AGNPH Stories

Feel the fate by uros


Meet my life , meet my family , and meet me .

It was a sunny day in the valley , the grass was green , the flowers were growing and the trees were still there , a beautiful day indeed , at least for her , a small Pikachu of a clan that was nearby there for a few generations , almost all of them lived here all their life's and don't know anymore places than that , but they were happy , and that is what count , but all the good things must end sometime no ? .
It was what happens here two years after she was born , a human boy run in the woods scaring a lot of pokemons and getting hurt for almost everyone until he found the group of pikachus and all their family to finally fall unconscious there .
After that her family accepted him in their lair until he was heal of his wounds and having hope in he can go after that , but their nurseries were enough to make the young one fall in love with all of them and stay there helping all he can .
At first he was a little dumb , but with time he become a very useful member of their clan and even learn to speak pokemon very fast , but even with that a lot of members of her clan think at first that he must leave not otherwise , luckily for him them were few now .
Sometimes she wondered how he was allowed to stay , then she remembered it , the dominant couple when he come were two young pikachus , but the male was sterile and because they were who healed him , and when they look at him and he look so helpless and refuse to go away , then they adopted him , but it force they two to let their position , but they do it happily and joyful of have a "son" at last .
The time pass and she was born , then the boy was twelve and was skilled like a Pikachu in almost everything , except in make friends , but she was the first friend he have when she grow a little , she remembered it very well , because she evolved right there thanks to the happiness she had when they two met and he agree to be her friend , and with three months only ! , it was something to be proud of .
Now she was two and his human friend was fourteen , they spend a lot of time together here and there , mostly because they two have only one friend ...

" Hello Kati " Said a voice coming from the ground catching her attention out of the branch where she was lying to rest .

She turned and faces the ground below her to see her friend " Hello Zack " She said happy to see him .

He was tiny for a human of his age , and for two years now that he stopped growing with 1 meter forty centimeters of stature , blonde hair and black eyes , also he has a small constitution and look like the pokemon who raised him , faster than stronger .

" Do you want to come to the lake ? " He asked climbing easily to the tree " Today the other pokemons are going to the sea across the underwater cave and it is going to be free for all who want to come " He smiled .

" Mmmm ... I am going of course " She said after a few seconds of waiting and smiled to him .

" Ok Kati " He said smiling all he can " Now I am going to tell mom and dad where I am going to be , I see you in a few minutes I hope " He said before jump to the ground and begun to run across the forest .

"I really hope I can go" She said to herself "But dad isn't going to be pleased for this" . His dad was the actual dominant male in the clan , also he was one who want Zack out of sight if it is possible , for that she haven't another friends , she was overprotected for her father and it was something she don't wanted , but she was forced to take .
After a minute walking across the forest she arrived at her home , a small cave in the rock nearby to the river that cross the forest , and there her father and mother were waiting her for lunch with some apples and berries .

" Hello mom , hello dad " she said coming in .

" Hello dear " Said her mother , a small Raichu who only has some sign of different excluding her short stature , her cheeks were colored like sea blue , not like the yellow cheeks of the other of her kind .

" Hello little one , what were you doing out there ? , we waited you for a time now " Her father , an abnormally great Raichu , asked suspiciously , like always she come late .

" Well , I was doing what I always do dad " She said picking one apple and begun to eat it .

" You were hanging with that human didn't you ? " He asked , she nodded and continued eating the apple " I said it to you a lot of times , don't hang with that freak , he don't belong here and some day he is going to leave and I don't want you to have the same idea , and even less I want he alone with you " He said in a dry tone eating a whole apple at once .

" And I am not going to hear you like I always do because he is my friend and I like to be with him , and because I am not a old grumpy who like to bother himself with silly things " He said smiling while she continued eating .

Her father put an angry look while her mother was still in another part of the cave laughing like she always do when her father speak with her about that , he always end mad and she always got out in time , like now when her father turned another time to say two words to his daughter when she was already finished eating and run out a few seconds before he was angry enough to do something about her .
He pointed down with her hears as the same time he puts an angry face like wanting to smash something , but her wife was there for something more than laugh .

" You know " She said to him " You like it when she looks so much like you when you were young " She said scratching her hears .

" And I don't want her to make the some mistakes I make when I was so dumb " He said really angry .

" Oh yes ?! " She asked furious " Then forgive me to be a mistake asshole ! I hope you like a night alone ! " Then she go out running and was out of sight before he could say anything .

" Me and my big mouth another time " He whispered to the air " Rater he disappear , or the memories will return to fuck this up ... a second time " Them he sit to heat another apple before go further into the cave a bit depressed .

Now we return to Kati , she was running like hell to come fast and don't disappoint her friend , also she wants to say something to him and if she was late he can be in less mood to accept that question and return a good answer .
Then she arrived , there was the lake and no sign of pokemon , neither humans , except for a little boy in a tree , she come the and fast she was sit nearby to Zack who was looking at the lake a bit silly , maybe thinking in something .

" Zack ... Zack ... Zack !! " She called him " What are you staring at ? "

" Only ... only looking at the water , it reminds me of ... something , well , how are you now ? I think your dad was going to say no this time " He said smiling .

" Hey ! , I don't say that I was ... yes , he said no , more or less " She said pointing down her hears .

