AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Thanks for all


Before begun the history , we are in the fifteen chapter , so I remind you all the characters :

Uros - I , myself , el protagonista ( the main character ) , I describe myself here like I am ... well , a little more forgiver . I am 1,75 cm , brown , almost dark , hair , brown eyes and my weight is 85 kg , data completed ^^ .

Aquamarine - A Vaporeon , but not a normal Vaporeon , she is my love and I love her so much , so much , than if someone said something , whatever to her I can kill him . She is like all the Vaporeons , like almost all the girls , in weight and height , she have a pretty blue eyes who hypnotize me all the times I look at them , her character is very protective when she is mad ...

Ruby - Like almost all of the Vulpix Ruby is playful , kind , and affective , at least she was , until a man of the NODI catches her , she have all the kinds of pain in her body until I free her , now she is like she was before her captivity , and I like it . She is like the others of her kind , red in all ( except her yellow eyes ) , like the real Rubies , and whit her fluffy tails , now she is happy and I want it to continue like that .

Aria - A beautiful Zangose whit the strips of her fur in three colors , the head red , the arms red and the legs pink , she is more playful and calm that all of her kind , but if someone make her angry , then or he/she run , or a new grave must be put ... Actually she is happy and like the company of the others , and it mean security and a happy girl who is beautiful when she smile .

Topace - The bad beast , she is a potential destroy machine , she has a lot of temper and when she is mad you must run for your live , but surely she have a good part inside , almost to inside . Her scales are green , something very rare for her kind , but the color don't mater when she is going to crush you ... her eyes are red and now at least she is a bit happy whit the girls , it means we are far away from the destruction ... for now .

Insonica - A Tiranitar , normal almost in all , except that this is a bit kind and very protective , more than normal . Her colors are the normal , and her eyes are green like her scales , now she is happy for her baby-to-be and she wants her as faster as it can be .

Silveden - A pretty Grovile , like the others of her kind , except her felling of love and her liking for the human kind . Whit pink eyes and all the other colors normal , she have a strong character if someone makes her mad , and if she fights when she is mad ... run .

Essna and Eris - The two Abras sisters , they can be sisters but their colors mark their feelings . Essna is entirely black and hate everyone and everything , even her sister drive she nuts whit her good toughs , her eyes are violet and she even can say sorry for what she do . Eris is the kind of the two , she love all , at least all who deserve it , white is her color and her eyes are almost white too , except for the fact that one have a little red and the other a little blue . They are the kids of a Mew and a Mewtwo , so I must know their parents ( even if I don like it ... ) .

Eternia - A Absol , a cute and good one , at least she is good now , the way how I meet her isn't the most pleasurable one , but now she is happy and she fell loved and I don't want it to change . She isn't like the other Absols , she had red her horn and grey fur , and her eyes are beautifully lilac , I hope she can have a good live whit us .

Leila - A human girl who wants to destroy the NODI ... this feeling is a little extended ... she is almost normal except for the red hair and red eyes , I don't see much more in her ... I don't like humans .

Ceis - A young police officer who want to help me and my friends in this ... and more than it , he want to be whit Maide , and I think he want to be "alone" whit her ^^ .

Maide - She is a pokemorph , her father was a human and her mother a Meganium , both are now dead , I want to help her and when I finish this I search for a place for her , and maybe Ceis want to be whit her ... well , maybe not , sure .

Eares - He is a lonely person , and no one can argue , what she feel when he was young wasn't the best feelings ... He live only for kill the NODI , and whit his Blaziken he can do it , in the future .

Alen - Is he a bad guy ? , or was she obliged for something to do what he do ? , he only have his Gardevoir who one time he was forced to rape , now she is in coma and he want her as fast as it can be , at al cost ! .

Well , there were the characters I created for now , now the signs :
" " - When someone is thinking .
( ) - This mean notes of the history .
[( )] - This means my notes , things that are real .
[ ] - Whispering .
* * - Mean sounds or voices in cover or not too loud .

