AGNPH Stories

Tales of Nine by arkangel001


Time will Tell

Sorry for the late update, been real busy last few weeks and ill try to finish next weeks in time

^Shimmer^ how could you do that to Hounder
Quite simply, I make a trainer have her win then get Liz captured
^Shimmer^ don't you fell any remorse
Well I see it as Hounder lost his mother but gained a family
^Shimmer^ and he couldn't have both
At lest Angel didn't get Nuderd
^Shimmer^ yes that true

Time will tell

Hounder wouldn't answer anyone and didn't stop crying, nor did his tears reduce, the others thought it best to give him some space until he calmed down. I new it was hard for Hounder but I also new something else had happened but still couldn't do anything about it right now. "Abby I need to talk to you" I said entering the den as Abby was getting to know the place. Abby got up and went to me. "What is it" Abby said smiling at me. "Why were you attacking Shuppet like that?" I said with concern in my voice. "I just got a little carried away is all" Abby said re-insuring. "Its just, you seem to lack focus in those situations... because that Spearow incident shouldn't of happened with your head stuck in a tree" I say getting more concerned. "I do lack focus," Abby says giggling. "Well... we need to fix that... for your safety" I say getting frustrated at her bluntness. "That will be simple... lets train" Abby says now rubbing my side. Just as Abby said that Hounder walked in with his head drops as low as it can go and his tail seemed lifeless. "Hay Hounder your going to be all right" I ask as Hounder walks past me. "I'll be fine" Hounder said still crying he walked to the far end of the den and curled up crying. Mindy then walked in looking really concerned. "Dad can I talk to Hounder alone" Mindy asked. I nodded and Abby and me left, as we exited the den I saw Cindy and Lindy. "When did you get back?" I ask Cindy sitting in front of her. "Just before Hounder went in the den" Cindy sad looking regretful. Inside the den Mindy went up to Hounder. "Hounder are you ok," Mindy asked. Hounder curled up into a tighter ball and his crying increased. "Please I'm sorry... we didn't mean to" Mindy begun to say as Hounder sprang off to the other corner of the den and curled up in a ball again. "Hounder answer me... what's wrong," Mindy says beginning to cry. "WHY SHOULD I? YOU DON'T CARE HOW I FEEL... YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR SELF" Hounder screams out before crying again. "That's not true... I think... I love you" Mindy said shocked at Hounder response. "No you don't, you laughed at me... that feeling you gave me, it really scared me, and now I've lost my mum... I have lost everything," Hounder said getting up and approaching Mindy with a harsh look. "I lost my mum and dad as well," Mindy said in a wimpy voice. "Don't lie to me... your dad is outside" Hounder said getting angry. "They adopted me... then dad lied to me about my parents being killed! I didn't even get to say good bye to them," Mindy then yelled back. Hounder face went to stun, could it be someone else may share a similar pain. "I'm sorry Mindy... it's... she was all I had" Hounder said leaning into Mindy crying. "... Hounder... it's... it's ok, you have me now, and I'll never hurt you again" Mindy says rubbing her had on top oh his.

"Ok Abby use slash on these sticks" I said after lining them up. Abby nods and runs for the sticks, she uses both her claws and horn to wildly slash at them but after her attack only got about three out of the ten. I let out a big sigh before approaching Abby. "It's a simple to master attack, now I'm using metal claw but the fundamentals are the same" I say walking back from the sticks. I sprint forward and in a single jump slice through all the tops of the sticks and land. I then walk over to Abby and smile. "Think you can mimic that" I ask ash she then nods and turn around. Abby was quickly ready for another attempt, this time she was much smoother and after she was done she was grinning and had a sense of proud ness. "Well done Abby, any other attacks you need help with?" I then ask walking up to her. "No the rest is good" Abby said still feeling proud of herself. "Angel... do you think I'm trouble?" Abby then said with a wink. Then Abby's face went pale and a look of shock went over her. "Your no trouble. Abby... Abby you all right" I ask her as she stood there gazed. She then blinked and shook her head. "We have to get out of here," Abby then said looking panicked. "What! Why?" I asked not wanting to leave since I just got back home. "A thunderstorm is coming the forest will be destroyed" Abby says walking around panicked. "Well we have to warn everyone," I say trying to calm her down. "But it will be here real soon" Abby almost yells. "What will" Cindy said walking up to us. "A thunderstorm, the forest will be destroyed" I tell them worried. "How do you know?" Cindy said tilting her head. "As a Absol I can predict the weather... normally when it's bad" Abby explains in a joyful voice. "What should we do?" Cindy asked wanting to help. "I'll find your mother... and we'll get to safety" I say trying to find Shimmers scent then running off. "We better go get Mindy" Lindy says running into the den. When she entered she saw Mindy and Hounder sharing a deep kiss. "WHAT THE..." Lindy said before Mindy and Hounder broke the kiss and looked at her. "Um... hi Lindy, would you believe me if I said its not what you think," Mindy said not expecting anyone to come in. "were you two just kissing" Lindy said not believing what she saw. "Um... ... ... no" Hounder says with a small smile. "You were... weren't you, oh man I cant believe this... I never though you would ever do this Mindy... what's it like" Lindy said walking all over the place forgetting about all the trouble outside.

