AGNPH Stories

starting over by borenas


earning some trust

Earning some thrust.

Ash walked up the path towards the big doors, a few days earlier he was here with a few men carrying a badly injured vaporeon towards it, to let professor oak treat it. He pressed the doorbell and waited. No one came to open the door and ash's mind slowly wandered away to that porn site, the image of the vaporeon, who's got a cock up her love hole and a face which used to be blue but now white from cum, wouldn't get out of his mind. Slowly his hand wandered south to his already painfully hard cock, which wasn't allowed to cum due to the vaporeon.

He stroked his cock through his pants wondering what it would feel like to fuck the vaporeon, regardless of its gender. He already could see himself, positioned behind the mon. its tail up high, and its mouth making cute moaning noises as his cock plowed through it's ass or cunt. The vaporeon arching its back to give its master a better entrance and a deeper penetration to grand him his relieve, its hips pushing back against him, only to result in slapping noises as ash's body makes contact with the behind of the vaporeon.

In his mind and in reality he could feel himself nearing climax, the fabric of his boxer rubbing over his now way to sensitive cock head was driving him crazy. He didn't care if he came in his pants, he had to cum or he'd go crazy for sure. Ohhh he was near just a little more.....


Ash quickly opened his eyes to see professor oak in the door opening, looking him all over with a questionable look on his face. Ash's face began to redden with embarrassment, he quickly removed his hand from his crotch to behind his back, in his mind he began to curse, this was the second time today that professor oak has interrupted him in his "private" moments.

"uhhh.. professor oak... its not what it seems..... it uhhh...."

"ahh leave it ash, I don't care what you were thinking. I called you to say that the vaporeon is doing better and that you can take her with you."

"ok im glad you could save.... Her?"

"it's a she?" he asked, hoping he heared it right.

"yes it is a female vaporeon. They are very rare to find. Only 1 out of 15 vaporeon born will be a female, so im glad you found her in time."

"do you have any idea what those claw marks or whatever they are could have been and what have caused it?" ash asked.

Professor oak stood still for a while pondering over something, he seemed to have disappeared into his own world where no one could get him out. He looked at ash for a while before saying.

"no I don't know what it could have been, or could have caused it. Maybe it happened in a battle for food or something like that, but I never have seen anything this bad. Anyway I want you to take her home with you. It appears that she has trouble now with trusting people and trys to evade them when the come near her or make sudden movements, so it will take you some time to earn her thrust. But if anyone can earn the thrust of this pokemon its you, I have seen you do it a thousand times so she will be safe with you."

"ehm ok ill do it, but how will I take her with me? Do I have to put her in a pokebal?"

"no you wont have to do that, she will stay here for a few days, in a water dome, there she can swim, sunbath and play around a little, and I want you to we with her 24/7."

This was something ash never expected, he could spend a whole lot of time alone with a female vaporeon, and he had to stay in a dome of professor oak. This was going to be great.

"if you had told me this over the phone I wouldn't have to head back so I could get some clothes and stuff." Said ash a little irritated.

"there is no need for that ash, I have talked to your mother yesterday and she has brought all the stuff you'll need already, including clean underwear."

That comment brought a huge blush of embarrassment over his face, trying to get back on the vaporeon subject ash asked if the professor could take him to the dome where he would be staying with her.

Professor oak lead him through the house and into a huge glass dome, it was made so that you could look at the sky but not to town or they into the dome. Inside the dome was a forrest like environment, the ground was covered in grass with some plants sticking out and some trees to the sides. In the middle was a lake, with pure water so you could see the bottom easily, and the blue female pokemon whom lied on it looking up to the surface where she saw the two humans.

At the moment ash saw her lying on the bottom of the lake he fell in love, at least his cock did. It grew hard and started throbbing painfully, just at the sight of her.

The professor looked at her for a while wanting to know her reaction at the appearance of ash. She didn't seem to be scared, the way she looked at him, more curious and maby a little hint of lust?

Professor oak decided he'd leave them alone for a while, and maybe his own fantasy would come true. He turned to leave and walked towards the door.

"I will close the door and keep you here for a week, if there is anything wrong you have to push the emergency button next to it. all the food you'll find around here is edible so you wont starve." With that he closed the door behind him, leaving the human and pokemon alone with each other.

Ash kept looking at the vaporeon for some time before he looked around, he saw a few blankets folded up near a tree and two pillows.

Meanwhile, as ash looked around the water surface was broken as a blue head emerged from it, looking at ash following every move he makes. In the corner of his eye he saw the vaporeon looking at him and smiled to himself as a plan formed in his head. He grabbed one of the blankets and spread it out on a sunny patch of grass and took of his jacket and shirt, revealing his light brown skin. He stretched out a little before he lied down on it and closed his eyes.