Now the history , enjoy ( I need to do this only one time for fifteen chapters , only for make sure ... ) .


I - I DIE NOW ?! .

I shout to the air when I saw the same place as ever when I talk to Shadow , I don't feel nothing right now , I even see my legs and half of my body was diapering in the air .

Shadow - No , you cannot die for now , so don't bother yourself whit that .
I - Then why my body is disappearing ? .
Shadow - It is used to your new powers .
I - More things in my body ? .
Shadow - More or less ... when you learn how to use the psychic you did two things , explore the mind of someone and change three persons to their normal form ... it can kill you if you don't know how to do it well , but you made it and now it make two of your " attacks " to show , one is for read the mind whit contact , the other allow you to change in pokemon forms you touch , perfect replicas , but no like Ditto , him need a concentration yes , but if him loose it nothing happen , except it return to the first form ... you can finish being like the mirror I show you .
I - But it is dangerous , why they give me that ? .
Shadow - You can need it , try it when you can , and it can be useful for a lot of things ...
I - I think I catch that ... but " it " don't broke the concentration ? .
Shadow - Well , the only think that can break the concentration is a knock down or a coma , the sleep or unconsciousness don't count .
I - Then it is good enough for me .
Shadow - I know ... now wake up .

Then I do what he say , I woke up , I was in a room such like the pokemon center have ... shit ... I was in the pokemon center , and nearby to me was Aquamarine , asleep , until I try to get up , then I shout in pain when I felt my leg , whit that Aquamarine woke up whit a yelp .

Aquamarine - Silly ! What the hell is happening for that shout ? .
I - My leg ! God it hurts a loot ! - I said whit little tears falling out of my eyes .
Aquamarine - I know , the nurse said that the wound maybe don't heal until tomorrow , and that thanks to your anatomy ... if you were normal this maybe never heal .
I - Well *sob* maybe this can be worse ...
Aquamarine - But it is better instead , the three you saved want to be whit you , take it like a thanks .
I - Well , it was unexpected ... a little , now , maybe I can do what he told me .
Aquamarine - What are you saying ? .

Whit her words bouncing in my head I try to focus in a pokemon , don't mater what kind ... and I only can think in Aquamarine , so I think in the Vaporeon , and a feeling begun to extend in my body when my arms begun to change , fallowed for my legs , chest and head , when it concluded I take a look to myself , for my first time it wasn't too bad , I was a Vaporeon , but whit green skin , I wonder why , but if my favorite color was that , it may be the reason for that . Then I look at Aquamarine , she was amused and cannot believe who she just saw .

I - Well Aquamarine , I look good ? .
Aquamarine - What you just do ? - She asked don't believe this even now .
I - A new trick my friend tell me how to do .
Aquamarine - Well , you are looking pretty good now .
I - Yes , maybe ... but the leg is hurting anyway , I think I am going to change until somebody enter here .

Really , I didn't know how to re-change , but well , I think in how I was , and I changed back , the luck of the newbie I think .

I - God ... now I fell sick - When I say that Aquamarine climb in the couch where I was .
Aquamarine - Now you need to sleep , you loose almost half of your blood yesterday .
I - Half ?! ... Now I must be dead ... how ? .
Aquamarine - The group of Oak give you something ... don't ask , I don't know what that was ...
I - Aquamarine ...
Aquamarine - What ? .
I - Can you ... be whit me ? .
Aquamarine - Of course .

She laid whit me in the couch , purring a little like a cat , I hugged her , like if I don't do it in years , don't wanting this to end ... except for the leg who was hurting like mad . We remain there for awhile , until someone entered in the room , it was Aria , I think she wants to know how I was .

