AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


The love from a father


The next day I awake whit my parents nearby to me , smiling ? , strange ... but when they told me that they all know the little history , and they even wasn't mad for it all , I blow in happiness ... until I try to get up and discover that all my muscles have a great pain accumulated who don't want to go out . I remain in the room until the girls come whit my daughters , all , they was so cute , so defenceless ... I was very proud of them all , but I really even can speak to much and I can't tell to them , but even whit that they know what I want to say , they let me all the girls and I look at them , even without moving I can saw them , they all are like their mothers ... but morph . 

The time pass and we train all the time we can ... not much more we can do whit our daughters here , and for that , the training was the first ting in our mind after the girls . Ceis and Maide don't think the same , they were all the time out , or ... in their room ... Ceis call for a transfer here in Pallet Town , and luckily , they granted it , Maide don't have home , so she don't have problems . Leila was all the day whit Eares and Silence training , or whit Ceis and Maide when she goes out . Eares was almost all the time alone , except for Silence , they don't were whit the others to much , maybe for the reason that the NODI flee into another place after the attack in the casino . My daughters were all the time playing , and they grow very fast . My parents only come when they can , for seeing me and the littlest ones , for some reason , they don't like to much the girls ... I think it happens to all .

One year pass and the littlest were almost full grow , whit the character and personality like an adult . [( Now the description ... it is large, sorry )]

Daria - Daria is the same as her mother , beautiful and whit temper if she need it , she have the same eyes of her and the stature of me ( like all her sisters except Iriane ) , and almost have the same feeling of protection , but we have a little bad luck , she have some of myself in her when she must do some things ... she don't like the orders .

Iriane - Daria is first sister , an Eve morph , she is the smallest of the six whit one meter and half . But she is the tenderest and kind of all , it doesn't mean that she isn't a bad girl when she wants of course . Her eyes are like her fur , brown like mine are .

Faole - The second sister of Daria , the stronger and second in how kind she is , always warm and happy if she can , she have one red eye and one blue , she like it but the others make fun ... until she become mad and shot a flamethrower to them ... 

Jany - The four of the six , she is a Jolteon , and like all of them she is sharp all the time , even whit the family if she is mad for something ... but she is tender when she want and have great heart . Like her sister Faole , she has one eye like her fur and one blue .

Anarsia - The loner of the group and the five born , she is a Umbreon and we even know if she like it , almost never speak if she don't want , and have bad temper and don't like jokes ad laughs , almost all the time she is training or hiding somewhere . She has a black eye and another brown .

Satsika - The last of the sister and more strange in fact , she like a bit to much the mysticism , she practice all day summoning spells and other tings in the same way , she isn't lonely or was in silence to much time , but except Aquamarine or myself , she haven't to much people to talk , even whit seventeen sisters and eleven "aunts" or mothers if you want to say that way . Like Anarsia , she has her colour eye ( violet ) eye and a brown one .

Missa and Hissa - The two twins of Ruby , like Iriane or a bit taller in stature , they two are all the time playing whit her mother and going to the forest and play there , they two are the ones who love the others more than nothing , they don't like a lot the humans things for some reason , they even dress if we don't force them to do it ... You only can difference them for their fur , Missa have red fur and Hissa a brown , going to red , fur , and even whit that someone can be confused whit them . Their eyes are red and brown .

Iperia - Aria is daughter , she is one of the most temper in the group , whit red and brown strips n her fur and the same colours in her eyes , she love the training and fight when she can do it , but enjoy also being whit her " sisters " and play , sometimes , and her 1.60 cm she is more than respectable in fight , I can assure it .

Vermilia - Insonica is , she is , even whit her two meter of stature and a great musculature , very kind , she is always happy if she can and always is playing or training , if no sleeping , and more than it , she love eat to ... or in other words , she took the best of the life ^^ . 

Yarsi - Is the daughter of Topace , and she isn't like her mother in nothing , she don't want to fight , training and she is gentle and kind in all ... but it don't mean that her green body , whit the same stature of Vermilia , is useless , she maybe don't train , but like her sister , she is strong for nature and even don't training she cannot lose her muscles , so if you make her mad ... pray for your privates . 

Xasteria - Essna is daughter ( she want to chose the name , don't blame me if you cannot pronounce it ) , she is the same image of her mother , and she is even more black if that is possible , only whit one meter and half , she have her psychic powers very well trained and if she use it even her mother have fear sometimes ... but her mother don't know that she is kind when she want , or in other words , when her mother isn't nervy .

Nanska - Eris is daughter , white like her and more kind and good if it is possible , she is always sleeping whit her mother or playing whit her sisters , except whit Xasteria when she is whit her mother , in that time he is meditating for some reason . They two , Xasteria and Nanska are only one meter and half .

Ixhola - Eternia is , for some reason she is lonely , she only was whit her mother or whit me ... and she is almost to much time whit me , I don't know why , but if she don't become a troublemaker how I think she can be in the beginning , it is better . Like her mother she have a red horn and grey fur , and more than the " bad luck " she have good , or at least she never have an accident or something ... even her sisters are a lot whit her , even if she don't like it .

Kirna - Sirine is , she is like hr mother now , tall ( 1.80 ) , strong and happy ( she was right when she think in that like a good way to forgot and restart ) and she is a lot whit her mother and whit Isza and Zsarin is daughters for some reason , the time she isn't whit them , she is training or playing .

Arlina - Isza is , maybe someone think in her like half " serpent " , but she and Zaidia ( Zsarin is daughter ) have two good legs , good character and even good temper , she is like a child almost all the time , and if you don't find her , search in the lake , she love to be there . 

