AGNPH Stories

My Dream by uros


Killing desire


After the night and the action , some people find her/himself exposed , I thing the same , so a little training now and a new friend after .

Morning , another morning , my wounds are healed , and scratches here or there , but not matter , Aquamarine still whit me in our embrace , I put her apart slowly and kind , only for not awoke her , and when I get up of the ground I take a look for what was surrounding me , and a look for myself ... y need to train , and the others to , if no , we are going to lose strength in no much time , so I get dressed and took all the balls freeing them , and then Aquamarine wake up .

I - Ok , all you girls are all right ? , rested and ready ? .
All - Yes .
I - Ok ! , now we need to do exercise and training a little , all you want ? .
All - Yes .
Aria - What kind of exercise ? .
I - Quite simple in fact . one by one you all fight whit me .
Aquamarine - You are ... serious ? .

Concentrating in something who make me angry or sad , only for the fact that the ice only come when I was in one or both of these feeling states , then not only the arms and the hands , all the body was covered whit an ice "armor" .

I - Very serious , now the first , I only block your attacks , so do it strong and fast , if I see who someone don't put all was she have , I attack , understand ? , now bring it on .

Two hours of training , all the girls do they best until all , one by one , fall in the ground exhausted , the "armor" protect my body of the majority of the damage , but not for all , some scratches , any burns and little more , and a great felling of fatigue surround me , but y only climb upon the tree who is near to me , to wait for a change of "state" whit my body .

------ The girls

Topace - Dam ... my fist hurt ... he is becoming strong or what ? .
Silveden - Well .. a little rage if mine help him yesterday .
Aquamarine - Now you are a bit more calm ? .
Silveden - Only ... a bit .
Ruby - What happened yesterday ? .

Aquamarine and Silveden tell all the "history" .

Insonica - One more to the group , m ? .
Ruby - More fun ... I still remember my other master ... I want to be happy forever now .
Aria - Not being alone .
Topace - Fight more .
Aquamarine - Fell loved ... we all know what we want ... but now I need to ask you some questions ...

------ I

" Man ... I am tired ... " I think for myself , id I say the truth , I feel a lot of pain for the training we do , but well , in the other hand I want to rest too , so in the top of a tree is a good place like other ... well , in the top I can see all the forest , and the house of Bill ! , we need to move , something there was going bad , near of the house was smoke , and if it isn't for a fire pokemon ... it can be the ones who are friends of Ruby is master , so then the "armor" disappear and I come back .

I - Girls ! , we need to move now , to the north .
Aquamarine - Wait , why ? .
I - I see Bill is house , nearby was smoke ... and if he don't have fire pokemons there ... it cannot be any good .

We started to run as fast as we can , but when we arrive to the house ...

I - The house inside is destroyed ? ... how this can happen ? .
Aquamarine - Here is a scent ... still frees , we can follow it .
I - We must do it .

She follow the scent until we all come out of the forest and then I hear a shot , a yelp and then I fell my anger , some motherfucker shot Aquamarine in the left leg ! , and three members of the team rocket ( whit their respective uniforms ) was in front of me .

T-R 1 - Well , we have company .
T-R 2 - One unexpected company .
T-R 3 - Lets kill them , we not need witness .

Ca-Clack and another shot , this time in Aria is arm , she shouted in pain and curses for the rockets , it make me so angry ! , to angry for content it ! , the "armor" returned , this time whit a axe made of rock in my right hand and a shield of wood in the left , I simply run in front of who shot Aria and cut his head of whit one simply slash , it fall of his body onto the ground , and the others whit fear shot at me , for nothing , another slash in the middle body of the second , and this fall cut in two , the rocket who remain only cry in fear , before I cut him into pieces , then I see a truck , and thinking in more Rockets to kill I approach to it , but there only was the poor Bill , whit a rope surrounded his arms and legs , I free him and take him out of the truck .