I - Hello Aria - I said incorporating in the couch .
Aria - Hello there , I am glad of your recover ... and I think you need it - She said giggling .
I - Err ... I don't like what it can mean ...
Aria - But you know what it mean , you had three more now - She giggled again .
I - Aquamarine ... help ? - I asked seeing that she was laughing a bit .
Aquamarine - Why ? This isn't bad , as far as my humor don't change ... and you need out some stress , and forgot the pain if it is possible .
I - Now you too ? ... Ok ... but this mean a lot of family for us all ... you know that ? .
Aria - Well , we all are going to have one or two sons ... so we aren't going to be that huge .
I - Yea ... maybe ... " wait until the day when Aquamarine has the six " - I say to myself .
Aria - Then you don't mind if the first come here now ? - She said when the Swampert come in .
I - No ... not at all ... - Saying that Aria and Aquamarine go out and wait .
Swampert - Well ... hello new master - She said blushing a lot .
I - Don't call me master , please ... I am not like the otters trainers .
Swampert - They told me ... but I am used to it ... my name is Sirine .
I - Nice to met you ... but tell me ... why you three take the decision of do it whit me ? .
Sirine - Well ... we aren't like most of the pokemons you see ... we were in that place almost all the life ... you don't know what they do to us ... maybe thanks to the things they said of you we are motivated to say thanks ... but we don't know how until we ask Aria , she told us what you do whit them ... then we think in our first time happy whit this act must be whit you .
I - So ... you are telling me they raped you all ? - She nodded - And that you all want to feel how good it can be ? - She nodded again - Then you are welcome ... but I need to warn you of something . If we are going to do it ...
Sirine - Ssssh ... I know , the others told me ... maybe whit a child I can forgot , and they two to ... and now let me help a little .

I know their thoughts were good , they want help me and give me some pleasure ... I know that they want only to be good ... but even knowing that , I cannot be quiet whit Sirine approaching at me whit her smiling face and a bright look in her eyes , maybe she want to forgot their time there ... but now I only can saw the lust in her , she was used to do this since she was young ... maybe I must stop ... but if I really must , if I really wanted this to stop ... Then I must do it before it started , but I don't do it , she look so good , like she wanted it so much ... and besides , she was now nearby to me , looking at me whit her pretty black eyes , she only kiss my cheek and I feel how my member grow up in all his length , she saw it and whit one of her hands she catch it and begun to stroke . It feel so good , so sweet , she was doing it very gentle , making me moan in pleasure . I kissed her cheek as the same time I undressed myself , trying to don't hurt myself more , when I finished it I quit all who can bother and then she put herself upon my member , then , she let herself fall , making us both moan whit the pleasure , but hurting my leg a bit , but the pleasure feel so much better , so better than the leg don't feel so bad at all , more than that , the pleasure for both of us was increasing so much , enough for her at least , her breasts was now visible , and for making her moment better I squeeze them a little , doing it gentle for her . Her thrust become faster and stronger for moments , and I was approaching to the moment whit her , and whit one final thrust I filed her insides whit my seed , it make us both to feel such pleasure than she have her orgasm as well . Moments later we both recovered the breath .

Sirine - Thanks for that - She said whit a great smile pushing out my cock .
I - They aren't needed ...
Sirine - Well , I hope you enjoy it - She said kissing my neck - Now I tell to Isza - She said going out .

I really want to know how of them two was Isza , but when the Dragonair girl entered in the room it was obvious . She doesn't waste much time in talk , she only come into the couch and approach to me blushing and lying near to me .

Isza - I ... I don't know what I must do now .
I - What ? .
Isza - My master always makes me do what he wants ... - She said looking down sad .
I - You can do what make you feel better then .

She only look at me blushing , until she put herself upon my face , I know what she wanted , so I search for her entrance and when I find it I begun to lick gentle , giving her as much pleasure as I can making her moan in pleasure . Moments later she moved out of my face whit tears in her eyes and moan loudly , she kissed my cheek and put herself upon my member like Sirine , but she thrust gentle , slowly , like if she don't want to hurt myself or herself , and I don't know why until almost half of my length remain out , she was small for my cock , but it don't bother when I feel the pleasure her insides was giving me , she was in equal state of pleasure , even whit only half of myself in her it was awesome . So much pleasure in too short time , my orgasm become whit excessive force , forcing the rest of my length inside of her and making her cum too . We remain there until her approach to me .