Zsarin - Zaidia is , Zsarin have the same name of Zaidia is mother , and Zaidia said that she is almost the same as her mother , except in appearance , she is kind and very gentle all the time , she is the beauty here ( or at least it is how she want to be called ) , a little narcissist , but even whit that she practice a little whit her mother , don't forgetting that a girl must be strong to .

DAY 1º

It is how them all are , and I am very proud of it , but when the six months who rest for the championship pass and they told me that now it is impossible to do it I become mad for a few days , even my own daughters don't approach to me ... And more important , I don't know why I was mad ... but well , in two days it pass and Aquamarine approach to me whit her smile as always ... but this time she don't come only for talk , maybe she don't come to have " fun " , but she don't come only to talk .

I - Hello Aquamarine ... what do you want ? , I know you don't come to me only to talk .
Aquamarine - This time is something very important what I must say Uros ... and I know you aren't going to like it - She said sitting at my left .
I - And why not ? .
Aquamarine - You know how the pokemon teach their sons how to ... mate ? .
I - Err ... no .
Aquamarine - Usually ... they mate whit them .
I - WTF ?! You aren't telling me to mate whit my daughters ?! .
Aquamarine - Yes ...
I - But Aquamarine ! I can't do that ! They are my daughters ! This is wrong ! - I said angrily . 
Aquamarine - And how you re going to show them ? Telling what is what ? Look at them ! - She shout - They are half pokemon , all , they are almost in their first heat , in six months , or maybe less , you want them to go out and maybe get raped or worse ? .
I - And how can them get raped here ? And besides , they are strong ... and .... And I rally don't want to do that to them Aquamarine ... you cannot understand that ? .
Aquamarine - I can ... I know you love them all too much , you even hurt them for mistake ... but I think this is necessary .
I - Aquamarine ... I ... I don't want ...
Aquamarine - You have time ... do it at your speed , but do it ... you must .

Whit that she go whit the girls and look at me ... I don't know what I must do ... I know I don't have sex since one year and half , but even whit that I don't want to do it ! They are my daughters and it is primordial ! ... But Aquamarine remains where she was , looking at me and the girls ... Until Faole come to me .

Faole - Father , can you come whit me ? - She asked whit her sweet voice .
I - Of course dear - " maybe she want only to ask me for some gift or anything like that ... " I think to myself , until I see where we go , I was thinking so much in what Aquamarine said to me and I don't see that we come to my six is room .
Faole - Dad ... I want to ask you something - She said looking down .
I - And ... what is it ? .
Faole - You find me pretty ? - She asked ... it catch me out of guard , why she was asking me that ? .
I - Of ... of course dear , you are my daughter and you are very pretty ... why you ask me something that you already know ? .
Faole - Well ... I was talking whit mom , and she told me that I must know how to mate or something ... she said that I am like a pokemon in the time when the first heat is gona come ... I really don't know what it mean , but she said that you are going to show us , and I want to be the first to learn how it must be done - She said whit a smile .
I - But ... - I cannot believe this ! Aquamarine told them first ! What the hell I was going to do ? The others sure know this to and they are going to want what this means ... I was more than trapped , I was condemned - You even know what mate mean ! .
Faole - Ho , don't think so fast dad , mom show me some things - She said giggling - Like ... you have here something - And she took out my trousers .
I - Faole ! What the heck are you doing ?! - I said now really angry .
Faole - One think who mom told me how to do - She said when she took my chock and she put it in the mouth before I can do anything .

Her mouth was warm , so warm ... so ... forbidden ... this was forbidden ... this wasn't right ... but it feel so good , she was sucking it so gentle , it makes me moan in pleasure . First I try to get her out , make her stop ... but it faster become in helping her to suck deeper until I realized what I was doing for the second time and I put my cock out .

I - But ... What the hell I was doing ?! - I ... I don't believe what I was doing ...
Faole - Have fun ? - She says like if nothing was happen .
I - Don't play whit this ! We both know that you are almost full grow like a woman ... you know what we are doing ? .
Jany - Sex that is the word - Said Jany who was in the now open door .
I - What are you doing here Jany ? .
Jany - Well , I know you must "show" us how to mate ... so I think in "learn" it fast , but I see Faole catch you first , and I also see what you was doing and the question you were asking father ... why you don't relax a bit - She said pouncing me - This can be fun don't you think ? .
I - But ...
Faole - Sssh ... father , this is going to be fun , relax - She said smiling .
I - But you are my daughters ! How I am gona enjoy this ? .
Jany - Think in it like the love of a daughter to her father - She said giggling and then she let herself fall in my cock .

