AGNPH Stories

That Evening... by deretto_eevee


That Evening...

That Evening...
Written by Deretto_Eevee
Note: I originally wrote this as Hyper_Pichu, but I decided to reupload as my recent alias.

It was late evening, close to sunset, but inside the forest, it was already getting dark... A lone Absol trudged through the underbrush, looking worse for wear, and dragging a foot behind him... His face was tired, and bore a defeated expression... He was murmurring something, quietly, in an almost sing-song voice... "Day after turns grey..."

In another part of the forest, there was an arcanine walking in no direction. He was a wanderer. He had no clue of where he was going. He just whistled as he walked.

The Absol stopped in his tracks, ears perking. ... Whistling...? His eyes narrowed in thought. That probably meant there were humans, nearby...and humans always carried food when they came into the forest. He turned, and started as quietly as he could for the sound...

The arcanine continued on his unknown path untill he heard the sound of footsteps crushing leaves. He ceased to whistle as the arcanine stopped in his tracks. He stared into the direction that the noise was coming from, waiting patiently.

The Absol slowed as he came into view, and glanced around. He was in sight, and he met gazes with the Arcanine, but he stayed back, for now. "Who was whistling...?"

The Arcanine's ears perked up at the Absol's question, "Whistling...? Oh that was me. I get bored walking alone all the time so somtimes I whistle just to pass the time."

Absol's expression fell. "Damn... Was hoping there were humans to rob... I'm starving..." He dragged himself out into the open, and lay down next to a tree, clearly sulking...

A look of concern came upon Arcanine's face as he saw how hungry this absol was. "Well... if you want... you can have the rest of the leftover meat I was eating. I've had my fill so you can take as much as you want." The Arcanine motioned the direction of the leftovers to the absol by using its tail.

This perked him up rather quickly. He started limping quickly in the direction indicated, sniffing, until he found the leftovers. Without waiting for any further invitations, he started helping himself, eating voraciously, and holding his left rear paw up as he stood there, eating...

The Arcanine looked at the Absol as he gorged away at his leftovers. "Just how long has it been since you last ate?"

"Three daysh," he replied without looking up, and around a mouthful of meat. He was scarcely chewing...

"Heh heh... ok," the Arcanine chuckled while continuing to be amazed at how fast this absol was devouring the leftovers.

Finally, and rather suddenly, after downing most of what was left over, the Absol sat down, hard, eyes closed, his stomach visibly bulging. "Ohh, I needed that... Thanks..."

"No problem," the Arcanine replied while sitting himself down. He figured that he wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon. "By the way... What's your name?

"Sneak... Probably wasn't the name I was born with, but it's the name my trainer gave me..." He scowled at the word "trainer", but still sat comfortably where he was, eyes closed...

"Trainer...? You mean humans?" The arcanine answered, wondering what kind of tortures the Absol had ben through.

"Yeah..." He openned his eyes. "She dumped me out here, 'cuz someone else didn't like me... Three days ago, incidentally..." He coughed, lightly.

A look of surprise wcame out of the Arcanine's face."Someone else...? You mean to tell me that she left you because of another human. What idiotic creatures these humans are." He now looked disgusted.

"Myeh... 'Emotional' is more the word... It's a long story... I don't much care to tell it, at the moment, but maybe later... In the meantime, you know my name, but I don't know yours." He smirked a bit.

The Arcanine returned the smirk, showing some of his large teeth. "Well... I haven't really been called by my name for a long time now. I've never had to tell it to anyone. If you must's Nanaki." He then got back on his feet and began to walk away. " I see you're feeling better I must go."

"Why so soon...?" The Absol frowned.

"Why not?" the Arcanine answered. "I've got nothing better to do."

"So rather than enjoy company, you're going to wander off and leave, for the reason that you don't have anything better to do..." Sneak sounded more than a little hurt.

Nanaki was surprised by Sneak's action. "Well I had no idea that you wanted me to stay. If you want me to I will. Well...?"

"Well, considering that I'm new to this whole 'living in the wild' thing, and considering the reception I've received from most everyone else I've run into..." He trailed off for a moment, wincing at the leg he'd been limping on... "And since you've been decent to me, I'd rather you stayed, yes..."

