AGNPH Stories

Friendship Follow by darklink313


Chapter 3: Life Mates

Disclaimer: Pokémon is a registered trademark of Nintendo and affiliates. I don't own them. The characters and storyline, however, are fully registered to me. I own them.

Notes: I decide to rewrite the ending of the story for three reasons: 1) I realize now that...I'm just no good at writing short stories unless they involve heavy sexual encounters, and as such I need to improve this one, 2) I realized that the story was unnecessary; who cares about story when there's hot, sweaty Poke-Anthro sex to be made?, and 3) I wanted to, because Roxanne is a fox (quite literally if you read my webpage) and I love seeing her and Lance fuck. Yes, even though they're my own characters. Booyah.

Re-write - Chapter 3: Life Mates

Eleven years later...
Roxanne was having trouble getting to sleep. Again. She tossed and turned in her bed, unable to get an ounce of shuteye. She hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in days. Even the soft sounds of rain hitting her window weren't able to calm her down to fall asleep. And she normally loved falling asleep to the sound of rain. And to make matters worse, she knew why she was having trouble getting to sleep. It was him. Lance. Puberty hit her hard, but it was good to her in many ways. She'd developed a very nice body, trim and athletic to match her personality; her breasts weren't too small, not too big - she felt that a b-cup was just right. She knew boys were taking notice of her. She just didn't take notice to them. At least, not the generic ones. No, only one boy had managed to catch her attention: Lance. She knew she was young and probably wrong about her feelings, but she was certain she was in love with him. He was the only person she had in her life. He was her best friend...her only friend. He was her family. Was it wrong to love him? She didn't care anymore. She just wanted to know...what would he say? Would he be disgusted? Reject her? Worse yet, would he not want to be friends anymore? These thoughts scared Roxanne away. She didn't want to tell him, but she did at the same time.
Her sixteenth birthday was coming up. A few more weeks, and she'd be another year older. She had attested her lack of sleep to nervousness about the event when Lance took notice. This made her worry; she knew Lance was observant and always kept a close eye on her to make sure he was okay. Did he notice the other things about her though? She couldn't stand going on like this any longer. She had to know. Now. So she made up her mind, and got out of bed. She didn't put any extra clothes on over her panties and nightgown except a jacket she'd been given for her fifteenth birthday - by Lance, of course. His quarters on the compound were only about thirty seconds away if she ran. She looked outside into the rain and put her hood on, then nodded in agreement to herself as she darted outside, closed the door, and headed for his room...

