lady friend in at least a week, he'd be happy to keep you in line in his special way." Rex seemed to get excited hearing this, the feral pokemon almost released her from his grip he was so happy. Crystal whimpered in horror, the thought of losing her virginity to that mongrel houndour raping her almost made her cry in desperation. She could see it now, forced to lose her dignity as he 'took' her for a pleasure toy, helpless and unable to fight back. He'd brutalise her again and again until she submitted to end the pain and torment.

Suddenly he heard the houndour yelp in surprise, and the tight clamping jaws around her neck let up. Looking around in stunned hope, she spied a tall, handsome absol above her. His fur was white and angelic, sparsed with black claws, and a jet black scythe on top of his head. Her heart leapt in joy and she almost cried when she saw who he was, "Yin!" she cried happily, clinging tightly to his leg like a little girl. He was going to be her saviour, she just knew it.

Yin's slender muscular frame sized up against the hunter as they glared at each other ferociously, "Hello friend," the absol greeted him politely, perfectly relaxed.
"Hey git away you." The hunter glared down the absol, folding his arms ominously as his houndour sat at his feet, "I found this Eevee and caught her fair and square, you've got no business with me!"

The absol smirked proudly, lowering his head and letting the sun dance off the blade in his forehead, "I disagree..." he grinned dangerously, "Seems to me this young lady doesn't want to get caught by the likes of you."
"Well it ain't her decision friend." The hunter growled, maximizing a pokeball in his palm.
"Hm, I think she should have some say..." He trailed off, looking down at Crystal, who was staring up at him in awe, "Don't you agree?" he asked her smoothly, she nodded shyly.
"I don't like your tone!! Get 'im Crusher!"

Crusher appeared in a flash of intensely bright light. He was a houndoom, and a particularly nasty looking one. The absol stared down his opponent, his face the very picture of calm. Crystal gasped when she say Crusher, the houndoom was obviously well trained and very powerful. Backing away slowly, she got out of the way as Yin faced the ferocious hound of hell. He was her only hope, her only shield against a life of misery and servitude. Yin's whole demeanor changed, leaping into action like a demon. His muscles grew at least three sizes, his strength and speed doubling with every stroke of his claws. He and the houndoom fought like they were dancing, a deadly dance of death with parrys and ducks, grapples and thrusts. Yin's power was incredible as he matched the houndoom blow for blow, but while Yin's fighting style was one of skill and beauty, the houndoom seemed to run like clockwork, repetitive and brutal.

Finally a psychic blast came from nowhere, crunching the houndoom in the side. Yin had used future sight. Crystal was so close she could hear the houndoom's ribs cracking with the force of the blow. Stunned for just a moment, Yin took his advantage, moving from a skilled fighter to a raging berserker. He literally tore into the houndoom, and Crystal watched helplessly as he yelped and squealed in incredible pain. The hunter's face remained calm, "Those who fail die, Crusher..." he said darkly. Crusher's form fell limp and Yin stood over him victoriously, his claws and fangs dripping with blood.

The hunter narrowed his eyes at Yin as he turned to him. Suddenly in a blast of smoke the hunter and his pokemon seemed to disappear. Yin leapt at the smoke cloud in a false hope of continuing the battle, but he was already weak from fighting Crusher, and simply fell to his knees. Crystal sat in a stunned silence, Yin was clearly exhausted from the battle, the berserker rage he flew into took a lot out of him. She heard a tree crash down in the background, and heard the roaring forest fire all around her. Thinking quickly, she leapt over to her saviour and hefted him up with all her strength, dragging them both away from the fire as quick as she could.

It was some time before they got out of the fire, the water pokemon helped them out as they fought the fire and looked for survivors. They laid back on the grass peacefully, taking lungfuls of sweet fresh air that wafted over the grass. The clearing they were in gave them a wonderful view of the mountains, tall and proud before them. In the fading sunlight the mountains seemed to shine a deep purple colour. It was beautiful, Crystal could lay there for eternity and be perfectly happy.

Yin was still sleeping, recovering from his ordeal, Crystal watched him silently. It was incredible to think such a handsome absol would come to fight for her like that. She smiled wearily, watching his muscled chest raise and fall with every breath. Her eyes roamed his body, in wonder and gratitude. "Mmm..." he groaned softly, rising up slowly. Crystal looked away, blushing furiously. Yin rose to his feet slowly, rolling his head around and flexing his muscles; not that Crystal minded the show, not one bit. He looked down at her through the corner of his eye, his face calm and unchanging as a powerful paw extended to her. She grasped it and he lifted her up effortlessly.

