AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Casino of pain


Maybe I can be sleep , but not too sleep for don't hear what was happening , something was making noise , so I open my eyes , and there was the Blaziken , it isn't a red or orange , it was a brown one and it was searching for something , so in silence I catch my axe and try to approach to it slow , but then and even whit all the girls there a human put a knife in my back , and in the ground how I was I cannot se the face of my attacker , but I can hear his voice .

??? - So , finally you down your ward .
I - What do you want ? .
??? - Knowledge , know if you are whit them or against them .
I - Who are them ? .
??? - The NODI .
I - You don't know even that ?! , and you are spying me almost for two days ! .
??? - I don't spy , I only keep an eye in who look suspicious .
I - Maybe my friends can explain to you , but then we have a problem ... they are prisoners of them ! .
??? - Why I should trust you ? , this can be a easy lie for making me think and then kill me .
I - Then hold this - I said throwing at him my axe - if I am unarmed I cannot do nothing .
??? - Maybe we can ... talk .

Whit this words he sat in the ground and begun to tell me his history , but first his name , Eares .

Eares - Well , my history begun when I was nine , I live in the land of Jhoto whit my family , there I met my friend , I call her Silence , I tell you why whit my history . Well , like I said I live there , whit my family , and her family in a mountain who was only a few minutes walking , we know each other since I have five and she have one , and we were happy , we are poor there , but we are happy , my father was all the time whit his pokemons , training and playing whit them , and whit me , my mother do the same , for that , even whit our poor live we was always enjoying it , until the first members of the now great " corporation " NODI appear , they say to my father if he want to joins them , but even being four they were a little knowing there , and my father refuses ... then I only remember my mother saving my father is pokemons and myself . A great couple of ours passed in the little room I was , in silence until almost the beginning , I only heard two shots and no more , so when I begun to be scared I come out ... and there I find my mother and my father killed , our house destroyed , and almost all the pokemons of my father crying there , upon his body , then I don't know what feeling was more powerful , the anger or the urges to cry there whit them , then I remember Silence and her family ... they were in the road next to my house , all dead , I think they try to help my family and the mans don't have mercy for them , except for her , and even that , they cut her tongue and broke her legs , and she only was a Torchic then ! ... for that and for more I only want to kill them .
I - A sad history ... I think ... I think I can help , I have my quest and mission now , but we can do it and help you , if you want to come whit us .
Eares - I don't see why not .
Aquamarine - A reason can be that you almost kill him ! - She said already wake up and looking at me like if she think I almost dead .
I - Well , good ... night Aquamarine .
Eares - Hey ! Why is your pokemon shouting at me ?.
Aquamarine - Hou ... shut up now stupid ! .
I - Dear , I think we have now the change of humor .
Aquamarine - Go to the ! ... Sorry ...
I - Well , she think that you may not be whit me .
Eares - Why ?
I - You almost killed me , or you aren't meaning that whit the knife ? .
Eares - It was a mistake ! .
I - And she was in anger ... so don't do nothing or it is going to be bad for we both .
Eares - And why for you too ? , I am the "assassin" and all .
I - Short or long ? .
Eares - What ? .
I - History , me history ... no , OUR history - I said looking to Aquamarine .
Eares - Not short or long , only resumed a little .

So I tell the whole history , resumed , and when I finish that and whit his eyes looking at me like if I was insane or something I asked for the time , now were the 5:00 PM .

I - Shit ! .
Eares - What now ? .
I - I don't sleep more than a hour .
Eares - Sleep now then .
I - You don't understand ... if I awoke I can sleep until the next night ... it is something I have since I was born ... go you all to sleep , I am going to be here .
Aquamarine - I can remain whit you ? .
I - If you want you can .
Aquamarine - Thanks .
Eares - I am going to sleep , Silence come - and whit a bright flash the Blaziken return to her ball - until tomorrow .
I - Tomorrow .

We wait until he was asleep to begun our talk , I need to tell her something and her need to do that too .

