AGNPH Stories

Puppy Love by arkangel001


Friendships grow

Puppy Love

Well this is my first story, well more the first chapter. So I guess I'll start writing the next one after my first good review. Also some of the pokemon names may be miss spelt and
For that im sorry but my game boy batteries went flat

Friendships grow

Arcanine and Ninetales have been friends since they can remember. They always did everything together and had a great friendship.

"So what ya wana do today Swish" Archie asked while laying on his back steering at her

"I'm thirsty wana get a drink" Swish asked while she groomed her tails

"Sure" Archie said getting up and walking next to Swish

They both went to go to the local pond with Swish leading. As Archie looked around him Swish and though to himself 'wow'. Swish looked back over her shoulder and saw Archie steering at her, she looked forward before she started blushing and Archie looked down also blushing. Archie then begun to think "that was weird, she's never looked like that before and she's never made me blush' he continued to look at the ground afraid the Swish is looking at him. Swish felt quite awkward "he has never looked at me like that before, then again I never felt like that... aww what's wrong with me" a angry look went onto her face and Archie saw it as he looked up and felt quit bad.

"Um... you ok Swish" Archie asked looking nervous

Archie's voice brought her out of her deep thought "wha... oh I'm fine" Swish then said with a smile.


As they approached the waterhole a Mightyena wolf whistled at Swish "hay baby wana come to my place, spend some time with a real wolf" he said standing tall

Swish went to say something but Archie interrupted "leave her alone buddy" Archie said walking up to the Mightyena.

"Wow buddy I don't wana help you" the Mightyena said confidently

Archie just gave the Mightyena a harsh look. *sigh* "ok buddy" the Mightyena said springing a Take Down attack on him. Archie got thrown back 10 feet and rolled a few times. Archie then got up a fired his Ember, The Mightyena dogged quickly and charged with a Faint Attack. Archie followed him till he seemed to vanish and appeared behind him then another bang throwing Archie across the ground. "After I'm done beating you, your little girl friend will give me a good time" he said with his friend cheering him on.

"You will never touch her' Archie said charging up for another attack. The Mighyena went to run out the way but Archie kept up. The Mightyyena then charged and Archie released an Over Heat attack hitting the Mightyena with a direct hit. The Mightyena landed on the ground with a thud his fur singing "leave her and never return" Archie said looking down at him, the Mightyena got up and ran away whimpering.

"Thank you... for standing up for me" Swish said blushing brightly

"Your welcome... but I don't know why but I couldn't help protecting you" Archie said apologetic

"Yeah about that since when can you use Over Heat" Swish asked curiously

"Since I just used it, actually I couldn't help it." Archie said thinking about how it felt

Swish lent down to get a drink, Archie then went to look at Swish wondering why she didn't say anything but saw her rear in the air. Archie saw her do this dozens of times before but this is the first time he couldn't stop looking at her tails especially the base of them. Swish got up and saw Archie in a trance.

"I appreciate your help but I can look after myself... hello you still alive?" Swish asked with a puzzled expression on her face

Archie stood there until he spurted out "you look so beautiful"

Swish was unprepared by that and stood there wondering what to say. "I just remembered, I have some stuff to do with my girl friends... see you later" she said awkwardly than used Agility to get away as quickly as she could

'Real smooth Archie, what was that even about' Archie though to himself. "ha ha ha ha, real smooth buddy" a Umbreon said.

"Shut up Kindle" Archie said looking away.

"Oh man I can't believe it. You really don't know what's happened" Kindle said still chuckling

"What do you mean" Archie said turning around, curious to what Kindle has to say

"Ok... I'll tell you." Kindle begun to say but jumped down some rocks he was standing onto to whisper to Archie "you're in lover with Swish" he said with a giggle

Archie stood there and thought on what Kindle. He thought back on all things he's done with Swish until it became obvious that Kindle is right. "Kindle your right I need to tell her" He said beginning to run off.

"Wait Archie, she'll be hanging with my sisters" Kindle said forming a plan

"I know but if I don't tell her... our friendship... I'll lose it" He said looking at the ground sadly

"Ok then. I'll help you out, ill distract my sisters" Kindle said running up to Archie

Kindle and Archie ran off to where Kindle saw his sisters last and fortunately they were still there, but Archie smelt the wind and smelt Swishes scent "hurry up Swish is coming"

Kindle jumped out from where there hiding "Hay sis" Kindle yelled out to them as he approached

"What is it" the oldest sister that was a vaporeon said rolling her eyes.

As she looked at him Kindle used Scary Face at them. The Flareon and Jolteon screamed but an angry face went over the vaporeons. Kindle just smiled and poked hit tongue out and ran off, the girls followed using Ember Bubble Beam and Thunder Shock at him so Kindle used Double Team to avoid being hit to quickly.

After they were out of sight Archie ran to where they were the girls were hanging and sat there. Swish came trotting up from behind a tree "Archie! Are you following me" Swish said surprised to see him

"In a way... but only because I need to tell you something" Archie said trying to keep Swish from running off

"And what is that" Swish asked beginning to blush

"Swish... I think in the last few days I've... I've fallen in love with you" he said approaching her slowly "but I want our friend ship to stay the same" Archie then said afraid he's lost his friend.

