AGNPH Stories

Delta's Story by delta


Combat Situation

Hello again. It's good to see you want to hear more of my story. I was beginning to think I was boring you. Well, let's continue, shall we?

I was waken the next morning by a loud crashing sound. I jumped to my paws and ran out of the open tent flap. I frantically searched the landscape to find the source of the noise. The crashing sound was audible once again, to my left. I spun around to see what made the sound. I could see a large cloud of dust rising from the ground. Through it I could make out a large silhouette. As to what it was, I was unsure. I carefully padded over to it to get a closer look. I stepped on a small stick, which snapped under my weight.

"Who's there?" A voice came from the dust cloud. I froze. The silhouette became clearer as the creature approached. "I said, who's there?"

The cloud of dust began to dissipate, and I could see what was within it. A Charmeleon appeared before me. He glared down at me. "What are you doing in my territory?"

"I...I...I don't want any trouble. I'm here with my friends. We're explorers" I said to him, terrified.

"I suggest you leave immediately before something...happens." He brandished his sharp claws.

"I have no control over when we leave."

"Then we have a problem, Eevee." He took in a deep breath, releasing it as a jet of flame. I quickly ducked under it, feeling the intense heat above me. I looked up to see the Charmeleon standing over me. "Well, well. You're a quick one."

He brought his arm up, his razor sharp claws glinting in the sunlight. I had to do something if I wanted to survive. I planted my hind paws and leapt up at his face, digging my tiny claws into his skin, then jumped off, spinning around to face him again.

"You'll regret that choice."

He charged at me, his arm drawn back, ready to strike. He slashed out at me, narrowly missing. I hopped aside to dodge the attack. I turned just in time to see him taking in a deep breath. I ran as hard as I could to his right, trying to avoid his flamethrower attack. I could feel a hot pain in my tail and looked back to see it was on fire! I stopped and tried to put out the flames with my forepaws, but having no effect. I began to panic, not knowing what to do about my burning tail. I decided to finish the battle I found myself in, and then worry about it. I turned and ran full tilt at him, slamming into his belly and knocking him onto his back. I stepped back, a bit dazed, and waited for a moment. He stood back up and glared down at me. He quickly spun in a full circle. His tail smacked me in the face and knocked me onto my side painfully. He stood over me once again and reached down to me. He grabbed me by my front right leg and held me up in the air in front of him. I dangled helplessly before him, my leg began to hurt as he gripped it extremely hard. He stared at me angrily for a second, then threw me aside, twisting my leg that was in his grasp. I landed on a small rock which tore a wonderful little hole in my hind leg. I howled in pain as I landed. I lay there, smoldering and bleeding on the ground. The world went black.

Several hours passed before I awoke. I was inside my Pokeball. All I could see was almost complete darkness. I could make out the spherical shape of the "room" I was in. I shifted a bit, feeling the pain from my injuries. I noticed a bright light appear at one end of the ball and I felt myself being sucked out. I appeared on the path we'd been traveling along. I noticed my wounds had been bandaged. I saw everyone around me, all of them relieved to see I had regained consciousness.

"You're awake! We were getting worried about you, Delta. How are you feeling?" Peter said.

"I'm alright, I guess" I groaned. "Where are we?"

"We're about five miles away from the town Aaron is heading towards" Greg told me.

"What happened to you?" Ryan asked.

"I was attacked by a Charmeleon outside of camp this morning. He said we were invading his territory."

"It's lucky he didn't see fit to kill you. I've known some Pokemon to eliminate trespassers, and Charmeleon can be very territorial" Greg said.

"Is he going to be alright?" Catherine asked.

"He should be, the only wound I'm concerned about is his hind leg. That cut is pretty deep" Peter explained.

"How's he doing, Peter?" Aaron asked.

Peter indicated to him that I was okay. Aaron knelt down and gently stroked my head and back. The feeling helped to distract me from the pain. He placed his hands under me, and I knew what was coming. He carefully lifted me and cradled me in his arms, making sure not to touch my injuries. As much as I disliked the feeling of being held, I wasn't going to fight against it.

I looked at the area as we walked through. The forest was very dense in this part. I could see some Pidgey flying overhead. There were Sentret and Furrets running around playfully between the trees. I shifted slightly in Aaron's arms, trying to get comfortable being carried. My wounded leg bumped up against his chest, bringing a nice little wave of excruciating pain. I squirmed, trying to cope with the fresh pain. Aaron looked down at me.

"You alright?" he asked.

I looked up at him, wincing from the agony in my right hind leg. I nodded to him, trying to ignore it. He stroked my head before focusing his attention back to where he was heading. I looked to my left to see ahead of us. I could see the path leading into a town that was less than a mile away. Soon enough we arrived at the town. Aaron read the sign just outside.

"'Town of Ryca'" he read. "I wonder if they have a Pokemon Center, I didn't check for that when picking this as our destination."

Peter jumped up onto his shoulder. Aaron looked over at him.

