AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Hate , Despair , Tears and Pain ... Whit love and always yours ...


The sun beams of the morning awake me and I look around ... Definitely real and palpable , I really was doing this whit them , I must be used or this was going to kill me ... for real . I changed into my "normal" form and approach to Aquamarine kissing her cheek and going out for frees air .
When I was only few minutes out Aquamarine come to me and placed her at my right , like always .

Aquamarine - Yesterday was wonderful dear ... A lot of time without it can kill ... But what I want to say is ... I am sorry - She said looking down .
I - You ... you don't need to say that my dear ... Maybe this is what I must do , even don't liking for real ... What I hate is that I was enjoying it , and I must continue whit it , sooner or later , but I must .
Aquamarine - I am grateful of what you are doing Uros ... I know that this isn't easy for you ...

Suddenly she freeze where she was , looking at the horizon and don't saying a word , until I see what she saw first , a human ... the same human as the described for Aquamarine ... I was blinded or I can assure that him was Daiven .

Aquamarine - ... Daiven ? Its you ? - She asked whit a bit of fear in her voice .
Daiven - Of course I am - He said approaching slowly from the forest - Which I was going to be ? .

Aquamarine run at him fast , more fast than never she go to me ... For some reason this moment was making my blood boil whit anger ... She pounced him like always she does to me , and this moment was being very sad to me , he , HE ! Why the fuck he must appear now !? When the things are going like it are ... Seeing they two there ... Like if she never care of something else give me the worse time of my life , and it is enough to kill yourself , and why ? I was thinking of what can happen , and all was bad . Then Aquamarine returned to me .

I - Well ... You look happy Aquamarine - I said trying in vain to don't look mad and depressed .
Aquamarine - You don't - She said looking at me .
I - Sorry ... But I think I am going to the lab ... I want to see if Oak has returned ( Oak was in a reunion of whatever type whit more scientists ) .

I left her behind , don't knowing if I do the right thing ... Until I hear a yelp and I look at me after feeling something hitting my back ... I had a great hole trespassing my chest , and I look behind me , there was this fucking moron , this asshole , this motherfucker ! Carrying a gun and smiling at me until I fall in the floor whit a loud sound .

Daiven - Well , I was expecting something more impressive and hard to beat ... I see that the other guys who fight whit you were sys - He say laughing .
Aquamarine - What the fuck you do Daiven ? Why you do this ? - She said crying .
Daiven - It is easy Aquamarine , when I was going to return to my world I see that there I was going to be nothing ... But here I find the NODI and you know what ? I was one of the creators - He said loud and whit a great smile .

Until he said that I was dying ... Thinking of how much I want to live and how much I waited this moment ... None of the two things win , so the death come to claimed me , and you know what ? He is a furry ...But when he said that the hatred of all the dead and tortured for that organisation come to me giving new strength , and for that I get up and formed the armour and my axe , facing him like a zombie and only wanting to kill him .

I - So ... You are one of the responses of this sit ! One of these assassins ! One of the humans who I want to kill ! - I said letting my fury guide me - You had a great girl whit you ! - I said looking at Aquamarine across to the helmet I wear whit the ice armour - And you wasted all you're live , all her love , and a great chance whit this world for making this shit ! - I said approaching t him slowly and whit something like a dark aura of fear , at least for him .
Daiven - What the fuck ?! I kill you a moment ago ! - He said shooting at me his entire clip until I graved his neck .
I - You can try to kill me ! But you never have a chance of that if I had someone to protect ! Now pray for your live to the gods , for I am not going to hear you ! - I said preparing a blow whit my axe .
Aquamarine - Wait ! - She said approaching to us - I hive you a great amount of my life ... My virginity , my love ... And you are saying to me now that you was one of this bastards !? - She shouted kicking her balls - How you have the guts to show here and shot at my mate !? The father of my daughters ! ... You take the wrong choice in your live Daiven ... I loved you , and how you repaid me ? Almost killing my love , my true love and telling me that you do such a detestable and hated thing ... I should give him the chance to kill you , but it mean he free you from your existence ... So I have something in my mind right now - She said whit anger and looking at him like a chunk of meat - Put him in the cells where Oak had the danger subjects , I don't want him hurt ... Yet .

