AGNPH Stories

Never Endless Dream by uros


It isn't Love


Contain : M/M and rape .

Also , something I forgot in the first part of this story :

1� - This is about human + pokemon sex , it is obvious if it is coming from me .

2� - I don't own pokemon , if it was mine then I was going to make someone research to make real pokemons and I wasn't going to write XP .

3� - Male + Male , Female + Female , and more varies , plus incest , is in this whole story , if you don't like something of that , go out , NOW .

That is all , thx .

PD : And if someone don't figure it out , this is the continuation of My dream , only ... in case .


Already the 5:45 more or less , I was awake , for more than four hours , I wasn't knowing if it was because what I have done and because I don't want to see him again in a time , or because something else ... But in the end it doesn't matter , the tiredness won and I fall asleep .

I was hoping , I was really hoping , and even praying for a normal dream , for once , but it was absolutely impossible , and for that I was in the same den as the other time , where Aquamarine and I do it our first time , and also where Harden and I do the same .

Harden - Sorry Uros , but I forgot one thing - He said when the only thing I want to hear was the air .

I - And what is it Harden ? .

Harden - Err ... another unexpected event , again ... Daria is pregnant - He said taking few steps back .

I only turned to face him , he was in his morph form and I didn't know if that was good or bad for me .

I - Yea , I already know it , it isn't so unexpected my friend - I said almost smiling , I wasn't hoping otherwise .

Harden - So , you aren't mad ? .

I - I can be if I want , but she asked me to do so and I do what I was told . But now I don't think I can handle a new child Harden - And it was true , I already have a lot of kids , one more ? It is too much already .

Harden - You know - He said smiling - I can help you to take something out , if you want .

I - I am not in the mod for that , and I already tell you it , I am not gay - I said trying to remain calm .

Harden - C'mon , you liked it before - He said smiling at me while approaching .

I turned again and headed toward where the forest must be , but there was nothing , and when I wanted to run wherever I can , then I begun to feel something in my back , something like a electrical discharge , but kite pleasurable . Then I realized it , he has hit me with a thunder wave to paralyze my body .

Harden - Be quiet , I am going to make you feel better - He said taking my shoulders and forcing me to kneel - But first I want to feel your mouth again .

Suddenly I changed into morph , my usual Green Vaporeon while I tried to talk , my tongue can move , but the words never come out of my mouth .

Harden - Already opening it ? You are kite enthusiastic when you want - He said smiling don't understanding what I want .

Then his penis begun to come out of his seat , I was more than surprised , I was horrified , this wasn't the words he told me , one thing is love , other thing is pure sex , SEX , but this wasn't one or another , this was RAPE .

"Harden please" I tried to say , but it was useless . Then , taking advantage of my opened mouth he thrust his whole length inside of it . He begun thrusting lightly , but after picking my head with his hands he begun thrusting faster and harden , using my mouth for his own pleasure .

My tears begun to fall for this , I didn't want to pass for it , this was fucking wrong ! He hasn't any rights to do it ! . But he keeps going until I feel his pulsating rood spurting its juice in my mouth , and I was forced to sallow .

Harden - It was simply awesome ! - He said smiling - Now , I know you said that you don't want to receive , but I really thing that you need to try something new my love .

"What the fuck are you planning to do?!" I screamed in my mind already knowing it . Somehow I turned into the fully pokemon form and was in my four , Harden behind me and with the same form , and surely , enjoying the moment before put his paws in my back and place his member in my tailhole .

It hurts like if someone puts a flame in my fucking ass ! But the only thing I can do was screaming in my mind as Harden keep going inside of me with painful thrusts that were going inside of me , it was further each time . He only was enjoying it , panting and feeling himself fully of joy , I was shivering with the pain I was having , also I was feeling my insides broking and finally it was filled with a great couple of wounds . I started to feel the blood filling my ass before I feel my tailhole filled with his seed and his whole body falling and throwing my immobile body with him .

After a few moments he ended his panting and begun to lick my checks and my tears "I swear Harden!" I shouted in my mind "When I can move again I am going to kill you!" I was already furious , but what he said forced my mind crazy and almost insane for the pain and his own lies .

Harden - Oh my love - He said smiling - It feels so good , I hope you feel the same - This wasn't what angered me - And I hope you love me as much as I love you - THIS WAS .

I - FUCK YOU ! - I yelled putting in my four and seeing that I already can move again - You forced me ! You raped me ! I am going to kill you fucker ! .

I jumped towards him , I saw his face of fear when I do it , and I was enjoying it , but suddenly I awake , someone doesn't want to let me do it . I was covered in sweat , feeling myself miserable , and also seeing that my ass was bleeding badly and painfully .