Swish blushed brightly and backed up a bit when Archie approached her "ohhh... I love you to but only as a friend" Swish begun to say but a Jet of water blew her into the tree

"good now use Skull Bash" a human said.

Archie turned to the voice and saw a Blastoise charging. Archie jumped in front of Swish and took the entire blow. "blastoise dispose of that Arcenine" the trainer said. Blastoise prepared for another Hydro Pump but Archie countered with a flamethrower. Blastoise kept the blast up easily and slowly pushed Archie's attack back. "Archie run" Swish yelled as she struggled to get to her feat. Archie's attack then failed and he barley managed to avoid a direct hit. "No Swish, I'll protect you" Archie said looking at Swish trying to get up. Blastoise took this opportunity and used Slam on Archie.

The battle went on for several minuets and Archie was thrown around. Swish finally managed to get up and attacked Blastiose with Fire Spin, but Blastoise used Withdraw and endured the Attack easily. That one attack used up Swishes last few ounces of energy she collapsed on the ground breathing hard. Archie also unable to move saw the trainer approach Swish "I always wanted to breed Ninetales" He said smiling as he took one of two pokeballs out of his pocket.

Hearing the trainer filled Archie with rage. He forced him self to his feat and used Bite on the pokeball as he charged. He caught the ball as the trainer dropped it to land on Swish and then Archie crushed it in his mouth. The trainer looked quite mad and got the other pokeball out and threw it as hard as he could at Swish. Arcenine jumped forwarded at was hit by the ball and before he went inside he looked at Swish "forget about me" He said as he begun to turn red. "I can't... I lied... I love you to" Swish said with tears in her eyes and "goodbye" Archie said as he went into the pokeball.

"Let's see all I got is a lure ball. Lets hope for the best" the trainer said reaching on his belt. Just then a bolt of lightning hit Blastoise and he fell to the ground. "What now" the trainer said in frustration as he turned around. Kindle pounced and used Crunch on the trainers arm. The trainer fell to the ground and all his pokeballs with pokemone in it scattered across the ground and Blastoise retreated to his pokeball. The trainer went to reach for one of the balls but was stopped by an Ember the trainer looked up and saw for four pokemone looking down at him strictly. Kindle sniffed each pokeball until he found Archie's he picked it up and dropped it in front of him. "What do you want" the trainer whimpered, he picked up the ball and let out the pokemon. Archie was curled up crying and then noticed he was out of the ball. Kindle then took the ball and used Crunch in front of Archie.

The trainer got up collected his remaining pokeballs and some of the scattered and ran away crying. "Am... am I free" Archie said confused

"Yep. I mean I'd never let you be taken away" Kindle said smiling

Archie then remembered Swish and went to check on her. She laid on the ground unconscious. Archie got Swish on his back and carried her to her home.


Archie made it to Swishes house and laid her gently down on her bed he managed to push the boulder that was in fount of her house so she wouldn't be disturbed but only managed a few steps out before he collapsed. Archie woke a week later in Swifts house but it was empty and closed, he went to get up but his whole body hurt. He looked himself over and all his wounds were healed but his muscles ached something chronic that he laid his head down and fell asleep.

Archie was woke up several hours later when Swish came in "swish is that you" he called out

"Your awake" Swish said with joy in her voice as she rushed to him and rubbed her head against his.

This made Archie blush but all he could do was raise his head. Swish continued to rub her self against him and Archie just laid there soaking up the attention

"Will you... will you be my mate Archie" Swish said as she stopped her rubbing. She sat down in front of him and just steered at him waiting for his answer

"Um... ye... I mean I will... NO" Archie said trying not to let his emotions get the better of him

Swish was shocked, she stood up and walked backwards her eyes filling with tears "why not?" she yelled as she left her house. Archie rested his head 'its not you' he though to himself as he fell asleep. Half an hour later he was awoken with a smack on the head

"Ouch what was that for" Archie said looking who hit him. The Vaporeon looked at him angrily

"How could you. You tell her you love her and she managed to say it to you. Then you just reject her" She said furiously at him

"Do you honestly believe I would want her to be my mate... when she... she deserves someone who is right for her" Archie said with an aching heart

"Don't be a fool, she wants you. If you don't go to her you will... she will never be happy" the vaporine said in a pleading voice

Archie then realized that she was right "I will but I can't move" Archie said to her

"No problem the trainer dropped some other stuff when he ran away" Vaporeon said pulling out a Max Heal Potion and used it on Archie. He felt all his strength return and got to his feat.

"Thank you" Archie said as he ran outside. He put his nose to the air and found Swishes sent he ran in the direction her sent was strongest, he continued to follow until he saw Kindle comforting Swish.

"Hello Archie" Kindle said in a cold voice.

"Kindle just give me and Swish some privacy" Archie said in a sad voice

"Swish do you want me to go" Kindle said to Swish giving her a small lick on her forehead as she cried.

