AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Electricity wonder


Morning , as ever ... I take a look to the girls , all sleeping and very quiet , I Love them when they are like this , then I take a look at my arms and chest , it was all heal , the words was all healed , don't mater , now what I need to see is what hour was now , the clock said the 9:00 ... " why I cant sleep like a normal person ? " I asked myself , then laugh a little " Why I am not normal " I answered myself . In the hall , no one was there , except a little pack " Delivered to Uros , from Oak , whit a little gift I find where you fall , enjoy it and take care of the girls " , I opened it , it was my CD reader , and all my music ... man , I love Oak ( xp ) , putting the auriculars in my ears and the volume at max I enjoy the Rock , until I remember the girls , so I take all the food was in the package ( whit the package ) and returned to the nursery , all of them was still asleep , so I put all the food in the back pack , then Aquamarine get up whit a little moan and see me .

Aquamarine - How are you felling today love ? .
I - Very well , thanks ... and you ? .
Aquamarine - Well enough ... I am hungry .
I - Ok , we have supplies for a month ... or a day whit Topace .
Aquamarine - *snort* Don't be bad , and give me some food please .
I - Ok , there was this ... and this ... and what the heck is this ? ... a ok ... take this , they are a mixture of berries - I say putting in a bowl a little amount of the mixture .
Aquamarine - Thanks - She heat the whole bowl in two seconds - wow ! , I was more hungry than was I though .
I - Don't mater , now let me see this map ... the next city ... is the Carmine City ... or at least this say the shortcut who Oak put here .
Aquamarine - Why a shortcut ? .
I - For four things , you four ... I don't asked him for it , but we don't know if you are going to wait a couple of months ... or one year , so we are going to do this fast ... crap .
Aquamarine - What now ? .
I - It is the city were Lt. Surge was .
Aquamarine - The electric maniac ? .
I - Yes .
Aquamarine - Well , this isn't a problem .
I - For you it is ... the rules of "protection" said it , so you aren't going to fight .
Aquamarine - O man ...
I - Don't say a word , it is how it need to be , so come on , we are going to wake up the others ... I woke Topace and Insonica ... only for security .

We both nodded , and I wake up Insonica , no problem , but Topace send me a punch and a kick ... she is and always going to be , a bad beast ...

I - Ok , we are all wake up ... and alive - I said to Topace - so now , the food , then we go - and I brought the food for all - I come back right now .
Aquamarine - I go whit you ! .
I - Ok .

I only want to see if Bill was well , and I think he was very good .

I - Hey Bill ! .
Bill - Hello man ! , I need to thank you for the help , without you , who knows were I was going to be ? .
I - they aren't needed , I do what I must , now I need to say goodbye .
Bill - Goodbye man .

Whit this we ago to the nursery letting Billy in his room , when we returned to the nursery all the girls was finished the food .

I - Ok , we need to move now , you all can and want ? ... this time , I put you in , only for being sure , all agree ? .
All - Yes .
I - So it is , go in .

Whit all into the pokeballs , I ( or we ) continue whit our journey , go out of the center and head to the south , few steps out of the city and .

??? - Well , at last , I am thinking if you are going to be there forever - say a female voice who was coming for a buses nearby to me .
I - Who are you ? , and why are you hiding ? .
??? - I am Leila , and I am hiding because I was waiting for you .
I - Ok , now sow yourself .

And she show herself , she was a little lower than me , whit red hair and a normal constitution , whit with clothes and black jeans .

I - So , what do you want ? .
Leila - Go whit you , no more .
I - And you are gentle enough to tell me why ? .
Leila - I think ... no .
I - Then goodbye .
Leila - Wait ! ... I don't want , but if you don't let me another option , ok : I knew you kill some of the Team Rocket , and put into the hail one of the guys of the NODI .
I - NODI ? .
Leila - They said something of No Other Do It , I don't know what it mean , but I don't like what they do ... personal reasons .
I - I think I understand , ok , I am a good person and I know who all need a chance , I give you one , ONLY one , understand ? - She nodded - ok , now I need to go to Carmine City , to do a visit to Lt. Surge , you want to go now ? . she nodded - ok , follow me .

