AGNPH Stories

Tales of Nine by arkangel001


Careful what you wish for

Submitted at 11:35pm 30/04/06� the last thing I did before my birthday, your so lucky

Well number 10 double digits
^Shimmer^ so?
It means I haven�t been ridiculed so much I quit
^Shimmer^ so?
There�s no pleasing you
^Shimmer^ so?
Note to self give her fleas
^Shimmer^ so?
Dam fire pokemon� oh also Netsuke changed to Nartholis

Careful what you wish for

Shimmer and the girls were in there den when Hounder pops his head in �misses Ninetales can the girls come play?� he yells into the den. Shimmer and the girl�s wakes up suddenly at that and all walk out slowly. �YAWN! Hounder, how did you find us?� Shimmer asks still half asleep. �I followed your scent� Hounder says proud of himself. �so can we go play mum� Mindy asks wagging her tail with Lindy giving her puppy dog eyes, but Cindy didn�t look any happier. �If you want to, but be back here for lunch� Shimmer says turning around to go back into the den. �I�m staying to� Cindy says real depressed as she trots into the den. �Ok you to go run along� Shimmer says with a smile. The three run off already caught in a game of tag. �Cindy what�s wrong� Shimmer asks when she got into the den. �I�m a horrible monster� Cindy says with tears in her eyes. �How�s that sweetie� Shimmer says in a caring fashion. �When I bit Areia he asked dad if he was proud I�m a murderer� Cindy begins to whimper. �What! Oh honey your no murderer, you�re a hero� Shimmer says in the same tone. �No I�m a horrible monster� Cindy snaps laying down into a ball. �It wasn�t your fault, Angel told me you were going to let him go. But he said he�d come back, you saved his life my life your sisters and countless others. What you did you was forced to do and anyone in your position would have done the same� Shimmer explains to Cindy. Cindy get up with tears in her eyes �really?� was all she managed to say. �If killing when you�re forced to makes you a monster then I�m a hundred times worse� Shimmer then says trying to ease the young girls mind. �But how� your so nice� Cindy questions in a less depressed tone. �Well I could live on berries and fruits, but I chose to hunt down Ratatta and kill them. I don�t have to but I do� Shimmer says knowing she�s getting through to Cindy. �So I�m not a monster, because if you kill Ratatta for food and I killed Areia because he was going to kill me it�s ok� Cindy asks. �You got it sweetie� Shimmer says smiling �now go find the others and play� she continues giving Cindy a small nudge out the den. Cindy runs off smelling the air with a smile as Shimmer watched, overjoyed her daughter was happy again. She then goes and lays on her back at the entrance of the den sunning her self until some Vines wrap around her and lift her up. �Hi Shimmer how are things?� he says holding her up side down and to his face with a large grin. Shimmer didn�t respond like Angel did she just glared at him. Viney didn�t get the message and started to shake Shimmer gently �hello� are we still alive� He says while shaking her, Shimmer used every bit of self control not to use Flame Thrower. Viney began to bob her up and down. �PUT ME DOWN BEFORE YOU BECOME WELL DONE!� Shimmer then yells out steaming (literally) at the mouth. Viney quickly put her down gently �your not as much fun as Angel� he grumbles but still smiles. �I�m sorry but I just don�t like being picked up� Shimmer apologizes. �No problem, I was wondering� do you know anything about the new Houndoom that�s been seen here?� Viney asks. �She�s got a cub� that�s all I know� Shimmer told Viney. �Ok could you keep an eye on the pup then� Viney asked with an even bigger grin on his face. �Why? What have you got planed� Shimmer asks tilting her head. �A date� Viney said almost laughing g as he walked off. Shimmer just shrugged it off and went back to sunning herself.

Mindy Lindy and Hounder were playing hide and seek. It was Hounder�s turn to seek and he was moving through the grass like he was stalking. Lindy was twenty feet away behind a tree trying not to giggle and Mindy was deep in a bush trying to stop panting, both girls could see Hounder and thought they were caught when a rustling in the bushes caught his attention. �Ha ha I got you now� Hounder yells out jumping into the bush. As he pounced through the bush he barley stops with his lips slammed together with Cindy�s as she stood the stunned and blushing. Hounder quickly took a few steps back �sorry I thought you were one of your sisters� he says expecting her to still be depressed. Cindy stood there for a few more seconds before snapping out of her daze �did you just kiss me?� she asked now confused. �No, my lips bumped into yours� Hounder said shocked and taking a few more steps back. �You did� Cindy say as her voice is getting louder. �I didn�t� it was an accident� leave me alone� Hounder started to blurt out as he turned around and ran off. A few moments later Mindy and Lindy came out of the bush. �What did you do to Hounder� Mindy asked with a puzzled expression. �He kissed me� by accident and he wouldn�t admit it. I just wanted him to but he ran off� Cindy said with an embarrassed look on her face. �Well lets go find him, I was having fun� Lindy says walking on the spot. All three girls then ran off after Hounder, they found him near a small pond grumbling to him self. �Hay Hounder why did you run� Cindy asks approaching him. Hounder begun to blush �look� I�m sorry I kissed you I never meant to� he said keeping his distance. �Don�t be� I liked it� Cindy says as her voice begun to sound seductive. Mindy and Lindy gasped at Cindy. As Hounder�s entire face went bright red in a blush. �I� really have to go� Hounder said looking around then running off. But he turned around and went straight into the pond. Steam started to blow wieldy around him as he screamed in pain. �Cindy what the hell did you do� Mindy yelled at the water edge. �I didn�t mean to� I was trying to be nice� Cindy said with a shocked look on her face. Cindy then remembered what her mother had told her and she will not let him die. She charged forward Jumping in, the water was freezing even for her but she paddled as hard as she could to Hounder who�s splashing was making him go further out, Cindy caught up and grabbed Hounders scruff and slowly paddled to the ponds edge, whiled she was holding onto Hounder the water was freezing but the Steam was so hot it blurred her senses, the two temperatures made her breath deeply and a lot of water was inhaled while she struggled to stay afloat, once Hounder was at the edge Mindy and Lindy pulled him out.