"Yes" Swish whimpered

Kindle left giving Archie a cold look as he passed him. Swish wiped her tears away and looked at Archie "why did you... why would you... HOW COULD YOU REJECT ME... ... said that you loved me" She managed to say while holding back more tears

"I... I am not good enough for you well at lest that's what I thought. Then I realized that what you think of me is more important than what I thought of myself for you" Archie said with tears in his eyes

Swish had a small smile appear on her face "does that mean you'll... that you will be my mate" She said with tears of hope forming in her eyes.

"I will if that's what you want... yes I will" Archie said with an apologetic look on his face

Swish ran up to Archie and kissed him passionately, catching Archie of guard. He didn't know what to do he just stood there as Swishes tongue explored his mouth. After the kiss Archie begun to smile, Swish returned his smile with her own. Archie then kissed Swish exploring her mouth, "let's go home" Swish said after the kiss with a seductive look. Archie returned her look by tilting his head to one side "why" he asked with a clueless expression. Swish just gave him a blunt look and ran off for her house.

"Dude you are dense" Kindle said coming form his hiding spot.

"I am not, I just want to tell everyone about me and Swish" Archie said honestly, unknowing what Swish has in mind

"Trust me what she's wants at home is better and you'll tell all of us later" Kindle said with a wink


Archie got home and as he walked through the door he saw Swishes shadow in the bed room "close the door Archie" She yelled out.

Archie did what he was told and then went into the bedroom. As he looked inside Swish was sitting in the middle of the bed, she had her tails out in a fan and a lustful look in her eyes, her front paws supported her blocking Archies view of her jewel.

"Archie, since you my mat now... you have certain responsibilities towards me that I can not do myself" Swish started to say in a seductive voice

"Are you hungry or need protecting" Archie said confused and trying to get a glimpse of her jewel.

"No Archie... as my mate I need you to mate with me" She said with a hot little smile

"Oh..." Archie said not expecting this for sometime.

All Swish did then was move her front paws giving Archie a clear view of her jewel. Archie's eyes widened as his sheathed member begun to come out. Swift stood up and turned around, she then lowered her front half and her tails exposing her Jewel ready for mating

"Archie please be gentle... and slow... ... ... it's my first time" Swish said blushing

Archie was completely nervous as he approached her "it's mine to Swish... I'll try" Archie said using it as an excuse to delay this.

Swish stood there waiting for what seemed like an eternity "Archie I am ready" Swish said with a wag of her tails.

Archie approached her and thought 'how am I going to get passed those' he went to move is head passed them but every time Swish was touched her tails would wag in anticipation and Archie would then back off because the tails was irritating him.

"Swish keep you tails still please or I can't get passed them" Archie said

"Ok sorry" Swish said blushing again

Archie tried parting Swishes tails with his head again and Swish kept her tails from moving. Archie took a few more small steps forward in preparation to mount her and this Made his entire member hard. He jumped up and crawled forward with his member sitting right in front of her jewel. He waited for Swift to get her balance and use to his weight, and also for a sign that Swish is ready. Swish turned her head and smiled at him, this was the sign Archie wanted and he slowly pushed his member into Swishes jewel.

Archie only got halfway in when he Stopped, it was getting real tight Swish moaned in pleasure but then Archie continued to push trying to get it all in but stopped three quarters in because Swish gasped in pain "I'm sorry are you alright" Archie said in shock. "I'm fine it only hurts a little and I need to be stretched" she ensured Archie. Archie pushed the rest of his member into Swish and she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth "keep going" she said through her teeth. Archie then pulled out slowly and listened to Swishes sigh of relief, he then pushed in again after a few seconds and moaned slightly, he pulled out and wan now completely unaware of his surroundings and was only concentrating on the pleasure his member was having inside of Swish. Archie didn't speed up until he herd Swish moan in pleasure. "Archie faster" Swish managed to say in between moans. Archie prepared to go faster but felt he'd lose his balance so he repositioned his front paws on Swishes shoulder and begun to thrust into her again. Swish moaned loudly when he started to thrust again because the feeling of his member stimulating the walls and the weight on her shoulder was too much, she felt a strong felling inside her growing and getting harder to resist "Archie deeper" she screamed in lust. Archie took a deep breath and slowly eased the knot at the base of his member into her jewel and the felling of that was enough to make Archie come first. His knot swelled inside of Swish Causing her front paws to give under his weight and the pleasure. Her orgasm came as the first load of Archie's seed went inside her. The walls of her Jewel spasm as Archie begun to howl at the pleasure of shooting his load inside of Swish and then being milked. Ten minuets later Archie's knot had finally shrunk to a size where he could take it out. Swish collapsed once Archie un-mounted her with out his support. Archie sat down next to Swish painting heavily until she nudged his paws to lay down with her.

"Archie... tomorrow we should act like were not mates ok" Swish said curling into a ball and snuggling into Archies belly.

"What! Why?" Archie said confused

"I want to have it seem you accept in front of everyone" She said drifting off to sleep

Archie laid there with Swish curled up into him wondering where he would rest, the only place that was conferrable was on top of Swishes head and that's where he fell asleep.
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