I do what she said , only for the respect and love I have to her , if I hadn't this thoughts then I killed him without remorse , but I has them so he was in his small cell and I quit the armour looking at him like insane for killing him ( like I was ) . I come out another time and find Aquamarine crying .

Aquamarine - Don't look at me ! - She said crying out loud - I am a fucking bitch ! A whore ! ... I don't deserve to be whit you ! .
I - Don't say that my dear ... nothing has happen ... We can forgot this ... Ok I am not going to lie ... This isn't right and isn't going easy to forgot ... But look at me ... You don't had nothing whit him no more , forgot him and live this life whit me , be happy and raise our daughters like the family we are .
Aquamarine - You don't get it Uros ! I still loved him ! Still remembering him and looking at you trying to see him all the times we were together - She said whit a sad tone who can change the happiness into death .
I - Aquamarine look at me ... look at me please ... Maybe this wasn't good , maybe he must be out in my world ... But look at the good side of this , you had no more whit him and can forgot him like the insect he is , and now you can be whit me without remorse and seeing how I am all the time , seeing that you had someone who never let you alone , don't mater what , I am going to be whit you always , or you forget that already ? - I said to her feeling more love than ever .
Aquamarine - I cannot forget that ... But how I can look at you ? ... I remember him when we are team , a couple ... Now I see how he was , how I can be so blind ? - She said still crying - How I can feel something for him ? .
I - It isn't your fault my love - I said cleaning her face - You have a family whit me , friends here , and you have me ... Forget , it is all what I ask you for .
Aquamarine - It isn't so fucking easy ! - She shouted at me - I was to long whit him ! How you know that I am like you think ?! Like I always think I was ? Maybe I am not like I want to be , or like I must be ... How I am gona face our daughters and tell them who can be her father if the things were different ? .
I - I see that this is very hard to you Aquamarine ... But you do nothing wrong ! He do , he change his whole life whit you , whit happiness , whit a good mind and a clean soul , and why ? For killing , murdering and rapping ... I want to kill him for what he do and is doing right now , but I respect your decision ... Now I want to talk whit him , and be sure that he don't try anything .

I let her where she was , thinking , then Iriane comes to me at the same moment I entered in the building .

Iriane - Where are you going dad ? - She asked innocently .
I - Not now dear , I must do something - I cannot let her see what I was going to do .
Iriane - Come on dad , I still want to wait for that , but I want to be whit you now - She said whit a smile .
I - Dear , this time I am not going to do something like that , nothing that you must see , understand ? .
Iriane - Dad ... You never look like this before ... What is happening ? And why are you bleeding there ? - She asked pointing at the place where the hole was until my body heals it like always .
I - I said that it is nothing for you to see - I say to her gentle - This is something I must do and no one need to see - I said when I arrived to the room where Daiven was - Now go whit your sisters , today I am not in the mood .

I let her out of the room when I faced Daiven , he was smiling at me , like he knows that I was going to come here .

Daiven - So you are whit Aquamarine ? - He said still smiling - She is good doing certain things , you know what I mean - His words mean "kill me" but Aquamarine say no ... for now .
I - Don't dare to even mention her name , you are the worse type of human in this world , you must be eliminated , exterminated right now ! - I shouted furiously .
Daiven - Then why you don't kill me ? You desire it , do it if you have enough guts ! - He yelled approaching to me as far as the cell let him .

I changed my arm into a Scyther blade arm and whit fury graphed his neck and pointing the sharp edge to it .

