AGNPH Stories

A True Friend in a Harsh World by sky_render


A True Friend in a Harsh World

The Official AGNPH Archive
Title: A True Friend in a Harsh World
File Name: a_true_friend_in_a_harsh_world.txt
Author: Sky Render
Rating: XXX
Size: 18KB
Type: lemon
Action: Kenji-Elisa, C;
Added: 10-07-99
Read by: Racso
Description: With pokemon training mandatory, Kenji, Satoshi's twin brother
finds himself forced to go out into the world despite his
desire not to.

This is the story based off of my one recurring dream about pokemon. I have
taken about two hours to finally finish it, but I'm satisfied with it, quite
satisfied indeed. This story requires a bit of an open mind to understand it.
In my story, I take the usual image of pokemon as a glory-seeker's quest to a
military requirement (ala Ender's Game). The story also gives an interesting
twist in that Satoshi (aka. Ash) has a brother in this one. To say anything
else would give away a lot of the story, so go ahead and read it.

* The Lemon Disclaimer (patent pending in 12 countries) *

If you're not of legal age to read this in your country, state, city,
or even planet, then you should probably not read it. If you do, don't
blame me for the inevitable damage it will do to your mind, nor any
secondary damage to limbs, life, family members, friends, etc. If you
can't stand up to that, do not continue.

And now, on to...

A True Friend in a Harsh World

Life had never treated Kenji well. Even as a child he'd had a hard time
trying to fit in. When he'd started training pok,mon at age 12, he'd
found himself surrounded by younger boys who had as much experience as he
did, and boys his own age who were already pok,mon masters. He was one
of the few people in the hard and cruel world of pok,mon and harsh
politics who could truly say that he'd never felt friendship with another
human being. True, he'd made friends with many pok,mon, including his
Psyduck, who was the closest pok,mon friend he had. But... he'd never
actually been able to make a friend that was of his own species. As he
tried to fall asleep on one amazingly long night, he decided to try and
remember some of his past.


"Why is everybody leaving the village, mommy?" asked the ten-year-old
Kenji as he watched his twin brother leave the house. "When boys and
girls reach the age of ten, they must leave home to raise pok,mon. It's
a law that was set up a few years back by the military. We can't really
do anything about it." Kenji listened with half an ear, watching his
brother go. A tear came to his eye as he recalled how his brother and he
had always been fighting when they were younger. Now, he might never see
his sibling again... "I don't wanna become a trainer!" he yelled out,
and ran up to his room. His, and his brother's... He started to cry as
he opened his door and slammed it behind him. He decided then and there
that he would never, NEVER become a trainer!


"I'm sorry, son, but they won't let you dodge it any longer. You have
to go now, and raise pok,mon. The law..." Kenji shook his head. "I
hate the law. Why should I have to go out just so I can train a bunch of
animals to be loyal slaves? I refuse!" His mother shook her head
sorrowfully. "I wish I could give you a better answer, Kenji, but there
is no better answer. If you don't go, they will arrest you, and then
make you train pok,mon, under their supervision. Please, don't ruin your
future, Kenji. I don't want to think of what they might do to you..."
Kenji looked at his mother, and sighed. "Then I'll go. For your sake.
But I'm not going to enjoy it! I never will, either!" He stormed out of
the house, and headed for Professor Oak's laboratory. Just as his own
brother had... Two years ago... Satoshi...

*** ONE YEAR AGO ***

"That does it," Giovanni said. "You've defeated me soundly, all right.
You have earned an Earth Badge. Congratulations, young man!" Kenji made
a dismissive gesture with his right hand. "I didn't want to do this. If
I had had a choice, I would have never trained at all. Don't give me
congratulations for something I never wanted to do, for proving that I'm
just what they wanted me to become." Giovanni looked at the young man in
front of him, and wondered about him. His resemblance was uncanny to the
boy who he'd been fighting long ago... "I'm going home, now," Kenji said
to Giovanni. But Giovanni shook his head. "That's not possible, I'm
afraid. Trainers aren't allowed to return home until they're sixteen. I
would guess you're about fourteen or so right now, so you've got a few
years before you can." The expression on Kenji's face changed from dull
joy to intense hatred, and Giovanni knew better than to stick around to
see this boy's wrath. He hurried out the back door, closing and locking
it behind him. Meanwhile, Kenji started to calm down. What would he do
now? He realized that there was nothing he could do, except go and
challenge the Elite Four...


