AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Not what I planed ( 1º part )


After the night session , when I fall asleep , I have a dream , I am in a field , surrounded by rough stones , comfortable grass , and ice ? , something was a little misplaced ..., even in a dream , then an image cross my mind , painfully and slowly , my family , I was remembering all of them , and remembering when I was whit them , but now ... no more , whit all my anger I throw my fist into the ground , transforming the ground into ice ... trying to understand what was just happen I get up in middle of the night , whit Aquamarine lying in my chest ... and whit tears in her eyes , when I try to get my member out I listen a voice , the voice was Khorne ( I presume ) , but then another , it was strange ... so I thing it was the other guy , Hardes .

Khorne - Why you don't tell him ? .
Hardes - I didn't want to and mean to do it ... you are his friend .
Khorne - Yes , I am , but I think I am not going to be more when he know it ...
Hardes - You know it , a lot before he come , you cannot go out of the town , the otters go and we are alone , when he have the first eight medals , you can leave , no sooner or later .
Khorne - Yea , I know ... but , the other thing ? .
Hardes - He need to find it for himself , and be quiet , he is strong , I know it , the mater now , is how longer was going to be his journey , whit the first medals you can leave to the Fallout universe , but if he remain here , you are going to be alone and without friends ... you want that ? .
Khorne - Well , no , but if I know him enough I am sure he is going to find the otters , and whit luck , come whit us .
Hardes - And if he find them , but then he reaming here ? .
Khorne - Well , then we say goodbye ... but it was going to be hard ... all of us are good friends , and if only one is missing ... we aren't going to be the same ... a loot of time whit blood , gore , and more ... you know what I am saying ... we have the dream of die fighting ... and if he sacrifice it for her , then ok ...
Hardes - So ... you aren't going to try anything ? .
Khorne - You put the rules ! you know what I can and cant do ! , for it I only do what I need to do ! ... if the decision was mine he come and we die how we all want in the beginning ! ... how all of us want ... still friends ... still ... together ... but , you know ? , I always know , he isn't going to desire it enough , die whit honor ? , yes , die without family ? , never ... so let him here , when I can , I come to visit his family when he has .
Hardes - And if you die ? .
Khorne - JAJAJAJA ! , my friend , he , I , all we know the answer , we see our friends in hell man , but we see at last one more time .

They continue ... and I remember ... I remember all my dreams : die whit honor , but not alone , whit my friends , and for a good cause , for the people , for the oppressed , for nothing more than our kind , the "different" people who aren't happy whit the world ... I remember , we are few , but we are brave , and we are ready for anything , for be "free" ... all the plans we have and we want , and a life I never desire ... then , I see what I have now , new friends , an objective in life ... and Aquamarine who continue whit her tears , trying to no wake her I huge her and begin to cry without any sound , the time pas , half an hour , one , two ... the morning , and I was still hugging her and crying , then she awake and talk to my seeing my tears .

Aquamarine - What happen ? why are you crying ? .

My only answer was kissing her and huge her more strong , more than strong , lovely , she do the same , and we remain whit our bodies in that position for all the time , until something knock the door .

Khorne - M... Uros , dress up and go out of the house , I want to say something to you ... - and he return downstairs ...and my tears returned .
Aquamarine - Uros , please ... say it to me , say to me what is happening to you .
I - ... only ... the past ... remember is hard sometimes ...
Aquamarine - You are remembering something ... like when I remember Daiven ? .
I - Something ... like that ... but it is not the same , I have my love here ... it is ... only my family ... and friends , but I say to you , I am going whit you , and it is a word of honor , I never going to broke it .
Aquamarine - And I am very grateful for it .
I - Well , I am going to dress up , then we go down ... and to the next city I think ...
Aquamarine - Ok ... why so sad ? .
I - Khorne isn't going to come whit us ... and for it I have half sad , half happy ... I go without my friend , but we have more time alone ... now , we need to go down .

I dressed as fast as I can and go downstairs , Hardes isn't here ... so I go outside , there was Khorne , alone .

