AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


More than a Tower


We arrive to Lavender in no much time , there I give the food for all and I asked for this place to the villagers , only the tower catch my interest ... but I know we are followed for someone , so I want to find him alone , only for the others .

Ceis - What are you thinking ? .
I - Nothing really ...
Leila - Come on , we are whit you only one day and we know how you are , something is bothering you .
I - Well ... I respect the dead , but only who deserve it , and almost all the pokemon deserve it , I want to go there ... alone if it is possible .
Ceis - Well , I don't see why not .
Leila - Only be fast in whatever you are going to do ... this place is creepy .

I approach to the girls and Maide , who is whit them .

I - Girls , I am going to the Tower , alone , I want you all here .
Aria and Aquamarine - Why ? .
I - Only this time ... I want to be alone ... please .
Topace - If he wants ...
Ruby - Why we can't go ? .
I - I only want to show my respects ... no more , but I don't want the phantoms bothering you .
Insonica - At least I agreed whit that .
Silveden - I don't want these weirdoes bothering me .
Aquamarine - Ok ... we agreed , but if you don't return soon enough ...
I - Ok , only ten minutes .

But before I can go .

Maide - I want to ask ... how you can speak whit them ? .
I - Can it wait Maide ? , I really need to go there .
Maide - Ok , but when you come back I want to speak whit you .
I - Sure , no problem .

And now I CAN go to the tower , and when I entered , it don't seem like a cemetery ... but it is the first floor , so I go upstairs , no one was there , I was alone , and whit the feeling of being watched , but even knowing that I want to see how it this possible ... how this tower have at least twenty floors ( without the first ) and it keep growing ... then I see five graves ... and four have the words : Killed for the TR ... and when I saw more , at least the 80% of the graves have this words , all the first floor was covered for this dam words ! , the TR was a more than a criminal and murderous organization , they were insane ! , how this can be ?! , so many lives killed ... innocent lives who never can be forbidden and forgotten ... they must pay , and more important for me now , they must free my friends ... and now I was hearing whimpers , so I search for them , knowing that there was a possibly trap , maybe the phantoms want some laughs , or someone want other things ... but there wasn't phantoms , there was two Abras one black and the other white , like Yin and Yang , now the whimpers stop , and I saw that one of the Abras , the black , was sleep ... but it don't breathe , this was really bad , then a laugh come behind me .

??? - You cannot go to other place ? , like another universe ? , dimension ? , whatever ! , but disappear now ! .
I - That voice ... You are who was attacking Silveden and their parents ! .
??? - Good memory , I present myself , you can call me Alen .
I - Ok Alen ... what are you doing here ? .
Alen - Only some researches , like this new sedative , looks like it is a little strong in the pre-evolved forms .
I - Are you insane ?! , the pokemon aren't objects or test subjects ! .
Alen - I said it to you the first time , you aren't too different , you want to hear why ? .
I - Look , if I were like you I love to kill and inflict paint to the unarmed , defenseless , and innocent ... and as far I see I never do it .
Alen - Who need to look forward now is you , but I see you still have your pokemons , when the moment come you understand all .
I - Fuck you ! .

Between these words and his laughs he disappears behind the graves , then I face the white Abra , who was still crying .

I - What is your name little one ? .
White Abra - Eris - she says trying to stop the whimpers .
I - Good , you know how much sedative he use ? .
Eris - No ...
I - I see ... well , I thing I have something helpful here ... - I took my disks - You think you can make this disks sound loud ? .
Eris - I think ... but not for too long .
I - Only few seconds as loud as you can .

I place the disk surrounding the black Abra .

I - Before we do nothing , who is ... ? .
Eris - She is my sister , Essna .
I - Ok , now put it as loud as you can ... and cover you hears or it can hurt you .

She don't heard this final words , she put the disk , thanks to her psychic powers , loud enough to destroy the graves near of us whit the music , but it only last few seconds , then ...