Isza - Thanks master - She said whit a smile in her face and kissing my cheek .
I - We are going to work that word out of your vocabulary ...
Isza - Why ? .
I - You can be mine ... but not in that way ...
Isza - I don't know what it mean - She said confused .
I - You understand when we finish this journey , I promise .

She only nodded and goes out . I think I Really need to say the things clearly ... but I had no much time for that , the Milotic entered in the room fast and without sound , even the door look opened or moved , I only know she was here when I look to my left and saw her whit an empty look , like if she was so used to this that even now she can find something except fear of pain in this . Really now I don't know what I must do , but she does , she only put her mouth in my chock and begun to suck and lick fast . I only moaned don't knowing what to do , maybe I can return her the favour and I search for her place , and when I find it I put two fingers into it and begun to thrust in her gentle , she , even whit my chock in her mouth she was moaning heavily , I hope it was for enjoy the moment , but really I don't know , this was the first time I cannot focus in the pleasure of us both , for one reason , she wasn't enjoying this , so I make her stop and look at her .

I - Why you aren't enjoying this ? .
Milotic - I don't know how I can enjoy this - She said whit a sad tone and letting me see her body well , scars and ... some wounds who it is better not describe was surrounding her privates , it was horrible to imagine how someone can do that to a pokemon , whatever it can be .
I - How ... how someone can be so cruel whit you ? .
Milotic - You don't want to know ... by the way , my name is Zsarin .
I - VERY glad if you know what I mean hehe ... but now , if you don't know how to enjoy this ... let me help whit that .

Whit that I put her sex upon my member and puss in gentle and slowly , it wasn't so much pleasure for me , but whit the act of before I was a lot closer than what I think , and she was enjoying the moment now , or at least her moans want to mean that , so I continued , thrusting in her gentle and slowly , even wanted to do it strong I control myself for her , and in no much time she come very strong and making me cum whit her . When she recovered the breath , she only smiled and goes out , moments later Aquamarine entered in the room .

Aquamarine - You are fine ? - She asks seeing me ... strange , even I cannot tell why .
I - No ... at least I think no - I really don't know why I said it - We begun being few and I know I was whit you and loving you - My voice turn sad - But now I don't know ! , I ... I know I love you , and I know I want to be father and remain whit you ... But too many sex ! Too much lust ! ... Too many of all - I begun to cry - Now I don't know nothing ... What I am gona do ? I know I can love you ... but I am going to have at least seventeen daughters ! , how I can be a good father for all and a good lover for the girls ?! ... I am going to be insane whit this - I said whimpering .
Aquamarine - Uros ... - She said crying a bit - You can love me and love the others , you are who said that , remember ? ... And you can be a good father too , you only need time , and it is something that we have - She said smiling now , but she was still crying
I - Aquamarine ... - I said now crying loudly - I love you so much ! - I said when I get up , even whit the pain I was feeling for that I want to do something - I want ... to be ... whit you ... and our daughters , and nothing ... even the pain or death can change my mind - I said approaching to her .
Aquamarine - Stop ! You are hurting yourself ! - She said whit tears in her eyes .
I - I know ! But it doesn't bother me - I said when I was in front of her .

I knell there and huge her , I really feel my leg , I feel it bleeding , but I know that someday this can be a lower price for being whit her ... The live I was having told me that , someday this moment of love , this moment of being in relative peace and feel her in my arms , can be expensive ... and I know the price can be the most beloved thing ... always was that in almost all the adventures , and for that I want mine to be different , even knowing that it is almost impossible , for that I cry , I cry as loud as I can hugging her gentle and lovely .