I - Aquamarine , how are you felling ? .
Aquamarine - Mad ! ... Now happy .
I - Yea , you are very pregnant - I said whit a bad joke - well , at least it mean that our baby is well .
Aquamarine - Well ... I think we can have a problem ... - she said whit her beautiful eyes looking down to the ground .
I - Aquamarine ... this is hard to come out of me , but you are scaring me .
Aquamarine - Ho no , our little Daria is well , very well in fact ... but I think I am not going to have only one .
I - It mean what I think ? .
Aquamarine - I think ... but the fact is that I am going to have a lot ...
I - It don't bother me ! , now I am happier , in fact , I am the happiest bastard of the fucking Earth ! ... sorry , I think I exceed whit my happiness - and I hugged her , one or two daughters , maybe three cannot be bad .
Aquamarine - Thanks love ... but the fact is that they are six ...

This time I open my eyes at their full length ( and I only do that when I am surprised , all the time I have it almost closed ... ) .

I - Six ? ... you mean six daughters ? .
Aquamarine - Pretty much ... yes , I was talking to them when you come out whit the Abras , I want to tell you then but you want to do the things fast ...
I - Even if there were twelve , I still wanting to be father and be whit you , I want to be there and see my littlest daughters grow , I want you , and them , to be whit me .
Aquamarine - Thanks ... it mean a lot for me , really - she said whit tears in the eyes .
I - Ssssh , I know dear ... I love you and I want you whit me ... but now I have a question .
Aquamarine - What question ? .
I - You know how old are they two ? - I said pointing at Essna and Eris .
Aquamarine - Well ... em ... yes .
I - And you ask them to do it ? , even knowing that they are so young ? .
Aquamarine - I think that you don't mind .
I - But ... it isn't their age what is bothering me ... it is the fact that I know this , all the girls who mate me was pregnant ... and now they five ... they are pregnant , sure .
Aquamarine - But you only do it one time whit all ! .
I - Well ... whit Ruby five times I think ...
Aquamarine - that is not the matter ... well she can be , but the others ?! , how can be you so sure ? .
I - I am , I only know that they are , trust me .
Aquamarine - Well ... if you are ... it only mean that you are going to be a great father ... or at least a father whit a lot of sons ...
I - Only daughters .
Aquamarine - Yea , only daughters ... wait a fucking moment ! ... how you can know that ? , you have psychic powers now ? .
I - No , I have a mental friend telling me things ... seriously , it is a shadow or something , it tell me things ... time ago I show you that I wasn't insane , and I remain same , and I cannot lie to you , you know that .
Aquamarine - And why you only can have daughters ? .
I - Ask it to him ... I tell you all what I know in that mater - I lie , yes , but she look like she don't trust me , so why say something more ? . - well , now what you want to do ? .
Aquamarine - Well I can tell you something more ...
I - Ok ( ho god ... what is gona happen now ? ) .
Aquamarine - Well ... I think I know them enough thanks to my powers ... I think they are the six eons .
I - Six ? ... we are going to have six daughters , but we are going to have a new eon to ? .
Aquamarine - No silly ! , one of them is an Eve .
I - Are you sure ? .
Aquamarine - Yes , I am , and I know who eon is going to be Daria , she is a Vaporeon ... but different .
I - Different ... I know that , I am a human , even if I hate it , and for that she cannot be " normal " ... but for being sure how are them , them all - I said pointing to the girls - in the next center we are going to do a blood test and send the blood and the test to Oak , you agree ? .
Aquamarine - If it is for our daughters , then yes .

Whit a smile I hugged her , trying to not do it to strong , I love her , and I want the best , even if that make my way in this world to be a little slower , it is only a matter of time to restart it , and I can be father , what can be more good , now I look at the others , at least eight more daughters , I was sure , and I can love them all and have here a great family ... this great feeling make me cry in joy , a silent cry , whit tears falling out of my eyes and in the face of Aquamarine .

Aquamarine - Why are you crying ? .
I - I am happy - I say how I can .
Aquamarine - I never see a male cry , and I think no one saw a male cry in joy .
I - The males can be all they want , but this is better out , and I want to cry now , for my new family , a great family who I can love and feel loved for .
Aquamarine - Uros ...

When she said my name she begun to cry a little , then she kissed my check , making me feel a little embarrassed for something , but I liked it , hugging her more a kissing her in the mouth .

I - Aquamarine , I love you so much ... I never can live without you .
Aquamarine - Why you said that ? .
I - I don't know ... please , forget it , I want to feel as happy as I can , until we become fathers .

