AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Stronger than a simply desire


I know I put some sex , but it isnt so much , so R is good enough .


That night , that night I was with they two , yesterday I was with they and I was loving my little daughter after we make it , real love , the first time for her and the first of my daughters who tell me her love opening her heart to me , now I was dreaming , but thanks to the training I do whit the girls and some especial for myself I control my mind at full ... So I was thinking why ...
" Why this must happen to me ! " I angrily said hitting the black space of my mind " This isn't fucking fair " I begun to cry , this was driving me insane , I finally become used to this , with Iriane I finally fall in love whit my own daughters , I finally end wanting them for myself and the worse part is that I was enjoying that feeling .

Harden - Don't care very much about that - As always he come when he want and must - You know , you always loved them in that way , and I am not rough , I am sincere and you must be whit yourself .
I - Harden - I said crying loudly - This isn't fucking fair dam it ! Why I must pass for what I pass ? Aren't others in the world ? Others who are worse than me ? Why I must suffer like I do !? - I shouted to the air .

He only walks a step forward and gives me his hand , but I reject it before he talk to me .

Harden - Because the law in this is that , the good suffer , the bad enjoy and who must change that are you and the others who can change it . The fate of the good is always the same , you suffer . Almost all the time you enjoy company of your friends , family , loves or love ... but when you are in your missions , then you suffer for all the good times you had , it always was that way and always is gona be .
I - I know but ... Why I love my daughters like that ? I do something wrong ? Maybe I don't help some guy or I don't do something ? Tell me for the love of god is sake ! - I shouted crying in some type of physical pain .
Harden - You always do it that way - He said with my body falling in the dark ground - You never believed it until now , until you know that they feel the same .

I look at him , knowing that it was true , maybe I don't want to admit it , but I always looked at my daughters strange , even for me , I always care for them so much ... maybe too much , maybe I se in them what I see in my girls ? ... This was a drama for my soul but , maybe I in the end can enjoy it , and make them enjoy it if they want it that way .

I - You know Harden ... Its right , I was feeling something for my little girls , seeing them grow , feeling their love for me , for their mothers , and seeing ... that they never leave me , like my girls ... That was to much for my mind , for my brain and soul , I cannot take the fact of loving my daughters that way ! But now ... all is clear , I Don't know how but I know , if I do other thing I hate myself forever and they do the same , but my friend ... is this correct ? - I asked now feeling nothing .
Harden - What is right or what isn't s definite for the soul of each creature , maybe when I tell you my history you understand ... but not now , what you must do now is awake .

And as always he said that , I awake , but this time whit a good feeling in all my body , coming from my low parts , I look at them only to find Iriane panting heavily with my dick in her insides and with loads of cum filling the bed .

Iriane - O father *pant* how I love you *pant* even when you are sleep you are so kind ... - She said before she saw me awake .
I - So soon in the morning dear ? - I asked feeling aroused , now I don't see this how I wanted to see before , I see it how I always see it , a warm feeling and love to my daughter ... but what wasn't good was the fact of she doing it without me .
Iriane - Dad ! I ... I don't want to do this so soon ! Mom was doing it all the dam night when you fall asleep , she doesn't let me sleep thanks to her moans ! - She said upset , happy and with a bit fear all in the same time , but not moving my chock of her wet sex .
I - Don't matter my dear ... don't matter - I said picking her little body and forcing her gentle to lie upon my body , making me feel her soft fur and breast .

She become aroused one more time , but she already has a lot of orgasms , it was obvious thanks to the bed , so she , misfortunately for me , was really tired and fall asleep upon me . I don't resist the urge , but I wasn't going to do this with her if she cannot feel this with me , but a kiss to my daughter is something who I don't need to wait for .
Now I was fucking decided , I was almost five days saying what I don't want this and what is right or not , saying it to something I ever desired to do , but now it wasn't only doing it for our pleasure , for me and my daughters , no , it was for the reason who was waiting me across the sea , surely they don't see their father more if I mess it , so I want to let them a good memories of me , not only like a father ... a lover .
" I think it was time to added some heat " I though trying to don't think in what can happen , so I headed for Ruby and her two little foxes , two of my most beautiful and kind daughters ... but then I remembered , my friends and Oak returned yesterday , I must go to see them so I headed to the center of the lab where Oak usually was and I only see him , the others weren't here .

I - Hello prof where are the others ? - I asked trying to don't look nervous of say something I don't must .
Oak - All them have other plans after come whit me - He said half smiling - Bu for tell you the truth then you must hear something - I simply nodded and waited to it - Well , I took blood , skin and fur of your daughters time ago , how I asked you for , so I took them to the reunion . There we analyzed it when your friends was guarding our place of ... some strange guys near of it . We discovered some things , like they are going to be in heat one time a year , like the normal pokemons , but they cannot breed until they have 18 , because some anomaly in their DNA .
I - I hope it are the bad news ? - I asked with some fear .
Oak - There aren't bad news , except one , one of the "guys" took a example of one of Aquamarine is daughters , and if I am correct , that guy was of the Team Rocket and the others to , or maybe from the NODI - He say with a heavy grin - You must go to the next land now my friend , the rumours say that there is another NODI group , and if they are upset with you ,surely they are going to kill your daughters first .
I - Late prof , they try it - Then and with his look like "what the hell?!" I explained all the history .
Oak - Then I shall continue with this knowing that you are safe for now - He stopped a moment for taking air - I need you to go to the next step in your journey - I was going to ask but he cut me - Yes , to Johto , it is a long travel of two days across the sea , but you must go now .

He look at me , he was too serious , this was for real , possibly he know something and it surely is dangerous to me and my littlest .