Bill - Thanks man ... WHAT A MESS ! - he say seeing the corpses - , you ... you do it ? .
I - Yes , they attacked my friends ... - looking for the girls - HEY ! girls , it is over , come here - and they come out of the forest .
Silveden - They want to kill us ! .
Aquamarine - ( crying ) *soob* And almost do it ! .
Aria - Dam motherfuckers ! , this hurt a lot ! .
I - Be calm , they are dead .
Aria - Now I am more happy .
I - Come on , we are going to the pokemon center now , you come Bill ? .
Bill - Yes ... yes .
I - Came onto the truck , we are going fast .

When all was in and Aquamarine nearby to my whit Aria ( I need to take care of them ) , and in no much time we were in the city and go fast to the center , even the police follow us trying to make us stop , but when we arrive to the center all the girls come out and I take Aquamarine and Aria in my arms ( Bill was a little slow , the rope hurt his legs a little ) and entered in the center , where Joy was .

I - Hello , you can heal my pokemons ? - I say as fast as I can - the team rocket shot them .
Joy - Ou ! , poor things , I do my best , the others to ? .
I - Yes , I want them to be in perfect status , please and thanks ... and I forgot , you can heal Bill to ? .
Joy - Bill ? , the kid of the forest ? .
I - Yes , we rescued he from the Team Rocket , then is when they got wounded .
Joy - Ok , send he in . - And she enter whit the girls in the nursery .
Bill - I come gas .
I - O ! sorry Bill , man , I forgot you .
Bill - Don't mater ... but the police officer who is out want to talk whit you ... I go whit Joy . - Then he entered in the nursery too and I go out , the police officer was looking at me very angry .
Police Officer - In what the hell are you thinking man ?! , you almost make a disaster for driving like you do ! .
I - Do you want to know in what I am thinking ? , in my pokemons and in Bill , the Team Rocket attack his house , and kidnap him , we try to help him and the members of the Team shot us ... I made a mess whit they in the road ... send an agent for verify that if you want .
Police Officer - I do ... thanks ... but don't drive like this anymore .
I - You can bring the truck to Oak is lab ? .
Police Officer - Yes , ok we do , goodbye .
I - Bye .

In the hall - " Well , I think I am going to call Oak " I think to myself , taking the pone and imputing the number ...

Oak - Hello , the professor Oak at the pone .
I - Hello there prof , how are you ? - Then a female voice saying something like " let the fucking pone and come here dam it ! " - Well , I see ... you are really good , the Vulpix is whit you ? hehehehe .
Oak - Hello Uros , yes , she is still whit me , I am lucky man , and how are you , and the girls ? .
I - Well , Aquamarine and Aria was hurt for the Team Rocket , they attack Bill is house and kidnap him , so we rescued him and then they shot to the girls ... three Rockets in different states of mutilation , I only say it .
Oak - Sorry ... are they well ? - I nodded - Ok , and the man who I talked you ? - I tell the history - interesting ... well , and the medal ? - I show it - then almost all perfect ? .
I - Well , not all , I find one Grovyle called Silveden , and she have a crush on me ... and now Aquamarine is a little mad at me ... but calm , I think I fixed it ... a ! , almost forget this , I send you a truck , use it how you want , ok ? , it is something like a gift .
Oak - Ok , I can use it for my researches whit a little of modifications , now good bye .
I - Goodbye , and make she happy or you have one big-little problem .
Then Joy come out , the time pass really fast ! one whole our ! .
I - Hello , how are they ? .
Joy - Very well , in fact , all are perfect , except for the shots .
I - Yea ! , it was the best news I ever have ! .
Joy - There is more .
I - O really ? , ok , tell me .
Joy - The Vaporeon is pregnant - I feel even more happy if this is possible - and the Zangose , the Tiranitar - how Insonica ? ... - and I think the Grovyle too , or at least , it say the blood tests I do for them .
I - Thanks , I can see them now ? .
Joy - Yes , they are in the nursery , except who aren't pregnant , I need to do more test for now , and you are their master , so tell them the good news .
I - Ok , be sure .

She go to the room were was Ruby and Topace , and I to the nursery , there was Aquamarine , Silveden , Aria and Insonica , I approached to them ... slowly , don't knowing what say , and insecure , but them seeing me .