Minutes turned into a hour and ash has fallen asleep, the curious vaporeon slowly came out of the water and approached him very carefully. As she neared him and he just lay there she grew more and more bold until she reached him and gently nudged his leg to make shure he was asleep. When he didn't move she started to look him up and down, looking at his pretty face and muscled frame. He wasn't over muscled but just right so you could see them without all the blood vanes. She looked him over for a while until her eyes rested on a bulge in his pants. She knew what it was and it reminded her of how horny she was. She slowly crept closer to the bulge until her nose touched the fabric of his pants. She slowly started to press her nose harder against it inhaling softly, trying to smell his cock. She noticed a small shudder go through his body and she quickly looked up, her eyes widened as she saw his face lifted and his eyes focused on her smiling softly.

She stood there looking at him with eyes filled with differend emotions, fear, anger, lust and confusion. For a moment ash thought she would stay where she was, but as soon as he moved his hand she ran away towards the lake. As she ran she thought about wat just had happened. *why didn't he stop me or force me to go on? Why did he just watch me and smile softly? What is happening to me?* she was almost there just a little more further and...

"please wait!"

She immediately stopped running and looked back at him. There he stood, his pants on and his shirt in his hands. He just looked at her, and she looked back. Moments passed and she didn't know what to do. She looked from him to the lake and back. He seemed nice but what if he just acted nice?

When he moved she looked at him, ready to run away if necessary, but he just sat down and looking at her.

"I wont hurt you I promise, so please let me touch you, let me get to know you."

As if she walked on auto pilot she walked over to him. Getting closer by the second her heart started to beat faster. When she was right in front of him she sat down, she was scared ash could tell just by looking at her. He slowly extended his hand towards her until it rested on her side, at the touch she tensed and he removed his hand immediately. She looked at him curiously, why did he remove his hand? Didn't he want to touch her? She didn't understand it weren't humans thinking all about themselves? Her parents always told her that humans were selfish creatures and they shouldn't be trusted, then why didn't this one just got his way with her?

She slowly stood up and moved next to him, sitting down and leaning against his side. Her eyes were closed, she knew that there was no way back. She felt his arm shift and removed from her side. She opened her eyes to see why he did that, but made a startled yelp as he wrapped his arm around her calming her down immediately.

They sat like this for a while she leaned against him while he stroked her side, making her feel at ease. Time passed and day turned into night, the sun had set before ash removed his arm from her, which send a shiver through her body from the sudden cold. She looked at him curiously chocking her head when she heard his stomach being very upset about being empty for a while. She had to suppress a giggle but blushed when her own stomach got a lil upset. Ash smiled to himself as he walked off to get some fruit for himself and the water pokemon. It didn't take him long to find some apples and grapes to still their hunger. He walked back to the vaporeon his arms full with fruit which made her mouth water. He walked towards her and past her. She looked at him as he walked away thinking she was right in the first place that he was selfish. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes, couldn't she trust anyone? As she got up and slowly walked towards the lake she heard him call her and looked back. She saw him lying on the same blanket he was earlier on with the fruit on the middle. She looked from the fruit towards him. He was smiling again and patting the space next to him.

She walked over to him and lied down next to him her back against his body to feel that same warmth she enjoyed earlier today. Ash slowly reached past her and took some grapes and held one to her mouth, waiting for her to open up so he could slide one in. she happily opened her mouth and felt him slide the grape in. she closed her lips and noticed she had a part of his finger in her mouth also, but she dint mind and slowly pulled her head away holding her lips closed so it slid out with a soft pop. This went on for a while. Sometimes his finger would slip out of her mouth and other times alone the grape would be feed to her. When all the fruits were eaten the sun had already set and the stars were visible on the night sky.

Ash slowly stood up again leaving her cold behind again, and came back with another blanket and 2 pillows. He lifted her head and put a pillow under it before putting her head back. He placed his pillow next to hers and lied down before he pulled the other blanket over them. When she noticed he lied comfortable she cuddled up to him, letting him wrap his arms around her. It didn't to take long for ash to let the sleep hit him and travelled towards dreamland. The vaporeon lay there, awake for a while thinking to herself, it was then she noticed something. She was wet between her legs. Did she love him? As she slowly fell asleep she noticed something else, something hard pressed against her back, she knew ash was having a good dream, and she hoped she'd get one too.

- to be continued-
criticism, comments and ideas for the next part are much appreciated.
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