AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


A journey whit my new friends ... and an older one


Morning , 3 P : M , I sleep more than I expected , the reward for the fool of yesterday was near my bed , whit a card " Here is you reward for capture this criminal , and a message for the professor Oak : Uros , I hear a rumor , in the sky-blue city was a man who say isn't of this world , as the same as you , go to talk whit him if you can , goodbye . ( call me when you got the 2� medal and you have talked whit the guy ) " , well , this is going interesting ... the I go out of the center and free all the girls , they are asleep , so I return them in , and begun the way across the route 3 . It was a little road ( all routes are the fucking same , no fun ) and a large one , one hour to arrive the pokemon center who is near the MT . MOON , and one hour for rest ( all the rout is going up ) , then one pokeball begun to move .

I - Go out Aquamarine ! .
Aquamarine - Good morning " giggle " , " yawn " were are we ?
I - Near to MT.MOON , we need to cross it .
Aquamarine - Well , it isn't look like a problem .
I - The same as yesterday when we are going out of the silver city ? , when it is going to happen I feel something ... now to ... ( dam ! ) .
Aquamarine - What is happening to you ? .
I - Nothing ! ...
Aquamarine - Say it ! .
I - ...
Aquamarine - You aren't heal ... aren't you ?
I - No I am not healed ... and it is bleeding ... but this isn't the matter , we need to continue .
Aquamarine - You wake up stupid today ? we are going to the center now !
I - Never ! if we go there they are going to put my in the fucking bed for a month ! ... and I want to arrive the next city as faster as we can , so keep moving , the blood don't stop me .
Aquamarine - ... if you whys it ... but if you fall unconscious we go to the pokemon center and you rest until you are healed , deal ?
I - Deal ... but we need to go , behind me is the entrance , and we are talking to much now .

Then we stop talking and come in the cave , the zone was fucking dark ... and I hate the dark ... but I keep moving . In the cave only was Zubats , Geodude , and a couple of Paras ... little more than this , but it was a labyrinth and in ten minutes we are lost .

I - You know " gasp " I hate be myself sometimes ... when the luck come for example .
Aquamarine - But , the luck throw you here ...
I - This isn't normal ... even the luck isn't in that ... for it I am here ,if the luck was who intervened I am now whit the dinosaurs ... and eaten .
Aquamarine - Weirdo ...
I - Thanks love .

I am going to knell for kiss her , but something distract me , a loud moan in the nearby , something is having a good time , and we become curious ... In a nearby zone of the cavern two Blaziken are having fun , but there is something wrong ... they two are males ! , this didn't bothered me for real ( Note : I respect the sexual tendencies of all the people , don't mater the kind ( but well , I continue being hetero) ) but thinking in how I smell ( like a pokemon for being whit the girls ) I think this can be really bad if they smell me and want some extra fun ... ( Note : for all who are reading , when we are whispering I put this [] , thanks )

I - [ I think ... the good option now is go out , and don't bother them ] .
Aquamarine - [ Why ? ] .
I - [ How I smell ? ]
Aquamarine - [ Like a pokemon , why ? ... Ok , we need to go ... only for being sure they don't smell anything ] .
I - [ I know you understand it , but without any sound ] .

And I know it , I know this is going to happen , I fall and shout in the air all the curses I know ... then I realize what I just do .

Blaziken 1 - Hey ... stop it ... what was it ?
Blaziken 2 - I don't ... mmmm ... something smell good ... THERE !

They spot us ... but I think the only want one of us ... me ...

Aquamarine - You are right , stink be you whit you luck ... NOW RUN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD !
I - I don't believe in god , ( looking behind ) but I believe in run like a coward when it is needed ! .

And we run ... and how ! I think my legs are going to escape and reach the exist alone , but when we spot the exit , the Blazikuens reach me ...

I - I want to go if it don't bother you two ... please ?
Blaziken 1 - What do you think ? .
Blaziken 2 - Mmmm ...
They both - Sorry ! but no .
I - Fuck ! let me go now ! .
Blaziken 1 - Nones , we have a new toy ...
Blaziken 2 - And we want to try it .
I - Aquamarine ! help needed here ! .
Aquamarine - Let him go weirdo's !
Blaziken 1 - O ... he is straight ...
Blaziken 2 - No more when we defeat her .

They throw me to the ground knocking me down and then ... I didn't know what happen ...

Aquamarine - Wake up ...
I - Ouch ! ... What happened ?
Aquamarine - I loose and they take they way whit you ...
I - WHAT !? .
Aquamarine - Pfffffffff !! You really believed it JAJAJAJA ! , I beat them two and then they returned to the cave silly .
I - ( Kill desire growing ) Aquamarine my dear ... You want a little break in our journey ? .
Aquamarine - ( stop laughing ) No ... why ?
Aquamarine - Yikes !

We ran to the exit as fast as we can , but when we were out I catch her and we both fall into the ground , then , I stop being mad only seeing her beautiful eyes , and I huge her , we both kissed and I free all the girls .

