AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros




A black space ... always the same , my dreams until the 5 was always it , a great and lonely black space , who remind my only fear , the dark ... someone can laugh if you want , but in front of me you don't want to do it , but it isn't the mater , the mater was this time , this time the black space was changed for the dam galaxy ! , all was light and colors , all live , and only a great shadow in front of me was bothering my mind .

I - Where ... where am I ? .
Shadow - You are in the ether .
I - What the fuck ?! , I was a moment ago in a living room man ! , I cant be dead ... yet .
Shadow - Why you always think in the death first ? .
I - You are in my mind , you must know .
Shadow - I am more than the illusion you think I am , but for now you need to learn a lesson .
I - What lesson ? - the shadow come closer .
Shadow - First , you aren't gona die , at least in the near future , so be quiet and think in what I am going to say , understood ? .
I - Ok ... but I hope you aren't going to ask me for something ...
Shadow - No quest , no missions , no nothing , only hear ... first , you come here , and you don't know why .
I - Ho ! , it is a miracle you know it ! , all know , tell me something I don't know .
Shadow - In fact you need to be dead - I loose the color of my face - yes , in fact , in the reality , you use the gun , you killed yourself , you do a fucking paradox stupid ! , in your world was forming a war , a war you know is going to exist , and you try to kill yourself ? ... we both know you aren't going to do it ... but well , you saved your world , changing the present whit you act .
I - This never was my intentions ... but , then I do it well ? .
Shadow - Yes ... and no , you saved your world , but you open a portal who was sealed long time ago ... now , you and only you can close the portal .
I - You said no missions ...
Shadow - You are doing it whit the medals ... and now shut up , I need to tell more things to you . You know about your powers , so let me explain it . The situation is this , in the world was four elements : fire , water , earth and wind . All they have their little power , and in fact , they are controlled for the elementary mages in other dimension and universe , they control whit them the life and death , only for tell you a few , but important , things , and they have the unlimited power , so they hive you this new life .
I - They do it ? ... then I need to say thanks to them .
Shadow - I do it for you , now I must continue . The four elements have weakness , but the mages can supply it , but most important , they four have the types of energy , and they all have the power to all , pokemons included , now I tell you what element have what :
The Fire : The fire is in fact , the first element , it give the power to the pokemons of fire type , the fight and the dragon .
The Water : The water , element of life and sometimes , death , it give the powers to the water types , ice , poison and even the psychic .
The Earth :Rough and strong the earth give their power to the grass type , the rock , the ground , steel and bug .
The Wind : The fast and sharp wind ,give their powers to the fly type , electric and normal type .
I - You forgot ...
Shadow - I didn't forgot , let me finis , the shadow and ghost are ... apart , it is for the element in conjunction of all four , the live and death ... but well , you can see , there was two of two ... but we are forgetting something .
I - The light ? .
Shadow - Yes , the light , without light cant be a shadow ... and you know someone whit light attacks ? .
I - Well , I never heard anything like that ...
Shadow - Never was a pokemon such it .
I - And ? ... wait a dam moment ! , you are saying , we are here for the light ? .
Shadow - Something like that .
I - Man , I am going to wake up now .
Shadow - You cant until I finish this , so stay were you are ... good , well , I am telling you this for one reason , you have a ... power , you have two elements , the water and the earth , and you can materialize it when you want , but for now , you only learned to do it when you are angry , the powers can materialize whit some feelings : love , need of protection ( not the same as anger ) , and much more , but most important , you are going to learn how to do it .
I - And why ? .
Shadow - You want to be father , it is enough ... but you need it for when the moment come .
I - What moment ? .

Then he show me a mirror , a mirror were I can see myself , a mirror were I can see what I am going to be , a mirror were I see it , me body was totally changed , my head was a sneasel one , the torso was for a kabuto , the arms was for a swampert , and the legs was for a scizor ... I don't know how to be , horrified or happy ... but it talks before I can say a word .