Now were the eleven in the morning , the ship arrived to the port and until half an hour more we cannot go because we have to wait a truck to pick us all without being sight , so I was out of my cabin to see when it comes , holding the metal handrail trying to calm myself . But that wasn't a problem , all the girls were already awake and my daughters don't sleep in the night hearing all the music , and they still have eight hours more to hear .

The problem was Aquamarine , like always she was out of her pokeball like we both like , the others wanted to be as less visible as they can , so them all where in their pokeballs , waiting and possibly , if not sure , sleeping . But the real problem hit me again , concretely , she licked my hand seeing that I was strange , in all forms .

Aquamarine - What is happening to you ? - She asked worried - I know this isn't for Daria , also I know this isn't for someone of us .

I - For once ... I want you to read my mind if you don't have any objection - I said almost crying .

She put a strange face , I never let anyone read my mind , mostly because a lot of things I have there were for me only , bad memories , some feelings that hurt like the death of someone loved , things that were sealed and guarded for one reason , but she do it .

I make sure to close enough doors , I only let empty one of two I want to open to her , the first and now open was her brother and me ... doing it , but also all the explanation .

Aquamarine - You ... and my brother ? - She asked surprised - And he is also that shadow and Harden ? The Harden we all know and have like a friend ? - I nodded - Well ... it is unexpected , for say the least , I don't saw him since ... I really don't remember , but years , and a lot - She said sitting .

I - I have opened the second thing I want you to see , but before it , tell me what have you seen - I said with a look in the face that said I wasn't expecting a lie or whatever she can say to cheer me up .

Aquamarine - Well , he l-love you , or so he said in your memories - She said before begun to read my mind again . After a few moments her eyes opened again and I saw tears in her face - HE do THAT ?! He raped you ? My own brother ? - She asked almost feeling my pain somehow .

I -Yes , he do , I always think in him like a friend , like a really good friend , then yesterday he show himself how he was really and I ... I do it with him , and I don't know why either , but now I only want him to don't show up never more - I said almost broking the handrail after changing almost all its length into ice .

Aquamarine - I am sorry dear - She said crying now - I never wanted to make you feel so awful , I know this is my fault for being with you .

I - The only thing you do wrong - I said holding her in my arms - Is have bad luck before , but it is over , we can pass across this like we do with all that try to make our quest hard ... only ... don't remember this to me , please .

Aquamarine - It is done dear - She said kissing me .

We rest there for a few minutes , I wanted to let her in the floor , but my butt was still hurting and I even know how I pick her without notice it . After that few minutes a great blue truck appeared and waited nearby to the ship , then the captain told me to pick all my family and come down .

I make all my daughters come into the truck so we can go ( even with it they let the music on ) while I and Aquamarine come to the cab , and for our surprise there where ...

I - Alen ! - I shouted don't knowing if I must be worried or happy ( Fights and pain aren't things that you can erase of your mind easily ) .

Alen - Hello there my friend - He said like he was my friend since ever .

I - I really want expecting you to pick us - And it is a reasonable thing to think .

Aquamarine - You aren't going to try anything , right ? - She asked with the same look of our last time nearby to him .

Alen - No , I am not going to do anything , I am here to take you two with me to the lab , that is all - He said picking a pokeball , a strange one , like a normal one but with a yellow line in the middle and one black going up across the center of the red part - Now I want you Uros , to know your "niece" - He said opening the ball .

Then a Kirlia appeared , a blue Kirlia , and it was also a female one , but then it hit me , "Niece" ? .

Alen - This is my daughter , she is Nina , she is what you see , a beautiful and young Kirlia , she evolved a month ago and is already six months old ... but why I am talking , I must take you to the lab - He said hugging Nina lightly .

When the truck begun to move the little Kirlia begun to look at Aquamarine and me funny , surely using her psychic powers to know things ( my powers aren't innate , so if someone with innate powers want to try anything I cannot refuse in any way ) .

Nina - [ You two look funny ] - She said telepathically .

I - [ Look who is talking ] - I teased .

Nina - [ You are happy with her isn't Uros ] - She said already knowing too much .

I - [ Do you need an answer ? ] .

Nina - [ No , I don't , but I only hope that you and me ... can talk one day ] - And I know what she mean with "talk" , and the idea wasn't pleasant .

The rest of the way to the lab was fine , not too much trouble except the music too loud , but except for that it was fine ... kite fine .

Then we arrived , it was kite beautiful , a good town , and I already know its name , Spring Town .

Alen - Well , wait here I am going to look for something - He said picking Nina with him and entering in the lab .

Then I waited outside of the truck hearing my daughters asking when they can get out , but I looked at the town . It was a bit small , few houses placed like all the normal ones in the town , the lab at some distance of the town and with some houses that look recent .

After a few moments Alen and his daughter returned .