I - You all can do all you want when we arrive to the sky-blue city , ok ?
All - Yes , thanks .
I - We remain in the nearby of the city , there was a lake , we all can have a bat there if you whys , [ Then we can be alone ] .
Aquamarine - [ Ok ] .

And we go , the place isn't far away and have no travelers , five minutes and we arrive at the lake , I throw myself in the grass and Aquamarine do the same nearby to me , the girls go to he lake and take a well needed bath , playing and all , we only hug and kiss , not sex , not speaking , only kissing and hugging , half hour pas and ...

Aquamarine - You know we are doing this for at last half an hour ? .
I - And ?
Aquamarine - The bat ? ... and the others ? they are going to think ...
I - What ? , we do it when we want ... what is bothering you ?
Aquamarine - I fell observed .
I - Um ... wait here .

I get up and look all who is surrounding us , only grass , trees , the lake , and the city , tree have nothing , the girls are in the lake , so it is safe , but in the grass was a figure , a far distance in reality , and it can be observing us ... but the person was familiar to me , so I approached to it ... I know that guy , I was sure ! .

I - Khorne ?
??? - Who ask for me ? ... Fuck ! Uros man ! .
I - Khorne buddy ! , how long ? five days ? , it is to much without one of the fallout group .
Khorne - Five days ? I am only here for two , I was playing whit the PC and fall here , and I see you have company ...
Aquamarine - Hey , who is this guy ?
Khorne - I have a name you mistress , Khorne .
I - Hey , you can understand her to ! .
Khorne - Yes I can , and I want to talk whit you in private ...
Aquamarine - Ok , but come in a few minutes please ...
I - Ok .

Aquamarine go to the lake and wait for me .

I - Well , what do you want Khorne ? .
Khorne - You know anything of the others ? , ACB , Galan , Cordobes or Vatrota ...
I - What is that for ? .
Khorne - Well , a few days ago you disappear , you know it for sure ( smile ) , but then ACB to , Galan , Cordobes , and Vatrota ... all disappeared ... then I do it to ... and I am here whit Hardes .
I - Who is he ? or she .
Khorne - He ... is another who disappear of our world ... and he have been here one year , I know he tell me the truth for this ...

And he show me a Fallout Tactics CD .

I - Fuck man ! I start to think I never see one of those anymore ! .
Khorne - Well you see , another thing is bothering me ...
I - We speaking English ? .
Khorne - Yes , I never speak in English ... so it is strange .
I - A little ... but don't matter , they can understand us , and we can understand they .
Khorne - Well ... they are waiting to you ... why ?
I - Kinda complicated .
Khorne - You aren't for the humans no ? ... like always ... even in our world , you didn't change a little .
I - I know , well , what are you going to do ?
Khorne - Rest here , wait for you ... meditating ... waiting ... zzz .
I - Yes ... meditating ... lazy .

I let he sleep and come whit Aquamarine .

Aquamarine - Well , what he say ? .
I - The others can be here ...
Aquamarine - Who are the others ? .
I - My friends ... something isn't good , and we are going to blow this fucking mess , if more of my world come , any can be the worst person in the earth , and this world didn't need more of this stuff ...
Aquamarine - Thing by thing , first a single bat , only a bat , you need it ...
I - Say only : You stinks ... I know I need a bat .

I take it , wild water , no baths or anything like that , only fresh and wild water , wising for a wile the girls going out , so I do it and dress up , Khorne was still asleep , but well , I think he need a bat to , so ...

I - I am sure ... Khorne is drunk ... Aquamarine throw him water ... only a little .
Aquamarine - Ok .
Khorne - ( "washed" ) Fuck you ! .. o ... sorry , I need to let apart the drunk master play ... .
I - If you do it , the fun was over ... only do it more light .
Khorne - Ok , ok ... but remember , I only want to stay in the fallout world , die wit my friends and our guns in our hands ... you forgot it ? .
I - I never forgot what is important to me ... but now , I want to remain here ... when this is finish I think ... I can help you and the others to go onto the fallout , but if this happen , it need to be a goodbye forever you know ...
Khorne - I know Uros ... but this world isn't for me ... look at yourself , you don't want a human woman , only the furriest ones , and now it isn't a mater , you have what you want , but I am different in my feelings , I want human females , my friends nearby me , and a huge gun , it and die fighting and young , remember it , even you want it , we never wanted to die old and in a fucking bed .
I - We both know each other for more than I expected ... all who are nearby to me go out at last in a week , you and the others was my friends , and I know you all very well , and for that , what you all desires when my journey is over and this was fixed , you all have it , but think in it ... even the desire of being in the wastelands , whit my minigun in my hand , killing raiders and slavers is gone ... and for it , really , think in it ...
Khorne - I do ... and you know ? ... we are walking to the city and we never noticed it.
I - Fuck ... it is true ...

