AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


First medal , and a danger way .


Morning , I wake up the first , and come out of the room , searching for Oak , I need to do some test and ask him a little questions . He was in the back yard , seeing something ho he have in his hands .

I - Professor , I need a favors , please .
Oak - Waite a moment please .
I - Ok ... what are you looking ?
Oak - A pokedex for you , one special .
I - In what ?
Oak - Well , it was my pokedex , and now it is yours , I am only doing a little changes , now you can see all the attributes of a pokemon whit this , it sow you bars whit the strength , agility , and all the others , the bars have colors , the green or yellow was the normal attributes , no modifications without vitamins or anything , the purple was modified whit vitamins , but thanks of my most newest research , I made the red , this isn't natural stats , so it mean something isn't well whit the pokemon , and it can be bad .
I - Wow , thanks professor .
Oak - It is done , now tell me , what do you need ?
I - Well ... I want to do two analysis .
Oak - One of blood and other for ... the sperm , I presume .
I - Yes ... how you know ?
Oak - The question for yesterday ... I search for the answer all the night , and I found it in the science page , read this , loud .
I - The human and the pokemons can have sons " o fuck , it is real " , but the pokemons are stronger than humans , and for that it is almost impossible : sperm stronger in pokemons , they kill the ovule , ovule more resistant in the pokemon , and the human sperm weak , so they die in the try .Only the pokemon who have almost a little of the DNA of a human ( the fight type is almost the only ) can breed hybrids , this isn't the only way , the most easy is the genetic , but this isn't a secure way ( only for the scientist , Newtwo is an example ) , the second is when a pokemon is a little weak , or have been breed whit the human who met ( she/he have a little in common whit the DNA of a human thanks to her/his life whit them ) , but the most rare is when a human ( male or female ) is strong than the pokemon or more ( the common human is weak than a Pidgey in the DNA ) ... I - am - fucked .
Oak - Yes , a little ... I am old , and for it , this didn't bother me , but you are strong , more strong than one normal human , I know you dislike been called human , but the reality is that , now the analysis .

The blood was taken , and the sperm to , so I only need to wait for the results . Two hours before ...

Oak - Well , this results was very good ... if the question was another one ... you can have a hybrid son ...
I - Yes ... I know it already , and I like it ... but not now , I want to explore , and know all the world , see all ho this can sow me ... and a little son mean this : stay and live in a place ...
Oak - I know it , so be cautious whit the girls , if any of them was in heat in any moment , try to no cum inside ... or let her masturbate , no more ideas , and other pokemon male isn't good , you are the "alpha" so if you are whit the girls and you have a male , the fight is assured .
I - No much options I have ... well ... I know what to do when the moment come .
Oak - I whys you luck , you may need it .
I - Only need it ... I know I am going to need it , something is saying it to me .
Oak - To realistic for you good .
I - Now yes , but in my world never , I think this world is changing me , for the good one I hope .
Oak - Well , now you need to wake up the girls and go to the first city for the route 1 , the city is Green city .
I - Ok , we go now , I call you when we arrive the city ... but one more question , Ash is here ?
Oak - Ash ?! , you know who is Ash ?
I - I have in my head all what I need , now tell me please .
Oak - No , he is in the 3� championship whit his friends .
I - Well , I hope I can know him .
Oak - Be sure , he is always in trouble , and you can be one of them .
I - Well , then bye for now , how I say , I call you .
Oak - Bye Uros , and be careful .

When e finish I go to the room and wake up the girls ( but slowly and whit precautions ... A mega punch in the head , a flamethrower , ice beam or scratch in my face isn't what I want ) , when all was up we go out , say goodbye and being our route to the glory , or at last , I hope it was a glory who are waiting for us . The route 1 was only a road , we fallow it , and in one hour we arrive to Green city .

I - Wow ! it is really great .
Aquamarine - Yes it is , em ... I can speak whit you ... in private ?
Topace - Do it quickly .
Ruby - We wait .
Aria - Go now you two .

We go behind a group of trees and start to talk .

