AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


The new step


I remain in my cabin with Aquamarine upon me and Daria at my left for some time ... until the 4:00 of the night , definitely ... I cannot sleep , so I get up letting them in the bed sleeping peacefully "I really love my family" I thought "I hope this time I don't mess it ..." Finally I said to myself while I go out of the room .
The cloudy sky was all dark and the deck was desert now , I liked it , I want to be alone now , but not for too much time in fact .

Iperia - Hi dad - She said coming alone from the upper level .

I - Hi Iperia , how are you now ? You look very well - I said smiling , she looks like she was as happy as the heaven right now .

Iperia - I tell you later ... now I want to ask you a question dad - She said smiling and approaching to me .

I - Of course dear , ask whatever you want to - I said hugging her when she put herself in my front .

Iperia - Two relatives can ... marry ? - She asked looking at me funny .

I - Err ... it depends ... I think not , but ... who is ? - I was hopping she said I am not .

Iperia - Its ... Ixhola dad , its sis - She said sitting nearby to me .

I - Ah , ok - I breathed alleviated - But ... you two are bi ? Or lesbian ? - I asked directly .

Iperia - Well um ... not exactly - She said smiling - She is a herm dad , and I am going to be one soon - She said smiling at me now .

I - And how it can be ? - It was indeed ... confusing .

Iperia - It is because aunt Eternia dad , she know how to do things like you , she and Ixhola show me that all your girls can , all my aunts and even I and my sisters can do things ... it was your first gift to us all dad - She said looking at my surprised face .

I - Well ... I try to make them explain it a bit ... but you are serious about the marriage ? - I asked seeing her nod - Then I think ... if you two want , you can , only if it makes you happy - I said to her while she get up and hug me with a kiss in the check and she go to the upper level .

" I forgot " I said when I was alone there " That they can't bred until 18 ... I hope they don't mind ... Daria first " I finally whisper to the air . A few minutes pass and I only see the sea and the sky .

----- Nearby ...

Nearby , in a cabin with the properly view two persons were keeping an eye on me since we took the ship .

�? - Look , I know what he told us ok ? , I only said I don't see this like something good - Said the first .

�? - And I know it also , you forgot that we both are his friends ? - Said the second one - Remember my love , that he must be protected , but it also mean that he cant see us , otherwise his mission can be affected ... or at least it was what the professor said - Finally he suspired .

Then the light of the moon come and give a better view of them , a guy and a pokemorph , they both friends of mine , Ceis and Maide , with specific instructions by the police ( Maide took the same job as Ceis ) for keep sure I do the job that was given to me and so they do it how they were told to .

Maide - But I want to tell him we don't let him alone ! And the others aren't going to show themselves ? - She asked really upset .

Ceis - No ... they come because they are his friends and want to help him only , if he show themselves is going to be in the end only , and be sure of this , he is going to be mad when he know it , I am sure .

Then she begun to cry a little ... a friend who literally saved her time ago cant be trusted for her bosses and is let alone , she cant take it , she don't like it ... but she must obey , for her and for her husband .

Maide - Ok Ceis ... but if he succeeds I am going to tell something to our bosses , understand ? - She said with an angry look - And if you try to stop me I am going to let you without sex for a fucking year , and one month more for each wound he or his family take .

He doesn't say anything , she was right , but he also not said a word because she can make the punishment even greater .

----- Returning

I was already sad for this whole thing ... and I become even more sad and I remembered the time when I was so cold of heart than a death in the family mean nothing for me , now I cry loud and clear when I was worried for someone I love , it was driving me insane , I was seeing already my family dead thanks to this mess , I even know how I was going to do this well , with or without a death in my back and a new and cold heart in my chest placed for the piece who was going to be missed in the puzzle .
I was simply depressed , I don't want noting more to happen right now , but I know it was a desire too great for me to make , so I , tired and with a headache go to my cabin another time , wanting to rest and awake tomorrow .
I entered in it , Aquamarine and Daria were still sleep and I lied in the bed wanting to do it also , and in a few minutes , thanks to all the mental and physical tiredness I have already , I fall asleep .

Harden - Uros ...

But I already thought that I wasn't going to sleep at all .

