AGNPH Stories

There's a first time for everything by natsuke


There's a first time for everything

Hey, it's me, Natsuke, trying out a story besides the Sashi saga for once... I really hope this one will be as good as those, and I also hope this one won't turn out to end with a second chapter ^ ^' *a-hem* Since this is an adult story, readers below 18 years old cannot read this... As if you would listen, but I have to say this... If you feel disturbed in any way by reading this, what the *censored* are you doing on this site then? Also, this is my first try of a story that contains male to male sex... And now;

There's a first time for everything

Hi, my name's Kaijin, and I want to tell you something about what happened a few weeks ago... First of all, I'm going to explain you about what I am. It may sound weird, but I'm part Pokemon. I'm still part human, but I look more like a Pokemon. The world has accepted me and many others of my kind, since humans have agreed to live alongside of us, or what we call ourselves 'Anthromorphic Animals', Anthro for short. I've got a big, fluffy tail, following me with every step I take, and two, short, furry ears on my head. I am the Pokemon Growlithe, a Fire type. I have orange fur, and several streaks of black fur on it as well. That's for explaining what I am. Secondly, I'm a single man, and I was looking for a woman to share my life with. If I knew how things would turn out the way they did, I would've stayed home...

Now this day started like any other. The alarm clock went off, and I groaned, opening my eyes. It was weekend, so I didn't have to worry about going to work early. I set the alarm clock at 12 o'clock, knowing - by watching the weather report - it was going to be a hot day. I got out of bed, all covered in sweat because of the heat, and decided to take a shower before leaving. I turned on the cold shower (not the hot one) and got under it, momentarily shivering because of the cold, but getting used to it after a while. Though I am a Fire Type, the water doesn't hurt or bother me.

After that refreshing shower I got dressed in nothing but a T-shirt, jeans and shoes, and ate some breakfast, and then finally leaving. I closed the front door behind me, and locked it. Then I turned around, and already wiped some more sweat off my forehead. It was really hot indeed. Good thing I was going to the beach...

Ahhh... There's nothing better than fresh air and feeling a cold wind run over your body. The beach is the place where you can really enjoy it when the temperature gets this high. I looked around, and blushed a bit at what I saw. I was nervous, of course. After all, this was my first visit to a nude beach before. Hundreds of furries - and humans as well - were walking, lying on towels, swimming in the water... all in the nude. I took a deep breath, and approached the entrance.
"Hello and welcome..." the lady behind the counter - dressed of course - greeted me friendly. I smiled weakly.
"Hello..." I replied.
"I don't recognize you..." she said, looking me all over.
"N-no, that's right... It's my first time here..." I said.
"Ah..." she smiled. "Then let me explain the rules to you... First; this is a nude beach, so clothes are not allowed, except when you feel really embarrassed about your privates..."
"Eh..." I started thinking. "No, that would be fine..." I said. I didn't want to look like a fool among all the naked people.
"Okay then... Second; don't stare at other's privates.. It is okay to look for a second, but don't stare at it for hours or something..." the lady said.
"I understand..." I replied.
"Any questions?"
"Eh, yeah, where do I take off my clothes?" I asked, my voice a bit shaky.
"Right that way..." the lady said, pointing to what seemed like a big hall with lots of dressing rooms.
"Okay, thanks..." I said, smiling.
"And you can leave your personal belongings in the locker room next to the entrance... It's free, and your belongings are guarded very well..."
"Okay, thanks again..." I said, and walked to the dressing rooms.

When taken off all my clothes, I left the dressing room, and walked to the counter. I was a bit nervous, since this was the first time I walked totally naked in public, but I calmed down a bit when I spotted other males and females in the room. I approached the female again, and said I wanted to have a locker for my stuff. She gave me a key to a locker, and I put all my things in it. After I did this, I closed the locker, and gave the key to the lady again. Then I turned around, and took another deep breath.