Shadow - The time when you need to change .

Then I woke up in the middle of the night , sweat for what I just see ... and cuming in Aquamarine is mouth time ago for what I see ... she was now asleep and upon me whit the face still covered whit me seed , I didn't want to wake her and being mad ... but this isn't what I say to her .

I - Aquamarine , wake up now ! .
Aquamarine - What ? ... eu ... hello ? .
I - No , no hello , what are you doing when I am asleep ? .
Aquamarine - Well ... I do it , but only for you .
I - Aquamarine ... I say it to you , we cant do it , I don't want to lose our baby .
Aquamarine - And you aren't , I do it whit my mouth , I only try to quit the need you have .
I - Thanks Aquamarine ... but now we are going to the bathroom for cleaning you .

She nodded and we go , I wased her face and we return to our "bed" , she lied upon me and I hugged her , this time she was asleep before I , but not for long , and this time I don't see the shadow .

??? - Wake up .
I - Who ? ... it is morning already ? .
Ceis - Yes , it is ...
I - *grumble* Aquamarine ... hey ! , were is Aquamarine ? .
Ceis - Calm my friend , they are in the backyard ... mmm ... why we found you two sleeping together ? .
I - You want the direct answer o the refined one ? .
Ceis - Direct ? .
I - We mate .
Ceis - You mean ...
I - Yes , I do it whit her ... and what ? , it bother you ? .
Ceis - Well , it is ... strange , but I know some friends in ... that way .
I - Well , forget it if you want , now I need to give them their food , I will be back in a moment .

I take the back pack , inside remain the food for the girls , I pick one of them ( the mixture is in all ) and I put enough for all in their bowls , then I go out and give it to them , then I return to the living room .

I - Well , I know you want to ask me something more .
Ceis - Of course I want , you enter in the ship yesterday , and saved all ... but after it you kill ( in defense ) three members of the Team Rocket , and they have guns ... something don't fit .
I - Let it in a " I am good whit my work " ok ? .
Ceis - For now ... and ... other thing ... if you can do it whit Aquamarine , a pokemon ... you can do it whit a pokemorp ? .
I - Of course ... why ? ... you find her attractive ? .
Ceis - Well ... a little .
I - And ? .
Ceis - Ok , ok , she is beautiful ... but I don't know how to say it to her ... and what the fuck ? , I am saying it to you .
I - Don't be so surprise , I have this singularity , all tell me their problems , for good , or not , and let me see , you are 1,80 tall , brown hair and eyes , and normal constitution ... what the fuck are you waiting for ? .
Ceis - You ! , you are telling me what I must do ! ... nobody else does , even my fathers ... you take care of me in some manner , I think .
I - Well , I hope you can come whit us as a partner .
Ceis - Really ? , why ? .
I - You like her ? - he nod - you want to be whit her ? - another nod - then you want to protect her ? - more nods - then you need to come whit me , she cant stay here , if someone find her ... well , let say the scientists love the experiments and painful tests ...
Ceis - Well , I think I can go whit you , I don't pick vacations never , I don't have anymore place than this ... ok , wait here , I come back in a hour or less .

Then he go out running facing the center of the city , and in this moment Leila and Maide come to the living room .