I feel her pain when my member take the virginity of my poor daughter , her tears running out of her eyes ... I don't want to enjoy this moment , they aren't raping me or something like that , but it is something moral ... but when we had five minutes of that I surrender to the lust and catch her arms making my thrusts in her more stronger . I was feeling her ... she was so tight and deep , I wanted to go deeper whit all my strength and making her moan in pleasure whit each thrust now whit the pain forgotten . 
Faole feeling forgotten put herself upon my mouth so I begun to lick her gentle , she was warm , very warm and sweet , her moans filed the room when I put in her insides all the length of my tongue . Now I don't know what is right or wrong , I only want as much pleasure as I can get and give , for that I let free the arms of Jany and whit my hands I search her breast , and when I find them I begun to stroke as gentle and pleasurable as I can , but it was to much pleasure for the first time for them both who have her orgasm in that moment making myself have it to filling Jany is depths . 
This feeling was awesome ... I fucked my own daughter , it feel so warm and tight in her inside ... BUT WHAT THE FUCK !? What the heck I was doing !? My dam need of sex only give problems ! ... Now Jany have my seed in her insides ... all the times something like that happen the girl end pregnant ... I don't want a daughter from my own daughter ! I start to cry only thinking in the possibility of that , then Faole get up and exchange the site whit Jany who lied face to face whit me in the floor , she look so pleased and happy ... like if we don't do nothing wrong she begun to kiss my mouth until she get her tongue into and play whit mine . 
A moment later I begun to feel Faole trying to aim well , I quit of where I was getting up , then I want to give a surprise to my daughters changing in a Flareon and pouncing Faole into the ground giving her a little lick in her cheek and looking at her expression of surprise in the face , but before she or Jany can ask any question I puss my cock inside Faole faster and stronger making her cry loud in pain before moan in pleasure , I think she even know what happen , and maybe for that I was grateful when I do that . She was really enjoying this , more than I was at least , each thrust I do make me feel worse , each wave of pleasure I feel make me want to die more , and all the times I look at Jany , now asleep and whit her sex full of my seed , make me deserve the dead I want , then I feel her having her first orgasm and hiving me such pleasure that I have the urge to cum , and I cannot get of my member ! I forgot that now I have a knot and I pushed to deep and it was now in her insides and it was stuck in her insides ! My attempts for get it out only make the pleasure grow and finally I come into her giving such pleasure than she collapsed and fall sleep whit a loud moan .
A few minutes must pass until the knot return to his normal form and I can get it of Faole is insides , but nothing fall out and it make me cry in silence , then I returned to my human form and take her to the bed and Jany after her . I get out of the lab and seeing that now the night has come I run to the forest whit tears in the eyes and thinking in what I do whit my own daughters , " THIS WASN´T FAIR ! Why the heck must this happen to me ? " I was asking to myself something I answered time ago ... The life isn't fair for nothing and no one .
I entered in the forest and run deep in it until I find the place where all this begun , the river whit the same crystalline water , the trees and the grass , I remembered our first time here ... the most weird I never had ... and I liked it , but now , whit what happened ... I don't know if all the whole world want to punish me or something like that , but now I only want to be alone , so I face to the forest another time and find Harden in front of me , then the time stop like almost always whit him near .

Harden - What happened there man ? Why you run out of home ? - She asked maliciously .
I - You know , you always know - I wasn't in the mood for jokes right now .
Harden - Of course I know , and for that is why I am upset - His voice now turned like the Shadow he was and his body do the same - You think you do something wrong , and it is , but not all is like it look at the first time .
I - What the fuck Harden ! I FUCKED my own daughters ! It isn't right ! - I really want to hit him right now , I was very upset , and he was acting like nothing happened .
Harden - Tell me Uros , tell me ... You has a very strange feeling for the others , ALL , the others , you always have a respect for all , they can be white , black , yellow , gay , lesbian ... you never mind that , for you all are equals , even if they are humans , you only hate the humans who hurt for find pleasure in the pain of other , and more than it , you hate who rape ... but speaking of sex ... you don't mind the gays and lesbians , I know I said that , and even you are becoming ... a little bi maybe ? ... But that is not the matter , I know what do you think about the incest , you only think in it like the normal sex , as the same as the others you respect it too ... And then I have a question , the only thing I cannot explain , why you don't like what have done ? . 
I - Harden ... let me say that I think in you like a friend ... but you wake stupid today ?! - I shouted at him like mad - You think in that is good to do it whit them !? What happened the other times ? All pregnant ... I don't want to do it to my daughters ...
Harden - My friend ... some things we do are doing for love ... others we do them for no reasons and others are doing for the feeling of guilt , the anger ... But if you want to do this , who was going to be you reason ? .
I - You asked a question for who I don't have a answer now ... But it can be for love ... I think at least that it can be ...
Harden - They love you more than their own lives my friend , they do anything for you , and all who know about the mating are thinking it is important to you ... Think in what are you going to do before it is to late ... I am only warning - He said and disappeared in the night .
I - Thanks friend ... I think in it .

I shit in the grass there until the new day ... thinking .

DAY 2º 

The sun begun to rise and I was thinking there like I was doing since the night , until I see Satsika come to the river whit her white rope , she was always whit it , it was my first gift to her when she had her first birthday , she never left it alone , for her it is like her soul , one time Satsika try to steal it from her and it ended whit one month whit Yarsi in the hospital ... I look away trying to don't be spotted and continue thinking ... but I forgot the mental powers Aquamarine hive them for her born day ... She only rested at my right trying to look at my eyes for some reason .

Satsika - Dad - She said whit her sweet voice - Are you mad whit mom ? .
I - Of course not ! - I lied ... and I am a very bad liar ...
Satsika - Dad ...
I - Ok , ok ... I am a BIT upset ... really only a bit ...
Satsika - For the mating ? - She said whit curiosity .
I - YES ! FOR THAT THING ! - I don't want to but I yelled at her - Ho ... sorry Yarsi I ... I am not in a good mod ...
Satsika - I know dad ...
I - Yes , I know that you read my mind when you want , like your sisters and your mother ... I hope you don't do that again .
Satsika - Why ? .
I - I can do a mental blockade if I am upset , try to read my mind again can hurt .
Satsika - Ok dad ... now you can explain me something ? .
I - Of course dear ... ask .
Satsika - Why you are mad only for mate ? .
I - ( Trying to don't blow in anger ) Dear ... I know you spend a lot of time reading and whit you spell books and all ... but I also know that half the time you are reading normal books of all type , you read someone who have a explanation of the mating ? .
Satsika - Of course I do dad .
I - And you know all of it ? .
Yarsi - Yes , I know all the things I must .
I - And you know what mean incest dear ? .
Yarsi - Well ... a bit ... I read something about it , the incest is the sexual act between family members .
I - Keep saying , I know you know more about it .
Satsika - It is ... considered taboo ... forbidden love ... no one except who do it are going to accept it ... or it is what the book says .
I - Almost right , yes it is the sexual act between family members , the acceptation thing is right too ... but you don't know what can happen to the sons of persons who do that ? ... It is almost impossible , improbable ... but it can happen ...
Satsika - DAD ! - She said whit a face of horror and disgust .
I - Yes ... I know you were going to read my mind , you see what I know ... The human DNA is unstable , and the incest is one of the things who can make it worse ... but it isn't who make me angry .
Satsika - And what is then ? .
I - Aquamarine must ask before tell anyone ! We always do the things like a couple ! ... Except this .
Satsika - Then you really don't mind to do it ... except for being almost forced ? .
I - Of course I mind it ! ... And I am more upset knowing that I can like it ... 
Satsika - Dad ...