Aquamarine - Why ... why are you crying now ? ... I said you can - She said sadly .
I - I know I can - My crying look like it cannot stop ... or like I don't want to stop it - But is ... this search ... in some weeks the new year come ... and we are going to be fighting and collecting the medals whit danger all the time ... this cannot be good for you ... and for our daughters .
Aquamarine - This is for that ? .
I - Well ... part of it .
Aquamarine - Then wait - She said running out , I remain there , amused ... it wasn't what I expected , but in few minutes she returned whit a phone , she give it to me smiling - I think Oak have good news for you , and some others news who you want - I really don't know what she want mean , but I call Oak .
Oak - Hello there , Oak at ...
I - The phone , I know - I said joking a bit - Well , Aquamarine said to me that you have some news for me .
Oak - Indeed ! , I have a lot of things I must say now , pay attention . We saved all the morphs thanks to you , at least forty if they cont well , all were grateful to you , and one of them want to ask if you forgive him for the cut he give you .
I - Yes , I do ... but I am going to remember that forever ...
Oak - Well , it is something ... but hears this : The gym leaders heard of you thanks to the cleaned of the city of Azulona , and I convinced all of them for give you the medals ... but ...
I - What ? ... This new was great until the but .
Oak - Well ... in a year and seven months , more or less , is going to be the next championship here in the Indigo Plateau ... and they want to fight whit you there before you fight whit Lance .
I - All have a price ... but if I can quit the search and remain whit them it is less than I tough .
Oak - Well , tomorrow send me the tests .
I - I do it , thanks prof - I look at Aquamarine cutting the communication - You know what he want to say - she nodded - You know we are going to return to the laboratory - nodded again - And you know what I was going to do before I begun to cry and all - nodded another time - Then ... you know why I want to kill you so much now ?! - She only giggled and smiled .
Aquamarine - Yea , you want - She said approaching to me and lying in my legs - But you never can hurt me , you love me to much for that - She said kissing my cheek .
I - Aquamarine ... you are playing whit fire .
Aquamarine - And you are going to play whit our daughters in a month .
I - WTF ? .
Aquamarine - I don't know why , but they are going to be born in the first day of New Year ...
I - It is awesome ! - I said as happy as a child whit a toy - This is the best new ever ! .

I remain there hugging her and enjoying the moment until all the girls come , and when I say all I mean all ! , the twelve was here ! , they begun to hug me , lick me and kiss me ... I was surrounded for them , and I like that . We all remain there until the night , when they go to their room I the first floor , I remain here whit Aquamarine and we lied on the couch how we can and fall asleep to fast for me . There , in my mind I find Shadow another time , waiting for me , whit some proposal .

I - What now Shadow ? ... You don't know I am depressed ? ...
Shadow - I know it .
I - And why are you here ? ... Let me whit the dark I she here always ...
Shadow - I can't , I have a proposal for you .
I - What kind of ... proposal ? .
Shadow - Well ... we don't know that your journey here was going to be so short ... it is a change in the events of history ... as the same as your act in your world ... but thanks for that you are going to see all your daughters born , and let me show the proposal whit a question . You know the pain a woman feel when the child born ? .
I - No ... I know they feel a lot of pain , but I don " know " it .
Shadow - It is my proposal ... you don't know what I mean now don't you ? .
I - You are proposing ... I feel the pain of the born ? Like Aquamarine and the others ? .
Shadow - More or less ... In fact , all the pain you suffer are going to be only for you and they don't feel it .
I - So let me understand that for a moment ... Your proposal is trespass a bit of pain of them to me ? .
Shadow - Exactly .
I - I agreed , I don't want to feel pain ... but it is gona help them in the day , so I help how I can .
Shadow - I know you are going to say that , but I must warn , when you awake , if you don't change your mind and want to do that and feel the pain ... You cannot change this decision .
I - I know it was going to be painful ... excessively painful in fact , maybe I was going to feel only a little of it ... but they are twelve ... even whit that I want it .
Shadow - It is your chose , and we are glad of it , almost no one want to do that for their loves , and for that I am going to tell you what you must do . Tomorrow you are going to tell the girls to do the test and let them all whit your friends Leila , Ceis , Maide and Eares , you are going to say that when it was finished and send to Oak they must go to the lab , but you aren't going to go there , you must go to the house of Hardes , there you only need to put the medals in a circle , then ... see it for yourself . When the first thing pass you know something of Hardes ... Then you see something and you can make your final chose here ... do it cautiously .
I - Ok ... and now I wake up .
Shadow - Exactly , now do it , and do it fast , you have a car outside and a truck for the girls , so don't think much in them and run , if we do this fast you return whit your girls fast .