I - Hello there sleeping beauties , how are we feeling today ? .
Leila - Well enough .
Maide - A little burned ...
I - Well , I need to apologize for how rude I was yesterday .
Maide - Don't mater ...
I - Yes , it maters , for two reasons , you are going to come whit us , and the second , if we are going to travel together we don't need to be like I was yesterday .
Maide -Why we need to travel together ? .
I - You have someone who take care of you ? - she looks depressed now - I think I mess it ...
Maide - No , it is alright ... and I need to tell it to someone , but when I begun , please don't interrupt me : I was born , really born , not a experiment or something , my mother was a meganium , my father ... I don't know , my mother said he die protecting her . Well I continue , I was born in the forest who is nearby to the town , I grow there whit my mother , until I discovered the Team Rocket kidnapping three guys who are hit very badly ... and the NODI was helping the Team ... and then they discover me and I run , but they catch me and my mother saved my , whit her life ... it was three or four days ago .
I - I see ... you know were they was going ? .
Maide - No *sniff* why ? .
I - I need to know .
Maide - Well .. I think they go to Lavender city .
I - Or they have a fucking humor sense ... or they want to fallow a pat ...
Leila - What are you saying ? .
I - O ... nothing really , speaking for myself , well , now we need to wait Ceis , then we can go to the next city .
Maide - And you are sure you want me whit you two ? .
I - Well , whit you we are four , Ceis come to , if we are more , we are stronger , and now I go whit the girls , wait me here .

I only go out where all the girls was remaining in the grass , until they see me , only Topace remain there ... sleeping .

Aquamarine - Hey ! yesterday we don't say it but ...
I - Ruby know all ? , I know it already .
Ruby - Wow , you are good as me .
I - No , I pay attention at what I need to , and you are one of the first thing in my list - then she blush .
Aria - Well , where we go now ? .
I - Lavender city , for the medal , and for my friends I hope .
Insonica - They are there ? .
I - Maide say it ... or at least it is a possibility , but even if it is not , the medal is going to be ours , all agreed ? .
All - Yes - I think Topace say yes to ... or a fuck you , but don't mater .
I - Well , now all come into the balls - Then Aquamarine and her puppy eyes - ok you can be out ... but we are going to have three more onboard , so this isn't going to happen all the time , the next time you get into , ok ? .
Aquamarine - Ok .

All inside the pokeballs , and the door sound open , so we go there to see Ceis entering in the house .

Ceis - Good news , for my good job , five years without vacations and bla , bla , bla ... I have a entire fucking year out ! .
I - Awesome ! , then you come ? .
Ceis - Yes .
I - And you Maide ? .
Maide - Well ... I think I come to .
I - Ok , Leila , you are ready to ? .
Leila - Yes , only a moment .
I - Ok , you two can wait here ? , I need to go out - Ceis and Maide nodded and I come out - Aquamarine , I don't know if I do right ...
Aquamarine - Why ? .
I - We have a danger way ... it is the only thing who I have in mind , I can lost you , or the girls ... and I don't want to have new friends if they can die for my dam quest ...
Aquamarine - Don't be silly , you cant lose nothing , the Team Rocket is stupid and the NODI is the same ... we only need to go , pick the medals , your friends and return to Oak is , so it is easy for me .
I - You look like if the extra people here don't bother you .
Aquamarine - It does ... a little , but you said it yesterday , very loudly and clear , until the born ...
I - I know what I say ... but you remember it now ? .
Aquamarine - He , he , something make me remember it now .
I - Yea ... ok , well , if it didn't mater , then ok ... and when are they going to come here ? .

---- Inside

Ceis - Why is she doing ? ... she say "only a moment" .
Maid - Well , she is a girl , wait .
Ceis - Yea ...

No even a word cross the mind of they mind ... well , one thing cross Ceis mind .

Ceis - ... You are pretty .
Maide - ( blushing ) Thanks ... why you said it ? .
Ceis - Well ... never mind ...
Maide - You seriously think I am pretty ? .
Ceis - Yes .

They both blushed and look at the eyes of the other , then their faces begun to approach each other , then Leila come back ...

Leila - I interrupt something ? .
They two - No , nothing ...

---- Outside

I - Boredom ...
Aquamarine - If we stay here much longer I am going to broke waters ...

Then .

Leila - Ready , we can go .
I - At last , back to work .
Ceis - Eu ... what it is supposed to mean ? .
I - Forget it , I need to say it ... now serious , we need to go now , the map said in the next road was a route to Lavender across the mountain , we try ? .
Leila - Why not ? , we need to hurry a little .
Ceis - More the plus than no one can possibly see there Maide .
I - Extra point , Maide , you agree to ? - she nodded - then , we all go now .