"Fantastic!" Lance said, looking at the sweating form of Kenji as he
called back his Alakazam. "You're very powerful, as a trainer. But, as
you may know, the Elite Four are not the supreme warriors. We merely
represent the top four of five pok,mon trainers. Now you must face the
top trainer in the world. He's waiting behind me." Kenji didn't even
glance at Lance as he passed by him, and came face to face with...
"KENJI?!" "SATOSHI?!" His brother stood there, silly cap and all,
ready for a battle. He practically dropped the pok, ball he was holding
at the sight of his brother. "I can't believe this!" Satoshi said, and
re-hooked his pok, ball to his belt. "I thought we'd never meet again!"
Kenji looked at his brother. He'd grown up to be a lot bigger, and he
seemed to be a lot wiser, as well. "So, you defeated the Elite Four,
did you?" Satoshi nodded. "About five months back. They told me that
a promising trainer was quickly passing through the ranks of the Elite
Four about an hour ago, and I got here as fast as I could. I can't
believe it was you!" Kenji grabbed his Kadabra's pok, ball. "I guess it
is now inevitable..." he said. Satoshi had a shocked look on his face as
he saw his brother, preparing to battle him. "Kenji, I can't battle you!
You're... you're my brother!" Kenji untensed, and his arm dropped to his
side. "I can't fight you, either, Satoshi. I..." He shook his head,
then turned and ran out of Indigo Plateau.