Aquamarine - You know , I feel so sorry for yesterday ...
I - I forgive you , and you forgive me , what more you want to say , or want me to say or do ?
Aquamarine - Why you do the analysis ?
I - If you know what I do , you know the answer .
Aquamarine - ... Yes , I know ... we really can have kids ?
I - Yes , we can .
Aquamarine - But this is more strange who fuck ... or I think so ...
I - You want to hear a history ?
Aquamarine - Tell me .
I - All the worlds have been created in the beginning not for a good , for a dreamer , all the things of the created world was thinking and dreamed for this person , even mine was dreamed for sure , I know it , this world was dreamed for one human in the mine , and all who happen to be who it is now here was his/her dream , but when a dream is throw in the air , others do his/her "expansions" to the initial dream , so the sex between pokemons and humans isn't in the original context , but one person dream whit that , possibly , a person who feel our specie like me , but then , he/she dream to have a little son whit her/his fantasy mate , and then , this show to your world to , now it is part of it , and I can now have a family here , see a kid grow stronger and healthy here , whit you , but not all who bright is gold , I know , I remember who the persons of my world want the person who are different , usually dead or as far as they can , in the worst way possible , and no one or two persons , almost all , and if it is the same here ... I know this can be the ultimate thing I do .
Aquamarine - This looks like a fairy tale ... but if you say it , it is the truth , and if it wasn't I know it , but is the truth , at last you think in it who the truth ... but why the last thing ?
I - If any know our child when we have one ... it cannot be good , they can try anything only for kill it , or capture and experiment whit it ... and I cannot let it go to happen if I am alive and whit the strength for fight , so first I want to explore and have an adventure , but if it go in the other way ... well , we stay ...
Aquamarine - And the others ?
I - ... I don't know ... what do you want ?
Aquamarine - We can be a very large family ... but well , it come out when we need it .
I - Ok , we need to return whit the girls .

We return , but I do it thinking ... and worry about what can happen .

Topace - At last ! , what are you doing behind the tree ?!
I - Nothing dam ! only speak .
Topace - Yes ! , sure ! , well , there is the gym , we go or not ?
I - Yes , we go .

And we do it , we go to the gym and when we are in front ...

Cartel - Closed ! Sorry .
I - Fuck man ! , my luck haven't change in all the time .
Aria - Well , we can go to the next city .
Ruby - Who is the next ?
Topace - Professor Oak say to me when I am little and we are whit the new trainers , silver city , but first is route 2 and the Green forest .
Aquamarine - Well , it isn't much .
I - Yes , you are right " but why I am having this felling ? " , so we go now ... ops , I need to call Oak , come whit me to the pokemon center .

And we go , but in the way all was seeing us , I think for have my pokemon out , after five minutes we arrive to the center and go in .

I - Hello , you are the nurse Joy of here no ?
Joy - Yes I am , what do you want ? ... and why are your pokemons out of the pokeballs ?
I - I want to know were the pone is please , and they are out for I want it .
Joy - Ok , the pone is there - And show me the nearby wall .
I - Thanks .

I took the paper whit the number of Oak and call him .

Oak - Yes ? Oak in the pone .
I - Hello professor , I arrive to the Green city ... the gym is closed .
Oak - Almost always it is ... go to the next city and try there , if you acquire your first medal call me .
I - Ok professor , bye .
Oak - Bye , and luck .
Aquamarine - Well , we go ?
I - And now .

We go out of the center say goodbye to Joy and going to the Green forest across the route 2 , who was another dam road ... , but the we arrive to it , it was huge and dark now who the night is coming .

Topace - Well , we go or not ?
Aria - It is huge , we can lose in it .
Ruby - We have the map remember ?
Aquamarine - Fuck ! you all wait dam ! , he is thinking .
I - we can wait to tomorrow ... but lose the entire night , or go now , all both have a problem , but well , all isn't going easy , we go .

And we go , crossing the woods without any encounter ... but I saw a pair of eyes , a red pair , I am sure ... and then it show , a enormous Tiranitar , what the fuck is this pokemon doing here !? .

Topace - She is mine ! and you don't say any order ! I am not going to obey you !

None argue whit that , but if she is a female I think I have more problems to come ... well throwing apart who Topace is doing what she want ... throwing punch , hyper rays and all what she want , and the Tiranitar is defending herself , but it appears not to work well , and one mega punch hit her face and nose , then fall in the grass immobile and unconscious , and I catch her .