Oak - And - He said a moment after - I know what you are doing with your daughters Uros - I bounced in surprise , surely he knows , but ... - Don't be afraid silly , it was obvious , they were going to make you do it even if you don't want ... I don't care of what you do if it harm no one , and for it I have the second new , but this possibly isn't a good thing ...

He stopped for a while , looking sad , possibly too sad .

Oak - Your friends go out - He said with a dry tone - Not for don't want to be with you more , but all of them want a new life and possibly , if they go with you ... they ended with their life destroyed loosing someone , you know what I mean isn't ? - He asked trying to make me understand it .
I -Yes prof ... I understand - I lie badly - I know , they want possibly to do the same as me , make a family but ... I really think in us like a group ... I am not going to lie , this is ... more than disappointing - I said upset and sad .
Oak - It truly is , I know that feeling ... share with your family this last day here , because tomorrow all of you must go - He said half smiling - Yes , all , you must be together if you want to be protected , so pick all your girls , your mate and your daughters tomorrow and then go to the bay , there is going to be a little cruiser of passengers who go to Johto , it is going to be a bit ... difficult to be discrete , but after that all is easy - He said smiling .
I - Ok prof , this is going to be a piece of cake - I said trying to smile a bit .
Oak - You are optimist today isn't ? - He asked funny .
I - I try - I said going out where the girls were lying in the grass .

They are remain like the first day , Aquamarine like always , Ruby with her daughters running nearby to the forest , Aria scratching a tree nearby to the lab ,Topace and Insonica training in the ground , Silveden returning with Taesin ( My last daughter , I don't mention it because she was far away from here )of her monthly visit to her parents , Essna and Erin with they daughters training or playing ( respectively ) , Eternia lying in the ground looking at the sky , Sirine , Isza and Zsarin playing and making bubbles nearby to the little lake , all was so quiet ... something told me that this wasn't going to last much longer and it makes me sad , a lot in fact , so much that I begun to even cry a bit before Aquamarine come to me .

Aquamarine - Uros ... Why are you crying ? What is the matter ? - She asked tenderly .

I - We are moving , tomorrow , to Johto ... the NODI is there and we need to go as fast as we can - I said holding the tears I have .

Aquamarine - I ... understand my love ... I tell the others - She said turning - I almost forgot - She said in a playful tone - You must go to your room now , two are waiting for apologize to you .

I only nodded , now I relay don't want to much sex , an apologize was good enough for me now , and I know exactly who want to apologize . So I entered in my room , maybe for the last time and see two , no , FOUR of my daughters there Iperia , Ixhola , Faole and Jany .

I - Hey , this is not fair , Aquamarine told me that here was only two for apologize ! - I said a bit upset but happy at the same time .

Satsika - Then you don't mind two more dad ? - Satsika said putting her hands in my shoulders giving me some kind of pleasure .

Or this was a dream or Satsika and Anarsia just materialized behind me , but I really don't care right now , I was already lost in a great sea of lust in my mind , tomorrow we are going to go out and I want a good day here before it .

Faole - Dad , I want , we want , to say sorry for the first day , we do the wrong thing - She said with some tears in her eyes .

Jany - We want to say sorry , but we really don't know how , so we call our sisters to ask it , and you can't believe what they say - She said smiling .

I - Believe me , I do - I Said kissing Satsika in her mouth making her and myself blush .

After that the chit chat end , we know what we want and they want it almost as much as I do , if not more , so I get undressed while still kissing my dearest daughter and after that I massaged her breast slowly ( they are weren't dressed ) when the others were playing with each other waiting their turn .
I throw her tenderly , lovely in the bed of my room and slowly I placed my now hard rock chock in her wet entrance that was praying for it , but before I do nothing Anarsia pick my member and begun to give it a good treatment with her hands , even when I thrust in her sister she continued with it , making me and Satsika moan in pleasure with each thrust while I was kissing her in the mouth .
Then I stop that daydreaming , gods ... how low I was now ... thinking in such orgy in my own room and in that moment ... I need to focus in what we must do and what I need to see in this future , a possibly dead ( real dead ) end ... I wasn't in the mod and better that way , if not it can be worst in the end .
I finally entered in the room , this time for real and faced Faole and Jany , alone ... for my sanity .

I - Your mother said that you need to apologize a bit , didn't ya ? - I asked trying to be a bit cold .

Faole -Yes dad ... we don't want to remember the other day like it was ... almost rape , it is ... the worst thing we do ever , and to own father , please forgive us - She said and they two kneel .

I - It isn't necessary ... you know I love you all to much for being mad ... in fact - I said smiling - In fact I am gona give you this .

And I let out my discman , pick all my collection and give it to them two .

I - Go and share this with your sisters , you are gona need it babes - I said smiling .

They two go out the room with that gift while kissing me , if you know me , then you understand they joy ... but now I only want to sleep and get over this whole thing now ... it is too hard for me now to take care of a new quest ... a year and half isn't enough to me , and even less if the enemy is the same .
Then Aquamarine come with Iriane and they lie with me , comforting me as ever ... I need to talk with the others , I need them as close to me as before , I don't want they hurt for nothing , and this time it means nothing at all .
And in the room was an aroma ... an estrange smell ... exactly like Aquamarine , my mate ... but different ... it was ... Daria .


Man ... how long it was ? One month ? Two ? Fuck ... sorry for the delay I ... I am not in the mod , I had some ... loss ... recently I am not going to update as fast as always ... I am kinda depressed , so sorry , but in the next chapter is going to have more of all , because this was greatly delayed and isn't to much of anything ... so I am really sorry , but it is how I fell right now . But I hope you enjoy the chapter , the next as fast as it can be , goodbye for now to you all .
And I know , this isnt like the others , not as good and as long ... but like I said , the mod isnt to laugh for , so rellay , sorry ...
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