I don't know why I said that ... but I really wanted her whit me , I wanted her forever , even whit my feeling that it cannot be possible , I don't know why , but that felling was spreading on my mind , saying this " you cannot be here , you love her , but be serious , you never want the pace and tranquility , you want the blood in your hands , the violence and gore , you never can love an human but neither can love this place , realize it ! " . This feeling ... this message from my mind to me was sad ... I know that I never can live how I Actually want , I always carry the seed of my kind , a heart who only can love the war , the pain from others , the pain who he , I , can inflict ... but my other side , the side who want the peace , who want to be here , live and die here , make a great family and never be forgotten and alone , this side can be a rather little , new , less powerful than my other side ... but I was decided in stay here so this side need to win , MUST win . " Maybe ... I know that I am a sadist ... I know it since I have my first book [( The Lord Of The Rings )] , I love the battle , the kill , all who it mean ... but I think , I can be as good father as good I am as a warrior ... or I hope so ... " No other felling than being loved crossed my mind ... and I don't want more , I hope that we can still here and nothing pass ... and nothing pass , in fact we were there for three ours . so seeing the first sunlight of the morning I kissed Aquamarine and whit her disapproval ( and mine ) I get up from the ground and took the back pack [( yes , I don't forget it , it is so huge for that ... )] and took a especial meal , it is meat , only five packs , it only can last for two days whit all of them , but don't matter , maybe today can be a good day and it makes me to be in the mood for cooking something [( yes , I know how to cook , even if you don't believe it xD )] , Aquamarine was the first in smell the roast meat , whit all who I needed to make it in the BP [( abbreviator of the back pack )] this make no much time to cook , and when I have one of the packs entirely cooked I served a little amount of it to Aquamarine who was waiting , then Eternia and Eris awoke too and almost they awoke I served them , as the same as the others , and myself to , it can be pokemon food , but now I was felling the ten days of traveling without eating nothing .

Aquamarine - I don't know you have such hunger .
I - Aquamarine , we are traveling for almost ... ten days more or less , you see me eat anything ? .
Aquamarine - Well , no but ... well , don't matter , you are all right now , we can continue when the others awake , you still want to save your friends no ? .
I - Of course my dear , I am a gentleman ... now serious , I want to free them , but I think this can change me somehow ...
Aquamarine - Why you said change ? .
I - It is a feeling ... well , hello there Eternia - She was coming when she finished her meal , and whit light and a smile she don't look nothing more than beautiful and , maybe a good person .
Eternia - Hello ... I ... I wanted to say sorry for the other day ... I know I do that yesterday , but I want to say this ... it is only that I don't know how you can forgive me like that until I almost killed you .
I - Well , the fact that it happen often make it a little easy , and don't bother yourself , remember the other day , what I say is true , at least the family , Aquamarine can tell you what I mean .
Eternia - Tell me please .
Aquamarine - Well , more than the six daughters we are waiting , I don't know what else ... maybe that he is a good person , almost ... he is unique , let it in that .
Eternia - She was waiting six ? ... then how much I can wait ? .
I - What ? .
Eternia - I want to know how much time I need to wait to know if I am or not , but yesterday wasn't my time ...
I - Believe me , whit me it isn't needed .
Eternia - Seriously ? ... And the others ? .
I - Well , let's say this : We are going to be a great , if not huge , family .
Eternia - Then I can be whit you and have a family ? ... I thought that you lie if I say the truth ...
I - One thing you need to know ... I am a awful liar - I said joking [( but it is true xp )]
Eternia - Then ... If I am going to have family , and a place to stay , at least maybe , I can have a life in one place and don't be and feel rejected ... you know that is a strange , very strange thing for an Absol ? .
I - And you like it ? .
Eternia - A lot .
I - Then we all are happy ... well , when they four know the news I don't think if this felling was going to be for all of them .
Aquamarine - We talk yesterday , or you forgot ? , we know what is gona happen , and even Topace wanted it , she never was going to say this , but she want to be mother .
Eternia - A big mother .
Topace - A really big mother , yes - she said , when we aren't looking at her she reach our backs and then she "hugged" us - Aquamarine I think you can read minds , for that when I was thinking of that yesterday I wanted you to know , for tell him that ... but what I don't want was Ruby can hear you ! .