Nanaki stared at the now hopeless looking Absol. He felt a bit sorry for the him. All alone out here without any friends. Of course it's not like Nanaki had any friends before, but he was eager to make one. "Sure... I'll stay. I guess it's about time I took a break from my travels anyway."

Sneak gave a small smile. "Thanks... Any way I could repay you...?"

"Your companionship is all I need," Nanaki replied.

Sneak stood, then, and limped slowly closer to the much larger Pokémon, smiling softly. "Thank you..."

Nanaki watched as Sneak limped his way towards him. "You're welcome..."

Sneak laid down right in front of Nanaki, and let his eyes wander slowly up the Arcanine's body, to look him in the face...

Nanaki began to feel a bit akward as the absol stared at him. "Is there something on my face?" he joked, hoping he would stop.

Sneak chuckled lightly. "Nah... Never been this close to an Arcanine, before, that hasn't been trying to claw me senseless... Never really taken the time to look...and maybe it's just you...but I must say, you're rather gorgeous..."

Nanaki smirked at his friend's compliment. "Really?" He had never been called gorgeous before, nor anything else that was nice.

Sneak raised an eyebrow. "Well, you could use a good grooming-over...but yeah. After three days in the forest, though, I'm pretty sure I could, too..." He smirked.

Nanaki looked down at Sneak's coat. It was horrible sight to see. "Yeah you probably do. Here.... let me help you with that," he said as he slid his paw down the absol's back.

Sneak blinked, surprised at that, but he held still... A moment later, he was surprised to realize that he actually enjoyed that sensation.

Nanaki continued to even out Sneak's fur. He started with his back, then his head, his forelegs, and finally his hind legs.

He murred softly, actually starting to push up lightly into Nanaki's ministrations. When they came to his hind legs, though, he glanced back worriedly. "Gentle on the right leg... Got it smashed up pretty good yesterday..."

"Oh okay..." Nanaki replied as he went over the injured leg a bit more delicately then he did the rest of Sneak's body.

Sneak's eyes drooped closed again for the last few moments of the Arcanine's grooming. "Feels nice," he murmurred.

Nanaki removed his paw off of Sneak's as he finished grooming him. "There you go now...Good as new."

Sneak smiled softly. "Thanks..." He looked up at Nanaki, and sat up. "Shall I return the favor...?"

Nanaki looked around at his coat not seeing anything wrong with it. He figured there was something wrong in a blind spot to his eye. "Um... sure. Go ahead."

He nodded, still looking up at Nanaki. "Lie down, then, please..."

"Oh...ok..." Nanaki replied as he laid himself down on the soft ground.

Without much hesitation at all, Sneak rested a heavily-clawed paw on Nanaki's shoulder, leaned in, and started licking softly through the fur on the top of his head...

The way Sneak groomed Nanaki with his tounge reminded him of how his mother used to groom him the same way. It was very comforting. "Heh heh... I see you like to use your tounge when grooming."

Sneak smiled. "Usually more enjoyable all around...even if the recipient doesn't need all that much grooming..." He ran his tongue down each of Nanaki's ears. "Besides...with my claws, it's also usually safer...but that's a minor technicality..."

Nanaki let out a slight moan as he felt the absol's tounge run down his ears. "Ah... I see what you mean." He then closed his eyes as he let his mind wander off.

The Absol's tongue slowly meandered its way down to the back of Nanaki's neck, and slowly down his spine... Sneak, himself, murred softly, as he groomed the 3-times-larger-than-himself Pokémon...

Nanaki let out a soft cuu as the treatment continued. His back curving in slightly as the absol's tongue ran down his back. "That feels really good."

Sneak smiled softly. "Good..." He moved himself back up to Nanaki's shoulder, and began slowly grooming all the fur down the side of the Arcanine's body...

Nanaki felt a pleasurable tingling sensation in his stomach as its side was being groomed. He caused him to chuckle and twitch a bit.

Sneak blinked, and glanced up at him, hesitating a bit at the twitch. "Are you ticklish...?"