Aquamarine - Well , one more .
Aria - More company .
Ruby - I can play whit her when she wake up ?
Topace - I am hungry !
I - Ok ... we rest here until tomorrow - I search in my backpack and took a little of the food who Oak give to me - take it you all , I haven't hungry now .

They eat and fall asleep , I need to rest , so I do it to . At the morning .

??? - Wake up , it is morning now and we want to show you our new friend .
I - I go ... one moment Aquamarine ... new friend ?!
Aquamarine - Yes , the Tiranitar , she is Insonica .
I - Well , hello , how are you felling today ?
Insonica - Hurt a little ... Topace is a bad beast .
Topace - And it is new ?
Ruby - She is very kind .
Aria - And friendly .
Aquamarine - ( whisper ) And she was in heat yesterday ... you need to take precautions if you want to ...
I - ( whisper ) And you aren't going mad ?
Aquamarine - No more ... only if you are whit me .
I - ( whisper ) Ok , ( normal ) we go now if you are all ready .
All - Yes we go .

We finish to cross the forest and see the exit , then the sunlight hit in our faces , and we continue to silver city , half our of travel and we are in it .

I - Well , it is a bit little
Aquamarine - Yes ... there is the gym !

She show it and we go as faster as we can , in front isn't nothing who say it is closed , so we go in .

??? - Who come in the ground gym ?
I - Uros , a trainer who want to fight for the ground medal .
??? - Then come here .

When I come near to the voice a light appear , and other and other , in the middle of the now clear and visible camp a little kid remain sitting .

I - Who are you ? , you aren't Brok .
??? - My brother is out , I am his brother , Tim .
I - Ok Tim , we can begun when you want .
Tim - Now , one pokemon , no more .
I - Ok , Aquamarine here you go .
Aquamarine - Understand .
Tim - I chose Golem !
I - " O fuck ! ... you can beat him ? "
Aquamarine - " No problem , only order and I obey "
Topace - You are a selling yourself !
All - Don't say a fucking word !

We both prepared , analyzing our rival , if he is a brother of Brok then he know who to breed a stronger pokemon , but I have the advantage in the type , so I hope this can be sort .

Tim - Now , start !
I - Aquamarine water pistol ! - She fired and hit the golem ... and it didn't notice it !.
Tim - To poor ... my turn , Golem rollout !
I - Aquamarine avoid it ! - she avoid only for luck - now ! shot a ice ray to the ground ! do a wall ! - She do it and the golem stop rolling - now ! another one to him ! - this attack hit and made golem fall KO .
Tim - Golem ! ... you win ... take the medal ...
I - Thanks ... I am searching for Ash , your brother is whit him , if I find they I say to him who you are a great gym leader , your golem is strong .
Tim - Thanks , now I am going to close the gym , golem need to rest , goodbye .
I - Bye Tim .

We go out the gym and the lights go out .

I - You do it very well Aquamarine - I knell and kiss her in the mouth .
Aquamarine - ( blushing ) Thanks - And she return the kiss .
Insonica - Wow ! ... I want one ...
Aria - All want one ... and other things to "giggle" .
Ruby and Topace - Speak for yourself weirdo's !
Tim - O ! ... You love , really love your pokemon isn't it ?
I - O sorry Tim ... I thing you are in the gym ...
Tim - It is nothing ... I understand , I am young but I fell something for my golem , and it is she for your information .
I - Ok , good look whit her .
Tim - I don't need it man , I am great whit the ladies .
I - Yes , you are Brok is brother .

We laugh , and then I say the second goodbye and go to the next route , but then ...

!POW! .

I - DAM IT ! Who is the motherfucker ho shot me !?
Aquamarine - Your leg !
??? - Remember my face bastard ? .
I - ( looking at his face ) YOU ! son of a bitch ! you are the rapper who do it to Ruby !
Rapper - Yes , I am , now brig her to me ... or I kill you .
I - Upon my grave motherfucker !
Rapper - Whit pleasure ... - POW .
I - SONOFABITCH ! ... you are so dead man ... you drive me nuts ! - then he shot another round and hit me in the other leg , but I throw myself to him and we fall in the grass .
Rapper - You are weak now ... you cannot beat me .
I - You forgot one thing .
Rapper - What ?
I - I am never alone dumb .

The Ruby throw a flame thrower when I fall apart of her ex master and then he begun to burn .