We remain there for awhile until I wanted to say something to her .

I - Why you come here Satsika? .
Satsika - Mom show me this place half a year ago ...I come here all the days in the morning ... I like it .
I - Ok then ... - When I said that and then I don't continue only a few seconds passed until she let go a yelp - You learn slower than I thought Satsika.
Satsika - That hurt a lot dad ! ... In what are you thinking ? .
I - Now it is better , I was asking myself what I must do , if you want to know .
Satsika - And what are you going to do ? .
I - I don't know dear ... I don't know - I said and kissed her cheek .

A few minutes pass and I she that she was blushing , then she approach her face to mine and kissed my cheek one more time ... then another ... and another , approaching to my mouth slowly and tender , until I stopped her .

I - Satsika ... we spoke of this a moment ago right ? .
Satsika - Y-yes dad ... - She said blushing .
I - Why you all want to do this ? .
Satsika - I ... I thing it is for our love for you ... - She said blushing a lot , and it force my thoughts a bit , until I decided who thoughts fallow .
I - Satsika ... then ... if you want ... we can continue .
Satsika - We can ? ... Then it means we can mate ? - She said don't believing this .
I - Only if you know what you are doing , and really want to do it .
Satsika - I know dad , I really know .

She look like a child who you give she ever want , she was blushing and smiling , her violet fur was very pretty whit the morning sun light , even more pretty than when I only look at her like a daughter ... Now I think than thanks to Aquamarine all my daughters were going to be something more ... But she don't know that or she doesn't want to know , but now I have my mind in Satsika , she was approaching her mouth to mine , until she reach it and kiss me passionately , like she want this a long time ago and never can have it , but she broke the kiss in a few seconds .

Satsika - Dad ... - She begun to say blushing - I always love you , but not only like my father ... I don't know if you can understand it ... but I love you dad - She said and hugged me , I only can look at her surprised , but loving her more than I ever do .
I - I know dear ...
Satsika - Then - She said undressing her white robe and letting me see that under it she doesn't have nothing - You can mate whit me dad ? . 

Maybe I want to say something or maybe not ... but what is sure is that she wants this , and she looks like she wants this badly . She approached to me and kneel in my front , she begun to undress my pants and let out my member , smiling she took it and approach her mouth to it until she have all my length inside , it was giving me a great pleasure and this time I don't want to do nothing , I don't want to make this more hard of how it was now , it only was going to make this worse . She was doing this very gentle , enjoying this as much as I was , but she was giving me so much pleasure than I cannot resist it and explode in her mouth , she only sallow all and look at me like she was very happy .

Yarsi - It taste funny , but I liked it - She said still smiling - Now you want to do something more dad ? - She said lying in the grass and letting me a good view of her sex .
I - Of course dear - I said approaching my member to her hole - You know that this is gona hurt a little ? - I asked her .
Yarsi - I know dad ... but do it ! - She said griping my back and forcing a thrust in her making a suction sound accompanied whit a moan of mine and her tears .

I know that she was who hurt herself , but even whit that I feel myself a bit culpable for it , but now I cannot stop , the lust was filing all my body whit the pleasure as well . She was moaning now , enjoying this moment as much as I was , now the incest , the taboo who this was supposed to mean don't bother me for nothing , except pleasure . I continued pumping inside of my daughter , thrusting like mad and enjoying it us both . I realised that this cannot last forever , I must get it out in time or it was going to be worse than two daughters ... But suddenly she put her arms in my back making me to stay there .

Yarsi - Father *nhggg* I know that you *moan* don't want to do it inside ... but hooo father ... I want to feel it ... please ! .

She said that and makes my pleasure grow forcing me to thrust deeper .

I - Hou *pant* ... Yarsi *moan* I am gona cum ! .

Said that I thrust all my length inside of her and explode in her uterus , filling all her insides and feeling one of the best pleasures I ever feel , and she do the same as well , her orgasm feel incredible and forced my member to let out all the cum who remain in me filling even more her insides and don't letting to go out even an inch of my member , assuring that all my seed remain in her . When it ends and the pleasure go away I look at my daughter , my beloved Satsika ... whit her five sisters they are who look more to me , and they are who I love a bit more than the others , I don't know why , but I do .