Then Ruby comes out of the buses that are in our left whit a large smile and the eyes closed , and for something I want to say a kind hoooooo .

Ruby - You know I hear all .
Aria - And we do it too - she said whit all of the girls approaching at me .
Insonica - We are pregnant , but we enjoy the time here and want to continue .
Silveden - Even I want to have such a great family .
Eris - We can be young , but at least I want to be a good mother .
Eternia - ( now we are in the ground ) I think I cannot be a mother ... if I was alone , but now I have friends and a family .
Aquamarine - And you know I want to be whit you , and we all can see our daughters grow .

Only Essna wasn't saying something , she was near to her sister , even breathing .

I - You don't have something to say Essna ? , at last for yesterday ? .
Essna - Fuck you ! .

I was waiting that ...

I - Well , you do it yesterday , and badly ... I am still angry for that , Eternia was sorry , but you are like your father I suppose .
Essna - Don't say anything about my father ! , you don't know who he was and what he is ! .
I - But I do , your sister told me , and I know she cannot lie - Then she shut up , like if she cannot say anything , like if she don't find the words - We are going to the next city in a few hours , you can say sorry when you want , until then don't say nothing if you want . And ... I hope you enjoyed yesterday night , I think I don't want to do it ever again whit you if you continue like this .

Maybe I was too hard ? ... Maybe not , maybe I was even to good to her , but it don't bother me , she do what she do and she even say a sorry ... she sure have the mind and feelings of a angry Mewtwo , -Maybe I can change it ... whit the time . Walking slowly I let the girls behind , talking and eating who left ( if something left ... ) , except Eternia , Aquamarine and Aria , who were fallowing me , so when I reach the road to the city I sit there and watch them .

I - What ? .
Aquamarine - Maybe ... you was too hard whit her .
Aria - I don't think so , I think you was too easy .
Eternia - I ... I don't know how you was , I do what I do and I an sorry ... but she don't look like she was .
I - I don't know either ... maybe to easy or to hard ... but well , her father is a Mewtwo , and you know I am a bad liar , so let say this , she need to change a little ... maybe whit the time ... and now I am remembering ... were sleep Eares ? .

Then a scream from the tent tell me were ... I run as faster as I can and when I reached the tent I see Leila and Maide behind Ceis who was holding a tonfa ( you know , that club ) , and Eares was now waking up and whit an sleepy face who make me laugh .

I - Well , I see that you met Eares here .

Saying that I tell them the little history and what he want and must do .

Ceis - Well , sorry for almost crushing you whit the club ...
Eares - I even see the club ... I was sleep .
Leila - The next time you can at least tell us what is going on ! .
Maide - Or at least don't let him near our things ...
I - Well , to much tings , now have your breakfast , all , and do it kicky , I have three guys to save ... better do it slow or we are going to need an ambulance ...

They tried to kill me whit their look , I know ! ... But I wasn't lying , so they have it fast as they can , I put all the girls in their pokeballs ( the city can be dangerous , I think ) and then we come to the city , and it was huge ! , everywhere I look I see people , buildings ... I hate it ... And more for the fact of Maide , how we can go whit her ? .

I - Maide , I know you are dressed ... but here are too many people , you can go whit Ceis and search for a good place ? Without nobody if it is possible .
Maide - Well ... I don't want to be seeing here , surely there are a lot of TR members hiding whit the people , and I don't want to be recognized for them .
Ceis - I take care of you , we can go to one of the museums or too one of the libraries , there isn't going to much people .
I - Then there is the place - I said pointing a museum whit a statue of a Machoke holding the world in his hands - You two can wit us there .