Essna - What the fuck was that ?! ... Ho ... hello there .
I - Hi ... look Eris , it works .
Eris - What was that ? ... And thanks .
I - It was my little collection of Rock and Heavy Metal , Metalica , Motorhead , Antrax , Mago de Oz ( Spanish group ) , and Mojinos Escocios ( another Spanish group ) , in my house it works when I need to wake up my father ... but the next time I call him whit normally ...
Essna - Hey ... my butt hurts a lot ... what happen to it ? , and what mean the little hole I have in it ? , it fucking hurts .
Eris - A mad man shot you whit a experimental sedative ... I think it almost kill you , he help me to save you .
I - And they said that the Rock never help me ... - I was speaking to myself - Well , if you was well now , I think I was to much here .
Eris - Wait ... we can go whit you ? .
I and Essna - What ?! .
Eris - Essna , we are out of home ... because of you ! , and it almost kills you , so , why not a little helps , and more people ? .
Essna - Fuck you sister ! , I never become a slave of a human , I was thankful for what he does ... but nothing more .
I - I never said slavery ... and I already have six pokemons ... but if you want you can come whit me .
Essna - Asking ? ... Well then maybe ...
Eris - Thanks big sister - she said and then she hugged her sister .
Essna - Get it of ! , get it of ! .

Whit laughs we come out of the tower , there were all the girls , Ceis , Leila and Maide .

I - How much I was there ? .
Aquamarine - Half hour .
I - Sorry ...
Aquamarine - And who are these Abras ? .
I - Essna and Eris ... now , I need to talk whit Oak , can you talk there for a moment ? ... Stop looking me like that , I return now ! ... Dam it .

I don't know if they were laughing or what ... but at least they remain there . I approach to the small Pokemon Center who was there , I ask to the Joey of this center for the pones ... the next time I only look to my right ... So I call Oak , and as always .

Oak - Hello Oak at the ... I know it is you Uros .
I - I am the only who call you ? .
Oak - No , but I am whit my Vulpix all the times you call .
I - Ok ... but now it is morning ... how ? ... Forget it , I want to ask something .
Oak - Well , ask .
I - I can have here more than six pokemons ? .
Oak - Mmmm ... I think you can have twelve .
I - Awesome ! .
Oak - Maybe , but why are you asking ? .
I - More to the family , two Abras , Essna and Eris , one is black and the other is white .
Oak - Interesting , maybe I can analyze some blood ? .
I - The next time ... now isn't the best moment , and one thing , how I can have twelve ? , the normal is six ...
Oak - Let's say , that is a gift from someone ... I can't tell , so don't ask .
I - Ok professor , I must continue now , so goodbye .
Oak - Goodbye , and the next time , send me blood of all the girls .
I - Why ? .
Oak - Do it , and now I am ... busy , goodbye .

Yea , too busy ... pushy , it is the word . Well , I come out of the center ( saying thanks to Joey ) , and there were all the girls , Ceis , Leila and Maide were nearby to the town is right road , who go to Azulona ( I can't traduce this ... ) , but now I want to talk whit the girls only .

I - Well , Eris , Essna , you can come whit me - then I took two pokeballs - how you want .
Essna - ...
Eris - I come ! .
Essna - But ... ok , you win , put me in the dam ball .

A bright flash and two more family members onboard , this is growing and I like it , then I free them .

I - Like I say , this isn't slavery , ok Essna ? .
Essna - Yea , whatever ...
I - Well , we are more now , we are ready for our next step ? .

After this words a sound cross the little town , like if something really big was moving ... then a aircraft appear , crossing the air at full speed heading to the next city , and the great TR in one of the sides tell me enough , in fact , it tell me the cargo .

I - Ok , lees thinking , we go ahead now .
Aquamarine - Why ? .
I - We are here , and my friends was , so the plane cannot be a chance here , now hurry up - then I think in it , Aquamarine , Aria , Insonica and Silveden were pregnant - maybe ... we can go only a bit fast ... but now we need to move , who are tired say me ... none ? , good , now walk , this time I assure it , the blood is going to run .

I can assure this , my temper is going to make a mess some day ... in my world took me twelve years ( really , twelve ) to be angry ... and when it happen someone go to the hospital , and remembering the first anger here , I can assure the Team Rocket was going need some new recruits .

Leila - Hey ! , that was a Team Rocket aircraft ? - She says when we come closer to them .
I - Yes it was , now we need to hurry , if I remember well enough , they have a little base in the casino of Azulona .
Ceis - But it is too far we arrive today it is going to be night and we are going to be tired ...
I - Ok ... I don't want to force ... half the way and we rest until tomorrow .

I haven't more words , I only want to go there and help my friends , all who isn't they need to wait ... except my daughters-to be , so when the night come we assemble the tent and like the other night I ward the camp ... but something , as ever , something wasn't good , no espying this time ( at least no humans ... ) but all the girls were talking nearby to the fire of the camp , and something is saying me that it cannot be good .


End of the chapter ! , at last ! , Five fucking day's whit the pc broken ! . Now I want some " action " n the new chapter ... you all can see in it what I mean ...
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