Lance wasn't pleased to hear a knock at his door. He looked at his clock as he groggily stirred from his sleep.
"Unnn...three in the morning..." he sighed, "This had better be good..."
He sleepily fumbled towards the door until he found the knob, and then opened it. He was surprised more now when he saw who it was.
"Roxy? What are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?"
"I have to talk to you Lance..." she said sternly.
"Can't it wait?"
"Oy...okay, come in. Don't catch cold out there..."
Lance ushered her in and closed the door. She took a seat on his couch and clutched her jacket closer. He took a seat next to her and put his arm around her, pulling her close to keep her warm.
"What the hell are you thinking?" he sighed, "Coming over at this the rain no less. What's so important?"
Words weren't going to do it justice, she thought. Besides, she was always about action, not words. So while she was mildly surprised at her next action, she later realized it should've been expected.
She leaned her head up and without a word, she kissed him. Lance was taken aback by it and opened his eyes wide in surprise. He wanted to pull away and reprimand her for this, but...something pulled him closer. Her lips were so soft, her mouth was warm, and he could smell the rain in her hair. She smelt good too. And why was he starting to feel so...warm? Heat was flowing through his body, starting from the mouth down. He liked kissing her. It felt...right.
She was surprised that he didn't jerk away, and glad for it. There was a definite spark in the kiss. She could feel it. Now she knew that she really was in love with him. And he wasn't pulling away; did that mean he...liked her too? She certainly hoped so. She decided to get a little bold, and knocked at his lips with her tongue. He willingly let her in, and she hastily took the opportunity to fondle his tongue with hers. He gave a small moan as her hand randomly landed on his lap. Without a word, he pulled away and helped her up with him. He knew what she wanted. He wanted it too. It was hard for any male to resist Roxanne's looks, and he was no exception. Now, he'd get a chance to do what he once thought wrong.
Roxanne was getting excited. She hadn't expected this to work this way. Lance was a very good-looking boy in her eyes, and she often times did have fantasies involving him. Those were actually what clued her in that she wanted him. He wasn't muscular, but he was athletic just like her. But while she clearly toned her entire body, Lance looked like he worked out his legs a lot, what with all the running he did. And now, here she was about to lose herself to the man she loved; a man she could sense loved her back deep inside.
They got to his room and she was quickly laid on the bed. Lance tugged her jacket off at last and threw it aside, then started plating kisses on her neck and shoulder. She put her hands around his back and held him tight. His kisses were joined by wandering hands as they trailed up under her nightgown and reaches her breasts. She gave a little yelp as he rolled her nipples in his fingers, then a soft purr as he palmed them and squeezed gently. Her nightgown started moving upwards gradually until eventually it was off. Lance took in the sight of her beautiful body; the only thing she still had on was her panties. But those could wait - he wanted to enjoy her slowly. His mouth latched on to one nipple and he suckled it ever so lightly, nipping it every now and then. Roxanne gave little gasps of pleasure and started to wrap her legs around his waist. Her other breast now earned his mouth's attention, and she couldn't resist the urge to put her hands behind his head, stroking his ears.
After a moment longer of breast-loving, Lance trailed her stomach with small butterfly kisses until he reached her panties. He smirked as he slipped his hand under them and palmed her sex. She gasped as his hand gripped her, sending tingles through her body. Her wet sex was burning hot, Lance noticed. She was beyond excited - she wanted him bad. He fingered her lightly from under her panties, enjoying her mews of pleasure. She had to nibble her knuckles to keep from screaming right there when he found her clit and started playing with it. Hearing her delighted, yet muffled pleas, Lance decided to indulge her with more. He started tugging her panties off, and she helped him out by parting her legs more. With her naked sex exposed to him, Lance was blinded by the delicious scent of her heat. It was driving him wilder now than before, and he took the opportunity to bury his nose into her snatch. His tongue darted into her, making her gasp in sudden surprise.
He started slowly, licking in small circles around the edge of her cunt. As her moans deepened, he increased the action by slipping his tongue inside and trailing her inner flower with saliva. He didn't mind that he sex was giving off such heat he was starting to sweat; the taste alone was making him nearly mad with lust. After a moment, he went back to her clit and gave it a hard lick, making her lose control and let out a scream of pleasure. He liked hearing her scream like that, so he kept at it.
"L-Lance! I...I...I'm g-gonna...cuuuuummmm!"
She exploded now, in an intense orgasm she never thought possible. Her cum trickled into his mouth and down his chin, some of it getting in his nose. He hungrily gulped down what was in his mouth before licking his lips clean and wiping his nose. There was a fire in his eyes now, showing he wanted to take her then and there. She could see the look, and smirked. She was about to show him how strong she was.
With a quick movement, she grabbed him by the Sharpedo tooth necklace he wore around his neck, and brought his face to hers where she could deliver a passionate kiss. Lance was absorbed in her heat, plunging his tongue into her mouth to show her his lust. She was able to quickly turn the tables, and rolled over so she was on top of him now. After kissing him hotly some more, she leaned down and tugged off his boxers to let loose his member. She eyed it with lust and wonder, amazed at how excited she was making him, judging from the full ten inches of manhood she now held in her hand. She straddled him, placing her hands on his shoulders while his hands found her hips, then lowered herself onto him. She winced as his shaft tore through her hymen.
"Roxanne...are you okay?" he asked quickly, "Did I hurt you?"
"No...I'm fine..." she said softly, "Just give me...a minute..."
She finished lowering herself onto him, giving her body time to adjust to the intruder. When she felt ready, she lifted herself up slightly then lowered back down. She let out a moan as the new wave of sensations flooded her, continuing her motions. Lance started to move with her, thrusting his hips upwards to meet her on the way down. She slowly started to lean backwards, snaking her hands along his chest as she went. In her final state, she was resting her hands just behind her sides, and the angle allowed Lance's cock to brush her clit slightly with every thrust. She couldn't contain the moans at all. Lance, on the other hand, was feeling the most unique sensation in his life. His entire cock felt like it was on fire, but instead of pain the flames brought pleasure. The heat from her cunt was making him sweaty, but her hot juices were making his thrusts easy and pleasurable for them both. She came first a few minutes later, leaking her hot cum onto his crotch and fling her head back the moan from deep in her throat. Lance couldn't contain himself any longer, and his hands tightened hard as he screamed her name and flooded her pussy with his seed.
They didn't move for a few moments, then she lifted off of him with a soft 'pop', dripping their mixed juices all over his waist. She noticed with surprise that he was still slightly hard. She smirked at him. He was clearly ready to keep going, and she was just as willing. She bent her head down and licked their mixed cum off his cock, getting him fully erect again. Then she came up and kissed Lance hotly on the lips again, followed by him rolling hr under him. When he sat up, Roxanne assumed he was positioning himself, but Lance meant otherwise.
"Get on your knees, Roxy..." he growled huskily in her ear.
His voice sent shivers down her spine, and she gladly obeyed. She got on her knees in front of him, her hands resting on the top of the backboard. Lance gripped her hips and briskly shoved his length into her cunny from behind. The wetness from before lubricated it very well and she felt no pain as it slid all the way inside, but she still felt loads of pleasure from it. Lance began pounding into her with steady thrusts, taking care not to be too rough. Her fluffy tail wrapped slightly around his waist, warming him with her body heat. It took several moments before Roxanne came again, and slightly collapsed in a heap. Lance's last thrust was rather slow, but very hard, and he spilled more of his seed into her womb. Thoroughly exhausted, Lance collapsed next to his lover and they turned to face each other.
"Lance...I love you..."
"I know." Lance smirked, "I'll always be yours, Roxanne..."
She smiled and fell asleep with her arms around his shoulders.

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