I - I want to ! But Aquamarine asked me to don't do it , for that you are still alive , but play whit me or try something , then you have your end ! If she don't granted it to you first ! .
Daiven - You are a shit you know that ? Doing what she asks to you is a prof or your weakness - He said like his life wasn't a mater for him .
I - Hear me you motherfucker ! Here the only person who is weak , who is a shit and the garbage of humanity is you ! You throw away a life of happiness and love whit her for that organisation ! You are sick man ! You are a fucking murderer ! - I yelled hitting him whit the cold wall of the cell , and looking behind me seeing Iriane in the room .
Iriane - What are you doing whit him dad ? - She asked a bit confused - Why he know mom ? .
Daiven - Hahaha ! So you something more than it whit her isn't it ? Then you want to know that I am transmitting this to my HQ , I hope you like the pain , for the fact that you are going to suffer when they come here - He said whit an smile .
I - Its enough ! - I yelled - Maybe she doesn't want to see your blood in the walls ! But I want and I am going to kill you right now ! .
Daiven - Do it ! Do it and show your daughter how you are ! - He said when I look at her , she was scared of what she hear and saw here - See ? You cannot do anything to me , and the reason is that you are dead , and she , and Aquamarine ! That is why joined to them , they are the winners ! .
Iriane - Shut the hell up ! I hear enough to know what are you talking about ! Mom told me , and for what I hear it is enough to kill you and all of them - She said like she know all what we live before have her and her sisters - You are scum , and dad show me how I must be whit your kind - She said taking the key of the cell .
I - Wait right there - I said holding her - You aren't going to do nothing ... Wait a moment - I said looking at her hears - You are hearing something isn't ? .
Iriane - [ Its coming of his hear dad ] .

I took the key and entered in the cell and holding him in the floor and look at his hear , he have a pendant , but not like normal , the fucking pendants don't have a chip for jewel , I took it and broke it and then he get up and took another pistol to fast for do anything .

Daiven - Now you are gona hear me and don't say a fucking word , this is important and you must hear it - I only nodded , not for me but for Iriane I was going to be careful - You know that I try to return , well , you don't know why isn't ? It was because Aquamarine had a virus in her body because of me - He said , and for some reason I believed it - That shadow tell me , and he never lie , he said that maybe sometime I can see her again ... But I know that the maybe mean never ... But I do it for her , she need the fucking hibernation , but when I crossed the portal my anger posses me and stop in the middle getting out and doing whatever ... I don't remember nothing in years , only the two last ones , since the first day I was "awake" I know that I deserve the death , the worse things ... But if I do anything for myself a lot others suffer for me , so I remain there ... Then you come in a couple of months and do what you do , you jive me a chance to finish this , and when the mission of assassinate you come I take it , I know that you aren't going to die , not if you have my dear Aquamarine ... I was hopping that I can fix the pain and suffer I make , but seeing that I cant and knowing what I deserve ... I don't deserve to see her again , for that I want you to do something ... Destroy the NODI and do it as fast as you can . Now I only have one thing to do , and it is to ask you for a favour ... Tell Aquamarine that I am sorry , and , also tell her that I still love her .

Said that he put the gun into his mouth and waited a moment .

I - Dear , turn and close your eyes - I said to Iriane .

Then he do it ... Nothing more I need to say of that , except that I talk whit Aquamarine of what he said , making her cry for what she was thinking of him . More things happened that day who no one must know , and even I want to forgot , but it is whit me even if I don't like it . Then , the same night I had a surprise visit in my dream .

Harden - Uros - He said approaching to me .
I - What now ? This day isn't the greatest of all if you don't know it .
Harden - I know it ! I come here for that ! That shadow he has for "guide" is one of the five who are renegades , in somewhere , in pokemon forms human or even insects are the other four , one is found , but we cannot do anything in this world - He said worried .
I - Let me know what you are telling me ... You want me to kill all of them .
Harden - No ! Hear me fuck ! Five creatures of all the species were born and designed for this purpose , one creature for one renegade , it is the deal and it is how it must be .
I - And you are telling me that I am one ? .
Harden - Not really ... You remember why you are here ? - I nodded - Yes , for the light , the last power , and you are going to need it some time ... you aren't a creature , but you can help ... But not now , in two days three mercenaries are going to come here and try to kill your family first and when you know that they are dead they are going to kill you ... You have your mission right now , and it is protect your family , they MUST live at all cost ! .