Aquamarine - Hello there , we are a loot better now ... what is the mater ? , you look funny .
I - E ... I don't know how to say it ... Aquamarine can you come first here ? .
Aquamarine - Of course - she approached to me and I sit in one of the chairs I have nearby - what is the mater ? I ask again .
I - One happy mater , you are pregnant - she smiled and put herself upon my legs - but is some more , they three too - this don't change her smile .
Aquamarine - We can be a great family , no mater how many we are .
I - Ok ... Girls ! come here please - All of them come closer - well , what I am going to tell you can make you happy , or bring you all desires of killing me , no more ... all of you are pregnant .
They all look like if they want to kill me ... but then they all hugged me ( I lose the breath ) and kiss me , until Joy entered in the nursery , then they stopped .
Joy - Well , I see , you tell them the good news , well , a police officer want to see you .
I - Ok - she go out - mod fucked ... well , I come as fast as I can .
All - Ok .

I go to the hall , no one was there , so I sat in one of the chairs who was there , then .

Police Officer - Well , hello , I search for the ... bodies , or whatever was that ... and the house of Bill is being repaired , thanks and goodbye .

He go out ... " And it is all ? for this he blow the mod ?! " I south for myself , thinking in how someone can be so inopportune ... and silly by the way , but it don't mater , I return whit the girls , but before , I smell something coming out of the nursery , it drive me crazy ! it feel good , I don't know how to explain it ... it make me enter in the room , but not for my own , in there was all the girls , but before I can enter in the room Joy graved my hand and took me out .

Joy - I need to say something g, and I need to say it now , you know what you cannot let them do when they are like now ? .
I - Um ... no if I say the truth .
Joy - Ok , I need to ask if you say so , this is the list , read it ... and the others two are going to be here in a wile , so wait in when you read all .

I begun to read , this is what it say :
" The females who are pregnant need to fallow this rules , their trainers had the duty of ensure of that , id they don't follow this warnings , there is a loot of chances for lose the baby who was forming" :
1�- They cannot mate , it can damage the egg .
2�- They cannot fight the types who are effective to them , Example : Fire vs water .
3�- Their body need to stay in the same temperature almost all the time , the egg only can take high or low temperatures for a little couple of minutes .
4�- The stomach need to be protected always .
5�- They need good food , and a loot of them for their health .
And some more who isn't important , so I enter in the nursery , whit the mod in the ground , and even worse when I see the regular time of hatching : to 6 or 12 months , or even more ! . The girls noticed something and approached to me .

Aquamarine - What is up ? , you look depressed .
I - I AM depressed .
Aria - And why ? .
I - The nurse show me some rules for you , you need to follow it or the eggs who you all carry can die .
Insonica - Then what is the mater ? , we can follow all the rules , it cant be so bad .
I - Well , the first rule piss me of a little .
Silveden - And what is it ? .
I - The only who fuck my mod ! , you cant mate when you are pregnant .
All - Fuck it ! .
I - I want ! ... but now we cant have fun until the babies were born , so we need to have the medals kicky and go to Oak laboratory for the happy moment , now , you may wait me here .
Aquamarine - Why ? .
I - I am going to call Oak ( second time ) .

All nodded and I go out and go to the hall , there I take the pone and mark the address , hoping if he don't mind a second call .

Oak - Hello , Oak at the pone .
I - Hello prof , I have more news , sorry for calling you a second time .
Oak - Don't mind , tell me the news .
I - - Telling him the FOUR news - So I think , in coming to live whit you in the laboratory when we have the medals and we help my friends .
Oak - Mmmm ... jejeje , of course you can , we both win something , you can raise here your family , and I can study the "hybrids" if the name don't bother you .
I - O no , it is alright , but only if they aren't harm in even one way .
Oak - Calm down , it was only be simply test , but only when they have been grow up a little .
I - Ok , I go whit the girls ... we are going to have a loooooong time without ... fun .
Oak - Yea , I know , my friends and I helped in that list , and believe me , if something of it you don't follow , you are going to have one who never is going to live ... so take good care of them , and stay there until tomorrow , I am going to send you some more food , and a little map whit shortcuts , take it , like a gift .
I - Ok , thanks , now I am going , goodbye .
Oak - Bye , and take care of them all ... if you made it and come here you are going the most happy person of all the world ... but if you lose only one , believe me , you are going to want die .

