AGNPH Stories

And who said love is dead... by jewelwriter


...I shall never lose you my love.

*With the week passing by Shiva had a time in working a few odd jobs in order to obtain some Ground pokemon scales and skin to help on her do her deed. The next Saturday... she's a bit late as Dune finds her rushing onto the site with a bag in both her paws and her body marked in rune drawings. He blinked a little, fading into view as he spoke*

Dune: ... Mrrh?

*She didn't speak as she began tracing two circles before he saw a few shards of pokemon scale and skin linked to meat and bones get placed in the middle of one of the circles and then a blue candle was lit between the two circles. Shiva sits in the free circle as she looks up to see him and he finally got the picture.*

Dune: ... Mrrh... So I guess you're ready to bring me back, huh?

Shiva: *giving a nod* Sorry if I didn't respond sooner, but I wanted to give you the chance now.

Dune: I know... �Just hope it doesn�t go bad.�

*She smiles to him, and soon starts her chanting as he can feel something happening. The mix of meat, bones, and ground type parts that she acquired started to form and create a Sandslash that was featureless while she chants. The runes on her glow before she gives a set of groans and both her and the golem started to float, but to Dune he sees a doorway open up on the front of the creation in front of her.*

Dune: ?.... erm.... *blinks a little.* A featureless Poke? How... This is too weird.

*As Dune neared the golem, it started to take features that were his own, the very kind he had before he was sent to the other side, which would mean if he's in it, all of the details he has will fill in and make his body his very own.*

Dune: How is it... taking my features?! I don't unders- *then he realizes, the circles Shiva drew are over his gravestone.*

*That Golem must have taken in his features into its form and now all will need to be a living being instead of a golem is his sprit. Dune gives a heavy mrrph, and gathers up his courage, swiftly walking over to this doorway that appeared to him and then steps into it. A while later he blinks, feeling so different, so heavy. Soon he rrrphs, and sits himself up*

Dune: ...!!! *pats himself. It�s real... it�s solid� he's living! It's his old body!*

*Though he can feel an odd breeze, it�s the pathway he used to enter and realized he can leave his body and return to sprit form as Shiva starts to get up winded. That took some power out of her as he can see the circles are breaking into nothing. He thinks about it. There�s a chance he could leave his body? But why do such a thing at this point? Regret? Second thoughts? He soon notes the circles are breaking up, and then eeps a little as there's a loud crack, his tombstone was breaking and falling to rubble. Then he felt the gateway was fading into nothing. It's his decision if he wanted to be alive or dead but he already knew that answer deep in his heart and with that he�s soon sealed in his body. Dune smiles a little, looking at his body again. He really is alive. Tears seamlessly fall freely down his face as he's in such disbelief though he can see two things after his crying the first being the world around in a new light, and two his love as he notes those runes were from her shoulders to her sex. Kind of kinky but then again she knew where to put them. Shiva giggles softly as she had her rune painted body still showing like that, smiling a little. It actually worked.*

Shiva: If that didn't work� I might as well get screwed where I lie.

*Course the Sneasel jokes while leaning up but then blinks as she sees a Sandslash is seeing her as she looks at him with nothing to stop him from seeing her body in all it�s painted glory. He of course seen her many times already, but everything just seems so wonderful now. He smiles so big and happily as she can see him alive again*

Shiva: ...Dune...*gets to her knees and soon crawled into his arms.*

*He soon hugs her close to her body, nice and tight, feeling her fully for the first time finally.*

Dune: Shiva...

Shiva: *blushes and purrs.* You can't imagine how many times I wanted you in my feel you comfort me in bed and when I felt bad.

*He rubs his cheek to her lovingly as he nods a little*

Dune: You can't imagine how much I've wanted to feel the same.

*Shiva smiles and rubs him with her head while tears ran from her eyes as she felt so wanting of him, her heart beating.*

Shiva: Then I bet you know what both of us wanted to feel all this time...

Dune: Yes I do...

*His paw rubs her back gently as his eyes are nice and tearful as he stares into her eyes deeply. She kisses him deeply, crying as she rubs his rear, happy to feel such warmth that is her love. He mmms and kisses her back so loving and deep, his paws lightly squeezing her back while rubbing. She purrs. Such happiness is flooding though her as she feels him for the first time. Her paws slowly sliding to the other side as she rubs his rear with one paw while keeping the kiss going with the other as her eyes were still close while crying. His own tears flow too as he kisses with her so lovingly, purring with his happiness while loving the rubs she gives him as his paws are more toward her rear by now. She felt his touch, giggling a bit as she rubs his belly as well as his rear at the moment, the kiss finally breaking as she pants crying still. He pants softly from air intake too as he smiles to her, loving the moment as their bodies are so close, rubbing her as he can finally feel her like he always wanted to for so long. She feels it too. Such a feeling can excite anyone as deeply for such a moment as she sits on him. He smiles and cuddles her into his lap as he holds her close and rubs cheeks while Shiva murring deeply, happy from his rubbing and nuzzles his and her cheeks together. She smiles and rubs cheeks eagerly, loving how she feels against his skin. The warmth feeling so marvelous. He murrs deeply, happy on feeling her upon him as he does the same to her, sounding off in mmms, rubbing on. Dune feels the rubbing and smiles so happily, his paws rubbing over her back as she rubs his back stroking some of his spines as she keeps it up. Her paws kept rubbing to him as she kisses his cheeks. He mmms happily and licks to her face as his cheeks are kissed, smiling as he�s loving the petting she�s giving him. She keeps it up as he can feel a familiar wetness to his lap and saw her blushes. And he noses her, she noses back.*

Shiva: I always wanted to have a day like this.... and I think now is no better time to let it happen.