" Well , we were doing the things we are told to don't do since we were friends , it is kite natural now " He laugh .

" Well , now that we have time and all , I was going to ask you something " She said looking away .

" Shot " He said turning to her .

" Well ... first , how much time was since we are friends ? " She asked when she begun to blush .

" Err ... One year , nine months and ... two weeks , more or less if I am right " He said .

" You remembered when we become friends Zack ? " She asked knowing the answer .

" Of course I do , when you evolved , then you asked me to be your friend and I accepted very glad of it " He said smiling and approaching to her " Why are you asking me this silly questions ? We can play there now " He said touching her back and seeing that she was rater hot and nervous " What is happening to you Kati ? " He asked now worried .

" Zack , I must know ... you can see me like something more than a friend ? " She asked suddenly .

" What ... are you meaning with that Kati ? I see you like my best friend and all " He said turning when she begun to cry a bit " But if you are meaning something closer , I think you can be right " He said when he suddenly feel a little thing griping around his back " I think I find what you are meaning isn't ? " He asked smiling .

" I was thinking for a while Zack , and you are the only one who dared to be close to me , you where always with me , even when my fathers can't because I cannot tell them , you are the only one I want to love , and believe me , I do " She said hugging him all she can .

" It is less surprise for me than you can think , I was like you for a time , but I have one or two problems , one is your and my parents , and second is the species " He said sad .

" Others had more weird relations , don't mess with it " She said turning around him until she faced his lips and begun a small kiss where both of them were playing whit the tongue of the other " And our parents can understand " She said broking the kiss finally " Yours easily than mine , I can assure it my love " She said going down .

" Hey , hey ! Wait a moment ! " He said , but she doesn't hear him , she ripped apart his homemade clothes and was stroking his cock already " Oh fuck ! It feels ... weird " He said with a moan .

" I hope you feel something now " She said giggling " But you are going to feel something even better now " And she placed her mouth in his penis to begun her attentions .

"She is good" He thought feeling her wet mouth was taking all the length she can , first the head , then centimeter by centimeter she was putting all of his length in her mouth while her tongue play along the way .
Nine centimeters where in and it was more than half of his length , but she wasn't content with it , she wanted it inside of her , one way or another m but she must give it some more attention before it , so she keep going shucking and licking slowly making he moan in pleasure as he feel his lover is tongue around his member .
He was getting hot for every moment of it , Kati was so good , her wet tongue was giving him so much pleasure that he was about to cum , but she feel it and stopped in that same moment .

" Why you stopped ? " He asked frustrated .

" Because I am not going to allow you to cum until it is inside of me ok ? " She asked and he nodded " Then it is you turn to pleasure me please " She said lying in the branch where they was .

He was too tempted to say no , but now , in a only one second time that look like half an hour he think , he was four years too young ... and she was only two , his adoptive mom told him the things like any other mother , the age to do things and the age to don't ... but he was going to care in the middle of this ? They already broke it , so if he continue or not they were going to pay for it , so better make it worth what it cost .
He began to rub his nose against her wet entrance taking his time to catch his scent " Don't tease me please ! Do what you should but don't tease me ! " She yelled wanting it , so he begun to lick her wet entrance letting away the games and giving her some pleasure while some squeaks come along with the licks he was giving and she was receiving .
She suddenly squeaks when he thrust with his tongue inside of her making her feel really weird and awkward , but feel good enough to don't open the mouth even to moan , she only feel the pleasure inside of her wanting the true one when he was ready to do the move , and she was hopping in it , because she was already holding her first orgasm with his thrusts inside of her sex with his tongue , but finally she came all over him .

" That's not fair ! You released it Kati " He said sitting in the branch .

" Then let me give you something in return " She said smiling when she got upon him " I don't know if this is only going to hurt me , but I want you to be only in this ok ? Don't care if I bleed a little , remember it is normal " She said placing herself upon his member .

When she was ready she let her little body fall heavily in his member forcing a too rough entrance that make her squeak in pain after feel her inner walls broken .

" Are you fine ? " He asked feeling more uncomfortable than pleasured .

" N-no , I think I do it too rough " She said with some tears while the blood fall out of her cunt " But keep going slowly , don't waste time now , the less I feel pain and the longest I feel pleasure better " She said beginning to ride him a bit with all his length in her insides .

He then begun to thrust lightly inside of her going up and down while she do the same , they took their time to have the rhythm , but after a while they both were moaning for each thrust , enjoying themselves and feeling love for each other more than most of the people could do .
She put her arms in her chest trying get a better motion and trying to take all his whole length inside of her at time with each thrust , but she couldn't , even with it she was feeling great , each thrust give her so much pleasure , like him was receiving , they almost don't do nothing letting their bodies do all the work and it was the best time of their life , but they both feel it close to end .
With a final thrust they both come in waves of pleasure , he cant hold it more and her had to much pleasure with all the cum filling her , in the end it make they two rest in the branch too tired for even move .

" I love you so much " She said hugging him all she can .

" I do it too Kati " He said before they two get asleep in the branch .

Nearby there nevertheless was someone , someone who saw all of that and was sparking with fury while making something in its mind to give someone a good and incredible goodbye forever .


Wow , new history , I really thought I wasn't going to get another idea , seriously , well , anyway , I hope it is good ^^ and also I hope you all enjoyed it .

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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