"I... M-my name's Crystal..." She stammered out, stumbling on her feet clumsily. Yin nodded softly, "I am Yin." He replied simply, he pointed up the mountain side expertly, "My home's up there, we'll be safe in the mountains from hunters, can you make it with your leg?"
Crystal blinked at him curiously, then felt a sharp stabbing pain course through her body. It was her leg, she must have twisted it badly at some point. She cried out and fell to the floor, rubbing it and sobbing in pain softly.

Yin actually smirked at the sight, "Obviously not. I think I can carry you..." he said matter-of-factly. Lifting her up in his strong arms, Crystal wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, snuggling into his warm, cradling arms. It was a long hike up the mountain, she was amazed Yin had the strength to last through the hike carrying her, she nestled into him snugly, purring softly and being totally taken away by him. She sighed, wiggling at the thought of a little mountain retreat, snugged tightly at the farthest corner in the world where nothing could touch her or her absol. She thought of the peace, the harmony with nature, each day he'd hunt and gather food while she bathed, washed and trained, each night she'd cook all his meals and eat her own fill and then they'd romp under the covers making love like animals.

She wiggled in his arms, overtaken with her thoughts of 'wedded bliss'. He almost dropped her she was wriggling so much. He wondered idly where her mind was taking her, she was half unconscious from all she'd been through, and obviously delirious. They arrived at his cave after the sun had set. It was a small, modest cavern, sparsely furnished with just enough to make it comfortable. Yin laid down his guest and went about tending to her scratches and scrapes, setting her leg and starting a crackling little fire for them both to warm up with.

The next few days were a blur, Yin was so kind to Crystal, she'd never experienced such compassion. Anything she wanted he jumped to, waiting on her due to her leg, and being so courteous about everything. She could feel herself falling deeper and deeper for the absol that saved her. It was like out of some incredible dream, nothing could go wrong. She watched him exercise in the morning, cook delicious stews and meals, clean and preen himself meticulously. He was tidy, fit, well groomed, nice and with an air of mystery, what more could she ask for. Deep down inside a part of her wished her leg would never heal, but boy did she have a reward in store for him when it did.

It was late one evening. Crystal's leg had slowly been getting better over the course of the week, she could barely feel any pain now. In her mind she'd long decided tonight was the night. In order to give her some privacy Yin erected a barrier in his cavern, a private room just for her. The fire was still crackling softly in the cave. In the domly lit glow, under the watchful eyes of the moon, she saw him, his sleeping form on it's side, perfectly relaxed. She could watch him sleep forever, but tonight she planned on a little more than sleep.

Creeping over slowly, she approached him as silently as a mouse. She was pleased to see he slept naked. Approaching him, she suddenly felt sick with terror, she'd envisioned this a thousand times in her head, but how would it really go? Would he reject her? Would he say she's too dumpy or not pretty enough? She trembled in abject fear softly. Resolving herself, she said to herself 'there's only one way to find out'.

Crawling over him, she woke him up gently with the slightest brush of her fur. He jumped as he woke up, looking at her in fright. His eyes were wild initially as his powerful claws extended, however he was taken off guard when his attacker leaned in and soothed him with a disarming kiss. As reality swirled around him he realized that this attacker was the Eevee he'd saved, Crystal. His heart was beating fast as she covered his face in kisses, and gently his hands moved down to cup her pert little rear, ever so softly. They necked and kissed, their bodies so close that the heat was driving them both wild. Crystal whimpered softly as she felt his gentle yet powerful hands roaming her body. She tingled with desire as their fur delicately brushed one another.

It didn't take long for their arousal to realize itself, soon their gentle caresses turned into grinding as their bodies went into automatic. Their hearts beating together they wrapped eachother up in their arms, becoming a tangle of limbs as they coupled. Soon she was pleasantly surprised as she felt the tip of his shaft prodding gently at her most sensitive secret. He was going to take it, her virginity. She wiggled in anticipation, wondering how it would feel down to the very core of her being. Her hymen split apart and she yelped in pain, but his paw silenced her as he drew her into yet another powerful kiss. They stayed hilted together, joined for what seemed like ages. Slowly their hips began to move in a constant rhythm, turning into a thrusting. Before they knew it they were fucking, fucking like animals, their only goal to quench their burning desire for eachother.

They coupled passionately for what seemed like hours, Crystal climaxed over and over. All she could remember from the experience was running her fingers through his fur, his kisses covering her body, her shivers of delight as she came so many times. Reality phased in for Crystal as she gradually woke up from her slumber. Daylight poured in through the window as she clasped desperately to the images of her absol. Her fingers thrusted into her cunny desperately, trying to mimic his every thrust.

She really needed a hobby.
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