AGNPH Stories

Pence's Mistakes by cubone_gal


Chapter 4

Several weeks sprinted by as Pence served her punishment within the walls of her Master's castle. She grew accustomed to her Master's demands, though her pride still suffered. Ever since the portion of her past that Edward revealed had been told to him he seemed to enjoy her humiliation that much more. Though, her fellow slaves still supported her damaged ego. They had become her only friends, and possible accomplices to her plots. Unfortunately they did not share her sheer disdain for their positions. But, Pence's naturally plotting and scheming mind was already at work formulating their Master's downfall. She smiled every time it crept into their head. Her only concern was that her Master would develop telepathy before it was done, so she discreetly kept tabs on his work whilst she "entertained" him in his workstation. It was beginning to come together.

Pence was forced out of her meditative state by Rai, who was yanking her arm toward the door. Pence scowled at her, as she disliked her thoughts being interrupted. Rai smiled playfully and began chatting about their Master's new guest that was coming for private reasons. "The Master said he had a few people that might be catching up to him and his friends in the genetics world. He's hiring someone to convince them to partner up. He also mentioned something about a 'dusk rose'. I was wondering if you know what a dusk rose is. Do you?" Rai finished her sentence and leaned uncomfortably close to Pence, her tail wagging uncontrollably. Pence frowned and pushed her away.
"A dusk rose is an assassination contract. Now leave me alone." Pence growled irritably. Rai put her hands over her mouth in shock. But she soon recovered, remembering some of her Master's more shady connections. Rai left, disappointed, leaving Pence turning this new information around in her mind. She pondered several mercenaries he could have hired, several of them old friends. She found herself wishing he could have hired HER, so that she may take her mind of her misery and focus on a job. Pence sighed and prepared herself for the rest of the day.

Lunchtime rolled around and Pence tended to several dishes that her Master had left, having consumed his fill. She looked behind her before handing the plates to his cooks, only to see Nida satisfying his lust. His specific interest in her had dwindled the past few days, much to her relief. She sat back down when Nida was done. She could restrain herself anymore and asked, "Who is our guest that is coming today?"
Her Master raised an eyebrow, "Why does it matter to you?"
"I was just curios..." Pence found herself saying, and then regretting the suspicion she may have caused. She looked down at the table, not saying another word. Their Master then explained that he traded a portion of his guest's payment for some time with one of his sex slaves, much like several other guests he's had over. Pence scoffed as the foreboding feeling that it would end up being her again crept up on her. Her Master tended to his wine as his slaves went about their duties.

Pence got up from her chair as she heard her Master talking with someone. She looked up disdainfully at the hallway along with her fellows who were going about their tasks. Her master emerged from the door in his usual, sophisticated, fashion along with his mercenary. He was wearing a torn up old vest with some beaten up camouflage pants. His long ears were adorned with many earrings and his skin was covered in tribal tattoos. Pence recognized the man as the only anthromorphic Nidorino she knew. Razorhorn. Razor looked up from his conversation and eyed Pence standing alongside the other three slaves. Pence's eyes quivered with hatred for the target of all her rage and the cause of her failure in business and life. Razor raised an eyebrow and squinted at Pence's expression. "...Pence!?" Razorhorn exclaimed. Razor had been told of his men's deaths at her hands and of Pence's misfortune by Edward, who neglected to mention that Pence was still alive. He recognized her eyes, regardless. He and Pence exchanged glances of hatred for what seemed to be hours.

Eventually their Master called everyone down for dinner and discussion of Razor's paycheck. But, the table was quiet save for a few coughs and whispers. Pence and Razor still locked glares in what seemed to be a competition at that point. Finally, their Master spoke up, unable to bear the silence, "So, Razorhorn, about your payment. We agreed on-"
"We may discuss my payment later, if you don't mind" Razor interrupted, never breaking the glare between he and Pence. "So, Pence, how's slavery?"
Pence narrowed her glare, "It's slavery... How's your business now that I'm gone?"
"Not quite as good as you'd think. However, your old comrades joined up with me to replace the ones you killed."
"Hm. Funny, the way I know them, they would have at least searched for my body, rather than joining up with an amateur."
"Funny, the way I remember I was running you out of business. Also, if memory serves, it was because you were a liar and a rapist. I can only imagine the illegitimate children you've sewn."
Pence stood up from the table, "First, those were very rare occasions, and second, I never impregnated my victims. Besides, at least I never asked to be paid with sex from slaves."
Razor also stood up, "That's funny for someone who now sucks cock for a living."
Pence blushed and sat back down, scowling. Razor smiled and looked over at her Master, "Speaking of which, I've decided on the first part of my pay. Her." He pointed at and unsurprised Pence, who only frowned more deeply.

