AGNPH Stories

Pokemon by red_rover


I Choose You, Gatomon!

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

I Choose You, Gatomon!


Gatomon watched Meowth run off, just as Kari came running up behind her. Kari stopped beside her. "Are you hurt Gatomon?" Kari breathed in and out, tired from running all the way up the cliff.
Gatomon, still a little flustered from the whole experience with Meowth, took a few seconds to answer. "Yes, Kari. The explosion just knocked the wind out of me for a bit." Gatomon then noticed a group of people running towards the crash. Gatomon, still not sure how this whole world worked, jumped in front of Kari ready to protect her.
The trio ran up to the explosion. A red hair girl clutching some sort of an egg spoke first. "Are you all right?"
Kari smiled and rushed up to Ash. She started shaking his hand vigorously. "Oh my God it is you! Ash Katchem! The world famous pokemon trainer!" Kari was beside herself. It's not everyday you meet a fictional character.
Ash put his hand behind his head and laughed. "Well I knew I was famous, but world?" Ash laughed nervously.
Tracy leaned over to Misty. "That girl must be reading Ash's own press releases."
Misty chuckled. "I know. If Ash's head was any bigger, it would have its own moon."
Kari finally stopped shaking Ash's hand. Ash pulled it away. "So you are into pokemon too? How many pokemon do you have?"
Kari shook her head. "I don't have any, but I really would like to bring some back."
Tracy was a little confused by what she meant by back, but something else caught his attention. "Then what's this?" Tracy bent down and examined Gatomon, who was completely out of her element. "I have never seen a pokemon like this?"
"I wonder what Dexter has to say about this?" Ash took out his mini computer and pointed at Gatomon.
Gatomon reacted instantly expecting an attack, and landed on Ash's chest. She grabbed the device away from the startled Ash. "What is this?" Gatomon asked clutching the device. Sparks began to build in Pikachu's cheeks, ready to defend Ash, but Kari jumped between the two.
Misty grabbed her Togepi tightly. "It talks too?"
Kari went over and picked up Gatomon off the frightened Ash's body. "Gatomon calm down! You're so tense. It's just a device for analyzing pokemon." Kari took Dexter and gave it back to Ash. "Sorry, she's a little high strung sometimes."
"No problem. Can I use Dexter on it?" Ash asked as he stood up, a little shaken.
"Will you please stop talking about me in the third person?" Gatomon pleaded. "And yes, you can scan me with that Dex-whatever."
Ash pointed the device at Gatomon. A picture of Gatomon appeared on the screen. "Gatomon. The feline pokemon. Very rare. Only one is believed to be in existence. Its lighting claw is the quickest attack there is."
Gatomon jumped up on Kari's shoulders. "Why does that thing think I'm one of these pokemon?" She whispered into Kari's ear.
Kari thought for a minute. "We're part of the game now. I guess the game thinks I'm a trainer and you're my pokemon. Virtual reality has nothing on this."
"Wow, the only Gatomon in existence!" Tracy exclaimed. He pulled out his pencil and paper and began to sketch Gatomon.
"Hey do you want to battle?" Ash asked excitedly. "This is a once in a life time opportunity!"
"What are they talking about Kari?" Gatomon questioned.
"It's just like sparring Gatomon. You fight until one of you gives up." Kari took Gatomon off her shoulders. "You don't have to fight if you don't want to."
"Afraid I'm going to lose? To that kid and his yellow mouse?" Gatomon chuckled. She turned and faced Ash. "I could use the exercise."
"All right!" Ash grabbed a ball from his belt. "Since you're a cat, I'm guessing you don't like water." Ash threw the ball and it landed on the ground. "Go Squirtle!"
Red light flashed and a blue turtle like creature appeared. "Squirtle!" Gatomon wondered how cramped it must be in one of those balls.
"Squirtle, water gun!" Ash shouted.