*** PRESENT ***

So much had happened to him. He'd been ready to challenge his own dear
brother to a match, perhaps even to dethrone him of his title, and had
been unable to do so. He'd been weak, he supposed, but he could never
challenge the one person in his life (other than his mother) that he'd
ever loved. And so, he'd fled into Viridian Forest, and hidden. For
two months now, he'd been living in his Psyduck's pok, ball. He gave a
slight chuckle. Most didn't know that humans could live in them. In
fact, even Professor Oak raised an eyerow, five months back, when Kenji
had demonstrated it to be true. Ever since then, Kenji had been sleeping
inside the warm interior of a pok, ball each night. But lately, he'd
been living entirely within the pok, ball, as well...
A light tapping on the outer shell of the ball brought his attention to
the summon hole of the pok, ball. It was starting to glow red. And...
he realized that he wasn't wearing anything. He quickly grabbed a
blanket from his bed just as the summon beam called him out of the pok,
ball and into the forest. He frantically wrapped the blanket around his
body as he looked at his Psyduck. "Why'd you do that?" he asked angrily,
and Psyduck pointed ahead of him. "Psy yai yai!" it said as a trainer,
quite obviously female, approached him. He tensed up. He'd never been
good around people. "Um, hello..." the trainer said, a bit taken aback
by the blanket-wrapped young man before her. "Hi," he said, trying to
think of a way out of this situation. "Um, can you help me?" Kenji just
stared. The other trainer, assuming that he wanted more details,
continued. "Um... Well, I'm kinda lost, and... er... I really... don't
know... how to get out, much less... back to where I, um... started..."
Kenji shook his head. "I can't remember the path very well, sorry." The
trainer sighed. "I was afraid of that. I was really surprised to see a
Psyduck all alone out here. I was even more surprised when you popped
out of that pok, ball!" Kenji nodded grimly. "My home, so to speak. I
found out that pok, balls are actually quite spacious, and can hold a
human just as well as a pok,mon."
The other trainer brushed some hair out of her face. "So," she asked,
"what's your name?" Kenji smiled. He had a habit of getting into a
conversation without knowing who he was talking to. That was one of the
properties about him that made his social life all the more difficult. "I
go by the name Kenji. And you?" The young trainer smiled. "I'm Elisa,
the trainer from Pewter City." Kenji smiled, and extended a hand. Which,
possibly unfortunately for his face, exposed his body under the blanket.
Elisa shook it, and both were blushing feircely. "Sorry," Kenji said. "I
kinda forgot..." Elisa shrugged. "I forgot, too, so I guess we're even
on that account." He smiled. He liked this person. "Um... Do you want
to see the inside of my pok, ball?" Psyduck, who had been staring blankly
and holding his head for the entire time, suddenly shouted out, "Psy! Psy
yaiyaiyai!" Kenji laughed. "All right, Psyduck's pok, ball!" The little
duck, content, returned to holding his head and staring blankly. Elisa
smiled. "I'd love to see it." He grabbed the pok, ball in one hand, her
left hand in the other, and said, "Return!" Having not specified any
pok,mon, the pok,ball took in the nearest subjects, that being Kenji and
Elisa. Psyduck watched as their forms faded to red and vanished into the
ball. Then, he resumed his watch duty, holding his head and staring
blankly as usual.
They landed softly upon Kenji's bed. The blanket returned to its former
location, as well, so Kenji was stark nude. Elisa took one look at him,
and couldn't help but wonder... Kenji, finally realizing what Elisa was
staring at, covered himself up quickly with his hands. But his hands were
not going to be enough, he noticed, in a few moments... "Nice place,"
Elisa said. Kenji gave a quick nod, looking around frantically for a
blanket, a pair of underwear, anything. Nothing was in sight, and his
hands were becoming increasingly unsucsessful at hiding his genitals. "I
wonder what it would be like to live in this place your entire life?"
Elisa said, getting up to look around the room. Kenji took the chance to
look a bit more carefully for something to cover himself up with, but he
still saw nothing that would work. Elisa turned back to him. "You might
as well stop trying to cover that," Elisa giggled, "There's no way your
hands will be able to cover that for much longer." Kenji blushed, and
removed his hands. Elisa saw that he had quite an errection going. The
sight made her start to get wet down below.
Kenji had never been good with people, but he could tell that his own
physical reaction was not the only one going on here. Elisa seemed a bit
nervous as she looked around. "What is it?" Kenji asked. Elisa looked at
Kenji, amazed that he hadn't guessed. "I... I... I don't know if I can
say this right without feeling like an idiot, but..." Kenji realized what
she was trying to say. She was feeling the same thing towards him that he
was feeling towards her. "I never had any real friends when I grew up,"
Elisa said, her back turned to Kenji. "I was just not a very social sort
of person. I used to hate the thought of training pok,mon, since it was
so... so inhumane, in my mind. I stretched the time span for as long as I
could, avoiding becoming a trainer until I was 12. Then, when I had no
choice, I decided that, since it was inevitable, I'd be the best I could
possibly be. For almost three years now, I've been training. I've gotten
every badge, and I was about to face off the Elite Four, after visiting an