Nanaki turned hi head so that his eyes met Sneak's. "Just a little, but please...continue"

The Absol nodded, and resumed where he'd left off, grooming down Nanaki's side... When he got to Nanaki's hip, he surprised even himself, by starting to groom slowly down the large canid's leg...

Nanaki thought it was kind of odd that Sneak was grooming his hind leg in the manner that he was, but the feeling wasn't objectionable. So he let the gromming continue.

Sneak made his way down Nanaki's leg, spending some extra time at the knee, then grooming rather thoroughly over his paw...

The intense feeling of Sneak's tongue caused Nanaki to spread his toes and dig them into the ground as he stretched his neck out in comfort.

Sneak chuckled softly. "Like that, huh...?" He curled his tongue between each of Nanaki's toes, dragging it slowly along his pads, and around each toe...

Nanaki let out another quiet mona as he said, "Yes...yes I do. What you're doing right now feels very good." All of this comfort that his friend's tounge was giving him was beginning to arouse him.

Sneak, unaware of that, smiled softly, glad to have found something that Nanaki enjoyed so... He continued rubbing his tongue around each of Nanaki's toes, curling it around to cup and massage each one in turn...

It caused him to moan a bit more as he continued to become aroused by the treatment. A pleasurable expresion had grown on Nanaki's face.

Sneak smirked, and let go of Nanaki's foot...only to hurry to Nanaki's other side, and begin the same treatment to the Arcanine's other rear paw...

This foot too was also dugged into the ground as speaded his hind legs a bit further then what thay were before.

He chuckled. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you...?" He actually took a toe in his mouth, and started running his tongue completely over it...

The feeling of his toe being sucked on caught him off guard, but again, the feeling wasn't objectional. "Yes...yes I am...very much indeed."

He chuckled, releasing the toe. "Almost makes me jealous of how much fun you're having..."

Nanaki felt a bit guilty as he heard Sneak's comment. "Hm... well... I've never have groomed anyone before really, nor have ever been groomed since my youth. You're probably used to it due to the fact that you used to live with humans. I wish there was a way I could help you though."

Nanaki shook his head. "I wasn't *that* serious, don't worry about it... Just glad you're enjoying yourself..." He returned to his ministrations, licking thoroughly around each toe...

The treatmeant again began to arouse the arcanine. Except now he was noticing it. He wasn't sure if he should stop his friend now or let him continue the treatment. He knew he had to decide quickly as he felt his large cock begin to unsheath its self.

Being as Nanaki was still laying down, Sneak still didn't notice, as he happily started suckling on each toe, again, getting off some of the excess saliva as he suckled and licked each toe in turn...

Nanaki let out a moan once again, except this time it was louder. He unintionally moved his hip forward causing the exposed part of his cock to rub up against the floor. This allowed for a bit more meat to reveal its self as he let out another moan.

Sneak blinked, noticing Nanaki's odd reactions. He hesitated, but only for a moment, continuing on, and watching Nanaki curiously...

Nanaki had now lost all thoughts as his slowy rocked his hips as a reaction, rubbing his cock against the floor each time. Allowing more of his meat to slide out as he continued to moan.

Realization slowly dawned on Sneak, even though he couldn't really see what was going on under the Arcanine. He sat up, stopping altogether. "Wow, you really *were* having fun..." He looked and sounded slightly weirded out, but much more curious than anything else...

Nanaki stopped in embarasement after realizing what he was doing and the fact he was caught doing it. All he coud say was, "Um... yeah. I guess I was. Heh heh..."

Sneak smirked a bit, and lay down... "Well... I've gotta say, I'm flattered that you enjoyed it that much..."

Nanaki's face grew red with embarassment. "Well you did it so well. It was knew what to do."

"Hmm... I might just have to remember that for later," he said, looking ever-so-slightly mischievous. "In the meantime, we should probably find shelter from the storm that's gonna hit tonight..." Not that there was a cloud in the sky...

Nanaki looked up at the clear sky, seeing that the chance for there being a storm was very unlikely. He decided to play along since they needed to find shelter anyways. " A storm...? Well if that's the case we better get moving." Without thinking the Arcanine stood up, revealing the portion of his cock that had been exposed.

