AGNPH Stories

Pokemon by red_rover


Cat Fight

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV shows Digimon and Pokemon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

Cat Fight


Kari and Gatomon were in their room. Gatomon was exploring the room, curiosity being a natural trait for a cat. Her attention turned to an object with two buttons and a screen. "Kari I found another digivice!" Holding her prize for all to see.
Kari laughed. "That's a gameboy Gatomon. It's not magical, it's just used to play Pokemon."
"What's a Pokemon?" Gatomon raised an eyebrow. "Some new digimon?"
"No No," Kari shook her head. "They're fictional characters. Although they kind of remind me of you. Except you're cuter."
Gatomon was still not convinced. "Are you sure it's not a digivice?" She turned the gameboy over in her paw.
Taking her own digivice off her belt and threw it to Gatomon. "Take a closer look, they have nothing in common."
Gatomon caught her digivice, touching the two objects together. A flash of light blinded them. When the spots cleared from their eyes, they where in the middle of a forest. Gatomon smiled sarcastically. "Not a digivice eh? We're in the digital world now." Suddenly a group of birds flew out of the clearing, startling the pair. "What kind of digimon are those?" Replied the shocked Gatomon.
Kari instantly recognized them. "Those were Pidgeottos"
"Pidgeottomon?" Gatomon asked now clearly confused.
"No, just Pidgeottos. No mon." Kari ran her hand through her hair. "We're inside my game! But how is that possible? The game is just bites of data." She thought for a second. "But that's what the digivice does, it converts us to data so we can travel to the digital world. That's how we got here."
"I have another question." Gatomon asked. "How do we get back?"

Meanwhile a short distance away, Team Rocket was attacking Ash yet again. This time attacking in a gigantic mechanical Zapdos.
"Hand over the Pikachu." Meowth smiled as he talked through the microphone.
"Do we really need to do this again?" Ash yelled. "You know how this is going to end."
"Oh yeah?" Jesse laughed. She and James were riding on top of the winged creature. "Maybe we have a surprise ending this time." Meowth flipped a switch and lightening spiraled on to the ground. Ash, Misty and Tracy dived for cover.
Tracy threw a pokeball on the ground, "Go Scyther!" Scyther came out in a burst of red light, and immediately streaked towards the airborne Zapdos. "Use double team!" A trio of Scyther instantly appeared. "Mix it up with agility!" The three Scythers zipped throughout the skies.
"Fire!" Meowth screamed. Bolts of lightening shot all over the skies but there was too many targets moving too fast. Suddenly, Team Rocket's ship ran out of power from over using the lightning. "Oh no." Meowth worriedly said.
Ash smiled as he threw a pokeball straight up into the air. "Go Charizard!" Charizard appeared directly in front of the powerless ship. Team Rocket grimaced as they figured out what would happen next. "Use rage!" Charizard's tail burst in to flame as he powered up, and released an enormous stream of fire into the ship. An explosion rocked the sky as the ship caught on fire and sailed off into the distance.
"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Jesse and James flew off into the air, but Meowth was still stuck in the ship as it fell to the Earth.

