AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Lust night


We camp at 10:00-AM , I hope that they can sleep enough until tomorrow ... but the girls wasn't cooperating , already 2:25-PM and they still awake and talking , looking at me from the center of the camp near to the fire ... and for some reason , they don't look like if they are thinking in something "good" , but this felling disappeared from my mind when all what I see was the same place as the one when I was with the Shadow , and only remembering "him" and it make it appear in front of me .

Shadow - Well , how it is going ? , you know something ... new ? .
I - Like what ? .
Shadow - Well , you have more than the normal ...
I - You appear to know all ...
Shadow - I only know what I need , and more , sometimes , but now it isn't the mater , I have some information for you .
I - Ok ... hey ! , wait , wait a fucking moment , this looks like some of the scenes of decisive chose .
Shadow - Too many films ! - He say whit laughs , the firs time and it sound like human , more than the ultra voice like good it usually have - but you are right , you need to chose , this info can be a good news ... or not , but it have a price ...
I - What price ? .
Shadow - Ho , you want to know ? , well , the price isn't chose , it come when it must ... but , it have exceptions ... but now you need to chose , you want the info or not ? .
I - This kind of price isn't good ever , so if all say that the ignorance is the happiness , I take the ignorance .
Shadow - Then maybe .
I - What .
Shadow - Now you want to know ?! .
I - I think better ...
Shadow - You chose ... but I can tell you something , first a question , how much pokemons you want ? .
I - Well ... I think I only want the necessaries , I don't want have who don't want ...
Shadow - Well , I only say that you are going to have the twelve , no more and no lees , but ... in total you are going to have thirty , and it are only an approximated term .
I - What !? , why ?! , how ?! .

I don't know what I need to say here , but as faster as it say that and I begun to ask , it disappear , until the next time . Now I look to the fire of the camp , they remain the girls , like if the time never pass when I was talking ... then I saw Essna y Eris coming there , and I don't need to be psychic for know that they don't come here only to talk .

I - Well , good night there , I hope you all fall asleep two hours ago ... what are you all doing there ? .
Eris - Well we were talking .
I - About ? .
Eris - Well , first whit Maide about you , when she goes to sleep , we talk whit the others about you ... and about what you all do .
Essna - Fuck .
I - Well - Now I was amused - yea ... and ? .
Eris - Well , they say that you haven't done it in awhile now , so ...
Essna - What my sister is trying to tell you is if you want some fun .
I - ... - Actually to far from amuse now ... - But in what the fuck are they thinking !? .
Eris - Well , what is the mater ? .
I - The mater is , how old are you two ? , you are in your first state ...
Essna - Well , we are one year old ...
I - Wait ! , you are like childs ! , I am not a pedestrian ! .
Eris - A pedestrian is who force the childs and like to do it whit them ... I think ...
Essna - And now you don't have another choice .
I - Why ? - Then I try to move ... I was paralyzed ! , I cannot move ! - What the hell are you doing !? Free me now ! .
Eris - Essna ! .
Essna - I only want some fun ... father and mother have we all the time in house , the mystic thing and all , we do the forbidden then , and we do the forbidden now , lie on your back .

And I lied on my back , now this was driving me nuts ! , I was going to be mad a lot of time ... but the matter for me isn't that , the matter was that they were childs ! , I cannot do it ! , I don't want , but I cannot do anything ...

Eris - Essna ! , free him ! .
Essna - I am going to do what I want , and you MUST be here and do it to .
I - You can force me ! , but let your sister if she want ! ... You are doing bad and I am going to show you why if you continue doing this .
Essna - You , I , and she , we are going to enjoy this moment , and your chock , get all of .

The anger was growing inside of me , but I had no choice , so I go undressed , and there was my member , falling whiteout life or energy , but in a second it changed , and it was erected and full grow , waiting to please all who want it , at least , in my actual state .

Essna - Whoa ! , it is almost like my arm ! , I think I am gona enjoy this a lot , but first some lubricant .
Eris - You must stop now ! .
Essna - Eris , you are my sister , and for that I am going to say this whit all my love and all the others stupid feelings ... Fuck you ! .