Sneak eyed the Arcanine's shaft, and stood up, limping along after him... "Won't be until about an hour after nightfall... Could be a tornado. Dunno about that... It'll definitely be a pretty bad storm, though... High winds, and hail..." He was speaking barely audibly, as though distracted, as he followed along behind Nanaki...

"Ok then. I know of a good place not far from here. Come on... follow me." He then began to lead the way, still not realizing his exposure.

Sneak limped along, keeping only one eye on where he was going... His other eye was watching Nanaki admiringly, from his vantage in back...

After walking for some time Nanaki finally spots the cave where he plans to spend the night with Sneak. "Hey, look... there's the cave. Right over there."

Sneak nodded, looking it over. "We might have to go fairly deep, but that'll do nicely. Between the two of us, I'm sure we can keep warm enough..." He limped along towards the cave, his gaze finally torn away from the Arcanine...

"Yeah, I can stay somewhat warm by myself, but now that there's two of us well..." Nanaki led Sneak deeper into the cave with him. They eventually stopped at the point where there was barely enough light for them to view eachother visibly.

Sneak smiled, perfectly happy with where they were, now. "Ah, feels like home," he murmurred. He lay down, and nursed his injured leg...

Nanaki layed himself on the floor as well, but as he did his still partially exposed cock rubbed up against the floor again. A shiver went down his spine as he did so. He so much wanted to continue to rub himself against the ground but he knew Sneak was watching him. A look of a need for pleasure came upon his face.

Sneak smirked, seeing his newfound friend in this state. "Would you like some help with that...?"

Nanaki looked up at his friend a bit surprised with his question. He couldn't have known the delemah he was having, or did he?

"Need help with what?" "I recognize the look on your face... You want to do something, quite badly. The only question is what, and...well, you were practically hanging out of your sheath all the way up here. Never seen anyone as big as you, least, not in *that* way..."

Nanaki's face became red as he heard his friends compliment. "Do you really mean that?"

Sneak nodded. "I do...and there's something else, something that surprised me, 'cuz I never thought of it, before...but..." He rolled over onto his side, and spread his leg. His own shaft was fully erect, and glistened black against his white fur... "I only ever really found myself attracted to girls, before now, but...well...yeah."

Nanaki's sheath began to slide out even more now as he saw the Absol's cock, to the point were he was fully erect. He shuffled his legs a bit unwillingly as his cockonce again rubbed up against the floor. He knew what this meant. "Um... I think...that I too... feel the same way..." He too then rolled onto his side revealing his full erection.

Sneak gasped at the sight. "Oh...oh, wow... I...didn't know you'd be...*that* big..." He stayed where he was, for a moment, just staring, in awe...

Nanaki face beacame redder with embarssment. "You're nice yourself, Sneak."

Sneak blushed, and sat up, now, leaning to one side... "Erm... I offered, so...what...would you like me to do...?"

Nanaki didn't know what to say. As much as he wanted to nail his friend he knew he was too big. "Why don't we start with some foreplay...So that we can get in the mood..."

Sneak smirked, and started leaning forward. "You pretty much already look to be in the mood, big guy..." He licked slowly around the base of the Arcanine's mammoth shaft...

Nanaki rolled onto his back while keeping Sneak on top him, still licking the base of his shaft. His legs kicked the air a bit as his friend continued to pleasure him. "Oo Sneak... that feels...good."

The wind outside was starting to pick up, causing a low whistling sound to echo throughout the cave... Sneak ignored it, for the time being, as he smiled up at his friend, running his tongue slowly up and down...

Nanaki tilt his head back while slighty lifting his hips in the air. He moaned out slightly, wanting more.

Sneak was clearly enjoying watching Nanaki's reaction... He rose up a bit, trailing his tongue slowly up the Arcanine's length, then licked slowly around his tip...

This sent a shiver down Nanaki's spine shaking slighty as at it did. His tongue began to stick out as he licked the air.

The whistling at the mouth of the cave grew in pitch... Sneak took Nanaki's tip into his mouth, softly suckling on it, resting his paws on the Arcanine's tummy...