I get up mad for his words , he was telling me what I must do , how I must do it , and more important , he was telling all of that for something I was going to do all the time I can .

I - Now you are going to hear me ! You MUST shut the hell up right now ! And why ? Because I know what I must do , how I must do and when I must do it ! And more important is that you are ordering me to do something I already do and I always going to do - I shouted at him - My family is my treasure Harden , I never let them alone , and I am going to protect them more than my own life , I am grateful for the advice but you don't need to order me something I am doing all the time .
Harden - Ok , you are right ... But if I am doing this are because one of your children is one of this especially born for doing what I am telling you .
I - So I wasn't here only for help in one thing only ? - He nodded - Well , it is ok , I am getting used to don't know all the things until the last moment .
Harden - Well ... Speaking of that - He said slowly .
I - What now ? Some disgrace for the humanity ? .
Harden - No exactly ... Err ... How to say this ... The Elementarist make you ... sterile .

This event hit me like a knife in the balls .

I - WHAT THE FUCK I TELL YOU THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED WHIT ME !? - I shouted catching my now formed axe .

He dodges before the blow cut his head of like a leaf .

Harden - Wait ! They do that to prevent you to make your daughters pregnant - He said and I stopped .
I - Ok *urges to kill* but you are to close to make me angry , really angry , and I am warning you to be cautious whit what you do .
Harden - Ok ... I am going to watch my words ... But before I go I must say something ... All who Daiven said was true , he never do nothing , the renegade took his body for that and lie to him for his proposals , except for the sickness of Aquamarine .
I - You are telling me that this bastard who forced him to do something like that ... have heart ? .
Harden - Not really ... But all of us were humans , pokemons or whatever before being formed like the "shadows" , in fact I was really a human , one of the type you like , they want a free world and don't judge ... For that I had a sad history , but now I am not going to tell , what I want to tell is that this renegade is the grandpa of your daughters - He said forming like a shadow now .
I - Wait a fucking moment ... This is going weird than I though ... This bastard is the father of Aquamarine ? .
Harden - Yes he is ... He live two hundred years like a pokemon , how ? We don't know , but he saw a lot and learned more in his life , he never like to be whit another pokemon or human , he was a lonelier ever , until one morning he find a female Eve , she was being hurt for some other women , he defended her and when he save her she fall in love ... We don't know what kind of pokemon he was , we only saw his soul , and it look like he was a good guy . The time pass and he fall in love whit the little Eve like she do whit him , and when she evolved into a black Espeon they do it in their first time . Neither them both asked why she was black instead of white , pink or something like that , but the question was revealed when she got three evolved pokemon as son and daughters , one was Aquamarine , other was a Flareon and another was a Jolteon , that was what the colour mean . They two where happy for a month ... then the seed of this born , the same females attack their children and forced them to save them three ... Aquamarine is mother died doing it and her father let they whit a friend of her mother before going to kill the females who do that to her mate . After a year he died killing the last one , then he resurged like one of us to guide the "heroes" who must know their way .

That history was very sad in some way , but it wasn't completed yet and I know what was going to happen .

