AGNPH Stories

The Journey Begins by aviose



Two months had passed since that night, and Mike had grown quite a lot as a trainer. Thanks to his special bond with Eevee and Vulpix they worked especially hard in every battle, managing to expand Mike's pokemon collection to six. And to Vulpix's joy, they were all male pokemon who were quite keen on having fun.

"Tommorow we arrive in Cerulean City, and we will get our first badge!" Mike announced to his pokemon, having released all of them to talk with. He had made it a point to release them at night now, for more reasons than one. Gazing at his champions, he couldn't resist swelling with pride. Aside from Eevee and Vulpix, who had more than earned respect in battle, he had aquired a Raichu, Ratata, Scyther, and an Abra, each with their own unique style.

Camp was set up rather quickly, and as the sun set upon the horizon Mike and his pokemon sat before a roaring fire, gazing at the darkening sky. Abra, like most others fell asleep quickly, and Scyther followed suit. The others however, had other ideas for the twilight hour.

"So, who's up for a bit of fun?" Vulpix asked his friends, a smirk appearing upon his face as he eyed them.

"Think we should, I mean before our first gym battle?" Raichu asked, scratching his head slightly. He was barely an adult pokemon, having been evolved the very day he was caught. "Shouldn't we wait until afterwards?"

"C'mon Rai, the last thing we need is tension before a fight, I'm with Vulpix." Said Ratata, trotting to the electric rodent's side and teasing the other's backside with his tail, producing a shudder from the larger pokemon.

"He has a point, which means we should let Mike join in." Eevee chirped in. Eevee had been completely smitten with his master since that night two months prior, and relished the chance to fool around with him.

"Who didn't see that one coming?" Vulpix teased, getting a glare from his normal lover. But Eevee couldn't hold it, and a smile soon touched upon his lips.

"Well then, let's stop talking and start playing." Ratata said, before standing upon his hindpaws to place a gentle kiss upon Raichu's cheek. Enjoying the affection, Raichu turned his head to lock his lips with Ratata's, sharing a tender embrace.

Mike, who had been busy rummaging through his pack, caught a glimpse of his pokemon kissing and quickly perked up. Almost instantly his member pressed tightly against his jeans, almost painfully. Kneeling down next to the two, he glanced to the remaining two, a gleam of lust in the boy's eye.

"You wanna do that some more?" He asked, scratching Raichu behind his ears. His question was answered as Eevee pressed his head against Mike's groin, murring soundly. Undoing his pants, he quickly slid them and his briefs down to his knees, allowing the cool air to rush up against his warm skin, sending a shiver through his spine.

Vulpix, who also had a raging hard on at this point, leapt forward with his agility and engulfed his trainer's member in his hot mouth, casting a boastful look to Eevee as Mike moaned in pleasure. Placing his hand upon Vulpix's head, he urged the flaming pokemon to take more of his meat into his muzzle, while Eevee busied himself by suckling upon Mike's smooth orbs.

Ratata meanwhile, had enough of kissing and desired more. He quickly began to lick at Raichu's swelling chukawk, bringing it out to it's full length. After it was sufficently lubricated, he leapt over Raichu and towards Mike. Confused, and now horny as hell, he quickly followed the fellow rodent to Mike's backside, where he suddenly realized what Ratata wanted.

Mike's gentle thrusts and moans were cut short abrubtly as his boyhole was roughly invaded by the eager Ratata, forcing him to readjust his position, almost crushing Eevee beneath him. Darting from beneath his trainer, he cast a quick glare the normal rodent's way before turning his attention back to Vulpix. Vulpix, who was forced to deep throat his master when Ratata jumped him, backed away and let the hard phallus slip out of his mouth, linked by a chain of hot saliva mixed with human pre.

Jumping on the chance, Eevee darted beneath Mike as Raichu lowered his head and began to lick the pink pucker beneath Ratata's tail, the normal mouse's leg twitching uncontrollably as he did so. Once Raichu was sure the flesh was moist enough, he straddled the other pokemon and thrust his electric rod deep into him, sandwitching the small pokemon. Eevee and Vulpix butted heads as both of them tried to envelope Mike's maleness at once, the trainer letting out a powerful moan as he was being pleased from both ends.

It didn't take long for Vulpix to cave, for he knew Eevee wouldn't stop until he got his wish, and the fire type crouched low to the ground, presenting his tight tailhole to Eevee. Nipping playfully at Vulpix's ear, Eevee quickly mounted his lover, a squeal coming from both of them. Embedded in the fire type's tender rump, Eevee raised his tail and exposed his own entrance to Mike, who didn't need another invitation. Though with the five of them it took a few moments to get a proper rythm going, once they were all set they were in bliss. Raichu, at the end of this yiffy train loved the smell of Ratata's fur, glad to have another rodent to fool around with, even if he wasn't electric.

Ratata clamped down upon Raichu's hard member, pain and pleasure racking his senses. He felt a small trickle of blood making it's way down his leg but he didn't care, the large member was constantly massaging his prostate, making him lose control of his tongue, which hung lopsided out of his mouth. Vulpix, rocking back and forth with the thrusts, was panting heavily. He wouldn't admit it, but he prefered the feeling of someone's weight upon his back and the unique filling sensation of something invading his backside. And with four others pressing in unison against him his moans were the loudest of them all, his pre spilling upon the ground like a faucet, his knot already buldging from his sheath.

Eevee was in an equally pleasured state, relishing the smooth skin that pounded against his backside. Lifting his head up, he began to lick Mike's chest, prompting the boy to remove his shirt, letting the tongue tease his tender red nipples. Eevee loved the taste of his master, and the texture of the skin against his tongue. Mike had been "warned" about "disturbed" people who used pokemon as sex toys when he passed through Pallet. Something about a kid named Ash came up frequently, but he paid it little mind. His pokemon were his life, and he knew they enjoyed this just as much as he did, so what was the harm?

This pace was kept up for a while, their collective moans now in unison as their thrusts. It was Ratata who could not hold out any more, and with a high pitched sqeal of passion clamped down hard upon Raichu's member and sprayed his seed deep into Mike's bowels, filling him with a most pleasant warmth. Raichu was a quick second, pounding so fiercely into Ratata he almost caused Vulpix to smash his face into the ground, and unloaded his seed into his purple furred lover. Eevee was the third to climax, screaming in pure pleasure as his seed blasted deep into Vulpix's hungry tailhole, flooding the fire types prostate. That caused Vulpix to cum, his seed splashing the earth at his feet, and splattering on his fur and face. Mike was the final one, his climax coming out with a feverent blast that rocked Eevee so hard he climaxed again, spewing even more normal seed into Vulpix's rump. By now all five of them were coated in sweat, and on shaky legs. Slipping out of each other with a satisfying "pop", they all took a moment to catch their breath and relish the warmth that flooded their bodies.

From the bushes a short distance away, a small pair of icy blue orbs gazed at the group, hungrily eyeing them. The pikachu had been sitting there since they started, and had already climaxed himself, and was busy licking the seed from his hands.

"I'm going to have to follow these guys." He murmured silently to himself. "They may need my help."
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