Satsika - Thanks father ... I don't know how long I waited for that ... - She said whit tears of joy in her eyes and warm feeling in her insides who was making her blousing all the time .
I - You love me that much ? - I asked whit a bit of surprise .
Satsika - We all do father ... We neither like very much humans or pokemons ... mother say that it is like your fault ... something whit the genes .
I - Yea ... something like that ... But wait ! ... You said that ALL love me ? - I wasn't surprised ... but what the fuck ? She said that like it was normal ! .
Satsika - Well ... yea , they do ...
I - Ok ... simply that , it is Ok ... Hell no ! , this is worse than I thought dam it ! ... no only six ... all want this and all love me that way ... Satsika I am not saying that I don't want it but ... It is that I said I don't know if I was going to be a good father ... And this is fucking it up .
Satsika - We all talk dad , they say that they accept what you want ... But they all want more than a father is love . Dad I can do want you want and when you want ... But say no to this feeling is to much for me , and for the others is going to be the same .
I - I know my dear ... But it is too much ... If you all are pregnant when this ends ? Then I have more child's ... I don't want it to happen I cannot handle it in any way .
Satsika - We are here for you dad , you always can count on us like we count on you ... Nothing bad is going to happen , only be happy whit us and we do the same - She said licking my cheek .
I - Ok Satsika ... Now please go to the lab and remain there I am going to rest here for a time and - I said taking my pants - And return it .
Satsika - What are you talking about father ? - She said innocently .
I - Yarsi , we can do whatever you want and you can be as grow as you want , but it is mine ... now give it back - I said extending my hand .
Satsika - Father ... please one time ... please ? .
I - Never , it is my Discman and only mine , and besides ... you also took my collection too , now give it back , when this finish I let you all heard it .
Satsika - You are cruel when you want dad - She said whit a bit of anger .
I - No , I am not , I am a rock lover , so give it - I say that and she returned the Discman - Now one thing , I know that you are going to tell where I am , don't try to say nothing , I know it , but do me a favour ... Only tell it to a few , I want to do this slow and whit good mood and don't be forced to nothing .
Satsika - Ok dad ... but I am not going to tell you who I am to tell this - She said putting her robe .
I - It is fair , now go my daughter , I need to be alone for a time - I said and she begun to go across the plain when I put on the Discman at full volume filing the air whit the Rock music until I cut it of and I heard Yarsi is laughs ... I really love their laughs and smiles .

I remain there all the day , hearing the music and looking at the water , the same water in the same river who saw the beginning of this ... A lot of memories were now running in my mind , some sad , some happy ... But the bests are the times when I was finding and meting all the girls , one by one ... This wasn't a feeling who you want to forgot . After that I remembered the pain of the born ... No one except the girls can " tell " it , now I can . It was like ... like an orgasm , but reversal , the pleasure changed for the pain and much worse than the simply pain of all the time , you can even broke a limb and if you feel this after that , you pray for change this pain for the other ... But when it stops you found all the happiness you ever want to met , your sondaughter ... The pain can be described , but this feeling cannot be , it is something that you must discover when your time come , if you want it to come . But remembering that is one of the reasons why I don't want to do this , I only want good memories of my time whit my daughters ... not the memories of how I make them carry more babies in their hands ... it can be too much for they and for me .

Thinking in that the night finally comes , and seeing that nobody come here , then I realized who know where I was . I only had the time to hear a step behind and turned to grab the katana of Anarsia , the same katana I make to her a year ago for her birthday whit all the weapons for all my daughters .

I - You know if you make a simply sound you never catch me - I said smiling at her .
Anarsia - It is not fair father ! - She said looking at me whit her eyes glowing whit the moon light .
I - Anarsia , I never figured why you asked me for such a weak weapon like this ... Until I find how you like to be , a loner , hiding in the dark ... You are like a ninja my child - I said joking - But ! - I yelled materializing the shield and holding the two maces that was coming to my chest - I am never going to know why you two wanted this spiked maces - I said looking at Iperia and Ixhola - And you never tell me .

They drop their weapons like always they don't catch me ... all the times in fact , and begun to talk .

I - Well , I Already know , but why are you here ? - I asked knowing the response .
Iperia - If you already know , then why are you asking dad ? - She said looking at me maliciously .
I - I want to hear it from you .
Ixhola - We are here for you father - She said blushing a bit .
I - Yea , I figured that , but knowing you all how I do , I was expecting other words .
Anarsia - I only come here for seeing if you were all right dad .
I - Don't lie to me , you know that you cannot hide anything to me ... And besides , I am going to be used for this in a time ...
Anarsia - Its true dad ... I only come here for that , seriously ! - She said firmly .
Iperia - C'mon , you want to come for other things .
Ixhola - You want to come here as much as we do sis .
Anarsia - But I don't want to come here for what you want ! .
I - Enough ! - I yelled to them - This is hard to me thinking in what I must do to do it when I am mad ! So we are going to be friendly now ! Understand !? - They only nodded - Well , it is good that way ... Now some questions ? For anything ... - I really want to slow this a bit ... they are three no less ! .

A few minutes of silence become to this place ... They three look pensive , like thinking if do this easy and slowly like I want ... Or asking something before have some fun .

Anarsia - Dad ... I see you almost all the time training whit mom and the aunts ... Why are you doing that ? - She asked innocently .
I - For maintain myself sane whit you all running towards the entire whole place ... And for keeping the form .
Anarsia - Very fun dad ...
Iperia - I have another question ... How you summoned that shield of wood ? .
Ixhola - Yes it is ... disturbing , interesting but disturbing .
Anarsia - Yea ... And by the way tell me how you managed to catch the katana whit your hands .
I - I never told you , and you never ask your mothers about myself hu ? ... I am your father and you don't know me ... It is a disappointment - I said materializing the axe and looking at her surprised faces - Quite good for what I see , now lets try something more - I said changing to a Eve .
They all - WTF !? .
I - I see that you are a bit surprised - I said changing back - But I know more things that I don't show you all for now ...
Iperia - Father ... How hide you this to us ? - She said whit a timid voice whit , maybe , a bit of fear in it .
I - Some things must be guarded , some others not ...

A few more minutes passed until I begun to smell something ... Looking for whatever was causing this strange smell I look at Anarsia , even whit her black fur her blushing was obvious , and more obvious when she saw that I know , then her rings begun to shine a bit .