Whit their approval ( and their joy of being alone ^^ ) they two come to the museum , and we go to the casino of the city , I know that this was in the game ... but almost all was the same , so why this is going to change ? . We arrived to the casino , a great building whit bright colors and all ... I don't like this places , but we need to enter and when we do it I see the dam thing , the place was huge , but really huge ! , here we cannot find nothing ... except a guy who was revising a poster in the north wall , it must mean something , that and the fact that the guy was poking the poster and going behind a couple of the machines . When he disappeared we approached to the poster and seeing that nobody was looking at us I touch it , and like I supposed there was the button ... This was easy , almost to easy ... When something like that happen the next thing is the dead for someone , or at least a bad wound [( I know , to many films ... )] , but nothing happen , except the wall in the middle , this part was moving ! , but nobody except us see that , so as faster as we can we come into the secret place and the secret door close . We were at great corridor , well illuminated and who was going down , I free the girls and after telling them were we are we continued . This place only goes down ! , five minutes walking and no other thing more than the large and interminable corridor , or it was what I was thinking until I see a door . When we reached it I cross it the first , and when I opened the door I hear a shot , then I don't fell nothing , I only can see a guy whit black uniform in a foot-bridge who almost was in the roof of the new and huge room , then I look back and I see Aquamarine crying , and the others like if they don't believe what they just saw , then I look at me , I have a fucking shot in my stomach ! ... But I don't feel pain ... in fact , I don't fell anything , and I don't like what it can mean ... until I have the urge to knell and begun to feel the pain of the shot , it was driving me nuts , but at least it mean I was alive .

Aquamarine - Uros ! , are you ok ?! .
I - Aquamarine ! , you all ! , stay back ! .
??? - So , you even now want to protect them ? - A voice said , a voice who I know , it was Alen ! .
I - You are a bitch Alen ! .
Alen - I am not , I only do what I must , the same as you .
I - Stop saying that ! , I am not like you ! .
Alen - Maybe , but now you only have one thing in common , you are already normal , at least for half an hour , give your thanks to the bullet you have inside , our scientist hive all her love in the experimental venom you have in your inside now .
I - And what you want to do whit that , even now I am better than you .
Alen - Maybe , but I am sure you aren't better than this guy .

When he said that he took a remote and press a button , in the right side of the room a door opened , and a Sandslash appeared , but not a normal Sandslash , this was a pokemorph ! , and it was charging at me , in the last moment forced how I can my axe to appear , and whit it I blocked the attack who the angry morph doing , but not for to much , it continue the attack until I lose my foot and then one of the claws of his hands hit my leg trespassing it of side to side making me cry in pain , until a water pistol make him cross the room and hit the metallic wall whit a great force .

I - *sob* Thanks Aquamarine .

I only can say that , now I can think in more words , but the girls can , at leas Topace and Insonica , they to come out and shot her Hyper beams to the foot bridge , making the members of the TR run everywhere , fall in our level ( whit all the consequences ) , and even Alen fall , but Insonica catch him .

Insonica - Can I crush him ? - She said whit his neck in her hand .

Aquamarine helps me for get up of the ground when I saw them .

I - No , at least not now , let me try something .

I remember who types was whit water , and if I have it , maybe I can scrutiny his mind whit some psychic trick , so I placed my hand in his forehead and I try to concentrate , then it assault me . A boy ( I presume is he ) and a Gardevoir , playing and being happy . Then another , the boy was now grown up , like Alen , and the Gardevoir was showing her feelings . Another , they two in the bed of the boy ( I think ) , for what I see they enjoy a good time . Now the vision become whit a black depth , a Bellossom shot from behind a strange powder who hits Alen , then he run and catch the Gardevoir who was at his left and I see how he force her ... then she fall , and for what I feel , she was in coma ... but whit a venom inside of her , maybe for the powder , and when Alen see what they just do he begun to cry , until a guy come there and talk to him , he look confused but better . Another , they were here , whit the Gardevoir , and Alen put her in an ecstasies chamber , it ends .

I - Where is she ? .
Alen - Where is who ? .
I - Don't play whit me , where is your Gardevoir ? .
Alen - How ... how you know that ? .
I - I have me methods , now , were is she ? .
Alen - I don't tell ! .
I - You can be as bastard and motherfucker as you want , but she is whit me friends , I am sure , so if you don't tell me were they are , I am going to make sure that she can recover and when it happen you were dead , understand ? .
Eares - Why don't kill him now ? .
Leila - Yea , he is a bastard and is whit the NODI , why keep him alive ? .
I - Because I only let alive who deserve it , and I see what he deserves , now tell me or I am going to change my mind , because what you do to them two - pointing to Essna and Eris - to her parents - pointing to Silveden - and now for what you make him - pointing to the morph Sandslash - to do to me , and man , this hurts , a lot , so if you don't want to see how I cut your privates of right now , tell me what I want .
Alen - Ok ... follow me .

