AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Ruby and his evil master .


Before we leave this area and go to the city , I want to ask something to Aquamarine , so I say it .

I - Aquamarine , you say mi essence has a lot in common whit Daiven essence , but why you do it yesterday ? , you an Daiven ... ?
Aquamarine - Yes , we do it ... It bother you ?
I - No , no , but you are me first ... so I want to know it , no more ...

Aquamarine blush a little , and we started to go across the woods . We fallow the route of Daiven when he go across the forest , and I go really bored , asking my a lot of questions ho I cannot answer , so I start to talk whit Aquamarine .

I - Aquamarine you know this route ?
Aquamarine - No , not even little , Daiven protect my in the pokeball all the time , he said for fear of loose me being captured or something , but I think he have other reasons .
I - I can imagine it , for now I ask you any questions , for know you more , I can ?
Aquamarine - Yes , start .

I ask to her ho pokemons Daiven has , and other minor things , I not realize myself ho fast the time go , but at last two hours pas , and we when lose in the forest .

I - O fucking great ! ... Dam it , I know this is going to happen .
Aquamarine - Really ?
I - My lucky is always the same , so this don't surprise me for real .

Aquamarine laugh a little , but she stop , and then I heard for what , it was a louder cry , we fallow it , and we encounter a "master" ho appear to be forcing her little Vulpix to fuck , this make me angry and I sow myself in front of the rapper .

The rapper - Who the hell are you ?
I - It isn't the matter , but I am going to cut you balls of for rape this poor creature.
Rapper - Really ? try it .
I - Ok , you want it , Aquamarine come here to help a little .
Aquamarine - I go .

When Aquamarine showin front of the rapper he charge to her , but in front of his face I place my fist whit all of my strength and broken his nose , then he flied like a coward , and I take a look of the poor vulpix , she aren't good , but not to bad , so I take her whit me , and she no show opposition , she was unconscious for the fucking bastard . A moments later we found a free space in the forest , so we drop the vulpix , and then she woke up .

I - Hello , how are you feeling ?
Aquamarine - (whispering ) You know it is a stupid question no ?
Vulpix - Who are you !? Stay away from me ! - the poor Vulpix try to get up , but she are very tired and hurt .
I - Try to sleep , the mother fucker is gone .
Vulpix - You hurt him ?
I - Only a little , then he escape in fear .
Vulpix - Good , thanks very much he is an insane person , he captured me and being to fuck me when he want , hurting always *soob* .
Aquamarine - Relax now and rest .

She fall asleep in the moment , and I throw myself into the grass and in this moment Aquamarine whispered to me .

Aquamarine - * You want to do now ? *
I - What ?
Aquamarine - You know what stupid *snort* common ...
I - O ! you want to *do* it , ok , but say it a little more naturally , she is asleep now .
Aquamarine - And if we wake up her what ? we are go to say here " hello and sorry , we are fucking , go back to sleep " ?
I - Ok ... not being mad at me ... I am sorry , but were we go ? , I don't want to let her alone .
Aquamarine - Well , here ! come ...

We go behind a group of trees and I got undressed and I kneel for kiss her in the mouth , then I go behind her and being to suck her clit , she moan and being to suck my cock , I moan to , but we both are going faster in our respective labors , before a few minutes we cum , sallow all of the other , moaning I turned to face her , she was clean now for sallow all , I kiss her and approach my cock to her clit , but before I do anything she go down and then up , we both being to moan at the same time , a little before I catch her whit my arms , as the same way of yesterday , but this time no only for being faster , for being stronger to , so we approaches to our orgasm for the second time and her kiss me and I did it to , then we both cum together and lie in the grass for a while , but I remember the Vulpix , for the only luck in my life she continue were we put her , so I dress and Aquamarine clean herself , when we finish we try to approach cautiously to her , but when are nearby her trying to seat she wake up .

Vulpix - Ummm ... Hello ... U ? What is this ? You both smell like how being ... to smell as same as I smell when my master ... you are fucking together !
I - Well ...
Aquamarine - Yea , we do ...
Vulpix - But what you are going to do whit me ? - She said whit tears in her eyes .
I - Nothing , brig in you to a pokemon center and then , what you want , come whit us if you want it , and for the way , what is you name ?
Vulpix - Ruby , and I think for what to do ...
I - Ok Ruby , welcome aboard , at last , for a wile .
Aquamarine - I agree , and ... hey ! , I forgot to ask your name .
I - *snort* , call me Uros Aquamarine and now wait a moment .

I took a look at the map ... fuck is all I want to say .

Aquamarine - What happen ? , you look like you are sick .
I - We go to the Pallet town .
Ruby - Serious ? I was birth here .
I - Well , a bad thing not come without a good , I can speak whit Oak .
Aquamarine - You know the professor ?
I - In the next morning I will .


End of second chapter , remember , this is most an adventure of fantasy than only sex , but is great for my , please enjoy and comment . ( And remember too ho I am spanis and my englis is not the best , but I try doing as good as I can for you all can understand it , thanks for read , and write reviews please )
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