Nanaki's head again shot back from the force of the pleasure. He dug the paws of his fore legs into the gound while his hind legs kicked wildly into the air. He shot some precum into his friend's mouth as he did so.

Sneak swallowed, his jaw tightening for a moment around Nanaki, a mix of emotions running over his face... He closed his eyes, and let his mouth slide slowly down Nanaki's shaft, his mouth opening wide to accomodate his girth...

"That feels so good!" Nanaki cried out as he unwillingly swung his head from side to side, releasing a bit more precum as he did so.

Sneak let the salty juices slide into his throat, swallowing lightly, creating pressure and suction around Nanaki's shaft as he did so... The wind-whistling grew more persistent, a breeze starting to ruffle their fur, even this deep in the cave...

Nanaki felt the wind blow through his fur. It was an ejoyable feeling that mixed with the peasurable ones causing his knot to begin swelling.

Sneak finally dropped Nanaki's shaft, gasping slightly. "I can't keep that up for long..."

Nanaki became a bit dissapointed and hurt as his the Absol stoped his treatment. "Wh... what... Is something wrong...?"

Sneak grinned sheepishly. "You're really big...and I'm trying not to let my teeth scrape you... My jaw is getting tired..."

Nanaki's expression fell as he was crushed. He had a feeling that this was going to happen. "Oh...I'm sorry... I'll just help you out then since it seems like I'm to much trouble for you. Don't worry about me. I'll take care of myself later.."

" know... There are other ways... I offered to you first, so..." He trailed off, looking up at Nanaki...

Nanaki had no idea what he was talking about. Everything he could think of would be to difficult or would injure his friend due to his enormous shaft.

"What do you mean?"

Sneak hesitated, actually blushing slightly. "Ever hear of the move 'Endure'...? I was born with it... When I'm using it...there's this point where things just don't hurt, anymore... I think...I think I could apply that in some very interesting ways..."

"Hmm..." Nanaki thought out loud. "What do you plan to do exactly with 'Endure'."

"I'd let you put this..." he hesitated, licking slowly up Nanaki's shaft, "...into me, through my tailhole...mounting me, as if I were a female..."

Nanaki's eyes lit up at the thought, "You would really let me do that?" But then they shot back down, "But I'm do big... I may injure you."

"Yes, I would let you do that," Sneak replied softly. "And I'll live with the consequences... I'd rather see you happy, for starters, and besides which, that's what that 'endure' move is for..."

Nanaki thought to himself if Sneak was that willing to allow him to penetrate his tailhole then he probably should. "Okay then...whatever you say." Nanaki got up from the floor and walked around to sneak's rear end. He wrapped his forearms around his gut as he was getting ready to pentrate him. "You ready...?" he asked

Sneak closed his eyes and tensed under him... He couldn't even hear the whipping winds at the cave's mouth, anymore, over the rush of everything going on... He fit easily underneath the Arcanine's body, being maybe half as tall, and only a third of the large canid's weight... "Yeah...I'm ready..."

"Ok then..." Nanaki poked at Sneak's tailhole at first, as if he was taking aim. He then pulled his hips back and with one thrust he fully penetrated his friend as he began mating him.

Sneak quickly dropped his head down to hide his expression. Even with his protections, it still caused him to wince his eyes shut and grit his teeth... He could feel the massive shaft inside him, backing up almost completely into his stomach...

Nanaki's thrust tempo slowed down a bit as he noticed that his friend might be in pain. "Are you okay? We can stop now if you want. I don't want to do anything that you don't want to do."

There was a hesitation, but in an even voice, Sneak murmurred, "I'm fine... Please, go ahead..."

"I that is what you want," Nanali replied. His tempo once again speed up as he began mating his friend lifting his slightly up in the air. He could feel his knot preesing aganist the tail hole of his friend as he did so.

Already, the expression on Sneak's face was softening,.. "Yes," he murmurred, panting slightly, as his friend's thrusts lifted his hind end into the air...

The tightness of Sneak's tailhole greatly increased the of pleasure Nanaki was feeling. As he continued mating his friend he found himself licking the back of Sneak's neck with an expression of mixed emotions.