Insonica put him in the ground and we fallow him , almost all the TR is members were out now , only the scientists still inside the secret place , but we make them flee easily , and when all were out we arrive a great room , whit some cells and a great ecstasies chamber were was the Gardevoir , and then I heard something , like a voice saying *help* .

I - Hey , is somebody there ? - I said looking behind the chamber .
??? - Yes ! , we are here ! , can you come and spent a fucking moment in free us !? .
I - Hey ... Galan ?
Galan - Uros ? ... Hey men , is Uros ! .
??? - Where ? - Said a voice who forcefully needs to be Varota .
??? - Hey man ! Help us ! - Said other voice , this was Cordobes .
I - Be quiet I ... What the fuck happen to you all !? - I said when I see them , they all were transformed , one was a Sneasel , other a Swampert , and other an Aggron - Well , maybe I don't want to know ... and maybe ...

I touch them in the face like Alen , but this time I feel pain when I do that , maybe for the reason that this time I want to change them in their normal state , it took entire minute to change they three , a minute who appear a whole hour , but them was normal , and I was fried for the heat of what I done , I fell pain , but I was happy .

Galan - How you do that ? .
I - Questions after we go out - he nodded - now , Insonica and Topace , please , careful get out the chamber , I am going to free who are here .

Now I was alone and without sounds , except the sounds of the cells , there were a lot of morphs ! , here and there groups of two , three or more , I look if somewhere was a button or something ... but all have a manual keyboard , so for make the tings simple , I pull away the metallic doors , freeing all of them , then Aquamarine come whit Aria for seeing why I was delaying and I ask Aria to get them out , whit the Sandslash of the other level , then before I move and when they go out I fall in the floor .

Aquamarine - What is happening ? .
I - My leg ... it hurts a lot and is bleeding very badly - I said looking at the wound .
Aquamarine - I cannot do anything ... but we need to move now or it is going to be worse .

Then I heard some others voices coming for the backside , I don't want to let here someone , so I take a look , there were normal pokemons , a Dragonair , a Milotic and a Swampert .

I - Hey you all , are you all right .
They all - Get us out of here ! - Even shouting they voices were females ... or I have luck or it is too much coincidence ...
I - Well , careful whit this , go back a little .

They nodded and took a steps back , then I Do the same as the others and pull it out like if it was nothing , then I cannot move , I fall in the metallic floor whit the leg almost useless ...

Swampert - Let me help you .

Whit her help I get up of the floor and begun to walk slowly , until we reach a back exit where was all the morphs , the girls , Eares and Leila . Alen were near the chamber , not looking at other thing .

I - Well ... this can be stupid , but somebody have a dam mobile ? .
Alen - Take the mine ... I don't care - he said giving me the phone .

Whit it I call Oak .

I - Prof , this time I need your help , and now .
Oak - Whoa ! , why so directly ? .
I - Maybe can be the bullet I have in the chest , maybe my leg whit the cut who almost cut it of ... or maybe the huge group of morphs I have here .
Oak - Ok , where are you ? .
I - Behind the casino of Azulona .
Oak - We are going to be there in a moment .
I - I almost forgot , we have a ecstasies chamber whit a Gardevoir , you can take it whit her trainer ? .
Oak - Sure , no problem .
I - Thanks prof , goodbye .
Oak - Bye , and wait there for a medical team of our scientists .
I - Sure .

And I put of the pone .

I - Ok you all , a friend is going to send here a rescue team , I want you all to be here until we ... can ... be saved - I said losing the breath .
Aquamarine - What is ... O MY GOD ! , you lose too much blood ! , someone helps here ! .

I cannot say nothing , I even can see , the last thing I see was Aquamarine crying in front of me , saying something like " hang on ! Please hang on ! " , then I fall unconscious .


End of chapter , I hope you liked it , I think this is the largest I ever made ( well , really I know xD ) , and I Don't know how but I have a lot of work and I even sleep good .. but always make a chapter in a few days ... I like this ^^ .
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