We begun the walk , a short walk I need to say , only five minutes and the tunnel who was in the map appear , we took it , without a word we cross it and appeared in the other side in front of the city .

I - Wow , it was fast .
Leila - You don't travel much , didn't you ? .
I - Err ... something like that , well , I want to win here and go to the next .
Leila - So you are here only for the medals ? .
I - Not only , in all the cities I need to search for ... some friends .
Leila - I see ... ok , the gym need to be nearby to the coast ... there it was ! .

As fast we move nearby to the gym , it was very great , and one boy begun to run whit a little pokemon in his hands ... this Lt. was a beast of guy , and when I think in it , he show in front of me .

Lt . - What do you want kid ? .
I - A fight is a good start .
Lt. - Come in ...

Not much ceremony , when we entered he only say " two pokemon , no more rules , agreed ? " , " agreed " I respond , and he yelled " Magneton ! " , I only have one thing to do " Ruby ! come out ! " and the little Vulpix form in front of me whit the flames ready in her mouth , and it started .

Lt. - Magneton ! use a thunderbolt ! .
I - Dodge it now ! , very good , now a flamethrower ! - It hit and magneton was knocked out , this seemed to be really easy .
Lt. - Ok , this is the first ... but Raichu can do it ! - and his raichu formed at few steps him .
I - Ok , you want to play hard ? , Ruby come here , good girl ( smile ) , Topace finish the battle ! - And Topace formed in my front like a wall , the raichu look at her , whit a little fear I assure you all - do whatever you want , but don't hurt him .
Lt. - Thunder now ! - she only receive it , nothing passed - another ! ... another one ! ...
She only took the raichu and throw him out of the ring .
Lt. - Ok ... you win , take the medal ... and I hope to see you soon , this was very fast , and very hard ! , I need to practice more , only two attacks and I am out ...

He continue talking to himself for a while ... until I told him to give me the medal please , who I need to continue , etc ... and when we are out I see the S.S Anne , I think I had luck for seeing it , but , a great explosion say me that I don't have that luck , so I free all the girls and run to the great ship , around it was the police saying something like the NODI and Team Rocket , so we try to pass , and something make me thing in my luck in some otter manner , the office police who was in the other city was here to .

Police Officer - I am going to think something kid ... what are you doing here ? - I show the medal - Ok , and what do you want ?
I - Well , you can use help here .
Police Officer - In normal circumstances ... I didn't let you go in ... but after seeing what you can do ? , come in , and by the way , my name is Ceis , I thing we are going to met like this a lot of thymes ..
I - Ok , see you when I go back .

Leila look a bit confused , but we haven't much time , so we entered in the ship ... nothing was there ... only smoke and fire , and a great amount of debris every were , Topace and Insonica was opening a path to the center , Aquamarine was trying to stop the fire , and the others helping the passengers who are inside of the ship , and I take a look to the center , there was a couple of the Team Rocket , one girl and one guy in her front , and he took what I think is a gun ! , I only can do one thing , jump . The noise was loud and my legs hurt a little ( like a ten meters of fall ) , the Team members wasn't afraid of it , even think of it , until I focus the armor and axe , then all appear to recognized me and run , all except the guy whit the gun .

??? - So you cant stay away for nothing ?! , you are giving me a head cache ! .
I - Fuck you ! , don't be a bad guy *snort* but if this is how you want to be ... - I put a step further .
??? - Tsk , tsk , if you do it , this little lady can be hurt ... and we don't want it to happen , did we ? - she took the girl ... who wasn't a girl , she was a pokemorp ! , one pokemorp who was chikorita .
I - Let she go ! .
??? - You aren't in any position to argue .
I - You don't know it well enough , Topace ! come here whit Insonica ! - they two landed behind the guy - you was saying ? .
??? - Crap ! , you can have her ! , and this gift from me ! , only for you , enjoy it before he heats you ! .

Throwing her apart he throw a pokeball to , and then a enormous charizar appear from the flash who covered all .

I - Hey you ! , we don't want more problems ! - then I looked at her head ... there was some device ... I cannot tell , he throw a fire punch to my armor and hit me , it hurt a lot - *gasp* Aquamarine come here please ! - she appeared in seconds and throw a water gun to the charizar who fall in his back , and in this moment I cut the device .