Harden - Even dead he guard his children all the time , until two of them go to their way , he only remain whit Aquamarine , like knowing that she must need help sometime , but also knowing that his first objective was going to be whit his daughter . You know the rest , but you don't know why of this isn't ? Well , it was because all of his anger , he become finally a mad person , he don't like no one , except his three sons ... Then he decided to had they whit him , one form or another - He said looking down letting me know what that mean - Luckily he don't know where is any of them , except Aquamarine .
I - Ok I think I understand all ... But even whit his suffer I cannot forgive what he do .
Harden - He don't do anything for real , who do it is someone more , the one who send the puppets - He said now returning to human form .
I - Puppets ? - I asked interested .
Harden - Yes , we search for that females who he killed ... They weren't females , were corporeal illusions , they were send for someone who know how to materialize the things , like you , and we think that our friend don't do this for himself , someone must corrupt him .
I - This is complicate ... And weird too , but I never let one quest unfinished , think in that guy like trapped and cleaned .
Harden - Ok ... But remember that he not do nothing , except help them in the beginning , now he is useless ... They only have him to assure his child's , and now awake , tomorrow you must be prepared .

Then I awake in my room , whit Iriane whit me and Aquamarine too , I know that all the girls want to be whit me , but Iriane is who most want ... And now I am remembering that she don't say anything of the other day . But I let her be and I dressed to go out and practice , when I go out of the building I heard someone ... It was Iriane who was whit me all the time now .

I - Tell me dear ... Tell me why you are fallowing me .
Iriane - Dad ... I know that yesterday I must don't see that ... But I look at it dad ! - She said horrified - I don't know how you see that and you can sleep like nothing happened ! .
I -In the life sometimes you must do ... things ... who aren't right for no one more than you - I know that I wasn't explaining well ... But say " I kill people before " Don't look right ...
Iriane - You mean you kill someone before dad ? - She asked whit fear .
I - I must do it ... For protect you mother and your aunts ... If is necessary I do it , if not I don't .
Iriane - But you killed , you always say that it is bad ... How you can do something wrong dad ? You never do anything wrong .
I - It is only wrong if you do it for ... "pleasure" ... If you like to kill for kill , if you protect someone or yourself and you must kill for do that , then it is "right" only if you don't have another choice .
Iriane - It look like it is a hard choice ...
I - It is my dear ... I have blood in my hands , and time ago I even wanted to pay any price for feel it ... Time ago I was mad whit humanity and I even don't want to live , but I found your mother and all changed , now all I want to do is have little adventures across the world whit all of you - I said smiling - And be in pace if I can .

She remained close to the door until she approached to me and I hugged her .

Iriane - You do something you regret father ? - She asked after the hug .
I - Really ? ... Not ... Only one thing , but it was a loooooong time ago my dear , the only thing I really regret is that I cannot change the world for the best .
??? - We are sorry for that man - Say a male voice coming from a shrub - But we are here to make you stop having these ideas , and ... For taking your pokemon and daughter - He said coming out of his cover .

He was a big man , really big , and someone maybe call him fat ... But whit his fist he maybe can kill a Tauros , besides , he had a P90 in his right hand and in his left a grenade launcher ... Behind him was a woman , blonde and nervy to the 1,60 more or less , better than mild constitution and I don't see more things in her , she was whit heavy machinegun , but what take all my attention was the guy who was laughing still in the shrub , he looks familiar , really familiar to me .

I - What the fuck ?! Tell me that it isn't you Faolin ! ( I like to call the people for their nicknames ) - I said angrily .
Faolin - Of course I am tato [( tato is how our family say primo , cousin in English )] You are the firs to don't jump in fear when we show - He said coming out of the shrub , he was like when we are in home , 1,80 more or less , eyes and hair brown like me , and 90kg , he haven't time for train in our world ... But now he had more muscles and his favourite weapons , rifles , a lot of them - We have only escort missions from rich ... This time someone asked us to kill a guy and his pokemons and family , except a Vaporeon called Aquamarine ... When I heard that it was a Vaporeon , a FEMALE one , and hearing the description I know that it was you , so we come here as fast as we can , I only can say that you changed a lot , but the same is whit me jeje , now guys come in ,we are in our home .