We both laugh for a wile , but the girls were talking .

Insonica - [ what they are saying ? ] .
Aquamarine - [ They are talking of another universe and something ] .
Ruby - [ And ? ] .
Aquamarine - [ I don't know ] .
Aria - [ He say ... he want to go out of our world ? ] .
Aquamarine - [ Never , he never want it , and never cross his mind ] .
Topace - [ Ou ... then I cannot kill him ? ] .
Aquamarine - [ If you touch him prepare for being transformed in dead meat ! ]
I - What is going on girls ? .
All - Nothing ...
I - " I am not stupid ... " Ok .
Khorne - At last ! , we rive to the sky-blue city , now , to the house of Hardes .
I - First the first , the gym .
Khorne - ? , you are going for the medals ? ... I think you are going to fix the world - he say sarcastically .
I - Yes , I want , but the things in order , if I want to go into the next zone I need to win here , or the ship who cross the sea don't want to take me .
Khorne - Ok , but before this we go to Hardes is house .
I - Ok ... I agree .

The ways was short , and the girls didn't speak , even a little , and I know , here is going something ... but I really care of what I have in front , the water gym .

Khorne - You know ... I never enter here , but Hardes say Misty is out , and their sisters to .
I - And who rule it ? .
Khorne - I have no idea ... , well , I wait here , good luck buddy .
I - I didn't need it .
Khorne - I know ...

We enter in the gym , reception and two doors , no more , one have " gym " in it , the other ... I don't know , I only want the gym , so I enter . " Fuck ! " I south to the air when I almost fall to the floor for all the water who is around , the girls laugh a little , I only want to finis here and go out , but well , all didn't want me out ...

??? - Well , well , well ... look , we have a new toy . - Since t he cave I don't like this word , and worse than it , the voice appears to be male ...
I - You are the gym leader ? .
??? - Yes , I am here to replace , only for a while , Misty is sisters , now , if you come here is only for the medal , isn't it ? .
I - Yes , it is , so we start ? .
??? - Yes , three pokemon at the same time .
I - What ?! , three ? .
??? - No more rules , now chose .

I turn to the girls and begun to think .

I - Aquamarine , you are the only water pokemon who are here , Insonica , you can do Hyper Beam , so shot it upon the water , and Topace you too , Ruby and Aria , remain here .
Aria and Ruby - Ok ...

I - Ok , I make my choice , now let begin .

Say this all the nearby zone was opened whit any hidden mechanism and all the ground was gone , except for platforms in the surface of the water .

??? - Ok , I chose Lapras , Blastoise and Sealeo .
I - I chose Aquamarine , Insonica and Topace ! .

And it begun , the gym leader throw three pokeballs and the pokemons come out , then they all go to the water and begun to swim , Aquamarine do it to , but Topace and Insonica only can jump into the firs platform .

I - Now ! Insonica , Topace , do an Hyper Beam ! to the shadows in the water ! , Aquamarine do an Hydro Pump .
??? - Avoid it you all ! , and then Surf ! .

All the enemy pokemons except the poor Sealeo avoid the attack , the Sealeo was returned to its pokeball and the combat continue . The surf attack hit Insonica in the head , but it isn't a bad hit , so no mater .

I - Aquamarine go out of the water and do an Ice Beam .

She do it , the pokemon of the gym leader was frozen , I win more easily than I thought .

??? - ... Ok , you win , take it and go out - he throw the medal , and I go out .

Khorne - Well , fast hu ? .
I - As always .
Khorne - Then we go .

He get up of the ground , face a way and start to walk , half hour and we reached a house in the nearby of the city , a man was lied in the ground nearby to the door , without a word he go into the house and let the door open , Khorne go in , so I too , but when we come Khorne only say this to me .

Khorne - Go upstairs and sleep until tomorrow , he say he is tired and don't want to talk now , and don't ask me , I didn't know why , now go please .

And we do it , we go upstairs to the unique room , a small one , whit one bed and no much more , so I put the girls into the balls ( whit a sorry for all ) , except Aquamarine , she was ...strange ...

I - Aquamarine ... what is happening to you ? , you look ... strange ...
Aquamarine - Well , it is for ... we don't do it in a while ...
I - Well , it have the most easy solution of the world my dear .

As always I go undressed ( and looking the wound , it was healed ) and she approached to me , we lied in the bed and begun to kiss each other , and in this occasion , we forgot the preliminary pas and go to it , but this time very fast and strong , to fast and strong for me , but we enjoy it , but ... something was wrong ... didn't mater , the felling was to good and I forgot it ... she go deeper , doing all the work , for half an hour we continue , but I cannot hold it and come into her , then I fall asleep , but she don't . he whisper to herself .

Aquamarine - How ? ... how I am going to tell him ? ... I was in heat ...


Well , this took me to much ... at last for hat I wanted . Well , the history is going to be more ... complex , well , enjoy it . ( a whole week recovering all the archives ... man the next is gona take a while )
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