And whit these words she put all my length in her mouth , I think that was impossible ... but it isn't , and I don't know if I was happy or mad . She kept her mouth busy licking only for few seconds , until my member was lubricated , and in that moment she put herself upon me , and this time I almost can assure that she was smiling when she let herself fall in my chock , making her hymen broken whit one powerful trust , it makes me fell so good , so much pleasure , too much that the fact of her , a kid , don't bother me ... but then I recover the conscience , and I saw her initial pain , her tears running trough her eyes , and her sister crying in silence for what she was seeing , and like if she was felling some of the pain too . This don't take longer , Essna begun to go up and down as fast as she fell the pleasure more than the pain , making the forbidden pleasure grow , I want it to stop ... but I cannot fight the waves who was soothing at my , she was too good , her cunt was wonderful , the blood and her sweet nectar only make the feel better , and as I can hate myself for this , I wanted more . We continue until she want it harder and order me to catch her whit my arms , then the extra strength of my arms and her trusts make the orgasm too close , almost too close , then it happen , I cum in her , my balls emptied in one final trust who filled her , making we both moan loud and broking the paralysis , then I caught her for the neck .

I - I can say ... that the feeling was wonderful ... and for it I hate myself now ! .
Essna - *cough* And you are going to punish me ? .
I - If I Say the truth ... I WANT ! , but I don't do it for your sister , now return to the camp and clean yourself , when I free my friends and I have time , you are going to learn some lessons .

I free her neck and I lied on my back seeing her running to the camp , and Eris crying behind a bush .

I - Eris ... are you ok ? .
Eris - No ! , I am not ok , I am bad enough to kill myself ! .
I - Why ? .
Eris - I know what is going to happen there , and I do nothing ... I know that the character of father was too strong for her ... and even father want it for his daughter .
I - And who is your father ? .
Eris - He is Adraan , is a black/red Mewtwo .

What the fuck ?! , a Newtwo ? , then her mother ...

Eris - I know you are asking it to yourself , our mother was a Mew .
I - For that your sister is to powerful ... and so beast ! .
Eris - Well ... our father was a Mewtwo yes , but he wasn't a bad one , he only has bad temper when we put ourselves in danger or if we make trouble ...
I - And how is possible that you are ... ? .
Eris - Abras ? , they two don't know and we all don't bother for it , so we are happy , at least I am .
I - Well , you are now feeling well enough ? .
Eris - I think ... thanks - she said and kissed me in the cheek , who make my blush a little - now ... I ... I know that she make a mistake for forcing you ... I don't want to do the same , so I go whit her - I grabbed her for the arm .
I - You ... you can do what you want , and I can be as gentle as you want ... I know that you are a kid ... and I really don't like much the fact of thinking in myself like a pedestrian ... but if you want to do this , I can please you .
Eris - (blushing ) Then ... you want ? .
I - I don't want nothing that you don't want to do .
Eris - Then make my first time the best please , enjoy it whit me .

She lied on her back , and it let me a exceptional perspective of her pussy , leaking and waiting for me , so I approached to it and whit a breath I took the sweet scent who make me desire it so badly ... then I approached to her face and kissed her on the mouth , connecting our tongues in the kiss and making the first time whit this kiss exceptional , and for it y approached my member to her clit and gentle I put the head in , who make her moan louder in pleasure , but not only the pleasure is what I feel , for the matter than she was grabbing my back and whit her claws she scratch my skin , but I continue slower whit my trust , until I fell her hymen then I look at her pink pretty eyes and whit her nod I trusted breaking it and making we feel different things , for my a great and indescribable pleasure , and for her a mixture between that and the pain of defloration , but it remind in a few seconds and I begun whit my trusts , slower but as dept as I can , filling all of her cavity whit my rod , and when we were ready , I make the thrusts faster and stronger as I can , giving her such pleasure that she cum in that moment , who make her muscles to pleasure me and make me orgasm immediately , filling her uterus whit my sticky cum . Moaning and enjoying the moment I put out my cock and look at her pussy , it was leaking her fluids and my cum , but when I see her face ... I see how much pleased and happy she was , I kissed her in the cheek and whisper this to her .

I - [ Maybe you can be a child ... but if you are a child I am a pedestrian ] .
Eris - *moaning* What do you mean ? .
I - I don't know how can be do it whit a child ... but you aren't a child , at least don't like a child .
Eris - We are the daughters of two of the rarest and powerful pokemons ... we aren't like normal ones , maybe I am old as you , or more , at least in mind . You know , the brain and soul can be old and wise than what tell the aspect of the body .
I - Maybe ... - then I kissed her twice - but you now need to return there ... and sorry if I hurt you .
Eris - Mom told me that this hurt the first time ... but thanks .