old friend in Pewter City, when I realized that I'd forgotten how to get
out of this forest. I turn 15 in just three days..." She turned around,
and saw that Kenji seemed to understand. "What is it?" Kenji shook his
head. "Nothing, it's just that... well, your story is similar to mine. I
didn't want to become a trainer, either, but I did gain all of the badges.
I... My brother, Satoshi, is the top trainer in the world, and I defeated
the Elite Four, so... But, I couldn't... couldn't face him..." Kenji was
starting to cry, Elisa saw. She realized how hard this poor boy had had
to suffer. His own brother, suddenly his worst enemy. She sat down on
the bed again, and looked him in the face.
"We're not so different, are we?" she asked. When Kenji didn't answer,
she stood up. "I want to have someone in this world that I can trust. I
want that person to be you, Kenji." Kenji turned to face Elisa. "I want
to be the one you trust, and... I want to trust you, too." She nodded.
"Then we will trust one another. I... I've never said this to anybody,
not even my own parents... I love you, Kenji." That took him aback, as he
realized what Elisa had just said. Then, he realized why it had startled
him so much. "I love you, too, Elisa. I've never felt love like this,
ever before. Even my dear brother and I were never so close. We were
like the best of friends, but even that cannot compare to this feeling."
They looked each other in the face. They did love each other. It was
mutual. Each was amazed that the feelings of the other was the same as
their own. They could feel their bodies urge them to take their love to
another level, and they felt compelled to do so. "This might seem rather
sudden, but..." Elisa began, but saw she need not finish as Kenji smiled.
He would have asked, but she had beat him to it. Slowly, Elisa began to
remove her clothes, piece by piece.
When she finished, she looked up, and smiled at Kenji. They were ready,
they knew it. Elisa climbed onto the bed, and faced her newly-found love.
What shall we do?" she asked him. He pondered, and realized that he had
no idea. He sensed, though, that his body knew what to do. Elisa's mind
was going through similar thoughts. She half-sat up, then bent over in a
position akin to a dog. "I'm guessing you know what to do from here." she
said, smiling. Kenji knew, all right. Or rather, his instincts did. He
knee-walked over to her rear side, and placed his penis into her vagina.
Acting on what his instincts told him was right, he began to pump his body
back and forth, forcing his penis in and out of Elisa's vagina. She gave
a moan, one akin to both mild pain and mild pleasure. He continued to do
this, going a bit deeper into her each time, until he was placing his
entire penis into her vagina. She was smiling, although Kenji couldn't
see her face. "Am I doing all right?" he asked, somewhat delerious.
Elisa relplied, "Perfect!" He continued, reassured. His head was getting
light from all of the ecstascy, and he could barely focus on the world in
front of him. He'd never felt like this ever before in his life. He kept
going until it felt like the strange feeling would overwhelm him. Then,
he felt an odd release from his penis, and his body began to relax. He
was unsure as to what he'd just done, but he knew that he was supposed to
do that. Elisa was still in her ecstascy, and didn't seem to notice.
Kenji continued, not wanting her to miss out on the strange experience he
had felt only seconds before.
Elisa couldn't even think straight. Her head was spinning like crazy,
and she seemed to be on the verge of something. Suddenly, the world came
back to reality, and she realized that she'd done something. She looked
behind her, and saw that Kenji had stopped, and was starting to lay down.
A small puddle had formed on the bed's sheets. She guessed that she'd
done that. "Is it over already?" she asked, a bit dizzy. Kenji replied,
"I guess so. That was incredible." Elisa lay down next to Kenji, and
looked him in the face. "I agree with that. I've never felt anything
even remotely like this. I wonder if people experience this sort of
thing often in the outside world?" Kenji shook his head limply. "I don't
know if they do or not, but if they don't, they've no idea what they're
missing." Elisa laughed. "That was an understatement, my dearest Kenji!"
Her conciousness was fading, and she welcomed it. Sleep was just what she
needed after that...
Kenji saw that she'd fallen asleep. He was pretty tired, too, but he
wanted to do something about that puddle on the bed. He got up, and took
a small hand towel from the sink. He was glad, now, that he'd missed it
earlier when he'd been looking for something to cover himself with. He
quickly wiped up the puddle, threw the towel in the sink, and laid back
down. He was too tired to do anything else, and fell asleep along with
Elisa. He was finally happy. For once in his life, he had a real friend,
one who would never let him down. He had found in Elisa what she had
found in him: a true friend in a harsh world. He slept, contented and

So, what's the thoughts on it? Commentary is, as always, welcome.

���ζ� - Sabaki no sora - Sky Render
(The poster previously known as Doom Guru and Doom Guru X)
Remove the corrupt universe to e-mail me
ICQ: 2632972 AIM: SkyRendrX
home page: * The Doom Guru's Domain
Reviewer: Maktos.Com *
My real sig is at


Giver of Impaled Cow points
Owner of: 1265459.14159265359 metal arm points
23 Bliss points * 2 Wyvern points * An Obscure Little Book

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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