I - This time I don't need nothing , I don't do nothing , I am nothing in this moment , ok ? - I said angry .

Harden - I ... I don't come for do what I always do Uros - He said slowly and ... kind ? Something was wrong .

I - And what is it Harden ? I don't want nothing right now ...

Harden - You ... you want to hear my story ? - He said timidly .

I - Mmmm ... Why not ? Maybe this time I can hear you without a kill desire - I said still mad .

Harden - Well , I can begin with ... why lie this time ? I am going to show me like I really am - He said changing into a red Jolteon - This is how I really am Uros , this is how I feel myself since I was born , before I was captured , after I was abandoned and murdered , this is what I am - He said with a sad look .

I - So you are a pokemon ... or at least you was sometime - I was ... a bit surprised .

Harden - Now you see me , but you don't know me for real , so I am going to begun and without remorse's and lies , I am going to tell the truth - Then he take air for a great thing he need to share time ago - I am , or I was at least , one of Aquamarine is brothers - He said waiting a surprise face , but I already have a lot of surprises and this wasn't so much - All I said to you of my family was true , the memories are given from a shadow to another , and my predecessor was who look after my father and my family , for that I remember it ... but I also remember my life , how I was alone when I decided to , how I was captured for a trainer who at first love me and in the end ... throw me out of his sight when he don't need me more , I don't want to tell what happened to me ... but it is obvious I think - He said with some tears - Then I become this , I know , surely I must say this before but ... I cannot , I know you are going to understand ... right ? - He said lowering his hears .

I - No I am not ... I am used to see the people is secrets too LATE - I said almost shouting - I am already mad Harden , and you tell me something that you must tell me time ago ... I want to awake now - I said giving him my back .

Harden - But ... but I have one more thing to say - He said almost crying .

I - Well , say it and then let me awake and suffer a little more if you don't mind - I said wanting even a sword in m chest if this stops now .

Harden - I ... I love you Uros - He said taking some steps back .

I - Wait , wait , wait ... you said what I think ? -I said surprised .

Harden - I said it , I am like that since I saw you the first time ... you had something that make the pokemon attracted to you don't matter what , but since I was dead I cannot fall in love for nothing "artificial" , and even with that you were so ... so sweet with my sister , you make her so happy , I was proud of you at first , but with time you become a friend of mine and ... and my love , ok , ok , I know you aren't gay ok ? , but I really need to say it fuck ! , if I don't say it I was going to become insane - He finally said crying loud .

I - Harden ... I don't have idea of this ... but you know I cannot love you like I love your sister ... I like the woman's - I said feeling pity for him .

Harden - I know ... but I must tell it or I was going to have that depression forever - He said approaching to me .

I - I am sorry Harden - I said scratching his hers lightly making him purr - But I am what I am , and besides ... I like to give , not to take - I said half joking .

Harden - Then give it to me - He said smiling .

That catch me out of guard ... and I really don't like the truth very much , but that make me hard in the act .

Harden - I see you like the idea - He said smiling and pocking my place - I also see why my sister like this so much .

I - Hey , wait a moment - I said getting up - You idea make me aroused but I don't know why and I definitely don't want to ... - I was going to refuse , and I still want sometimes ... but his eyes are like Aquamarine's so beautiful that you cannot refuse - You promise that I only need to fuck ya ? Nothing of receive ? - He nodded - I still say that this isn't the best idea I hear .

Harden - But you are going to like it , and I have something planed for this moment - He said putting himself in two paws like a morph .

Then all around me changed into the place where I found Aquamarine and we mate the first time .

Harden - I wasn't hopping for this moment - He said returning to his four - But I had this planed , only just in case , you know - He said smiling .

I - You had already all planed ... you already know I was going to accept this - I said almost becoming angry .

Harden - No , if I already know it then I asked this time ago , but I want my first time to be special ... like my sis - He said approaching to me and forming into a morph .

Then he kissed me , it was a warm touch like I never feel , but it was like Aquamarine , warm , pleasurable , making me want this while we play with our tongues I forgot about him being a guy and I become even more aroused for moments , my member was growing more than it was used to , normally to his 18 cm , now my member was already his full length in 20 cm , was I so aroused and wanting this experience ? .