Only five minutes on the road and we reach the beginning of the shortcut , a almost invisible road across the mountain .

I - Well , we are here , so we need to hurry up now , I think something want to catch us there .
Leila - How you know that ? .
I - I don't know it , I know how is my lucky , so keep going , we are surely in danger .

No more than nods and we hurry up a little , and when the night come we arrive to the middle of the weather road to Lavender , but all , including me , where now tired , so a little rest cannot hurt us . We decided to assemble the tent and they three to sleep into it , I remain out for guard whit Aquamarine , in no much time they fall asleep .

I - Je , ten minutes , I wise to sleep that fast .
Aquamarine - Sure ! , then we cannot have our fun in the night .
I - Aquamarine ...
Aquamarine - Hey ! , this time is only talk .
I - Ok , what do you want to talk about ? .
Aquamarine - How about our daughter ? .
I - Well ... hey ! , wait a moment , how you can know her gender ? .
Aquamarine - Psychic connection whit her , but before you ask , only whit her , the others didn't have this powers , so I cant tell you the genders of the others .
I - Well , if our baby is she , then ... a name now ? .
Aquamarine - Why not ? .
I - Mmmm ... how about this : Daria .
Aquamarine - Well enough , I like it ... but how you know a name like it ? , I don't hear one like it never .
I - Lets say ... I like "studding" , game studding .
Aquamarine - Understand ... now one thing , you fell like someone was spying us ? .
I - Yea , like always ... this time isn't a pokemon ... so it is a human for sure , but now you need to sleep , I remain here , mounting guard .
Aquamarine - But ...
I - No buts , you need to rest for two , so now take my sleep sac and sleep .
Aquamarine - Ok ...

She do it ... I was thinking she isn't going to , but she do it , so I remain there , alone , and whit the feeling of eyes thrusting in my back all the time , until the 4:00 P.M. when Ceis come for take his turn and I fall asleep nearby to Aquamarine , and this time the shadow come back .

I - What now ? .
Shadow - O , it is nothing , only a few questions and some advices .
I - Like what ? .
Shadow - You follow all the rules , it is good , I think you are more weak , so the advices now was gone , but ... you need to understand this , you are now going to have family , right ? - I nodded - well , then you MUST remain whit Oak until they have two years , understand ? .
I - Yes , it don't look like some difficult thing ...
Shadow - We see it ... now , the second , it is only information , and it is : you cannot have male sons .
I - WHAT ?! ... well , I only want to have family , but how it can be ? .
Shadow - Well , in your blood line , in your family , all the males was born whit a fight need , even the females , but the seconds want it lees , so the elementary mages want you only to have girls ...
I - Um ... do you know ... what I am going to say now ? .
Shadow - Eu ... no .
I - &%$$# ( censured for excessive insult and other ... less affective themes ) ... and it is only for I don't mater ... but the next time they play whit my live ... they regret it , understood ? .
Shadow - I cannot say I am grateful for you comment ... but I am sure you aren't joking , so we don't play wit the life more ... only if you don't let us other chance , agreed ? .
I - Pretty much ... but now I only want to ask for the change thing you said yesterday ...
Shadow - Late .
I - What ? , what mean "late" to my question ? .
Shadow - Nothing , but you are waking up .

And then .

Aquamarine - Morning ! .

I wake up whit all packing the things in my back pack , and Aquamarine in front of me .

I - Hello dear .
Aquamarine - What is happening ? .
I - O , nothing , only a bad dream ... well , we need to hurry a little today to , so come on .
Aquamarine - Ok .

No more words , except in my mind , and in the mind of a guy behind the red rocks in the roads whit his Blaziken , they both look at us and follow us , hiding in the dark .

End of chapter .
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