Like always , he come , he eat , he laugh and he sleep ... But he was one of the few persons who understand me , even if he don't like the furris or pokemon to mate ... Well , not to much , but we were together all the fucking life , we have another tato , we call him Gordi ( like fatty in english I think ) and he took that like nickname , he was 2 meter tall and whit brown eyes but blonde hair , and his weight was 110kg , but if you are thinking in him like a fat guy , then you can find yourself to meters in the air ...
Well , the matter here was their mission , not my family , but if he was here it can mean than our last was here too .

I - Hey tato , it is here Gordi ? - I asked before enter in the lab .
Faolin - No , or I think he isn't here at least , I fall in a portal who was in your room six months ago ... I find your mother here and she asked me to come back , but I liked the idea of being here , she don't force me to go back , she even smile when I said "no" ... I was searching for something to do , or someone to know here , searching first for you or Gordi , but I don't find neither both of you , who I find was Taner - He said pointing at the girl - And Hasser - He said pointing at the guy - We all had nothing ... but we were in the right place at the right moment , we saved a guy and he was a mercenary , how we saved him I am not going to tell , but he make us mercenaries , but not that without thoughts , a real mercenary , we don't kill if the cause wasn't good , even if it is a poor who ask us .
I - See ? And you said that you never were going to be a good guy - I said laughing .
Faolin - Ok , you win ... But I am not going to pay you for that ! - He said a grumbling a bit , but really he was laughing - But well I said before that we were only escorting fat an rich guys ... Until that mission , who asked us for that mission say it like you were a bad guy , but you never become one , first you make yourself the hara-kiri , you promised it and it is one of that things that you never forgot or broke , so we come warding our backs all the time , knowing that someone can possibly be whit us if we don't were successful .
I - And you find nothing - I said reading his mind ... I was bored dam it ! .
Faolin - Err ... Yes , but now we must come in ... I am hungry .

" And when you aren't " I think to myself and looking at Iriane , she was confused and a bit scared .

I - Don't fear him , he is your uncle - I said smiling .

She only point her hears up before run to the other side of the lab ... Then I realized why , the girls don't know them ! If Insonica or Topace find them it can be ... Resumed it in this word : PAIN .
I run to the lab as fast as I can and found them three in the hall where was the TV ... Heating of course , they have something in common ... Then I saw Iriane coming from the other side of the room .

Iriane - It is true ? - She asked to Faolin .
Faolin - What ? - He asked looking at me like " �� WHAT THE HECK YOU TELL HER !? " .
Iriane - That you are my uncle - She said looking at me .

Then he only can say *cough , cough* all the time ... Have surprises heating isn't good ...

I - Well , you aren't going to say nothing at your niece tato ? - I said smiling - Or you forgot a part in your mission ? .
Faolin - Fuck ! I really forgot that ... So you are my niece hu ? - He said smiling - Nice to meet ya little one .
Iriane - So you are ! - She said smiling - I am going to tell this to my sister's uncle .

Then he put this face ( O_o ) before said this .

Faolin - UROS ! WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO WHEN YOU WERE HERE !? - He said shouting at me .
I - Well ... First , you two come here - Taner and Hasser come whit me - Well , the true is that ...

Before I can said anything all of them come here and hugged their uncle like mad .

I - Well ... That was the true - I said laughing like mad .
Faolin - UROS ! - He said , or at least he tried to - I promise ! When I come out of here I Am going to chick your butt ! - He said , joking of course , if he tried something ... Better don't think about it .

The rest of the day his two friends where talking to each other and I was whit Faolin and Iriane .

Faolin - So ... You were here all the time ... A fucking year and half or more ... You know how we suffer ? Even I , yes me ! You were family at all - He said , it was a bit surprising coming from him - Why you never returned ? .
I - I make a promise to Aquamarine .
Faolin - I understand ... You never were for the humans and I never change your mind ... And now you brought me family ! This isn't bad at all - He said pocking Iriane a bit , he doesn't like the hugs - Well now I am going whit our boss and tell him what kind of mission we had in our hands , he understand why we don't finish it .
I - Ok tato , be careful , I don't want my daughters to lose their uncle .
Faolin - You forgot how I am ? You aren't going to be free of me - He said laughing when he pick up his things and go out whit his friends .
I - Well ... There go someone who was having fun out there .
Iriane - We can have fun to dad - She said smiling .
I - Err ... How I can take that dear ? .
Iriane - Like you want dad - She said licking my cheek - Now I am happy , and I am ready for whatever , and besides , I want to forgot something whit you dad .

