AGNPH Stories

The Journey Begins by aviose



The morning sunlight crept into the boy's tent, causing a few of his pokemon companions to stir. It was Scyther who first awoke, yawning heavily and gazing at the mass of pokemon and human sprawled out before him.

"I heard you guys last night, perhaps next time you can keep it down, or invite me." He said aloud, Eevee's eye opening to gaze at the insect.

"We would have if you hadn't gone to bed so quickly." The tired normal pokemon responded, before rising to his feet and yawning as well. "And only if you promise not to stick your scythe's up our butts again." He continued, remembering the emergency trip to the Pokecenter for Raichu. "We don't need another incident like that again."

"I agree!" Raichu said as he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his large brown eyes. "I still have a scar."

"Some of us are still trying to sleep." Abra's voice snapped.

"Well wake up then." Scyther replied, nudging the psychic type. "Today is the gym battle, and it's already daylight."

It took a few more moments to wake everyone, but soon Mike was lifting his backpack and heading down the road to Cerulean City, a whistle upon his lips and a dream in his heart. He had placed all the pokemon in their respective balls save Eevee, who gave Mike such a pitiful look when he brought the spheres out he decided to let him walk alongside him. The trip into town was uneventful, and the group arrived in town before breakfast had completed. He was tempted to grab some, but that could be handled after he won his badge. With confidence he and Eevee walked into the massive battling gym.

"You seek to challenge me to a battle?" The red-headed girl asked as she eyed the boy over. Kinda small, cute face, nothing terribly special she mused to herself. "Well then, you play by my rules. First, it's a three on three battle, choose your three wisely." She said, standing from her seat as the aquatic battling pool opened before her. "Only one pokemon in the fight at one time, no doubling up." She continued, before retrieving one of her pokemon from her hip. "And the final rule, no crying!" She finished as the sphere was released, cracking open and flooding her side with it's normal crimson glow. Standing before her was a rather impressive Seaking, seemingly eager for battle.

Mike had heard about Misty, but she didn't seem as attractive in person as the stories had led him to believe. Nodding in response to her rules, he motioned for Eevee to enter the ring, which he quickly and eagerly did. Tail wagging in excitement, the whistle was blown and the two pokemon dove into the water after one another. Seaking struck first with a powerful horn attack, but Eevee quickly used a unique version of "Counter", propelling the fish out of the water. It didn't land infront of Misty however, it landed on her, driving concious thought from her. Swimming back to his master's side, he blinked in confusion as his opponent lay knocked out at the other end of the rectangular pool.

"Hmm, perhaps you overdid it a tad Eevee." Mike said five minutes later, still waiting for Misty to move. "I hope you didn't kill her." Eevee bit his lower lip, offering Mike a most apologetic look.

"W-what happened?" Misty asked as she finally regained her bearings, and stumbled to her feet. "Is it over?"

Mike, who was two seconds from calling an ambulance before she stirred, smirked inwardly to himself.

"Yes, you don't remember? You used your Seaking, but Eevee finished him off, and my Raichu finished off your Staryu and Horsea." He lied, releasing Raichu from his pokeball as he did so.

"Ah, why was I lying on the floor, and why does my head hurt?" She asked, still blinking away the stars that clouded her vision.

"Oh, that was Raichu's fault, sorry about that." Mike replied, getting a very confused look from Raichu but Eevee quickly filled him in. "He hit Staryu with such a hard headbutt she collided with your head and retreated to her pokeball." He lied some more, though you couldn't tell by looking at him.

"I'm going to start coating my pokemon in rubber, and wearing a helmet." She muttered as the arena closed. Walking to Mike, she offered him the Cerulean Gym badge, a defeated look in her eyes. "Take it, you earned it. Though between you and me, this badge isn't as glorified as it once was. I'm considering retiring from gym battles, letting another, more experienced trainer defend it." She said, a hint of sorrow in her voice.

Mike really didn't want to her about her future plans for the gym, nor did he care about her opinion of the badge he now held. It was his first badge, despite how he got it he had it. With a smile he bid her a good day, not wanting her to ramble on, and ran out of the gym badge proudly displayed on his shirt.

"Hmm, smart kid." The small Pikachu thought as he slid out the window of the gym, having witnessed the short battle in it's entirety. "He may have tricked her into giving up that badge, but I know the other's won't be so easy. If this kid wants to make it, he's going to need a proper trainer to show him the ropes." He continued to himself as he tailed the youth. "And since I don't know any offhand, guess I'll have to do it. That and I'd really like to slip into those cute briefs of his."
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