The other slaves exchanged glances. Rai stood up, "I'd be willing to take Pence's place!" Her master glared at her and she immediately sat back down, defeated. Razor got up from the table and eyed Pence impatiently.
Their Master spoke up, "Pence, cater to his whim." Pence stood up, knowing that the worst part of her slavery was coming. She and Razor left and found another room to do business in. At first she refused to move, but since her strength was drained by her Master Razor quickly over powered her and removed any garments she had on. Razorhorn grabbed her wrists and forced her facedown on the floor, spreading her legs with his own body. Pence's situation ran through her mind. She was about to be raped by the one person she hated above all others. For several moments she struggled in vain against his body, but he only derived more pleasure from it. She could feel his breath beating down her back as he mounted her and forced his shaft into her resistant cunt. She held in the moans of pleasure produced by her traitorous throat as he shoved himself in and out of her pussy. He grinned and growled in pleasure of both the intercourse and his enemy's shame. Pence fought back tears as her body began to milk his shaft as a reflex. She eventually stopped struggling and gave in to Razor's force. Razor acknowledged this by repositioning her face up so that he may see her face. He almost laughed at the teary-eyed glare that met his eyes and the growl of hatred that followed.

Her breathing became harder and a few moans of pleasure escaped her as she neared orgasm. He pressed his muzzle against hers and his tongue pushed itself into her mouth. At the same time, the hand that wasn't holding both her wrists began to explore her tits and ass. She tried to hide her shame but it was to no avail. Revenge for her embarrassment would have to wait, for now she was nothing but a sex toy. Her orgasm began to creep up on her as her whines became more audible. She felt his body start to contract as he drew closer to bursting. Then another thought hit her. Pokemorphs were only able to reproduce with another Pokemorph of similar genetic codes, and Razor was about as close as it comes. Her choice to mock Razor's species was starting to haunt her. She began to struggle again. She couldn't control herself anymore and began to plead, "Razor! Unh, p-please don't cum! Unh. Pull out of me! D-don't cum!!!" Meanwhile, her fellow slaves heard her pleas, but felt powerless to help her. Her struggle all but disappeared when the full force of her orgasm hit her body. The torment for her mind was too much. For the first time of her life she began to cry, and she could no longer fight back her moans of ecstasy. Razor contracted his body as his seed burst forth. When his hot cum splashed against her insides a chill ran up her spine. The moment she felt it her fight died. Razor pulled out of her, task completed, and walked away, no doubt to speak about the rest of his pay.

The three other slaves ran over to Pence's broken form, lying unmoving on the ground. Razor's cum was still dripping from her cunt, her body was covered with sweat and bruises, and tears were still creeping down her face. They had never seen Pence so weakened and defeated. Julia helped her up and aided in her trek to their room. Pence stumbled to her bed, obviously disorientated. Her mind was still struggling with the full weight of the situation. Her hand migrated toward her womb; she could almost feel his seed still crawling inside her like a virus. The rest of the night Pence was left to herself, save when one of her peers attempted to calm her misery. Her tears quickly subsided into rage, and her hatred for Razorhorn was amplified.

Morning broke and the slaves went about their duties. There Master, however, was not even within his mansion, so sexual tasks were avoided. Pence enjoyed the time in which the four slaves practically had the run of the whole mansion. Dinnertime came around and their master was still nowhere to be found. Pence, Julia, Rai, and Nida all tended to each other's cunts after they had eaten. Pence especially enjoyed this after her previous despair. The door burst open and their master cleared some of his hair away from his face. Nida rose her head from Pence's cunt and Pence eyed the syringe he held in his hand. They all climbed off the couch, stark naked, and fell in formation before him. Pence risked a question, "What is that, Master?"
He raised the syringe to their eye level and grinned, "This is a big step in genetics. Thankfully, I spent all day finishing the touch-ups that Edward left to me." Pence remembered the files Ed left on his last visit. Their Master continued to speak as he began injecting them, much to their dismay. "This should preserve your physical state. Age, scarring, disease... pregnancy. None of these should alter your physical appearance after this. Nothing should change..." he said, fondling Julia's breast. Pence didn't flinch as she was injected. Her master grabbed her by her chin and pulled her closer to him. "Your body won't go through the detrimental effects of childbirth, though, your child should be fine, in the chance that you've conceived." Pence moved away from him, looking at the ground. "You should all even live longer with this." Pence scoffed. Great, even longer here, she thought. They all went about their tasks with mixed feelings. Though, Pence's scheming mind was not altered.
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