Stepping forwards, I placed my bare foot on the white sand. It was already hot from the temperature, even in the shadow. After a while of walking around, I got used to the heat of the sand, and relaxed. I looked around, and breathed in some more fresh air. Then I started looking for a nice place to lie down or enjoy a nice swim. I quickly found some space, and walked over, taking over the territory so to speak. I put my large towel on the sand, and sat down. The sun was still a little too hot, but the cool breeze took care of that soon. I closed my eyes as the wind blew through my hair, and lay down on my back.

After a while of lying, I felt that it was time for me to take a dive in the water. If I wouldn't, I would get burnt, even though I'm a Fire Type. It felt weird being in the water without wearing swimming trunks. I felt... free. It felt great! It really cooled me down a lot.

When I was bored of swimming I got out, and dried myself off with the towel. The heat of the sun really helped a lot with that. Next I lied down again, supporting myself with my arms to keep my chest up.

Everything went well, until at one moment I was distracted by short whistling. Automatically I turned my head to where the sound came from, and gasped softly. Two Anthro's, a Golduck and a Typhlosion, were smiling at me with a smile that wasn't meant as a friendly smile. They looked at me hungrily for some reason. I didn't know what they wanted, until the Golduck suddenly winked. My eyes widened, and I could feel myself blush. I saw the Typhlosion chuckle when he noticed me blushing, and that made me turn my head away.

I couldn't believe what just happened. I blushed because two men flirted with me. This has never happened before... Okay, it has, but that was when females flirted with me, not males. I then just tried to forget all that happened and just enjoy my time at the beach. I lied down on my back, and closed my eyes.

I wish I could have just forgotten about it, but it was bugging me a lot. I opened my eyes, and sat up. I then tried to find the two men... They were gone. The place they were at the last time I saw them was deserted. Confused, I looked around some more, and finally saw them. They were just entering the forest near this beach, disappearing. My first thought was to just let it go, and forget about it, but my feelings told otherwise. I felt like I had to follow. I don't know why I felt like this, because they were strangers to me, but I got up, and slowly walked to the forest.

"Now what?" I thought as I stood there, looking at the forest of trees in front of me. I might have seen them enter this forest, but I didn't know in what direction they have gone. I decided to start walking, to see what would happen.

I had walked quite some distance, and I was surrounded by nothing but trees. I stopped. This was ridiculous. I was in this forest, trying to find two men for no reason at all, without even having the slightest idea where they were. I was about to turn around and go back to the beach, when suddenly there was the sound of giggling.

I stopped again, and perked my ears, trying to find where the sound came from. I stood still, and waited for the sound to come back. It did. Another giggle was heard, different from the one before. It was coming from a place far into the bushes, so I walked forwards, pushing leaves and twigs aside.

The more I walked forwards, the louder the sound got, so this meant I was going the right way. After a few seconds I arrived at a clearing. I wasn't that close to the clearing yet, but I could already see what made the giggles.

It were the Golduck and the Typhlosion. I'd found them. But there was something different about them. They were still naked - since they both got from the nude beach - but they were... The Golduck was... Pumping his head back and forth in the area around the Typhlosion's crotch. The Golduck was knelt down in front of the Typhlosion, who was standing. I tried to look closer, and succeeded. And for some reason, it was now that I noticed the Golduck was wearing a silver necklace. Why I'm telling you this? You'll find out soon enough. Anyway, I gasped as softly as I had before when I realized the Golduck had the Typhlosion's cock in his beak.

I couldn't believe what I saw. The Golduck released the Typhlosion's cock, and slowly dragged his tongue over the shaft, wrapping his long tongue around the head. Watching these two do it somehow turned me on, even though I had taught myself that these things were wrong. That a male should be in a relationship with a female.

But somehow the sight of the two of them doing it got me aroused. Unknowingly my cock was starting to fill with blood, making it stand out erect between my legs. I didn't notice this, because I was focused on the two in front of me.

The Golduck now had his finned hand around the Typhlosion's cock, rubbing it hard. The Typhlosion must have been close to his orgasm. And indeed, after a few more seconds of rubbing his cock, the Typhlosion groaned, closed his eyes, and arched his back a little. That's when several jets of red colored cum shot out of the Typhlosion's cock onto the Golduck's head. The Golduck smiled, and opened his beak when a few jets were aimed at it, catching it with his tongue. The last shot of cum landed on the Golduck's chest, dripping down as he licked the Typhlosion's cock clean of cum.