She took my arm and carry my to the forest ... I don't know what they see in this forest ... But she stopped suddenly and turned to me kissing me in the mouth .

Iriane - I want this dad - She said broking the kiss - But I don't want this for one day , I want this to my entire life , not a dad is what I see , my love is what I am looking at - She said hugging me .
I - You know that for love we don't need to do this ? - I said trying to stop this , really I don't want to stop , but she was like my little daughter , even knowing that all are grow up even more than me in some cases .
Iriane - I know that dad ... But you must remember that you do this to mom , Ixhola and Iperia in front of me , and you wanted this in that night ... So I am going to repay you for how kind you are whit me , even if you wanted this and you don't want now , but I know dad , you want - She said undressing .
I - You are beautiful my dear - I said when she undressed all her body , I really see her undressed before , but like a dad who love a daughter , not like a man who love a woman .
Iriane - Thanks dad - She said blushing - Now , I want you to take me dad , love me , and make me a woman - She said coming close .
I - It is done my dear - I said kissing her .

We wanted to try all who cross our mind , so first we begun whit the sixty-nine , she was a bit sorter than me , but well , something help that . She put my member in her mouth and I begun to lick her clit gentle making her moan a bit before she begun to lick my member is head giving me loads of pleasure , then I put my tongue inside of her licking her as deep and fast as I can , she begun to take all the length of my member she can in her mouth sucking it perfectly , like her mother . Not much time pass until this game was too much for us forcing her first orgasm in my mouth , the same I do in her . When we regain a bit the composition I wanted to ask her something .

I - Dear - I said breathing a bit heavily - Do you want to try something I never do ? .
Iriane - Of course dad , if it feels like before I do whatever - She said happy and wanting to enjoy something more .
I - Then put in your four - And she does it .

I placed myself behind her and pointed my member to her tailhole .

I - Now listen dear , I don't know if this is going to hurt ... So tell me if you feel something you don't want , ok ? - I said to her trying to calm her a bit .
Iriane - Ok dad , do it - She said preparing herself .

I took her back and put the head of my member to her ass , then I begun to thrust slowly in her .

Iriane - Dad ! It hurts ! - She said crying .
I - Sorry dear - I said trying to put it out .
Iriane - Don't do it ! Keep going dad , it hurts but feels real good - She said purring .

So I keep going , thrusting her gentle in her ass , feeling something I never feel , I know she was going to be tight , but her ass was even more tight , it was hiving me a great pleasure , and she was enjoying the moment as well , crying and moaning at the same time . She contracted a bit whit the time , telling me that she was going to have her orgasm soon , so I keep thrusting , now faster , thinking that after this remain her virginity , and I wanted to take it right now if it was possible , so whit a final thrust I filed her ass whit my sticky cum and she do the same lying now in the grass .
A few seconds and I turn her pulling out my chock and I pointing it to her vaginal lips , waiting her to say something , but she only nodded a few seconds before I thrust in her broking her hymen and making her cry whit the pain , and after few thrusts she begun to moan in pleasure . I keep thrusting in her like mad , for some reason this time I was enjoying this to much , maybe in excess , but she was enjoying this too , so it don't bother me . I begun to stroke her breast gentle , and licking her nipples for make her pleasure better , until she came trapping my cock inside of her and hiving enough pleasure for my third orgasm who filled her full insides .
We remained there some time until she begun to kiss me in my cheek .