I ran through the forest as fast as I could while Cindy and Abby waited for Mindy Lindy and Hounder to come out the den. While looking for Shimmer I ran into Viney. "Angel your back" Viney calls to me seeing me run by. "No time to talk Viney" I say as I run past. But Viney plucked from the ground and brought me straight to his side with a crushing hug. "I missed you so much" Viney said in joy as I struggled to breath. "Yes Viney... I'm happy to see... see you two... but I need air" I struggle to say while being crushed. "Oh Angel your so funny" Viney say now rocking me from side to side. "No Viney... I need air" I then say trying to squirm free. "Viney then finally loosened his grip and brought me in front of his face. "What you been up to" He asks me with a large grin. "Well I just found out the forest is going to be destroyed in a thunder storm" I tell Viney as if it was a casual occurrence. "Well then we better go warn everyone," Viney said putting me down. "I will but first I must tell Shimmer," I say running off as Viney called for some Pidgy. It took me some time to find Shimmer and all sorts of pokemon were already fleeing the forest, all I thought was that I hoped Abby and me were right or she and I will be in trouble. "Shimmer there you are," I say as I finally found her. "Oh hello Angel what's wrong" Shimmer said getting up for a nap with Nartholis. "Abby... she had a vision of the forest being destroyed" I say panting a bit. "A vision" Shimmer says in an unbelieving voice. "Are you serious we must flee then?" Nartholis said standing up with a panicking expression. "What's wrong dad?" Shimmer said looking at Nartholis. "Well Abby is an Absol, well there 'visions' about weather have always come true, we must flee now" Nartholis said urging us to follow. "You two go ahead I'll get the kids," I say as Shimmer begun to follow Nartholis. Just then the sky begun to crackle with thunder. "The kids! You didn't get them out yet!" Shimmer yelled at me running past me then I ran after her, we got back to the den and found a note in the ground saying Abby and the others went with Viney. "Oh... at least someone is responsible" Shimmer says with a sigh of relief as we herd the first thunderbolt strike and the sound of a tree collapsing. "Quickly we need to go" I call out to Nartholis who was going to check the den. "Ok then... you sure they will have them all" Nartholis asks. "Yes Viney wouldn't leave anyone behind" Shimmer calls out. We then made for the border of the forest. I wish I could of seen us running it would have been a spectacular sight, three Ninetales tearing through the forest dogging trees by bear millimeters and clearing any obstacles on the ground at the last minuet.

"Did you hear the storm is coming" Abby calls out to the girls. "We should wait for mum and dad" Lindy calls out sensing Abby's desire to run. "No we have to go now... where is Liz?" Viney calls out running from the bushes. "But mum and dad, they'll freak if were not here" Lindy then said refusing to leave. Viney then begun to write a message in the ground. "There now we must go" Viney said picking up Cindy and Lindy and running off with Abby Mindy and Hounder following. Half way out the forest Mindy and Hounder where falling behind the others until a black blur pounced form their side and ran off with Hounder, Mindy was panting to heavily to call for help so she followed by her self. When she finally caught up she saw a Houndoom pinning Hounder to the ground. "Tell me you runt, where is your mother" the Houndoom snarled at Hounder. "She... was captured by a trainer," Hounder whimpered as he looked up at the Houndoom. "That rude girl... good, now I got a reason to kill her and then your mother" the Houndoom said looking at a tree get hit by a thunderbolt. "Please dad... don't hurt mum," Hounder pleaded after the sound died down. "Sorry my boy but after your dead I will kill her" the Houndoom said looking down at Hounder. "NO! leave him alone," Mindy yelled using Tackle on Houndoom. The Houndoom feel over and Hounder quickly ran behind Mindy. "Thank you so much" Hounder said hiding behind Mindy. "You good for nothing little girl, I hope you like dieing because your now in my way" the Houndoom said advancing on the two cubs.

Angel Shimmer and Nartholis finally found Viney and the rest. "Girls your all right" Angel said running to them. "Mindy and Hounder are still in there," Cindy said with her eyes full of tears. The second I herd that I went to run back in the forest but Abby was standing in my way. "No Angel its to dangerous the forest will be destroyed with you in it" Abby said knowing how bad it was going to be. "Well then I'll go with him, don't worry us fire types won't fill a thing" Shimmer said with a smile that made Abby get out our way. But just as I went to run of Viney had to pick me up and pull me close into a hug. "Angel please return" Viney said with a small smile. "I will if I go now," I say waiting to be put down. "Ok then... May fortune favor you" Viney said putting me down. Then me and Shimmer were off using Agility to cover as much ground as we can in the forest, we finally found them when we herd Mindy scream and moments later we saw a Houndoom with Mindy in his mouth. I launch a Tackle that got Mindy free, Mindy landed on the ground her leg was bleeding and Hounder had rushed over to help her. "Shimmer take the kids and run, I'll slow this guy down," I say looking back at Shimmer picking up Hounder on her back and Mindy in her mouth and then running off. "You fool you cant win" the Houndoom said getting up. "I know... that why I'm here to slow you down and I might get lucky and stop you," I say back to him ready to fight. "So be it, nice killing you?" the Houndoom said charging me

^Shimmer^ then what
Then the end of the story
^Shimmer^ WHAT
I'm sorry, the next chapter or two will be that last
^Shimmer^ no don't do it... send him emails telling him not to at [email protected]
It might work
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