Alen - Well , the prof isn't here now , he was when I left - He said - But he probably returns soon , tomorrow night like too late - He said seeing my nods - Meanwhile , use that houses , that two houses are empty , so one for your little ones and other for you , let me your pokeballs and I store them until tomorrow - He said with an smile .

I didn't like the idea , but I let him the balls and tell my daughters to come out and go to one of the houses , I wasn't in the mod for more talk , so I headed with Aquamarine to the other .

We entered in it without talking even to my daughters , I was so hurt inside , not only physically , also mentally , what Harden have been done was the worse thing I ever imagine to suffer . But when we entered Aquamarine was starting at me strangely , she wasn't sure of all what had happen recently , nothing was like before , and it was more than confusing .

Aquamarine - Dear ... I ... I am more than confused for all of this - She said .

I - Go out for a time dear , we both need to thing a bit , and I need to be alone for a time also .

She nodded and goes out , I know we both need some time alone to think , also to read , because now I saw something nearby to the entrance , a letter ? , it says this :

" Dear friend , in the last note I tell you a few things , but now my little Vulpix is asleep and I am in the mod to write , also I have the time to , so read this very well :

Alen and his Gardevoir have been give birth a little child , I don't know how much grows it is , they only told me to tell you this : They want you to be part of their family . They said that he needs to repay you for something , so now their child is under your protection .

Also this , don't approach to the cities , it is an advice from a friend ..."

More than I expected and late like always , so now I headed to one of the rooms and when I entered I tried to sit , but the pain was all I get for that .

Outside had passed almost one hour and the night had come , Aquamarine was still thinking and she knows that I wasn't less confused than her , but now it was going to be even worse .

Harden - Hello ... sis - He said , and she knows his voice thank to my memories .

Aquamarine - Harden - She said with a strange tone of voice - I don't know why you changed your name , but it isn't something to care of - She said now turning and facing her brother in his pokemon form - But what I am going to take care of is about that RAPE ! - She shouted putting herself in battle stance .

Harden - Look sis , I don't come here to talk with you , I want to talk with Uros , and if you let me or not I don't care , I am going to talk with him - He said entering in the house .

She only fallowed him , this was going to be something she doesn't want to miss , also because she was going to help her brother , and she knows she was going to ...

Now in he room like before I was in the pokemon form , mostly because it heals faster than the human one , and also because it remembered me what happened and why I must kill Harden when I find him .

Harden - Sis fuck it out , I am going to speak with him and it is my final word - Said the voice of the last person I wanted to see .

Aquamarine - And I swear it , if he see you then you are going to suffer more than him - She said before Harden opened the door and faced myself looking at him like I was going to kill him right there .

I - What the hell are you doing here ! - I shouted really angry and containing myself .

He stopped freeze there for a moment , I never stopped my murdering look , and I wasn't going to .

Harden - I-I wanted to talk with you - He said with ... fear ? .

I - Then hear what I am going to say - I said approaching to him - The next time I see you , the next time I hear your voice , the next time I even smell you , I am going to dismember all your whole body and feed my anger with it - I said with a vicious grin .

Harden - But I swear ! I want to apologize for what I have done ! - He said crying .

I - LOOK AT ME ! YOU ARENT GOING TO BE FORGIVE THIS TIME ! The only thing you are going to receive from me is hatred , and PAIN ! - I said turning and kicking his face - And it is only because I am not as mad as I was this morning - I cried turning again to give him a perfect look of my back , also the wounds and the blood - You said you loved me , you were the fist male to say it to me , I even begun to believe it , I even was hopping in being "close" friends with you and your sister - Then I turned again with my face covered in tears - But you don't even deserve my hate , now get the hell out of my sight before I change my mind and decide to end this .

Harden - P-please - He said now feeling a bit of the pain he has given me - Please I beg to you , please .

I - Get-The-Hell-Outa-Here - I yelled sowing my fangs to him ( remember that I can change single parts ) .

He waited a moment , then a whole river of tears begun to fall out of his eyes while he was running out of the house . I turned and rest in the floor of the room , because the pain in my butt wasn't going to let me sleep in any other form , then Aquamarine fallowed me and rested nearby to me licking my tears .

Meanwhile , out , Harden was in despair , don't knowing how he can do such a thing like that , but it was already done , and if it wasn't because he was already dead , he happily can kill himself to regain what he had lost .

Harden - I lost my love , also a friend , and my sister too ...what I have to let me continue ? - He asked to the emptiness of his surrounding .

�? - You have your duty , and another family member to found - Sound a voice of somewhere , a voice that he doesn't recognize in his state .


Well , first chapter of my first story in his second part , I hope it was good , and it was also a bit hard to write and I even know why ... But I hope you all liked it .

PD : Correcting the first story , when I had it finished I put it in one of those chapters , thanks .

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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