AGNPH Stories

The Life of Eevee by vaporeon


First Impressions

The usual disclaimer. I don't own Pokémon (if I did I wouldn't be writing this story, I'd pay someone to do it for me). Anyway, if you are under 18, 21 in some places, you shouldn't be reading this story. Of course, I can't stop you from doing so, so it doesn't really matter. Just use your best judgement and enjoy.

Yeah, I know. One of the most used pokémon and yada, yada, yada. Whatever, I don't care, so get over it. I happen to find them rather cute and they can certainly make a fine character if done properly. Now since this is my first story, please be kind in judging me.

For the sake of easing the story along a little faster, I'm going to start off with a few things: first, for the sake of making things easier, we'll assume that pokémon age the same as humans (so a 13 year old pokémon is the same as a 13 year old human); second, currently there isn't a second item but I will add it when I make it up.

It was a fine day in the beginning of summer. The weather was almost perfect, it was a little on the warm side, but the breeze felt nice. Eevee was walking through the trees, enjoying the wonderful weather and thinking about nothing in particular. It had been three months since he had left his parents den and he was still marveling at how nice the freedom was. No one telling him when to get up, when to eat, or when to be somewhere; it was just him, alone, by himself. However, he had to admit that after awhile, the solitude became rather depressing.
Of course he had met others on his trip, there had been the chikorita that first week, and then the pidgeot the a month and a half ago, and of course those pichu siblings just two weeks ago. But now he was on his own again, and the loneliness was starting to become unbearable. This loneliness is what drove him toward the sound of voices one day.

"Mudkip, water gun now!" called a voice from the clearing ahead.

"Nooooo! Geodude." yelled another voice.

"Yes! We win! Way to go Mudkip!" shouted the first voice.

By this time Eevee had crept up to the edge of the clearing and could see two boys, both looked to be about ten or eleven and the one closest to Eevee was hugging a mudkip tightly and shouting in triumph, the other was just recalling a geodude and turning to leave with the other people standing behind him. The boy was finally winding down his celebration by spinning around until he fell to the ground, laughing and still hugging his mudkip. He lay there for a few minutes, just enjoying the afterglow of winning.
Eevee hadn't been traveling for long, but he knew enough to stay away from trainers and their pokémon. He began to creep away into the bushes when he stepped on a twig *snap*.

Dave heard the snap and instantly sat up, completely serious once more.

"Who's there!" he called.

When he didn't get an answer he decided that it must be a pokémon, so...

"Mudkip, hit those bushes with a water gun."

Mudkip blasted the bushes that Eevee was hiding in. Eevee was hit by the attack and flew backwards into a tree. The last thing he heard before the darkness took him, was "Alright, an eevee!"

Dave threw the pokéball and hit Eevee square on the head. The pokéball bounced up, opened and pulled Eevee in in a beam of red light. It fell to the ground and the white button immediately turned red.
Dave was ecstatic, this was the first pokémon he had ever captured, and it was an eevee, not all that common in these parts. He went over and picked up the pokéball and clipped it back to his belt. Then he turned around and headed off in the direction of Rustboro city.

Now, let's learn a little more about our characters.
First is Eevee. Eevee left home on his eleventh birthday, like most pokémon do. He is one foot tall, about two and a half feet long from nose to tail, weighs 13 pounds, and has blue eyes and sandy brown fur.
Second is Dave. Dave is an eleven year old boy from some small, out of the way town that no one cares about. He's about four foot two, lean without being lanky, has grey eyes, and dark brown, almost black hair.
Third is Dave's mudkip. Since Mudkip isn't a major character at the moment, I'm not going to take the time or the effort to describe her in detail. All you need to know now is that she is fifteen years old, female, and looks like any other normal, regular, everyday mudkip. She is also Dave's first, and until now only, pokémon.

Now back to the story.

Dave continued on his way to Rustboro city with Mudkip and his new eevee.

"Wow," he thought. "I finally captured my first pokémon. I can't wait to start training it."

As the sun sets, Dave moves off the the side of the path to to set up his camp. He spreads out his sleeping bag and pulls out one of the MRE's his mother gave him for his trip. He opens it up and prepares the food. While he is eating, he thinks of what he can do to train his new pokémon.

He lies back on his sleeping bag and looks at the stars overhead. As he drifts off to sleep, Dave dreams of all the wonderful adventures that he will have on his long journey.

As I said, this is my first story, I am just introducing the characters, and I will get into the more interesting stuff later. If you have any suggestions or comments please REVIEW and/or EMAIL me at [email protected] with the subject AGNPH.
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