Harden - Oh , see it , how hard it is ... you are sure you don't like this ? - He said smiling while knelling and quitting my trousers and pants - Heh , you can say whatever you want , but this is harder than it usually is with my sis - He said looking hungrily at it .

I - Hey Harden ! Wait a fucking moment , you said only fuck not ... Ouuuhhh ... Fuck ! - I said when he put my cock in his mouth .

He only grinned when I begun to moan for his attentions he started , maybe he never do it , but he was already making me approach to my limit , but he keep sucking don't wanting to stop , slowly going deeper and deeper until all my length was in his mouth .

I - Ahhhh ! Fuck ! Go slow I am going to CUMMMMMMM ! - I shout when I released my seed in my first orgasm of this type , and it feel good , really good .

Harden - It was tasty Uros - He said smiling after swallowing all he can take - Want to try on me ? - He said pointing at his rod now hard .

I - You said I wasn't going to receive - I reproached .

Harden - It is only if you want - He said waiting to me response .

I knell in front of him ... maybe I don't want but ... always are one first time for everything , so I put his member in my mouth and begun to suck lightly , going slowly , the "taste" wasn't exactly what I was expecting ... I really don't like it too much , but I keep going , really don't knowing what to do in this case , but putting all inside of my mouth so he was moaning lightly but hardly , and I think he was enjoying this too much with what I was doing .

Harden - It is my turn ! - He said and I feel his seed in my mouth making me cough in the surprise - Sorry .

I - It is ... different ... I think I don't like it Harden - I said spiting it out - It doesn't taste good for me .

Harden - Well ... we try it at least - He said a bit sad , then he return to his pokemon form .

I - I can go now ? - I asked a bit impatient to quit the flavour of my mouth .

Harden - You don't finish here - He said turning -You only need to do a little thing more .

"So he want all of it" I thought "Then he is going to have it" Ant I changed myself into my Green Vaporeon form and approached to him slowly and placed my paws on his back while placed my low body until I touch his hole .

Harden - Uros ... do you think it is going to hurt like the first time for a woman ? -He said almost with fear in his voice .

I - I don't know and believe me , you are going to know it soon and I am not going to try it - I said pushing forward slowly .

Harden - FUUUUUUUUUCK ! IT HURTS LIKE HELL ! - He said with a suddenly and involuntary thunderbolt .

I - WHAT THE HELL !? That hurt a lot Harden ! - I said when I feel the energy .

Harden - Sorry , but it hurts a lot ! - He whimpers .

I - We can stop if ...

Harden - And a shit ! Keep going ! - He shouted .

So I keep going , slowly and carefully , but he was tight , so tight in fact , that we almost come a few time before I finally put all my length inside of him . We were moaning already , panting , but even I wanted more now that I was so deep .

Harden - Don't stop please ! Fuck me ! .

And I do it , I filled her ass with all my length one time and another between shivers , our panting and moans of pleasure , his tears of pain and pleasure and my thrusts . Maybe I wasn't used to this kind of pleasure , but each thrust was giving more and more pleasure with me going as further as I can , until he force his walls and wrapped my member in her insides as he come forcing me to the orgasm also .
A few minutes ( I thought ) and I get out of him still moaning for all of this , but don't getting out of his back , even when he fall in the ground I was still upon him .

Harden - Uros *pant* I know this isn't mutual , but I love you - He said turning his head and kissing me .

I - I think it isn't mutual but ... don't misunderstand me with the word friend ok ? We see when the time comes . BUT , I am not going to be your mate , I don't want to give you something I cant ok ? - I said to him scratching his head .

Harden - I know it ... now get back , or someone is going to miss you right now - He said smiling .

I suddenly awoke and feel the tiredness of all ... I was so tired , I even feel my body , I must rest , and my eyes closed remembering what I do a moment ago ...


Err ... well , this is my first time writing something gay ok ? I don't know if I do it well because I usually don't read gay stories ( usually , not always XD ) , so I hope you enjoy all the history , because this is the last chapter of the first , and yes , it continues in the next , and I am going to revise all the chapter and correct it slowly , thx to all the readers ( Now time to blame the whole story for its orthography XD ) .

Funfact ( I forgot it before , sorry ) : 86.603 words and 149 pages in Word ^^ .
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