Anarsia - [ I don't come here for that ! I am not a fucking bitch ! ] - She said whispering , but I heard her .
I - You aren't it for wanting to do this ... Aquamarine said that it is normal , but ... The one who don't have this clear ... But for what I am seeing you all have this cleared enough , so clear than Aquamarine tell you first .
Anarsia - But d-dad ! ... Mom doesn't do any bad ! .
I - Maybe ... But give me a reason to think that way - Said that she pounce me and kissed me in the mouth .
Anarsia - For me this is a good reason dad - She said when she broke the kiss .
Iperia - [ It is no fair ! I want to start this ] - She said getting up .
Ixhola - [ Don't fuck their mood sis ] .
Iperia - [ What do you mean ? ] .
Ixhola - [ I mean ] - She said getting up too - [ That is better to wait " outside " ... Let them have their time ] - And she go to the forest whit Iperia grumbling all the way .

Anarsia remained upon me blushing and smiling for few minutes until we realized that Iperia and Ixhola were out , then she blushed even more knowing why they to that .

I - So .. My little and lonely daughter want to come here whit them for making sure that I was ok ? - I said a bit of sarcasm in the voice .
Anarsia - Sorry dad ... but when Satsika told me ... Well , I was excited and happy for the reason that I can make you happy too ... But now I remember what she said about this thing of ... incest .
I - So you have my common sense ? It was unexpected .
Anarsia - Dad ! Stop teasing me ! .
I - Ok my dear - I said hugging her - You know that you can choose not do this if you want - I said trying to comfort her .
Anarsia - But it is the problem dad - She said whit tears in her eyes - I want to do this ... I don't know why but I want - She cannot stop crying ... this was bad for me , but for her ? She even knows why she wants to do this , and the heat cannot be until six months more .
I - Anarsia ... If you want I ... I can do this whit you , but only if you really know why , if not , this can give us both more pain and suffer than we want ... You understand what I want to mean whit this ? .
Anarsia - I think I do dad ... But even whit that I cannot figure why I want ... But our sisters ... Almost all know why , and almost all say the same thing ... They don't want you only like a father dad - She said ... Really I know that , but I only want to be a father ... A good one .

I remembered when they were born ... I still can feel the pain sometimes ... And it is the only pain who honoured me in some way , the only pain I want to feel another time ... but not now , not this way at least .

Anarsia - Dad ... Now I think I know why I want - She said looking at the stars .
I - And what is the reason then ? .
Anarsia - That you love us so much dad - She said looking at me now - You always treated us so well ... Even when we do something wrong you were there for all of us , you never hurt us even for mistake ... You never do anything bad or good in excess ... You only was there if we do the wrong things , and if we do the right ones you give us what we want , if it is expensive or whatever you don't care ... You give us all dad .
I - I was only trying to be the best dad I can be ...
Anarsia - You were dad ... And you still are - She said hugging me - I ... I always see you like more than a father ... Like all of them , but ... We never tell you , because mother said we must do the things at their time .
I - So Aquamarine know this a time ago hu ? ... All know the things that I must and I don't . 
Anarsia - Dad , are you mad at mom ? Satsika said that you are a bit upset .
I - And why not ? She knows things that I must , and this time she isn't talking whit me ... It is my fault ... I do something wrong ...
Anarsia - Don't say that dad ! You never do anything wrong ... You only make mom happy , and the aunts too , you are the best dad ... And ... and for that I love you dad - She said kissing me in the mouth another time .

Her mouth was warm an her black fur was beautiful whit the night and her rings glowing like them were doing , she broke the kiss and looked at me whit her beautiful eyes , she knows what she wants , and she wants it now .

----- Somewhere in the forest 

Iperia - They are still talking sis ? - She said , she was becoming a bit impatient .
Ixhola - Fuck you sis ! Five seconds and ask the same question another time ! ... Holy mother of fuck ! - She said looking at her glowing sis - They aren't talking now .
Iperia - So she at last jump on it isn't ? I was getting bored ... How they are doing ? .
Ixhola - Ho fuck ...
Iperia - What sis ? Don't say to me that you pee your pants for seeing them doing it - She said laughing loud .
Ixhola - I don't pee asshole ! In fact I think I had too much for only seeing them .
Iperia - Fuck it ! You cummed already ?! ... Hahahaha ! Then what is gona happen whit him ? - Sometimes she says the wrong thing ... and this time she fucked it up really bad .
Ixhola - Fuck you sis - She said hitting her face whit a "slap" - You are a fucking asshole all the time but this time you do the wrong thing - She said angrily and going to the lab across the forest .
Iperia - But ... WTF ? - She remain there for a few seconds until she run after her sis , she make a mess this time and she need to fix it .

----- Returning to the "action"

Anarsia - Deeper father *moan* deeper ! - She said whit all my length in her wet cunt .

This was very fast ... she undressed herself as fast as I do and we both let out the preliminary and go to the action fast and whit lust .

I - I ... I am trying ! - I said trying to go deeper for her pleasure and mine .

We were doing this for a quarter an hour and we were enjoying this so much , I was now used for this feeling and I wanted more , and I was having it . She was upon me like almost all the times I do this , but is a posture I learned to enjoy . I was going deeper as far as I can thrusting in her walls who were bleeding a bit like all the first times for all the girls , she was moaning and enjoying this new feeling for her , and more than that , she was enjoying that I was who do this whit her . A few seconds passed and I feel her walls contracting .

Anarsia - Father ! I feel something coming ! *moan* But don't stop ! - She said as louder as she can .

Obviously I don't want to stop now , I was too close for don't finish this , for that I thrust one more time letting my seed come out and filing her depths and making her orgasm more pleasurable than I thought , her walls imprisoning my member inside of her and don't letting it come out .