I - I like the meat when it is burn ! , but Aquamarine throw an ice ray , other things are worst tan the death .
Aquamarine - As you whys ... but I want to see him burn ...
I - In the hail and for all of his life ... and for a rapper ... it is to short .

She freeze him and then I ask to Topace for carry it to the police station , when we let the motherfucker and ask a little questions , they bring me to the hospital . There I need to maintain my pokemons in the pokeballs , but I have a urge now ...

I - Insonica , Aquamarine , go out !
Aquamarine - Are you ok ?!
Insonica - I don't know why you save him !
I - I know what happen to the rappers in the prison ... jejeje ... it is worse than burn in life , they taste how a rape is before die .
Aquamarine - Now I am felling better , and Ruby to when we say it , now , why you let we out ?
I - Insonica ... you are well ?
Insonica - No ... in this continent no one want to stay whit me ... If you know what I mean ... I am ... bad ... at last seven years alone .
I - Aquamarine , I can do it ?
Aquamarine - Of course ... but whit the precautions ... you know why .
I - Ok , Aquamarine come back . - I put she in her pokeball - Now , come here if you want big one .
Insonica - I really can ? but you are hurt ...
I - And you are in heat for seven years , I don't know what is worse , and it is only superficial .
Insonica - Ok , I go ... I think , I never do it ...
I - Let me show you ...

And then she approaches to me , and being nearby I use my fingers who I know inside of her , but she was to big , so I use three , and she begun to moan louder ( my luck who we are in a soundproof room ) and I continue doing it , and more stronger and faster , then she put of my pants and stroke my cock , I moan but continue whit who I am doing , when my member was in position she begun to suck , and very slowly , who was felling great and warm , more stronger I put my fingers into her and she moan louder than ever , she was cuming .

I - "gasp" fast , e ?
Insonica - Yes " pant " but I show yow .

Saying that she put upward of it and go down faster and stronger , then she cry out loud and tears go out of her eyes and the blood out of her sex , but the felling was only a moment , pas it she begun to go up an down faster , riding my cock , and I help her whit my arms , we do it for at last a half our going faster and stronger , but it was coming , and I don't know if doing it into her or out .

I - I "moan" , I am going to do it , but " gasp " you first !
Insonica - Whit pleasure ! " pant "

Then she cum and I take it of inside her , she knell and suck it , and I cum to , she sallow all , nothing fall out , the ...

??? - Hello , I am Joy , you know me for when you ...
I - O ... sitt .
Joy - What the fuck are you doing whit your Tiranitar !? .
I - Close the fucking door and come in dam it ! - she close it - well , we are doing it , it isn't obvious ?
Joy - Yes it is , and for that it is weird !
I - Try it whit a male you frigid ! , and what do you want ?
Joy - I bring you a pone and a the number of the police ... and now I go out .
I - Sorry Insonica , she doesn't understand .
Insonica - It is nothing ... thank you .
I - My pleasure ... well we both have it , but now , return Insonica .
Insonica - Tomorrow .

Then I catch the pone and call to Oak .

Oak - Hello ? Oak at the pone .
I - Hello professor .
Oak - Hello Uros , how are you ?
I - Well ... let me see ... I was hit for tree rounds in both legs and in one arm ... good I think .
Oak - WHAT ?! who shot you ?! .
I - The ex master of Ruby , now he is burned and in the prison .
Oak - Well , it is ok , something more ?
I - I have the medal - And I show it .
Oak - Awesome ! I say it , you are good .
I - And a Tiranitar to , Insonica .
Oak - Lucky one .
I - A little , well , I am going to call the police , they want to say something to me bye .
Oak - Bye ... and more luck next time .

Calling the other number ...

??? - Hello official Mara at the pone .
I - You want to talk whit me ? I am Uros .
Mara - O , yes , thanks for capture this criminal ... but now I need to warn you , he is part of a band ... so the otters are going to want you dead ... be careful , it and what do you want for reward .
I - Only food , and a little bit of money for my way .
Mara - Deal , tomorrow here , bye .
I - Bye .

Then I fall asleep for the lost of blood and the sex action ...


Chapter 5 finished , I am tired ... now it is the 6:10 of the morning and I cannot go to sleep ... no more chapters for a while I think ... zzzzzzzz .
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