"Squirtle!" Squirtle opened his mouth and let out a high pressure stream of water. The blast hit Gatomon, drenching her. She dug into the ground with all four sets of her claws to hold herself in place. Squirtle stopped that attack after several seconds, and noticed Gatomon was still there, soaking wet. Her fur was matted tightly against her skin. Squirtle could swear that it was getting hot out here.
Gatomon shook herself dry. "Water? Is that it?' She leapt forward and landed a kick on Squirtle's head. Squirtle fell to the ground, spirals in his eyes.
"Way to go Gatomon!" Kari cheered.
"Ok water doesn't work." Another ball fell on the ground, and a green lizard with a plant on it appeared. "Let's see how you like plants! Bulbasaur, vine whip!"
"Bulba!" Bulbasaur's vines streaked from the plant on his back.
Gatomon grabbed the two vines as the raced towards her. "Sorry plant boy. Palmon does it better. I should introduce you two sometimes." Gatomon pulled the vines, sending Bulbasaur flying forward. Gatomon pulled back her fist, and nailed Bulbasaur in the forehead. "After you wake up."
Bulbasaur rolled head over heel, landing on the ground next to Ash. "Bulba...." Which loosely translated means "What a woman."
Ash was getting frustrated. That Gatomon didn't even look like it was trying. "Pikachu, it's your turn."
"Pika!" Pikachu jumped in front of Gatomon.
"Pikachu! Thunder shock!" Ash announced.
"Pika!" Pikachu's cheeks glowed with energy. "Pika-CHU!" A blast of lightening came from Pikachu, hitting the exact spot Gatomon was at. But when the dust cleared, Gatomon was nowhere to be seen. "Pika?" Something tapped Pikachu on the shoulder. Pikachu whirled around and was face to face with Gatomon. "PIKA!"
Gatomon grabbed Pikachu by the shoulders. "I don't know why you have to have your moves shouted. It makes easy to counter attack. Like so." Gatomon rolled on her back, pulling Pikachu on top of her. Pikachu was really turned on for a second until Gatomon pushed up with back paws, throwing Pikachu over her head and into Ash. The two landed on the ground. Gatomon jumped back to her feet. "By the way, Tentomon has you beat as well."
Ash got up, ready to bring out the big guns. "Ok time to fight feline with fire." Another flash of red light. "Go Charizard!" Charizard let out a large roar as he flew in the air. "It's obvious your pokemon is a fighting type, so we'll fight in the air."
"Oh yeah? Two can play at the game." Gatomon answered. She jumped in the air and glowed with white light. "Gatomon armor digivolve to NEFERTIMON!" A winged cat-woman like creature appeared in front of the flabbergasted Charizard.
"What is that?!" Ash used his Dexter again.
"Nefertimon. The sphinx pokemon." The computer went on. "Thought to be a myth. It will protect its trainer without question."
"Evolving won't help you win." Ash called up to Charizard. "Use flamethrower!"
"Roaaaaaarr!" Charizard let out a burst of flame, which Nefertimon dodged.
Nefertimon flew over Charizard's head. "Golden noose!" A band of gold caught Charizard around the head. Charizard was pulled pack as Nefertimon dived bomb to the ground. She pulled up just before she hit and released the golden rope. Charizard hit the ground full force. He lay on his belly on the ground, smoke rising from his nostrils. The last thought he had before he passed out was if Nefertimon was single.
"Did you see that?" Misty announced. Tracy didn't answer. He was already sketching this new pokemon rapidly.
Nefertimon landed on the ground and turned back to Gatomon. "I'll have to introduce you to Flamedramon and Greymon."
"Charizard return!" Ash held out a ball. Charizard turned back to red light and disappeared. He had never lost so badly, not even to a gym leader. Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Pikachu stood beside him.
Kari walked up to Ash. "Don't take it so hard. Gatomon just doesn't like loosing." Kari smiled as she came up with an idea to cheer Ash up. "Why don't you tell me some more about pokemon? And maybe Gatomon here can give your pokemon some fighting tips."
"Bulba! Squirt! Pika!" The three pokemon announced happily in unison.
Gatomon sighed. "I guess I can teach you all a thing or two."
"It's settled then." Kari smiled. "Let's go chat!"