Anarsia - Father *pant* this was wonderful ... *moan* we can do this some other time ? - She asks pleased and happy .
I - Maybe my dear .. Maybe - I really don't want to do this more than this time ... but I know that I was enjoying this , and it was a bit repulsive - But now I must get this of - I said trying to get my member out of her cunt and seeing that I cannot - Ho fuck ...
Anarsia - It is stuck ? .
I - Hell ... yea it is ... Well dear , hug me whit all your strength - I said having something in my mind .
Anarsia - Ok dad - She said griping her arms around my body - But why you ... - I don't let her finish what she want to say when I get up charging her body - Holy fuck dad ! .
I - Ok , this is it , I am going to return to the lab now and whit you ok ? - She nodded - Then don't release this embrace or we are going to feel a great pain - She only nodded a second time .

And then I begun to carry her whit me crossing the forest , don't knowing that someone was spying us .

----- In the area near to the lab 

Iperia - C'mon I said that I am sorry .
Ixhola - Fuck you ! You heard me ? Fuck you ! I am mad now because of you sis ! All the times we do something we end fighting and then we need to lie to our moms and to dad too ... And he always know when we lie , like grandma and grandpa ... But this time I am fucked , I am going to do like Ana , I am going to be alone .
Iperia - But sis ... I am really sorry , it was only a joke - She said feeling worse than ever .
Ixhola - You never hear when dad was talking to us ? He always said that make fun of the others isn't good for the person you are doing that and neither for you ... And you throw apart what he show us ... All our sis had their bad moments , even I ... But you are a fucking bully sis and I am tired of it - And she entered in the lab .
Iperia - But - She said crying - But I can change ... Sis I can change ! Please come here ! .

She cried and cried until the door of the lab opened again and Ixhola come out .

Ixhola - I am not like dad , I give you an opportunity , no more - She said looking at her angrily .

She only can cry now , until her sis knelled and hugged her .

Ixhola - C'mon , dad is going to be here soon and is going to see u being friendly .
I - Late little ones - I said whit a great smile , but still whit Anarsia in an awkward position - Now what happened ? ... And we discus how we are after hear your history .

And they told us ... I really hoped that none of them do anything bad ... I know that Iperia is a bit ... a bitch in that terms , but I never know how she was really ... It wasn't bad what she had done but neither was good . When they finished I , at last , can get my member out of Anarsia whit a moan of us both .

I - Well ... I really hoped that you all hear me when I talk ... I see that you had my hears for what you don't want to hear - I said a bit upset .
Iperia - I am sorry dad ... really sorry , I don't do such a think never again .
Ixhola - And I can verify that and take an eye in her .
I - Ok , it is fair enough ... now I am a bit tired and I want to go to my room ... we meet in the morning .
Anarsia - Goodnight dad - She said still smiling .

Then I entered in the lab and headed to my room .

----- Outside whit the girls 

Iperia - How ... How it feels sis ? .
Anarsia - It is ... wonderful , all pleasure after the initial pain , it hurt a bit but it isn't a feeling you want to miss .
Ixhola - Then maybe we must show our feelings to dad now ? - She said giggling to Iperia .

----- In my room 

" Fuck I am really tired now ... Tomorrow I am going to do whatever ... but now I must sleep " I said to myself when I entered in the room and see that Aquamarine were in my bed whit Iriane ... I was really mad whit Aquamarine , but I were a entire day without her and I already missed her so much , so I only lied in the bed between they two and fall asleep .

DAY 3º

??? - Dad ...

" WTF is happening ? Let me sleep dam it " I think for myself whit somebody poking my back .

??? - DAD ! - The voice was Iriane ... I know that when I see her hand poking my face now - This two are teasing me ! - She said pointing at Iperia and Ixhola .
Iperia - We only want to be here ... It isn't our fault if she wakes up .
Ixhola - True .
I - And you need to wake up me ? - I said incorporating in the bed and too late that I was all undressed .
Iperia - Holy fuck dad ! - She said looking at my member who I don't show them when I was whit Anarsia yesterday .
Ixhola - It is all the time hard ? - She said laughing ... I only can blush .
Iriane - This is what mom said ? This is used for mating ? - She really had a child mind , but this time she was teasing more than playing .
I - Hey ! Give me a break dam it ! ... This is going hard enough for me , don't make it harder .

A cold silence was in the room ... Maybe I said something wrong ? ... Or maybe ... Fuck I wake up Aquamarine ...

I - Hello dear ... How are we today ? - Yes , I said something stupid , but if I say another thing it only can blow my anger out .
Aquamarine - Mad right now ! Why the heck you all wake me up ? - She , like me , has a bad wake up time .
I - Hey ! It is not my fault here ! - My anger was thinking for me now , and I cant stop it - And if this is happening is for you ! .

A new moment of silence and the little cry of Aquamarine and Iriane is the only thing we hear .

I - Sorry Aquamarine ... I don't want to say this but ... But this two days was to hard for my mind , I cannot take it so easy , and it is more hard for when I know about that you was informed of her thoughts time ago and you don't tell me ... How I can be a good father knowing that you have secrets ? You never had even one ... What is happening Aquamarine ? .
Aquamarine - Uros ... I ... I never had secrets before but , it was because you always heard me when I tell you all , and you never was mad of anything ...But when I heard what they all had for you , not a gift , not a hug ... Nothing from a child you raised , nothing from a daughter you protected ... It was a gift from a woman who love you - She said still whit tears in her eye .

I only take a look in the eyes of my daughters ... All of them had the same look like the girls and Aquamarine had when we find our love ... And I don't know if this was good or bad .