In that moment I awake , I get dressed fast and kissing Aquamarine in the cheek I search for Leila , she wasn't awake , but for fortune Ceis was , I tell to him what he must do and whit all memorized for him I prepared to go , until he give me the medals , I give him my thanks and going out of the center I took the car and whit the map I arrive in three ours to Harden is house , there were my four friends , talking and laughing , I go out the car , approach to them and doing the circle whit the medals when Harden goes out of the house , in that moment the circle become a dam portal ! , locked on the wastes of Fallout , I only look at them when they jump in that portal , Khorne hive me his thanks and do the same , I remain there until the portal changed , now it was my home , my mother and father ... all my family there ... crying , and I know why ...

??? - This is your choice , what you are going to do ? - Said a familiar voice ... it was the Shadow , but who speak was Harden [( This was obvious XD )] - Well , what are you going to do ? .
I - Harden I suppose ... You don't have the same voice as the night I hear you two .
Harden - I can change my voice when I can ... You are used to this , so I let it , now ... What you want to do ? You can return to your house or remain here .
I - I ... I know they were crying for me ... they are all worry for me , but I have something more important here ...
Harden - Yea , I know you was going to say that ... let here the medals , you don't need it until the time of the championship .
I - Ok Harden ...
Harden - Call me Shadow if you want ... now return whit your girls , they have something to say .

Him return to his home and I return to the car and in one more hour I arrive to the lab , there was Aquamarine giggling and smiling happily to nothing until I approached , then she pounced me and in the ground she hugged and kissed me .

Aquamarine - I want to show you something now , come - She said entering in the lab ... It was desert , no one was there ... but Aquamarine continue her way until we reached a great room were only was an inform - Read it - She said still smiling .

Well , there was this :
Blood tests - All the blood tests show a good quality of it , it mean their trainer take a good care for them and love them , except the three news , they have some defects , but them pass whit time . All of them are pregnant , almost all whit only one egg , except Ruby who have two , twins , and Aquamarine , who incredibly have six . Them all have strange eggs ... they aren't pokemon , pokemorphs or even hybrids , the constitution and for are like pokemorphs ... but whit some changes in DNA , some particles are missing , and some news appeared in the genetic code ... the code who was now in their core is like a key , it open some doors to this babies and lock some others ... the time show what of them . They all have one thing in common , they all are girls , all , without exceptions . All are healthy and all are going to be born in the first day of the year , no more any less .

I - Wow ... this is interesting ... and ... Ruby is gona have twins ? .
??? - Surprise - Said Aquamarine and a lot of more voices for all the room , there was all the girls ! .
Aquamarine - We only want to show you this .
Aria - We want to wait here for you .
Ruby - Until you find that .
Insonica - And you scared us silly ! , why you go out ? And where ? .
I - I go whit my friends to help them , now they all are in other place .
Topace - Ok , it is very nice but now ... I am going to the bathroom ! - She said running out the room .
Silveden - Well ... one who is feeling sick now .
Essna - At least she was feeling something .
Eris - Stop being mad , you are waiting a gift .
Essna - Go to the hell and let me alone .
Eternia - You two aren't going to say other things to each other ? .
Zsarin - I am feeling awesome ! I never hope in feel like today .
Sirine - I love this feeling .
Isza - I want to sleep .