"Nothing against your work, Peter."

Peter continued to stare at him for a moment, then looked down at me.

"You okay, Delta?" he asked me, noticing that I was in pain.

"I'm fine. I just tried to get more comfortable and my leg touched him."


"Ah, there's one" Aaron said, pointing at a building off in the distance. It had a large Pokeball on the front. That must have been a Pokemon Center, I'd never seen one before. Aaron walked up to it and entered. A young human female was standing behind a desk. She was tall, had light red hair, and wore a white dress and hat, both of which had a red cross on them.

"Welcome to the Ryca Pokemon Center" she greeted us. "Do your Pokemon need treatment? Oh, your Eevee looks like he's in terrible shape. What happened to him?"

"He was assaulted by another Pokemon this morning" Aaron explained to her. "I found him outside my camp like this."

"Here, let me take him for a moment. I'll do what I can for him. Do any of the others need treatment?"

"No. They do need a bit of a rest though."

"Oh, well if you wait here I can get you a trainer's room. I'll be right back."

Aaron handed me over to this female. She carefully carried me into the back of the building, stopping at a small room. She opened the door and laid me on a soft bed in the middle of it. She unwrapped the bandages from my leg and tail and began to examine them. She reached onto a shelf next to her and pulled a small bottle from it. She opened it and poured some of the liquid within onto a small, white cloth. She closed the bottle and placed it back onto the shelf.

"I can guarantee you this will hurt, but it'll help heal and disinfect the wound" she warned.

She picked up the cloth and wiped it on the gash on my right leg. I squealed in pain as the cloth touched the wound. She used her free hand to pin me down as she continued. She removed the cloth, throwing it into a small, metal container. She examined my burnt tail, then reached onto the shelf and pulled a different bottle from it. She opened it and poured a small amount onto a different cloth and put it away. She applied the cloth to the tip of my tail, which began to sear with pain. I cried out again from the agony. She finished and tossed the cloth into the metal container. She pulled a small needle from a drawer, as well as something else I couldn't see.

"This is going to hurt, but I need you to stay still for me" she commanded as she prepared her tools.

She grabbed my leg and stuck the needle into it. She began to suture the gash. I resisted the urge to fight against her. She soon finished sealing the wound, tossing the needle and the remaining medical thread into the container. She bandaged my leg and tail and focused her attention to the upper half of my body. She began to examine me for other injuries. She touched my right front leg near the paw and I quickly retreated it. It still hurt pretty badly from that morning. She grabbed my leg and examined the paw.

"Hmmm...looks like you've got a sprained ankle."

She wrapped a bandage tightly around my leg so that I couldn't move the paw. She then began to examine the rest of my upper body. She noticed a small cut on the side of my face and cleaned it with the medicine she used before on my leg. She didn't bandage this one considering how small it was and where it was located. She finished her examination and patted the top of my head.

"Are you alright?" she asked, hearing that I was still groaning a bit in pain. I watched her walk over to the shelf once more and pick up a tiny green bottle. She opened it and poured something out of it into her hand. She closed the bottle and set it back on the shelf. She walked back over to me and held her hand out to me. I saw a small object sitting in her palm. I looked at it curiously, not knowing what it was.

"Take it, it'll help, just don't chew it" she said. I gave her a confused look. "It's to help with the pain."

I looked back down at the object in her hand. I sniffed it. It had a terrible smell. She had done nothing to harm me, so I took the pill from her hand and swallowed it. She stroked my head again.

"Just give it a minute and you should feel almost no pain at all" she said to me.

Sure enough, soon after I had taken the medicine the pain began to melt away. She smiled and picked me up, carrying me back to the room where the others were waiting. Aaron stood up and took me from her.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy" he said.

"Not a problem. Now, let me show you to your room."

She grabbed a key from her desk and led us down another hallway. She brought us to a door opened it.

"Thank you again, Nurse Joy."

"Do you need anything else?"

"Not right now."

"Alright, you all have a good night."

"You too."

All of us walked into the room, Aaron closing the door behind him. He set me on the bed that was inside. He looked at me for a moment, then pulled his notebook out from his pack. He handed it and the pencil to Peter.

"What's wrong with his front leg?" he asked.

"Front leg? Delta, what happened?" Peter inquired.

"She said my ankle was sprained" I told him.

"Oh. Couldn't really check for that while you were unconscious, hard to tell when I can't get a response." He wrote on the pad and handed it back to Aaron.

"Sprained ankle, huh? Well, it's getting kind of late, we should all get some rest for tomorrow."

He grabbed one of the pillows from the bed and laid it on the ground. He then lifted me gently and placed me onto it. He stroked me once more, bringing that soothing feeling back into my body. He turned out the light and went to sleep. Peter stood over me.

"You get some rest, Delta. You've had a hard day."

"I will, Peter."

I watched him as he walked over to Ryan's side. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

My first real fight. I had hoped I wouldn't have to face combat, but what can you do, right? I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'll see you again later, alright? Bye.
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