Sneak slowly lifted his head, panting. "Nanaki..." His eyes were closed, and his mouth was slightly open, saliva forming around his lower lip...

"Sneak..." he replied, moving his toungue away from his neck and into his maw.

Sneak groaned, suckling and licking at Nanaki's tongue, almost hungrily... His hips were shaking, now, as he tried to thrust into the air, while being thrust into...

Nanaki moaned as he ate out his friend while his thrusts stood constant. He gave another loud moan as he felt himself shoot precum into the body of his friend.

Sneak gasped through his nose, as he felt his tummy, still very full from lunch, receive the Arcanine's pre-cum... He groaned softly, and started pushing back harder against him...

Nanaki felt his knot press up even harder against Sneak's tailhole as he moved back, causing his shaft to beg for even more attwntion then it was recieving already. Thus, causing him to thrust much more forcefully into the absol.

Sneak panted, gasping lightly with each heavy thrust from the much larger Arcanine... He pulled his mouth back for a moment. "Na...Nanaki... Can you...curl around...and lick me off...? Please...?"

"Sure thing... my friend..." he answered as he curled around the absol

the absol's body, and began licking away at his shaft right while still keeping his tempo.

Sneak leaned back, groaning loudly, his tailhole tightening around Nanaki's shaft, his own black shaft rapidly oozing pre-cum, his knot already badly swollen...

Nanaki used his tounge to lick up as much of the precum as he could while he began to fire more of his. He hugged the Absol tightly with one leg as he rapidly fired his seed into him

Sneak squirmed, groaning loudly, as he felt his tummy fill even more, now actually distending out, ever so slightly... It was also clear he wasn't going to last long, as his stream of pre-cum grew thicker...

Nanaki swallowed a majority of the precum that fired from Sneak while the rest landed on his face. He could feel his knot begin to swell up a bit more as thrusted with more force then before.

Sneak thrashed, crying out suddenly, as he climaxed hard, spraying into his friend's face...

Nanaki tried to swallow as much of his friends juices as he could. He fired more precum into Sneak as he felt the force of his prostate rubbed his shaft. Nanaki knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

Sneak panted heavily, hanging limply under his friend...

Nanaki gave one final thrust that was so hard that he stretched the tailhole of his friend and allowed his knot inside as he shot very thick streams of semen into the bowels of the absol.

Sneak gasped and let out a long groan, as he was stretched, and his stomach filled even further... He leaned up into his friend, helpless to do anything further...

Nanaki began drooling as he the thightness of Sneak's tail hole clenched his knot, causing him to fire thicker streams of seed more rapidly.

Sneak's eyes opened wide as he felt the Arcanine's climax continue, his stomach visibly swelling under the pressure...

Nanaki's thrust started to cease as his cumshots became less rapid.

Sneak gave a small groan, as he lowered himself to the floor, as best he could... With Nanaki's knot inside him, he lay awkwardly with his tail end in the air, his head lowered to the floor...

Nanaki gave his final thrust as the las bit of his cum shot into his friend. He stood there for a while...stil mounted on Sneak... breathing roughly. "Your tailhole... it's so tight. It felt great!"

Sneak panted lightly. "I'm glad... I enjoyed it, too, for the most part..."

Nanaki was a little worried about the last part of his friend's statement. "Are...are you ok? I think my shaft stretched your tailhole greatly. I'm sorry that I hurt you."

"I'll be alright. Might...take a little while, but...I'll be alright..." He was shaking slightly with exertion, from holding himself up, now, when his body just wanted to collapse...

"Here... let me get out fo you..." Nanaki tried to dismount form Sneak but found himself stuck. His knot had swoolen up inside of his friend and it was now to big to go back out.

Sneak grunted at the attempt. "Don't! That'll hurt worse, right now... Just...lay down, relax, and in a bit, pull out..."

"Ok then..." He replied while slowly lying himself to the ground- trying not to hurt his friend.