"I'm coming to!" Misty wanted to know where to catch a Gatomon.
"I want to finish these pictures." Tracy sat on a rock, and started on another doodle of Gatomon.
"Well, you three come on." Gatomon scampered down the path. Pikachu, Bulbasaur and Squirtle hurried to catch up. Gatomon ran into a forest as the pokemon followed. They lost her in the trees.
"Bulba?" Bulbasaur asked, looking around. Suddenly, Gatomon jumped down from the treetops and landed on top of him, covering his eyes. "BULBA!" His vines whipped out randomly, hitting Pikachu and Squirtle in the process.
Gatomon laughed and jumped off. "You see? You have to react quickly, take by surprise. If your humans call out every move, it's easy to know how to react."
Pikachu smiled, and kicked a rock into some shrubbery. The rustling in the bush diverted Gatomon's attention. She turned and faced the sound. Bulbasaur reacted instantly. His vines whipped out again, encircling Gatomon. Squirtle jumped up and hit Gatomon with a blast of water. Gatomon fell down, and the water hit her between her legs. Gatomon sputtered. "Ok then, you're all fast learners. And you work well as a team." She realized that no one was listening to her. They were all staring at her, or more accurately between her legs. She realized that Squirtle's water gun attack had completely soaked her from the waist down. Her fur was matted against her cunt, exposing herself to the three Pokemon as she lay down at the ground, Bulbasaur's vines still holding her down. Squirtle and Pikachu already had erections starting, as Gatomon could plainly see. Bulbasaur was also getting hard, but being quadruped, his dick was hiding under his belly. He began to slowly move his vines around Gatomon's body, causing Gatomon to purr. She stopped purring long enough to motion to the trio with her head. "Let's see what else you three can do as a team"
Squirtle moved first, wrapping his mouth around Gatomon's crotch. He began to stick his tongue up into Gatomon's cunt, already wet from his water attack. He licked her insides as Gatomon began to moan loudly. Bulbasaur flipped Gatomon over, so she was on her belly now. Squirtle turned to accommodate, having Gatomon's crotch resting on his face. Pikachu moved to the front, his tiny red cock completely out. He held it out with one of his paws and batted it against Gatomon's lips. Gatomon opened her mouth slightly, and Pikachu slammed himself in with an enthusiastic "KA-chu!" He began to face fuck Gatomon, felling her long sandpapery tongue caress the underside of his dick.
Bulbasaur moved up, stepping on Squirtle's stomach. Squirtle let out a little grunt as Bulbasaur began to position his front paws on her back. He let out two more vines, ramming in the ground so he could hold Gatomon up and himself up at the same time. He moved up slightly, using his vines to support himself. Gatomon's tail ran across his face, turning him on even more if that was possible. Gatomon could feel a rather substantial cock rubbing against her asshole, and a feeling of being filled as Bulbasaur's dick began to enter her. "Bulba.." He grunted as Gatomon's tight anus wrapped around his prick. He began to hump her ass, bucking his hips back and forth as Gatomon's ass held on tightly. Gatomon groaned whenever Pikachu pulled out of her mouth. Suddenly a new feeling filled her crotch, as Squirtle turned on his water gun. Water filled her pussy completely, and ran out her sides and down over Squirtle's mouth. Her whole body shuddered as the water current ran threw her privates. She came a few seconds later. Squirtle stopped the water when he heard Gatomon's orgasmic scream. He drank the water downed pussy juice straight down his throat. Bulbasaur redoubled his efforts, slamming his entire length into Gatomon's ass with a final thrust, cumming deep inside Gatomon's rectum. Gatomon had another small orgasm as she felt yet another hole being filled, Bulbasaur's cum dripping down her left leg.