And she returned whit the others , I rested there , whit my axe ( now I know how to materialize it when I want ) nearby to me in a bush , but only few minutes and Ruby come there , and I cannot believe it , she was here , whit myself nude and she was still approaching ... so I try to get up of the grass but I stopped knelling when she sit where she was , almost at three meters of me .

Ruby - Hello there .
I - He ... hello Ruby ... what are you doing here ? - I said blushing a little .
Ruby - Well , first , I need to be thankful to you , you are the only human who is sweet to me , who trait me good , who love me ...
I - Well , if you don't remember , I don't like to be called human ... and Ruby , I love you all , I am not a normal human , I care of who need , want , or deserve it , I am not like almost all , who only take care of them and for no one more ... I said it to Aquamarine , only the 10% of humanity is good and have feelings for the others ...
Ruby - All you said is true , and for it I want to thank you . - She said that and begun to approach to me another time .
I - But ! ... But you don't say that you don't want more humans ? ... Who you don't want to do it more ? .
Ruby - You aren't human , aren't you ? , then I don't see why not , and besides , what I don't want is someone hurting me , and you aren't going to do it .

Whit that words she jump forwards taking me in surprise and she put my chock in her mouth , sucking it at perfection , cleaning the remains of the time whit Eris , making me fell so good , so good that I cum in her mouth and she sallow it all , I don't know how but in lees than a minute she make me cum only whit her tongue .

I - Sorry Ruby - I said blushing .
Ruby - *swallowing* Don't matter , I am used to it , and it was delicious , so I thing we can do the next .

Then she pounced to me , throwing me in the grass .

Ruby - If you cum fast , it means that I was forced to be better one time and another ... I was horrified , but now I can do it for someone who I love .

Then whit my back lying in the grass she put her pussy upon my chock , and she go down slowly , and for her this was the first time for enjoying it , and she want to really enjoy it , so she continue whit her slowly entrance , until she find the head of my cock , who even whit now three cums remain erected , and she slowly begun to moan loudly and whit passion ( her first pleasurable time and whit love , it must have passion ... I think xp ) , then se begun to make it as faster as she can , doing it so pleasurable than I cum another time ! , but even whit that felling and our moans she don't want to stop , and I don't want either , so I grabbed her and help her whit our pleasure , making our trust so pleasurable than in no much time I cumed at least four times , as the same as her , but she don't want to stop , until the five , when she was to tired to do nothing , and my cum filled every inch of her , making our pleasure the best we ever can fell , then I kissed her check and she fall asleep , I put out my chock , but nothing fall out of her cunt ... this mean more family for sure ... but before I can regret , before I can do nothing I feel a sharp thing pointing at my neck , I put Ruby apart as better I can for not waking up her , then I try to face who was pointing at me whit that and isn't saying anything , it was an Absol ! , an Absol whit the horn red and the fur grey ... and female too , I can smell her scent even whit the danger of my life for primal term .

I - What do you want Absol ? .
Absol - Well ... you can say that I want some fun , now .
I - And if I say no ? .

She only presses the sharp horn to my neck .

Absol - Then you can say goodbye to this life sweaty .

Then whit inhuman agility I graved my axe and put it in her neck .

I - Then I have company .

Now the seconds look like hours , she was there , looking at my whit her full red eyes , looking at me like mad , and I whit my brown eyes looking at her , whit all the trust in the fact that I can survive if I need to , but then she bite my arm making a great wound in it and she only put herself in me making me moan at the time tears fall from my eyes .

Absol - *moan* I say *moan* that I want some fun *moan* and I want it now ! .

She force the entrance , surely making her feel a great pleasure whit my cock , but for my this wasn't pleasurable , this even approach to the felling who I love , this was pure pain , felling my cock used and forced to do that , and not only that , the red horn now was red whit my blood , whit the blood of my neck who was falling because of a great wound who was extending thanks to the sharp en of the dam horn , then I contact whit Aquamarine , calling her for a pokeball , fast ! , but not too fast , she cumed in a few moments , making the wounds in my cock to suffer more and even more humiliating , to cum inside of her , then a white flash appeared and the Absol disappeared .

Aquamarine - Are you alright ? .
I - Yes , yes , I think so ... thanks love .
Aquamarine - They aren't needed ... what happened ? .

I told she what have occurred a moment ago .

Aquamarine - Fucking bitch ! , I am going to kill her and ! .
I - No Aquamarine , let me handle this ... I can do something ... now , you can carry Ruby to the camp ? .
Aquamarine - Of course ... and you have one more surprise - she said whit a smile ... and I know what was the surprise , it was big , it was mad , and green - I hope you two can finish faster and you can teach the bitch some manners .