Sneak gave a relieved sigh as he lay down next to the Arcanine, his back still pressed to Nanaki's tummy... He smirked, and pawed lightly at his own tummy. "Didn't think it could get any fuller than that..." His tummy sloshed lightly, as if in reply...

Nanaki chuckled a bit at his friend's comment. "Heh heh... well that was my first time so..."

"My first time with a male... third time...?" Sneak shivered lightly, and stretched, writhing a bit under and around his new friend...

Nanaki licked his friends face as he hugged him with his fore paws. "I love you..." he said under his breath.

Sneak looked up at him in shock. "That' I..." He fell silent, looking up at Nanaki. "I think I need a bit of time, before I answer that...but...I know that I like you a lot, be a little patient..."

"That's fine..." he repied while sighing. "I'll wait as long as you want."

"I can at least say that I wouldn't mind repeating this," he said, smirking, and squeezing around your knot slightly...

Nanaki smirked a bit while saying, "Heh heh... I know I wouldn't either, but how about next time... I get to be the bitch."

Sneak raised his head. "Is that what you want...?"

"Yes it is," he replied while nodding with a smile.

Sneak would've blushed some, if he could, but instead, he just licked his lips softly. "How about later tonight...?"

Nanaki was gald that Sneaked accepted his praposol, for the most part. "Yeah... if my shaft ever swells down that is... Just talking about it is making me really hard."

Sneak groaned as he felt his friend swell again inside him. "So...I see..." He suddenly grinned. " can make a second time, before you pull out?"

Nanaki grinned at the idea. "Well that depends... Think you can handle a second round?"

"I might need that tongue of yours, again," Sneak answered with a grin.

"Well... you can have it..." Nanaki replies while slowy sliding his tongue into his friends mouth.

Sneak whimpered softly, suckling at his large friend's tongue, while lightly humping the air, as his own shaft hardened in response to Nanaki's...

Nanaki squealed slightly at the taste of his friend's tounge, while lightly pumping his shaft inside of his friend.

Sneak openned his mouth around the deep kiss, and groaned out, softly, shivering again...

Nanaki's instincts began to take over as he pressed his hips against Sneak's rump rapidly, letting out a slight moan as he continued kissing his friend.

Sneak groaned, lowering his front leg down, and letting Nanaki's thrusts drive his own shaft into his own fur...

Nanaki moved one his foreppaws down to Sneak's shaft and began rubbing it while he moved the other to rub his friend's chest.

Sneak was in heaven, as he squirmed and groaned, already leaking pre-cum into the Arcanine's paw...

Sneak's precum served as the perfect lubrication, allowing Nanaki's paw to rub him faster while he increased his thrust into him... trying to go deeper each time.

Sneak panted heavily, as he felt the mammoth shaft inside of him push almost completely into his stomach! He pants, shivering and groaning loudly, pre-cum flowing heavily from his shaft...

Nanki tilted his head back... Sneak's tightness was a lot for him to handle as well as the feeling of their sacs colliding. He found himself pre-cumming constantly as he mated the absol.

Sneak groaned, the pre-cum further filling his stomach! His eyes closed tight, as he panted and murred loudly, his own pre-cum flowed harder onto the Arcanine's paw...

The Arcanine knew he wasn't going to last much longer as he almost swallowed his friends tongue as he groaned loudy... feeling his paw soaked with precum... unintentionly pawing his friend as fast as he could.

Sneak gasped and whimper-groaned loudly, and climaxed over Nanaki's paw, his body tightening hard around his shaft as he did so...

Sneak's orgasm set off Nanaki's as he felt his friend's prostate grow and squeeze his shaft, causing him to roar loudly as he fired large barrages of his hot seed into him.

Sneak cried out, Nanaki's climax heightening his own, as his stomach bloated out heavily...

Nanaki was now thrusting as forceful as possible as he kept the fast pace for his paw, not really thinking about what he was doing.

Sneak closed his eyes tightly, his paws on his still-expanding tummy, and groaned loudly...

Nanaki's was still thrusting very hard into his friend, but he was doing it less rapidly as his orgasm began to die down.

Sneak panted heavily, biting down on his lip, as his body expanded quite close to its limit...