If I say the truth I was becoming insane there , so whit a little goodbye I go out to the backyard ... Even there I can hear them all speaking , discussing ... and even blaming each others for something ... I cannot stand there dam it ... Then Aquamarine come whit me .

Aquamarine - I think you were a little right about what you think yesterday ... to much people here - She said joking .
I - A lot of people ... but now I don't want anything more ... except maybe some silence ! - I said shouting to the door .
Aquamarine - Come on ... I forgot ! Ceis and Maide are going to be out whit Oak for some test ... they return tomorrow , Leila is in the city , and Eares is whit Silence in the forest ahead - She said pointing at the forest in front of us .
I - Ok Aquamarine ... thanks .
Aquamarine - Now ... what do you want to do ? .
I - Wait ... only wait .

And I waited , the days here aren't like in our world , but I waited whit all the patience I can . Day by day , week by week I waited , they all look like they was gaining some weight , but we all know what this was . Eares was whit Silence all the time in the forest , don't coming almost for nothing , one time a day , two ... or one time a week , but we don't see they too a lot ... Leila was all the time thinking ... almost alone , except for Maide and Ceis , they three become good friends . But I only can wait , the girls were all the day one whit another , but I was almost alone , for some reason they want to be only whit each other , except Aria , Ruby and Aquamarine , they three were always whit me , until three days for the especial day , then I Receive a visit .

??? - Son ?! Son ! - Said a familiar voice .
I - M ... mom ? - I said don't believing this , it was my mom ! , I was seeing her ! , and Harden was here too .
Harden - Well , I talk whit the boss and I allow your father and mother to come when they can , but today your father must work until night ...

My mother and I cannot talk or say anything , I only run to her and huge her , huge her so strong ... I don't see her until almost two months ... and as much I hate the humans ... she always was and is going to be my mother . She remain whit me two hours , asking question , I answer what I can ... or want ( the censured moments of course no ) , then I show to her the girls , when she realised what was going on she returned whit Harden , until the next day , and the next ... but the day when it was going to happen they don't come . It was a dark dam day , it was even raining strong , like the dam movies , but I know why ... Oak said that in few minutes it was going to start , I don't need that , I was feeling the initial pain , so I go whit the girls , all were in the floor for the eggs when they come , Ceis and Maide was whit Topace , Eris , Essna , Eternia , Silveden and Sirine , Oak was whit Zsarin and Isza , and Leila was whit Insonica and Aria , I go whit Aquamarine and Ruby . Then , when I come whit they two it started , I begun to feel pain in the chest , a bit in the beginning , then when they all begun to cry and shout in pain at the unison I feel the worst pain ever , all my body was collapsed for it , it was making me want the dead , shout and cry in pain , and more than that , I begun to change don't wanting it , changing in parts , the headfirst , after that the legs and arms , and finally the chest too , I was forming a dam mixture whit the pain . Five minutes cost me return to be human , then I see to all , all the girls were panting heavily , but them don't have eggs , they have our daughters alive , well formed , and even Ruby was finished whit two little and cute morphs whit her , crying a bit . I looked then at Aquamarine , she have two now , Daria and one Eve morph , I took Daria apart and the Eve whit her and wait for the next , even whit the pain I remain there , and in few seconds a little Flareon morph come , I took her gentle apart whit her sisters and wait for the next , a Jolteon , a Umbreon , and a Espeon . I let they all whit Aquamarine and look behind me , there were my parents , looking at me and Aquamarine whit the girls and my others daughters , I looked at Aquamarine and my six daughters ... I was so ... tired ... I cannot breath ... then I collapsed for the pain I feel and fall unconscious .


Well ... this time I must say , that I don't know if the history is well made , I need to admit that this chapter was one of the most complicated for my , and I don't know why , but well , I hope you all enjoy it ^^ .
The next chapter I am going to put all the names and descriptions of the girls , and a large chapter too , so it is going to take awhile .

PD : Happy Birthday AGNPH
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