Dune: *noses and murrs gently, smiling and nodding* I agree...

*She gets up off his lap and was soon turns around and lets him see what he took almost as many times as they got intimate, which was at least 7 weeks. He blushes up and murrrs happily seeing it, using a claw to gently slide over her. She murrs, loving his touch and taking it well, the touch feeling so different now that he's mortal. He mmms and then leans forward, sliding his tongue over her sex, finally able to taste her juices, and was very delighted. She moans sounding off with purrs as he can taste that chilly yet sweet box. He mmms and licks at her some more over the lips, lovingly and sweetly, his sheath stirring from all the sensations while to him she tasted so nice. She moans while she feels him eat her out, feeding him juices with a murrrful grin. Dune mmms and moans softly himself, loving it while closing his eyes and holding her rump a bit as his tongue licks its way inside. Shiva gives a swift eep as that last lick got her, making her soak his face with lots of juices feeding him as she pants and pets his head. That was a close one, as she tries to keep from cumming all too soon. He licks deeply, loving it as he was soon held on more over. She was getting close as he can taste it and she's purring while probably singing to the stars with the oral getting her. Dune mmms and has his maw around her box a little as he licks so wantingly, moaning idly. Soon she scrams... and soaks his with a splash of juices to his face. He moans again as he is taking down the juices eagerly, squeezing her rump idly. She purrs. Her tongue hangs out as she has the silliest look on her face. He rrrms and slides his tongue out, panting a little. His 5 inches of oozing cock are pulsing so hard and needful after doing that to her. She didn't see it yet as she starts to get on her knees.*

Shiva: Whoa... Dune... that�s some oral you got.

Dune: *pants a little and mms, wiping his maw and face a little* I guess...

*Shiva giggles and looks down, noting his rod is in need. Indeed his penis is twitching in the air and drooling. Doing that much really did get him. He sees her looking and whimpers a little.*

Shiva: *chuckles.* I know we never did it in the past... so cheers our first...

*She chuckles before starting to suckle on the cock with a mmmmm. As expected he groans loud and grabs her head gently as she goes down on him, his cock pre-covered and oozing more for her to drink up. She giggles as she felt so good sucking him off trying to go on sucking the cock. He mmms and loves it as she works at him off so good. She chuckles, mmmming deeply while surprised to note how a home made male can be this tasty while she keeps downing him deeply. He groans so loudly and mmms as he's blown, his hips sort of raising as he sends pre constantly as she felt how much it's pulsing. It�s so grand to her to feel his pulse... deeply blowing his cock off as she pets his seemly heavy gems; it's like a new experience with her and yet she doesn't want it to end�yet. He whimpers a little as she blows so deeply and lovingly, giving a light grip to her head and the pulse tells her he's close. Shiva can tell he's so happy, letting him take control as she stops holding his gems and lets her mouth do the work for her. He groans loud and pushes his hips up a little, her mouth full of cock as his warm seed starts pumping down her throat and into her maw. She mmms while drinking up his cream and makes sure his first orgasm isn't wasted. Of course she knows what she wants, and with this night still full of lust he's going to be more than happy to do it.*

Shiva: MMmmmm...

*Dune mmms and adores the afterglow as he's soon panting as the climax ends*

Dune: ooh..

Shiva: *mmms...* that's good...

*She sits up... licking her lips of the last drops of his first living orgasm blushing. He smiles happily to her and purrs lovingly. She hugs him once again, giving out a grin as she soon starts to head off in front of him to go all fours. Of course he watches her go into that position as he felt so hot. She giggles as she keeps her legs spread as she holds her rear and tail up, one paw stabbing the ground as the other parts her very needing vulva. She looks behind from between her legs smirking.*

Shiva: Hope I didn't make you pop too hard.

*He watched her position herself, blushing furiously at how sexy it is, his cock going to a pulse again quickly.*

Dune: No, you didn't.

*He stands up and approaches while she waits, giving a mental purr. It's a bit hot to be enjoying the view of a male walking with his pointing erection aiming to her, she can already feel that organ about to pop her box...all the better to make her shiver. brings his member up to her body, rubbing it against her lips, groaning and shivering a little for the feeling, his paws sliding in rubs on her body some.

Dune: I've wanted this for so long...

Shiva: *murrrr* Ever since we first done this...