Khorne - Uros , I am going to be honest , so pay attention , and do it serious , for once in you life , first : I cant go whit you , it is ... personal ... second : three of our friends are ... lost , ACB , Gallan and Vatrota , if you find they , say them to go here , and third : come here when you have the first eight and win in Indigo Tableland , ok ? .
I - Khorne , now the honest one is going to be I , I hear you two in the night ... I am going to continue being your friend , and I bring the others here , and I am going to help you whit the "transport" ... but I remain here ... so please , don't die there and come here to know my sons when they where born , ok ? , make a promise whit me , it mean so much for me .
Khorne - ... you hear it ? ... you know what I say ... and even whit that , knowing I want all of our group together ... you want to remain here and make a family ... man , it is a deal , when I can , I return , and whit all of our friends , and we see your little ones , so make a lot ! , and do it quickly ! , I don't want to wait for see the little troublemakers you are going to have .
I - I know , the group mean a lot for you ... but I fall in love man , you in the wastelands can do it , for sure , and for the kits ... I want to see the world first , but I am going to think in it ...
Khorne - You are a man ! , now , go , save our friends ... as always *laugh* and then hive us a future whit guns and action .
I - Believe me , I do it , now , goodbye man ... and throw the fuckin bottle ... it is going to do more problems in the wastes when you have the minigun ...
Khorne - Hey ! , nobody live forever ...

Whit our "goodbyes" Aquamarine and I march to ... wait , were are we going ? .

I - M... Aquamarine , where we need to go ? ...
Aquamarine - Well ... I think , to the Sea House .
I - Why ? .
Aquamarine - I don't know ... but I remember me and Daiven going there before going to the next city .
I - Oooookkkk ... then , to the route 24 and 25 , no ? .
Aquamarine - Exactly .
I - ( Remembering ) Wait , I see ... this road is the road to the next city ? .
Aquamarine - Mmmm ... yes , why ?
I - ( Reading a post ) " Road closed until new advice " Fuck them ...
Aquamarine - Now we can go only for kill the time .
I - Something we need to do , well , we need to move .

We re-start our way to the Sea House , but something isn't good for me ... so when we go out of the city and where in the road without none else more in the proximities .

I - Tell me Aquamarine ... why are you so ... strange , it isn't for what you say yesterday , I am sure .
Aquamarine - ... the others are sure awake , why no ? ...
I - Don't change the theme , you are different ... I feel it .
Aquamarine - You are going to be mad whit me ...
I - And why ? .
Aquamarine - ... I don't know how to say it ...
I - Come on Aquamarine , it cant be bad enough to disgust me ... isn't it ? .
Aquamarine - ( God ... please , something must happen now ) .
I - Aquamarine ... I am waiting .
Aquamarine - ...
I - Ok , if you don't want to open your heart , ok , but then I do the same ...
Aquamarine - No , wait ! ... I say it , but please , don't be mad whit me .
I - Dear , I only can be mad whit the people I hate , I love you , so be quiet , say it and no more , then we can continue the way to the Sea House for the pokemon who can cut the shrubs .
Aquamarine - Ok ... yesterday I was in heat - she say loud and clear .
I - Ok ... wait here only for a moment ...

Luckily in the road we are crossing was a little forest , so I come a little deep , only for south in the air all the curses I know ! ... but then I realized what was the courage she put and trust she have whit me , so when I come out I approach to her slowly , and I think whit the wrong face , she begun to cry a little ... so I knell and huge her .

I - Why ? , why you don't say it until now ? .
Aquamarine - ( crying a little ) I don't know ... if you don't like it ? ... if I am pregnant ? what happen to our journey then ? .
I - First , I am a bit ... upset ... if I say the truth , but only for this , you don't tell me early , second , if you are pregnant , we need to hurry up a little , when we have the medals and save my friends , we can raise a child ( hugging her ) , and the journey is in the second to , so don't bother for it ... but if you if this happen a second time , and you don't tell me , I make you sterile , understood ? .
Aquamarine - Crystal clarity .
I - Then we shall continue .