Then she go to the camp and I recovered my ax , putting it in the same bush , and seeing that my wounds was recovering fast , to fast , they were all recovered in two minutes , the same time that Topace need to come .

Topace - Don't think anything weirdo , I do this only for that I am bored ...
I - That is the silliest excuse I ever heard .
Topace - Ok ! , you want the truth !? , I like you ! , you are strong and I like it in a male , but if you become weak I crush you m if you tell this I crush you ... and if you don't make me cum I CRUSH YOU , understood ? .
I - Dominatrix .
Topace - I know - and she lied whit the back in a nearby three , sowing me her great cunt , who was leaking , like for waiting this for a lot of time - now do it , and I am virgin , but do it strong ! .

And I do it , I trust whit all my strength , making her to squirm more and fell a great pleasure and forget the pain , for me was incredible , I broke a huge hymen , as huge as my fist , and it make me fell one of the greatest pleasures ever , so I don't stop , I continue pumping my rod in her as deeper as I can , she moaned more louder all the time , almost all the forest must know what we are doing , but it don't bother me , I drilled her hole , making our pleasure grow for moments . Thanks too the other times I was now too tired , and my orgasm was approaching , but looking at her teeth and feeling her cunt , she was too close like I was , so when it come I let it go , and I cumed in her huge cunt whit a final trust who touch the uterus and make her orgasm come whit such a force who make my too cum a second time . She lied on her back for awhile , until my now tranquilized chock rested in her normal form , then she hugged me ( almost killing me ) and hive me a smile for the felling she has , then she go to the camp , and in the way her cunt was leaking a little blood and cum . Then , without nothing near y took the ball that have the Absol , and then whit a white flash she appeared , but this time who was whit the sharp point in the neck was her , thanks to my axe .

I - Well , now who is going to be a good girl and is going to talk without trying to kill someone else ? .
Absol - ...
I - I don't cut your tongue , but I can cut your horn , whit your hears and your neck .
Absol - You can't do that .
I - Why ? - I said pressing my ax to her neck .
Absol - Ok ! , what do you want to hear ? .
I - Your name first .
Absol - Eternia .
I - Well , this is a BETTER beginning .
Eternia - I ... I don't regret for nothing ! .
I - I already know that part .
Eternia - Why you don't kill my ? , I rape you ! .
I - You want to die too much ? .
Eternia - YES ! .

Then I put the axe apart and sit in the grass facing her .

I - Tell me .
Eternia - What do you want to know ? ...
I - What you want to tell ...
Eternia - Ok ... you want to know , then hear : I was the youngest of five , I don't receive nothing , when I was two I was kicked out of home , then I was rapped for a dammed Houndoom ... after that more things come , but almost all was for what I am ... I suffer all my life , I don't want to live more if the live is like that , for that I become a rapist , but no one can kill me ... no one stand in front of me enough .
I - Then you now don't need to die .
Eternia - Why ? .
I - You aren't going to live that kind of live never more .
Eternia - But I RAPE you ! , I deserve to die ! .
I - You aren't human ! .
Eternia - What ?! ... I don't understand .
I - A human who begun to rape , who become a rapist , never change and can do anything to redeem it , you aren't a rapist ... you are one of the most understand pokemon of the world , but I can hive you a home and a family , love , you can take it or not .
Eternia - A home ? , love ? ... a family ? ... I don't know ... I was hurting you , trying to kill you ... and you now are forgiving me and saying me to stay whit you and your friends ...
I - I can take it like a yes ? .
Eternia - Well ... what the hell , yes ! .
I - You make the right choice ... but I need to talk whit the girls before nothing .
Eternia - Why ? .
I - They are eight and I don't think they like the fact that you rape me ...
Eternia - Ok then ... I am sorry .
I - Like I say before , I know it .

Then I go whit the girls , I try to explain the things to them , I almost don't believe that they give her a chance , so I take her to the camp , and before I forgot I return to the place were I was and dressed up , pick my axe and return to the camp , and like if nothing never was happened ( except that the fact of now four walk strange ) and we know each other forever , make some laughs , talking of some things and finally got asleep , this was a great night at all . And this time , the Blaziken and his master was watching all upon a nearby tree , waiting .


End of the chapter , I hope you enjoy it , I do it as best as I can to take the sex of four chapters in one xp , the next chapter soon ( I hope ) .
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