I - I know that you all love me but ... How you love me ? Like father ? Something more ? Or both ? - I must know what their want from me ... I don't want to hade a close mind no more , or I know or I don't do nothing .
Iperia - We never know why we love you more than a " simply " father dad ...
Ixhola - Until we spoke whit the doctor ... He tell us all the forms of love , and we look at them all , searching for an answer ... No one was our love , until the time we all go to the prof and making him to tell us the last form of the love ... He tried to don't tell us ...
Iriane - Until I put my puppy eyes - She said smiling .
Iperia - Then we know what we want and why we want it .
Aquamarine - And then I must make a decision dear ... And it was waiting , if we tell this to you when they were younger ... maybe this was even worse ...
I - I see ... But how many time you had this in secret ? ... If you explained this before , maybe I understand it ... But how you did it is ... questionable .
Aquamarine - Then you aren't mad at me now ? .
I - No , I am not mad now ...But don't never , you hear me ? Never more secrets - I said kissing her .
Iriane - Dad ! It is disgusting ...
Aquamarine - I don't think so my dear - She said broking the kiss - In fact e like it - She said giggling - Now ... We don't do it since ... How much , a year and half ? - She asked maliciously .
Iriane - Mom ! .
Aquamarine - What dear ? Are you jealous ? - She said whit a maliciously smile in her face .
Iriane - Well ... no ... But we are here ! How you two can do this whit we here !? .
Ixhola - Easily if we join them - She said blushing .
Iperia - This can be fun , c'mon sis , enjoy the moment .
Iriane - But are you all insane ?! .
I - Dear - I said looking at her - This time even I want to do this ... It was to much time without her - I said now looking at Aquamarine - You don't need to do this if you don't want to , but I know that you want .

We remain in silence a few seconds waiting to her response seeing her hears pointing down like all the times she must take a decision , until Aquamarine whisper something to me . Then I changed into a Vaporeon .

Iriane - Dad ?! - She said confused .
I - You like this ? She asked me to do this for you - I said smiling .
Aquamarine - Dear ... You can do this later , or don't do this at all , but you must decide it now ... I have urges here .
Ixhola - This is going to be great sis ! .
Iperia - C'mon ! We don't want to wait forever ! .
Iriane - Ok ! Ok I do it , I really want to , but I think in it like something different ... more private or romantic ... or something .
I - You are still a kid my dear . 

I was going to laugh when Aquamarine pounce me into the bed and forcing me to face her smiling face . Seeing that Iperia took my member and put it in her mouth sucking it gentle , then Aquamarine knowing that she must wait a bit turned herself sowing her wet cunt to me and I put my tongue in her insides making her moan in pleasure . Ixhola and Iriane begun to " play " whit their breasts at my right , Iperia continued her job sucking gentle and taking all my length in her mouth until I explode inside and she quit , moment who Aquamarine use to put her cunt in my member and moan in more pleasure when tears begun to fall of her face and mine , she begun to go down slowly and then up faster only for do it more fast and strong . Iperia seeing that she cannot do noting was going to play whit they two until they took her and play for her in this , now , bisex orgy . Our moans filed all the room when my orgasm , one reserved to Aquamarine , exploded in her insides forcing her to sleep when her orgasm passed out in the bed .
This moment was taken for Iperia who put herself upon my cock and without words let herself fall , it hurts a bit , but a lot more for her , her first time could be less painful , but well , she is temperamental ... In my form now she was enormous , but I was helping her pumping faster in her insides and making our pleasure greater . She was so thigh , even whit my form now my member doesn't change in length , and it was a bit uncomfortable , but this was feeling so dam good that even it was nothing in comparison . She continued her movements until the pressure of this pleasure was to much for us both and she exploded first closing her walls and imprisoning my member until I free my seed in her insides whit great pleasure and loud moans .
She quit of my member and kissed me saying " Thanks dad " and I see Ixhola upon Iriane kissing her , I approached to her and putting my upper body in her back and put my chock in her gentle , being careful of hurting her or myself whit her sharp tail . When the cock was well placed and she was prepared to receive it I thrust in her broking her hymen and making we moan in pleasure . I make this a bit faster helping my thrust whit my paws in her back going deeper and pleasure us both more , until Iriane begun to suck my ball and making my pleasure grow enough to explode in the insides of Ixhola giving her first orgasm and her first taste of cum when she took a bit of it .
She and Iperia rested in the bed whit Aquamarine and I looked at Iriane , she was the last here and now , and if I do it now only eleven more to go .

I - Then my daughter , you want ? Really want ? - I don't want to force her to nothing , I was enough forced for do it to someone else .
Iriane - Well ... I don't know for real dad ... I really enjoy what sis do to me ... But I don't know if I want to do this now ...
I - Then we wait , I don't want to go faster tan you want .
Iriane - It remind me ... that the others said to do this slow , they think you have to much pressure now ... Maybe a slow down for you .
I - I am grateful for that - I said a bit relieved .
Iriane - Don't thank us dad , we are going to do this slow , but we don't want to stop this - She said smiling .
I - Yea , I know that ... But now , if you don't mind ... I want to rest ...

She lied in the bed and said to me .

Iriane - Then rest whit me dad ... I don't want to do this now , but you can sleep whit me like a father , it isn't wrong yes ? .

I simply lied upon her , without strength for even talk , and less strength for being awake , so I close my eyes , and rested until I fall asleep .


Well , this is a new way in the history , I really don't mind the incest to much , it is like normal sex to me ... But like I said there , I don't want to do it for myself , even whit that this idea come to me and I cannot change it for some reason ... And what I want to say is :
First : Sorry for the delay , this took me half a month or more .
Second : I hope you all like this chapter who took me eighteen pages and a lot of work .
As always , thanks for reading and enjoy this enormous chapter ^^ .

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