And we continue , but in the woods was something ... I can hear shouts ...

I - Aquamarine , I am hearing something ... lets cheek it , I think this isn't something good for sure ... as always ...

And we come into the little forest , searching for the shouts , in no much time we begun to hear a battle sound ... and we go faster . Three minutes and we find it , one man have a pokeball in one hand , and a cattle pod in the other , in front of him was a little group of Grovyles , only one was without wounds or anything similar , and as always , my big mouth say the first word ( man , I like it ) .

I - Hey son of a bitch ! , throw the cattle pod ! .
??? - Who the hell ? - Turning to me - O ! , I see , you look exactly who the stupid who help that Vulpix bitch burn my friend ...
I - Your friend ? ... if you are a member of the organization of that bastard , you are doomed .
??? - Why , only for that ? , only for do what we want whit animals ? , we aren't to different ... you do the same .
I - If you think we are equals , then you are stupid enough for be whit the other in flames .
??? - You don't want to do it , you know ? , we have at least one thing in common , we aren't for this world .
I - ...
??? - Who knows , I can be part of your family , or not , you want to fight ? .
I - Well , I think it isn't necessary .
??? - Why ? .
I - You forgot your back .

He try to look behind him , but before he can the Grovyle who was near him do a headbutt smashing him to the ground , then I took him and let him out of the forest and Aquamarine wait me whit the Grovyles , when I throw the rubbish out and face to the forest , a felling cross my back and I take a look behind me , he was gone . A little couple of time and I was whit Aquamarine and the Grovyles were we met .

I - Well , I know it is an stupid question , but , how are you now ? .
Aquamarine - [ Yes , you was right , it is stupid ] .
I - [ Thanks for being so direct my love ] .
Grovyle 1 - We are ... well enough , thanks for distract him .
I - Not needed , well , I think I didn't forgot the potions who Oak give my ... here they are .

Taking one of the potions I approach to the Grovyles , but one of them do an agility and go a little away .

I - Er ... what was that for ? .
Grovyle 2 - Well , my mate didn't like the humans very much ... and now I am whit him in this felling to .
I - I am only trying to help you ... but if you want I can go out .
Grovyle 3 - Yes , it can be the help we need , thanks , now leave .
Aquamarine - Hey ! , there is no need to be rude .
I - Let it how it is Aquamarine ... well , at least , take it - I throw the potion to the first Grovyle - use it if you whys , I am leaving .

When we are out of the forest .

Aquamarine - Why are they so rude ? , and why you give it to them ? , yes we have a lot of potions and yes , they were attacked for that bastard , but you aren't him and ...
I - ( knelling and hugging ) My love , one thing you need to learn , when you begun to suspect something BAD for the humans , and you find the suspect true , you never can believe them , at least , the 90% of the times , remember ? .
Aquamarine - Yes ... but this isn't the mater , you HELP them .
I - Yes , I help them , but the humans do it for something always , the help of a human never is free , and it is only when the human is good enough for be naughty , one of the good ones , so I didn't want to upset them , let it apart , if they want to say something they come .
Aquamarine - And how you know it ? .
I - The scent my dear , the scent , now , how are the sleeping ones ? .
Aquamarine - ( concentrating ) Sleeping .
I - Dam ! ... well , then you and I alone this night , but we aren't going to the house now , at least not alone ... this bad felling is growing .
Aquamarine - And were we sleep ? .
I - ... The forest , we can search for a good zone , I think I have here ... ( searching in the GREAT back pack ) well , I think I have all now .
Aquamarine - What ? .
I - Oak put a whole tent here , under the pokeballs and the potions .
Aquamarine - And you come here whit it all the time ? ... you need to check it more often .
I - You are no fun ... now go inside , the time pas fast , and the night is coming .
Aquamarine - The time didn't go fast , we was sleep until the 16:00 , or more ...


First part , in the second more explanations , sorry .
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