Iriane - You are my love dad , you are going to be whit me , and whit mom and my sisters , but I am going to be whit you forever - She said feeling herself completed .
I - And I love you my dear ... But I must tell someone what I know of myself now .
Iriane - What do you want to tell me dad ? .
I - I am sterile now - I said a bit sad .
Iriane - You ... You cannot have more sons dad ? .
I - Exactly my dear ...
Iriane - I don't care - She said a bit sad , but still smiling - I don't need kids , I am going to love you no mater what , I am going to be like mom for you .

She was so tender whit me ... I don't deserve such lovable daughter , but it isn't what she can or want to said for me , and I like it .

I - We better come to the lab , I now need to think in something my dear .
Iriane - Of course dad - She said still smiling .

We returned to the lab , and in the way I was thinking ... " What I am going to do ? " I think to myself " The first time we go in an adventure I almost get killed and let them alone ... But if they and my friends are whit me I think this is going to be good " About my friends , they go whit Oak , and now it was a week out and I begun to worry a bit .
Now we arrived to the lab and I asked her to go whit her sisters and her mother , she refused at first , but I want to be alone now , so in the end she agreed and I get to my room , there was a note .

" Hey tato , if you need help sometime , but really need help , I know you can kill a fucking army , so don't call my except for TWO armies . I want to apologise for my suddenly march , I was asked for something for a group of morphs you helped , I cannot tell you what is it , you know , top secret and all ... Now I want to say thanks for this new family , maybe I can return sometime for a break in the work , now goodbye tato " And a number pone , nothing more ... At least he don't forgot the goodbye at all .
I rested in the couch , one hour , two ... maybe three , then I heard Oak and my friends coming back , but I don't wanted to go there and say nothing , if I do that surely I mention what happen this days , and it was going to be awkward and more things ...
I only rested there more time , until Iriane come whit Aquamarine , they two rested one at my right and the other at my left , and before I go to sleep and when Iriane do it first .

Aquamarine - You know that I am jealous of my daughter ? - She asks smiling - She love you like me or more if it is possible .
I - Well , she isn't you Aquamarine - I said kissing her cheek - But I also love her like I love you .

She blushed a bit and smiles , but she begun to cry a bit after that .

Aquamarine - You really think I deserve to be whit you ? - She asked depressed and whit fear .
I - You are my love Aquamarine - I said hugging her - I love all of you , but who is my love , my real and first love , it is you Aquamarine . I have thirty ladies whit me , and for someone it can be hard to make their choice here , for that I chose the only answer possible , love you all and love my real love even more .

She only cries a bit more licking my cheek and resting whit me like she always do . I look across the window , seeing the stars , for some reason I always she one star in particular , one green star , and when I look at it I feel secure , like I was seeing myself whit all my family , happy and without problems , battles and nothing . And looking at the star I kissed aquamarine and Iriane and fall in a happy dream , not interrupted for nothing .


Well , another chapter whit incest and I like it , its only love isn't ? Well I am doing the next right now , I never stop ( I like write so much to stop , and even more if someone like my histories ) , but right now I have a few problems ...
First : I am trying to make a dam history in Yiffystar , it don't mean that I don't like AGNPH anymore , it only mean that I like the furris too , but I try it five fucking times or either I am becoming bad ... or they don't like Spaniards ... Here you admit my histories and there they don't ... But I am going to try it until I make them bored enough to give me a chance whit my histories ! .
Second : Is that don't like the humans for "somethings" fuck the mood a bit if you understand me ...
Third : Is that I Am trying to make furry or pokemon " addicts " in Spain ... And fuck , they have a close mind ... really close ... and who is saying it is a Spaniard , the only who see far away of his nose ...
Well , it is all , I hope you all enjoy this chapter , now I am going to try the next history in Yiffystar ... I need fucking luck .
PD : You fuckers , your picks are "redirecting" me ... Lando , I hate you , why ? For the fucking great picks the others make of you ! Fuck ! I am becoming bi dam it ... So thanks for that XD seriously .
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