Nanaki was orgasm had no died down to the point where his shaft was dripping... still thrusting every now and then. He continued stroking his friends shaft... enjoying the feeling of his cum soaked shaft in his paw.

Sneak just panted heavily, murring, and rubbing his now-rounded-out belly... "Oh, wow..."

"Do you like that Sneak." Nanki said... still stroking him.

Sneak smiled softly. "Yeah... It's too bad there's no way to turn things around, so you can feel this, too... It's amazing..."

Nanaki blushed. "Don't worry about it my friend. If you're happy... I'm happy."

"Mm..." He closed his eyes, and wriggled some, trying to see if Nanaki's knot had possibly shrunk enough for him to pull loose... As much as he enjoyed this, he didn't think he could take another round with his friend...

Nanaki was becoming tired. His orgasms had taken a lot out of him. He contiued to stroke his friend... even after he dozed off... still locked inside of him.

Sneak yawned, and closed his eyes...but instead of sleeping, he simply waited, listening to Nanaki's breathing... He was asleep, now. Sure enough, after only a few minutes, he could feel Nanaki's shaft slowly receding, and he quickly pulled himself free, with a wet, meaty sound...

Nanaki grunted a bit as he felt his shaft being pulled out, but he remained sleeping.

With his tail end leaking streams of Nanaki's cum, he curled up next to the Arcanine, and listenned to the storm outside as it intensified... With as deep in the cave as they were, it sounded bad enough...

The sorm didn't scare Nanaki but it did wake him up. All he did was stare at Sneak with his tired eyes.

Sneak felt Nanaki wake up, and he glanced over to him. "You need me to kill the noise?"

He bacame startled at Sneak's offer. "What do you mean kill the noise?"

Sneak smirked. He turned towards the mouth of the cave, and fired a pulse of water in that direction... Before it got very far, he followed it up with an Ice Beam, freezing the wate, and slowly creating a wall of ice over the cave...

Nanaki was a bit thrilled by his performance. "I see..."

"There," smirked Sneak. "Peace, quiet, and no interruptions from the outside..." He winced. "Of my stomach's cramping, but..."

Nanaki becomes a bit worried at the state his friend is in. "Oh... I'm sorry... I knew I'd cause harm to you... I shouldn't have given you a second round."

"Nah, 'salright. I always get cramps when I eat too much, and then fight..." He grinned and winked, then winced slightly.

Nanaki was left without words. All he did was sigh lightly.

"No angsting," Sneak admonished. "I've gone through a helluvalot more pain than this, in my time..."

"Well... if you say so..." Nanki replied.

"I do," Sneak smirked, and waddled his way back over. "I feel all sticky, though... I think I'm gonna need a bath when this storm passes," he grinned.

"Or you can run right throught that ice wall you made into the storm, and then run back in." Nanaki chuckled.

Sneak shook his head. "It's bad out there... I can't tell when a normal storm is coming. Usually, it takes a tornado or a hurricane before my senses kick in, when it has to do with the weather..." He layed down on his side, his stomach sloshing. "It's a talent Absols have..."

"That can be real useful..." Nanaki added.

"Yep. Helps out a lot..."

Nanaki was a bit bored now. "So... what do we do now..."

"Well, we can sleep this off, and maybe have another round," Sneak suggested with a smirk.

"If we go another round I think your stomach will explode." Nanaki commented.

"Hence the 'sleeping this off' part... It's gotta go away at some point..."

"Heh heh... yeah..." Nanli chuckled. "Mind if I hold you while you sleep?"

Sneak smiled. "Was hoping you'd ask that..." He scootched himself closer, watching his tummy jiggle as he did...

Nanaki wrapped his arms around Sneak's chest in an affectionate manner. "How long do you think this storm will last."

"Hard to say..." Sneak smiled, and squirmed a bit in the Arcanine's grasp, until he was comfortable. "Hopefully, it'll be gone by morning..."

"We'll see..." Nanaki replied as his eyelids began to close.

Sneak smiled, and closed his eyes... He yawned, and lay his head on Nanaki's arm, and slowly drifted off...

Yeah a short story lemon. I hope you enjoyed it. Please Review.
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