Mindy and Lindy were trying to pick him up and ended having him on both there backs and running off. They didn�t notice Cindy had barely managed to pull herself out the water and was now passed out form coughing too much to get the water out her lungs. Mindy and Lindy came running to Shimmer �mum Hounder fell in water� they were calling out, Shimmer rushed to them and got him to the ground quickly, she repeated what she did to Angel when he did but also wrapped her tails around him. When Hounder stopped shivering so violently Shimmer looked at the girls �what happened� she said in a concerned voice. �Its all Cindy�s fault, Hounder bumped into her and he ran off. We followed him and he said he was sorry so Cindy says she enjoyed it. Hounder blushed real brightly and ran off but fell into the pond� Mindy says real fast in one breath. Shimmer sat there for a few seconds �ok� so where is Cindy� Shimmer asked only counting two girls. �We don�t know we had to save Hounder� Lindy said. �Well go find her Hounder will be fine with me� Shimmer says growing more concerned. Mindy and Lindy run off to the pond �I don�t even know why we need to find her. She�s probably run off to go mope. After what happened to Hounder I hope she dies� Mindy says quiet angry and unreasonable voice. The girls jumped through a bush to the pond and saw Cindy laying on her side out cold. Lindy�s eyes widen when she saw Cindy and she ran up to her �Mindy she�s barely breathing what do we do� Lindy yelled to Mindy who was frozen where she stands �I� I didn�t mean it�� is all Mindy barely muttered out to quit to be herd as she watched Lindy stand over Cindy�s unmoving body. �Mindy what are we going to do?� Lindy says looking at Mindy, but Mindy was no longer there. �Mindy� Mindy� Lindy yelled out then went back to panicking over her sister. Mindy had run off into a thick part of the forest �I didn�t mean it� I didn�t mean it� she kept says as thoughts of being kicked out the forest, Shimmer disowning her, Lindy heating her and even Viney attacking her if she didn�t leave. She had tears running down her cheeks like waterfalls. She eventually reached a massive tree that seemed to glow silver �please don�t let her die� I know said I wanted her to� but� but I was angry� I didn�t mean to. Please saver her� Mindy said quietly as she prayed. Then a green light flared up. Mindy looked up her ears perked up little �please save her� I�ll give anything� She called out, the dot stopped moving �Anything� a heavenly voice said. �Yes� I swear� what ever when ever it is� Mindy yelled back. The light flew at her until it came out the tree a Celebi stopped a few inches from her. �If you swear, I will come back, I will cash in� Celebi said in her (Authors note: I�m allowed to give legendry pokemon a sex because it's my story so I make some of the rules) heavenly voice. �I swear� Mindy says nodding slowly. Celebi glowed and then Mindy did to and both took off for Cindy.

Mere moments later they got there, Lindy was standing over Cindy with her eyes full of tears, she looked up and saw Celebi and Mindy. �She�s� she�s dead� Lindy said in a weak voice. Mindy froze, she was too late, Celebi went up to Cindy and rose and arm, Cindy glowed green and rose off the ground. Lindy ran to Mindy �what�s it doing?� Lindy asked. �I am saving her� Celebi said in a heavenly voice. Celebi clenched a fist and Cindy�s body jolted violently and some water came out her mouth. Celebi did it again and again until the look of Cindy�s body jolting was too much for Lindy �Stop it� she�s dead, give her some respect� Lindy yelles out bearly able to watch Cindy�s body being treated that way. �Quiet I am saving her� Celebi demanded. Lindy lowered her head and closed her eyes tight, seeing her sister body like this it was too much. Celebi then charged and both her and Cindy glowed brighter green, Celebi then clenched her fist one last time and Cindy jolted more violently then before. Cindy then gasped loudly for air and continued to breathe deeply. Celebi put Cindy down gently and Cindy begun to cough some water out. Mindy and Lindy rushed to her nudging her and seeing if she was hurt. �What happened� Cindy asked weakly. �You died� but Celebi brought you back� Mindy said with pure joy in the voice. �I�ll be back when I come to cash in� Celebi said in her heavenly voice flying off.

^Shimmer^ well this one had some suspense
^Shimmer^ that wont work
^Shimmer^ Ark wont talk so I�ll tell ya, it�s his birthday to day
^Shimmer^ Ha you talked
^Shimmer^ dam you

^ArkAngel001^ well since its my birthday I�m having a special party� so far I�m alone but I�m waiting for all of you to come
^ ArkAngel001^ Ooo my first guest
*opens door*
^ ArkAngel001^ Ah Natsuke (creator of the Sashi sagas) welcome
^Natsuke^ hi ArkAngel001 I brought a date
^Sashi^ hi ArkAngel001 *kiss on check* Happy birthday. Here you go *hands present*
^ ArkAngel001^ *blush* thanks you. The other should be here soon

If you want to be in my party Email me at [email protected] give me your ANGPH name your story or saga name, guest youï��re bringing from your story and youï��re present (must be pokemon game boy game related, any of them). Next issue will have the party,
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