I - Now ... you are going to ... listen to me ? - he nodded - you are now free , I hope you go now far away from these people , now go ! , you are free .

He go out for one of the windows and I take a look for all .

I - All are good ? - they nodded - ok , if nobody is here , we go out - looking at the pokemorp - you to , we need to go - she was still in fear , but she listen to me and fallow me .

In a couple of minutes we are out , and thanks to the smoke no one saw the little pokegirl good enough to say she wasn't normal , except Ceis and Leila who was nearby to him .

I - Don't say even a word , and follow me .

Only a few steps for go out of the sight .

Leila - Ok , what happen there ? , and who and what is she ? .
Ceis - I can answer the first , the Team Rocket and NODI was searching for ... someone , I think is she .
I - She is a pokemorp - seeing their faces - a pokemorp is a pokemon whit manipulated DNA , they are created in laboratories , or in the natural form , whit mating a pokemon whit a human strong enough , I don't know more .
??? - I had a name you know ? .
Leila - She can talk ? .
I - Petri much I think .
??? - My name is Maide .
I - Nice to met you , but now we need to move .
Ceis - You know why I am here ? , I live here , come whit me .

As fast as we can we follow him to his house , a normal one , nearby to the exist of the city , we enter in it fast , and then , safety , the girls only begun to explore the house , curiosity I think .

Ceis - Feel like home man .
I - I try , but this is going more weird for moments .
Maide - Yea , I can tell - All looking at her - what ? .
I - You need to explain a lot of things ... but now you need to rest - now all the girls were here - and I need to talk whit you , you all can wait here , or in the backyard - all the girls nodded .

---- I

We go to the 2� floor , and in the corridor .

Aquamarine - What do you want to talk whit me ? .
I - What do you think about Maide ? .
Aquamarine - I don't know , she is going to explain what they want in the ship , or I think so , but ... this is not all you want , isn't it ? .
I - Well , I want to be whit you , alone , even if it is only a little .
Aquamarine - Ok , I think we can remain here , for a while .

I huge her and we lied in the floor in the position we had always , until .

---- Leila , Ceis and Maide

Leila - I know what he say , but I want to know .
Ceis - Yes , me to , but she almost got killed in there no ? , so let her a little rest , but tomorrow you need to explain a little , we agreed ? .
Maide - Yes ...
Ceis - Ok , Uros ! .

---- The girls

Silveden - He say he want to talk ... even he can believe it .
Insonica - Hey , be good , he isn't go to do anything .
Silveden - How you know it ? , how are you so sure ? .
Aria - He want to be father , and it is only the first cause .
Silveden - Yea , he want , but he have three more you know .
Ruby - Don't be silly , he love you all , and Aquamarine to , he isn't going to hurt her in any manner - All looking at her - what ? , you know I hear all , and this to , so don't be so surprise .
Aria - It isn't a surprise ... and well , you are right ... I hope so , or it is going to end bad enough ... mostly for him .


I come to the little hall , and there were all three .

I - Well , what do you want Ceis ? .
Ceis - We have a little problem , I only have three rooms , and the sofa ...
I - And it is a problem ? , I sleep here , you all can sleep in the beds , now , good night now , the time pass really fast when you are in danger .

Only nods ... this time I think I mess it , but I was angry ... I can be whit Aquamarine and they fuck it ... well , all go to their rooms ( show by Ceis ) , and I put all the girls in the balls ... but this time they didn't say a word , except Aquamarine , she want to be whit me , and I don't argue ... but I think she want to do something , even knowing what I say , and when we are all ready for sleep .

I - Aquamarine , do you want something ? .
Aquamarine - No ... why ? .
I - It is ... something ... well , forget it , I am going to sleep now , come ? .
Aquamarine - Yes .

I lied in the sofa , and Aquamarine upon me , I go asleep fast whit her upon me , but she have other plans for this night ... and I have a strange dream and for it I dont noticed .


Well , I need to practice a litle the sex scenes , and I want to do other thing to , so for now , dont count on sex here ... until the next week at least xp
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