Pikachu came a split second later after Bulbasaur. Gatomon sputtered as Pikachu shot his load in her mouth, the cum dribbling down her chin. She swallowed a mouth full that remained in her mouth, enjoying the salty taste. Pikachu pulled out of her mouth, with a satisfying "chuuuuuuu.....". Bulbasaur got off her back, and Squirtle wiggled out from her crotch and stood up. Bulbasaur finally let Gatomon go, but did not retract his vines. Gatomon turned on the ground on her back, cum dripping out of her asshole. She felt the vines run up between her legs one stayed in front on her crotch, and the other moved behind. Gatomon let out a long gasp as she felt the two snakes moving up inside her crotch and ass, filling her more than any cock, pokemon, digimon, or human could. Bulbasaur began to rapidly move his vines, in and out as fast as he could. Gatomon moaned loudly as Pikachu and Squirtle moved on either side of her. Gatomon reached out with her paw grabbing each of their erections. She began to rub her gloved palms up the length of their shafts. She squeezed tightly, encircling the length of their hard cocks. Squirtle let out a whimper, and immediately began shooting out a thin stream of cum, on to Gatomon's face and chest. Gatomon lay back and moaned as the hot seed covered her furry body. Bulbasaur plunged his vines deep inside her as possible, setting of another orgasm. Bulbasaur pulled out his vines as Gatomon continued to scream. One vine was soaked with pussy juice. He brought that vine back to his mouth, and ran his tongue over it. He immediately became horny again, and jumped on Gatomon, ramming his cock up her pussy. Gatomon could barely breath now Bulbasaur began fucking her for all she was worth. Squirtle and Pikachu stood on either side of her head, rubbing their hands over their cocks as they watched this young feline get screwed. Bulbasaur's vines snaked out again. He shoved a vine up her ass again, and shoved another one up her pussy with his dick. Two more vines came ran up her face, and plunged into her mouth. Bulbasaur began to rapidly fuck all her holes with his vines, while at the same time shoving his dick up her filled pussy. Gatomon was pushed to another orgasm, but Bulbasaur didn't even break stride. Squirtle and Pikachu were both furiously jacking themselves off. Pikachu started sending little jolts through his paw, stimulating himself even more. Pikachu let out a "ChhuuuuUUU!" As he came, shooting another load of cum over Gatomon's face. Squirtle followed suit, mixing his cum with Pikachu's on Gatomon's fur.
Cum dripped off Gatomon's whiskers and ears as Bulbasaur continued to hump her and vine fuck her. He began to rhythmically shout, "Bul-BA, Bul-BA!" Thrusting in on the BA's. Gatomon tried to moan, but the vines in her mouth prevented her. Bulbasaur smashed into her one more time, pushing himself over the edge. Gatomon felt the warm pokemon seed fill her body, setting off another final orgasm. She let out a strangled purr as she came over Bulbasaur's vine and dick. Bulbasaur slowly retracted his vines, the one in her ass came out with a pop. The vines disappeared under his bulb as he pulled his limp dick out of Gatomon's cum filled pussy. "Bulba..."
Gatomon slowly got up, cum dripping down her face and from her mouth, ass, and pussy. She smiled as she licked some cum off her lips. "You three do work well as a team."

Gatomon, Pikachu, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur made their way out of the forest, after cleaning themselves off. Kari, Ash and Misty were waiting at in the clearing, still talking. Tracy had a half dozen sketches of Gatomon and her Nefertimon form. Gatomon ran up to Kari. Kari picked her up and asked, "Did you have fun?"
"You could say that. Taught them a few tricks. And they taught me a few too." Gatomon smiled.
"You look beat Gatomon." Kari picked her up on her shoulders. "They must have given you a run for your catnip this time."
"Well," Gatomon chuckled. "It was a three on one."

Another crossover completed, and a bit of break for DESTINY'S END for me. Any requests for any lemon, pictures you want lemons about, comments, writing tips, etc, post them at this site or e-mail me at [email protected].

Proofread by: Flamon
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