And whit this words he cut the communication . I enter in the nursery and sit in one of the chairs , the girls come whit me as fast as they can .

Aquamarine - How it go ?
I - Very well , we can live there , for now , when we have all the medals and I helped my friends .
Aria - It isn't a bad thing .
I - But it is very difficult .
Insonica - We are whit you ... and the sadistic one to , and Ruby .
I - I know ... but you are going to be ... fragile ... don't misunderstand me , but I don't want you to be hurt ... and our sons need the extra protection to .
Silveden - Hey , stop it , we are whit them only for dais , we can be fine .
I - No doubt , but I never let you put yourselves in , even minimum , danger .
Aquamarine - So kind ... but where is the fun ? .
I - The fun is fucked until the birth , so ... I think in going to sleep as the great fun for now ...
Aquamarine - Don't be silly , we still can do ...
I - Even it ! , you all are going to be calm and quiet ... be fucking safe until the birth ... I know this was in me , he fucking protection feeling who my father and mother has ... ironic , but remember this , you all are my treasures , Ruby to , even Topace , but she apart ( little snorts ) , and for it , I am going to put you into a fucking tank if it is necessary , you are going to be safe , we do what we need to do , and then we can raise the childs . ok ? .
All - Ok ...
I - Well enough , now , you all , pick a bed , tomorrow we go to the next city , but ... you aren't going to miss the training .
Aquamarine - And the protection and all this whole thing you told us ? .
I - You are going to hit me , no more , so rest now , I am going to - then Ruby and Topace come into the room - Ok , forget it , just rest , and you two to .

Whit no more words all the girls go to sleep , I remain there whit they , only one thing I one to do , so focus in it I materialized the axe of rock , and begun to do a word in my arm , but Aquamarine saw it .

Aquamarine - [ What the hell are you doing ? ] .
I - [ Read it ] .

Even whit the blood , it can be read "LIFE" .

Aquamarine - [ What was that for ? ] .
I - [ You see Aquamarine ? ... when I was in my world ... my only hope was or kill myself , or die fighting whit ... let this apart , kill myself only ... I brought a gun couple days ago , and when I fell like I have the guts , I come here ... and you Aquamarine , you my love , you bring me the hope who I need , and for this , I make this to be even carnal in me . and .... I am a person who like ... the violence , I need to say it , I enjoyed what I do this morning , and I want to do it again ... but I am whit you , and here , so I want to be as good person as I can , and for this I do the same whit my other arm - And cutting the word in my right arm , it say "FORGIVE" - This make a lot of pain , but I need to learn what the otters can feel if I do it , for forgive me and for being , or at least , try to be , a good person ... not only for me , for you , for they , for our sons ... ] .
Aquamarine - [ You are as good as you can ... you doesn't need to remember it ... and for the Team Rocket ... I don't think you do wrong ] .

And she kisses me , I feel it so warm , so good , I want she to be whit me forever , and I can do it , but then the kiss stopped and she begun to look at my private parts , like asking for something , and I know what it was , but we cant do it .

I - [ We cannot do it , you know ] .
Aquamarine - [ I can at least pleasure you ? , and then you can do it to me ? ] .
I - [ Even it , if we do it , then I cant stop , sorry , but we are going to be like this until the birth , I told you ] .
Aquamarine - [ Ok ... but if I say the truth , I don't like it ... ] .
I - [ Me neither ... but I can make you a promise , when all our sons were born , believe me in this , we are going to do the greatest ever ! ] .

Smiling she go to their bed and sleep , I look at myself ... if I say the truth , I want to mate now , and so badly ... but I want to be father , so I need to control myself , and it remember me the last thing I want to do , in my chest I wrote this "HOPE" , only for what they bring to me whit my future sons , I clean myself , and in the chair I fall asleep , only for the first dream of my entire life , who was good .

End of the chapter .
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