"What was that?" Kari looked up into the sky. She squinted into the sun. Suddenly a huge fireball came cometting towards them.
"Kari watch out!" Gatomon pushed Kari away as the fireball hit. Kari fell down a cliff and landed in a river. She swam to the shore quickly, but realized she couldn't climb the cliff here, she quickly ran along the edge looking for a place to climb.
Gatomon just managed to jump away herself, but the shockwave stunned her as she was thrown against a tree. Meowth climbed out of the wreckage, rubbing his head. "Thank goodness for air bags." He looked in front of him and saw Gatomon's form against a tree. "Another Meowth?" He squinted to get a better look. "No, It must be a new pokemon! The boss will be pleased." He grabbed a pokeball from the wreckage and threw it at her. Gatomon opened her eyes just in time to see the pokeball collide with her forehead.
"OW!" Gatomon jumped to her feet. "Who threw that?"
"You talk too?" Meowth smiled happily. "I thought I was the only cat who taught himself how to talk, the boss will be especially pleased."
"Did you teach yourself any manners?" Gatomon snarled.
"I sure did, all bad. Now surrender so I can bring you in." Meowth claws came out of his paws. "I would hate to have to hurt something so cute."
"Oh yeah?" Gatomon leapt forward in a flying kick. Meowth rolled out of the way landing on his feet.
"Frisky aren't we?" The two stood off waiting to attack. They both leapt forward at the same instant.
"Lightning claw!" Gatomon screamed.
"Fury swipes!" Meowth roared.
Their claws collided in mid air in a fury of sparks and sound. The two landed and faced each other again. Gatomon was impressed; she had never met someone who was so evenly matched. Meowth was impressed too; this was unlike any pokemon he ever fought before.
The two exchanged blow for blow for several minutes until they finally stood off at a distance, each realizing that this fight could drag on for days. They where just too closely matched. Meowth finally spoke. "What kind of Pokemon are you? Fighting? Normal?"
Gatomon breathed deeply, sweat dripping down her forehead. "Huh? First off I have no idea what you're talking about, second of all, I'm not a pokemon. I'm a digimon."
"Huh?" Meowth curiously inquired.
"Try and grasp the concept." Gatomon said. "I am not from this world. I come from a different world. My world is filled with creatures called digimon, like me. And most have the ability to speak in complete sentences."
Meowth smiled. An entire world filled with these 'Digimon' would be an insurmountable find. An entire new class of pokemon! He wouldn't even need the boss; he would be his own. "OK suppose I believe you." Meowth continued. "Do you have digimon types?" He would need as much information as possible, maybe he could figure out a way to her world.
Gatomon went on. She didn't feel like fighting, and maybe this cat could help her out of here. "We have three types, Vaccine, Virus and Information. I'm a vaccine type."
"Vaccine, that must mean you where born a good guy huh?" Meowth claws pulled back into his paws. The fight seemed to be at an end.
"Not really..." Gatomon lowered her head. "I used to have an evil master. I did what ever he said. Some things quite terrible." Gatomon couldn't believe she was showing her soul to this stranger, although he was quite cute.
Meowth nodded. "You may not believe this, but I can relate. My master has done something evil things too. But I'm his pokemon, I have to do it." He didn't mention that he didn't mind stealing others pokemon though. He just wanted to get on her good side.
"Why?" Gatomon inquired.
"That's how thing work here, pokemon obey their trainers." Meowth walked forward and placed a paw on her shoulder. "You felt the same with your master I can tell. You had to obey him even though deep down you know it's wrong."
Gatomon raised her head looking into Meowth's eyes. Meowth was almost stunned senseless by her brilliant blue eyes. She was more beautiful than any lady Meowth he had ever seen. "You know you're right. You're probably the only one who's ever understand what I went through."
The two just stared at one another for a brief second. Not knowing why, Meowth kissed her once on the cheek. Gatomon brushed her face as if to preserve the kiss. She kissed him back only this time on his furry lips. She held the kiss for several seconds until she opened her mouth and started rubbing her tongue on his lips. Meowth opened his mouth allowing her tongue to enter. They both tried to lasso the base of each others tongue, each feeling the sandpapery texture of the others. The two slowly fell to the ground with Gatomon on top, hugging Meowth as he landed on the grass.
Gatomon's tail whipped around behind her and touched Meowth tail. Slowly her tail wrapped around Meowth's tail and began rubbing it slowly. Meowth enjoyed the furry snake wrapping around his tail, it was really turning him on. His dick slowly emerged from his hidden pouch between his legs, (One of the many similarities between digimon and pokemon is that they both have hidden pouches for the dicks, while females vaginas are hidden by fur, feather or some other camouflage.) Gatomon could feel his dick rubbing against her belly, so she broke the French kiss quickly to raise herself up. She positioned her cunt opening at the tip of his dick and slowly lowered herself down. They let out twin gasps as Gatomon took his member in. Meowth's gasp was cut short as Gatomon bent down again and started licking his face. Her tail whipped around and found Meowth's tail again, and started to rub up and down it.
Meowth started to thrust his hips forward. He wrapped his arms around her and clasped his paws at the small of her back to get a good grip. He thrusted his hips harder now. Gatomon moaned now, the sound muffled by Meowth's lips pressed against hers. Meowth humped at a frantic pace now. Gatomon squeezed her hips tightly and held on to the fur on Meowth chest. Meowth slowed down as he felt himself ready. Each thrust was slower, but with as much force as he could muster. Gatomon was nearly thrown off, but held on tightly. The kiss was broken as the two moaned together. Meowth thrust forward one final time, putting every last urge of energy he had into it. He held his dick in place as he shot his entire load into her. Gatomon let out a large sound that sounded like a cross between a moan and a purr as the warm fluid inside of her set off her own orgasm. She gripped Meowth's chest even harder, almost painfully, but Meowth hardly noticed. When the last drop of cum was squeezed from his dick, Meowth's hips fell down with a thud, his dick popping out of her wet pussy. Gatomon fell on his chest breathing deeply. She could feel his limp dick on her belly as it slowly curled its way back into its pouch. The two just lay on top of one another as they worked up enough energy to get up.
From the forest behind them, a voice shrieked out. "Meowth where are you, you furry coward!"
Down the river, another voice called out. "Gatomon are you alright? Where are you?"
Meowth and Gatomon jumped to their feet, trying to clean themselves of as best as they could with their paws. Gatomon looked up at Meowth. "I've got to go. She needs me." She bent forward and kissed him one last time on the cheek. "I'll never forget you." Gatomon ran off in the direction of Kari's voice.
Meowth watch her run off into the distance. He didn't even notice Jesse and James show up behind him until Jesse spoke. "There you are you feline failure. What happened? Why weren't you looking for us?"
Meowth was about to tell them about what he discovered and entire new class of pokemon, or digimon. But he thought about what he and Gatomon went through. "Nothing happened I was knocked out. I just woke up."
"Well come on then." Jesse motioned to him. "We have a Pikachu to catch."
"Right." Meowth nodded. There may be a new world out there somewhere, but there are some things that are even more important then power.

That was my first crossover. I'll probably try a true pokemon lemon, if anyone has any ideas. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic for this, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at [email protected].
Proofread by: Flamon

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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