*Dune nods a little, grinning happily, and then pushes into her, moaning eagerly. She moans too feeling him really part her. Grinning as his rod is clearly a snug fit as she predicted when they first fucked. He mmmms as the full 5 goes snugly into her, holding her body with his paws tight as he draws back to begin a mating pace. Shiva purrs, loving it as she's held and pumped. The feeling of the warm and loving Sandslash over her cool body, his paws holding her to him as he fucks is a grand turn on to her soul. He leans his head back and moans so happily, the first time he's ever felt a true female around his cock, even more so that it's Shiva. Their hips connect repeatedly as she's mated lovingly. Her moans echo out though the graveyard as she felt as good as she's taken and fucked on, the mythic feeling making her purr in pleasure. Dune feels his pre started to drip into her and get spread around as he moans, loving the feelings he's getting from where his body meets hers. Her hips grip him in her as she's starting to juice up madly. To Shiva, it's feeling so perfect as she gropes herself a bit. Dune did feel the juicing of her sex and mmms, his cock getting a bit swifter because of them as he pumps so lovingly, murring in desire. Shiva feels the speed pick up as she moans... groaning his name over and over as she grips the ground again now with both her paws. Dune hears his name sounded in glee and groans a little, some more of his pre coming out, moaning in desire down to his love. She is panting harder, gripping as the tension of her orgasm is starting to show deeply, her box and his cock dripping juices to the sacred ground that was once his final home. He groans very lovingly as the juices seep out with his pumps, and soon can't take it. He pulls his cock out of her, turns her to her back and then swiftly retakes her. He drops down atop her and locks muzzles tight and deep, his cock immediately shoving back into her and thrusting at its previous pace, only harder. Shiva�s eyes widen from his sudden attack and change up. His kiss soon triggers her own as she is fucked on hard, legs flagging the air as she's fucked almost as if they were pure primal pokemon. She could feel her nipples stinging her in such a high lust. His fucking is not intensely feral, but it's nice and hard, showing his passion for the moment as he groans into her maw, tongues mingling and hips slapping together. His paws slide her arms down as they grip to her paws, holding them with desire, his pre running at a near-constant rate. She's so surprised at how good he is to her and such passion is almost heard of in tails of sexual fantasy she read and the fact this is about to hit her is pushing her too close to the edge� her body arching to him. Their previous escapades clearly fueled this, and passion & love for her is pretty much soaking his mind at the moment. He groans muffled to her as she arches and his cock throbs so hard, ready to fill her good as it keeps drilling her needy body. He triggered her orgasm first and hard as she wails in such joy, soaking her lover's hips truly and shaking in such intensity while her box grips him and she arches, begging for his cock to surrender its gift. Dune groans so loud to her as she grips and juices to him passionatly, his cock pounding her a few more times before he shoves it in deep, the appendage twitching before unloading in such a loving, hot, powerful orgasm, filling her insides with his love for her. Such love is rarely found or expressed as it is with these two as Shiva holds onto him, stuck to his heart with love and happiness. Dune holds onto her tight as well, the kiss still going as his orgasm goes long before trailing off. Her orgasm ends with him she keeps kissing for some time. It's like the kiss has a lock of joy on it. He pants through his nostrils and adores the kiss, keeping it up. It's softer now, but so much more sweet and loving. Her kiss is softening too, giving such a hug to him as she is so happy from the orgasmic buzz. Dune holds her close in hug, rubbing gently, loving it so much. The kiss breaks slowly as she smiles sweetly.*

Shiva: Oh Dune.... I'm so glad I saved you...

*Dune mmms, smiling, panting some still as he holds her so lovingly*

Dune: I love you so much Shiva...

*such an embrace is too much of a romantic... and she has to grin... looking to him as she gives a deep hug.*

Shiva: So... you want to be sure I'm yours or do you want the comforts of our new home?

Dune: I want to leave this place. I've been here far too long.

*She nods getting up and holding his paw helps him up. With a gleeful mmm he stands up with her, a tad wobbly, but is okay. She chuckles, not minding both of them are dripping creams of their love.*

Shiva: Come on.

*She chuckles... helping him leave the cemetery. He nods, holding her hand as they walk. With a nice walk they make it to her home. The home he'll never leave from his heart as she grins and leads him to her room. He idly looks around as he walks with her into her room. It�s a soft and nicely large bedroom with a king bed as she heads off for a while. Dune smiles and wiggles his tail idly seeing all of this is out of his former graveyard home. She chuckles while coming back into the bedroom, the runes washed off her black body. He's sits down. He can probably get nice and clean tomorrow as she purrrs and gets into the bed with him following, the bed so soft to him while he crawls up in with her, sliding close to her and hugs him to her, giving a giggle as she keeps a bit too close for him not that he minded.*

Shiva: Dream well my love... *yawns as she�s feeling ready to sleep.*

*He kisses her gently and mmms, holding her close and closing his eyes*

Dune: I shall...

*And with that Shiva sleeps well. And to think her diary will never believe this tale of passion, the passion of a writer and a ghost.* *Crosses out ghost....* *make that, former ghost.*

I like to give a thankyou to my friend and understanding poke partner. Even if this was agaist his wishes a bit I sincearly send my deepest sorries to him. And as such I will keep his name hidden unless he wishes it otherwise. Thank you so much for waiting for this.

Yours truely...
Jewelwriter Eli Moonstar
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