The Typhlosion lost the strength in his legs, and fell down to the ground, supported by the Golduck so he would land softly. The Typhlosion sat down on the grass below, still gasping for air as he calmed down.

I was breathing in fast as well. I was so turned on by the show I couldn't breathe normally. That's when I noticed my erection. I looked down, and saw it was erect. I gasped, and made a sudden move that made me lose my balance.

With a loud 'thud' I landed with my head on the grass, making lots of noise in the process. This also made the Golduck look up at what that noise was. I was lying with half of my body in the bushes, and the other half on the grass in the clearing.

This wasn't the worst part of the fall, because I landed on my erection. My eyes widened as I turned my body over, but I quickly closed them again as I grabbed for my privates with pain running through my body.

I could hear the Golduck laugh as the pain subsided quicker than I had expected. I released my erection, slowly got out of the bushes, and sat up, looking at the still laughing Golduck. He finally stopped laughing, and looked at me through half closed eyes.
"Well well, what do we have here?" he grinned.
"I... I was just..." I said, trembling.
"Spying on us..." the Golduck finished.
I tried to think of a reply to this, but could find none. And that didn't bother me the most, because the Golduck stood up, making his own blue erect cock bounce up and down once, and my eyes were glued on it. "Like what you see?"
"Eh... n-no..." I replied, trying to make my eyes look at something else.
"Well evidence shows the opposite..." the Golduck replied, chuckling. "And besides..." he added, approaching me. My first thought was to run, but my legs wouldn't obey to my wishes. "You spied on us without our permission... Now we got to punish you for it..."

Meanwhile, the Typhlosion had recovered, and was also up, following his friend. I was outnumbered. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't run. The two were now standing by my side, the Golduck on the left, and the Typhlosion on the right, looking down at me with a smile on their faces.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked.
"Punish you..." the Typhlosion grinned.
"But we can't do that if you're all tensed up like this... We need to relax you somehow..." the Golduck said.
"I know..." the Typhlosion said, moved his head to the Golduck's, and whispered something in his ear. The Golduck smiled, and nodded once.

The Typhlosion then suddenly knelt down, and grabbed my face in his right hand, making me look up to him. That's when he suddenly moved his head forwards, and within a second, our lips met. He pressed his lips against mine as my eyes widened. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was being kissed by a man, which - for some reason - didn't freak me out the way I had planned it would. I wanted to push him away, because it wasn't right... It didn't feel right... But for some reason I couldn't.

I felt his tongue press against my lips, asking permission for entry. It was now or never. If I didn't stop this now, who knows what might happen. That's when I felt something that made me freeze. It was the soft, finned hand of the Golduck, which was caressing my still erect private. He had grabbed the shaft, and was slowly rubbing it over my cock, down to my balls. He grabbed them in his hand, and then slowly moved his head down.

I couldn't see what happened, but I began to shiver when I suddenly felt his wet tongue lick its way over my cock. This made me gasp suddenly, making me open my mouth. That's when the Typhlosion took the opportunity, and pushed his lips harder onto mine, while also pushing his tongue deep inside my mouth.

My heart was beating fast as I was locked in a kiss with the Typhlosion while his friend was wetting my cock with his tongue. He was - I have to admit - doing a great job on that, making my cock somehow grow a bit more, as a tiny drop of pre-cum appeared on the head. The Golduck stopped licking the shaft, and chuckled.

"Mmmm... my favorite..." he then said, as he opened his beak wide and moved his head down, taking in my whole 7 inch length. This made me gasp some more, with the Typhlosion's tongue exploring my mouth. Instinctively I closed my eyes out of enjoyment, finally giving up on trying to escape. They had taken over me... I was beaten...

The Typhlosion noticed me giving up, and pressed his lips even harder onto mine. I gave in, and decided to play along with them. I pushed my tongue back, pushing his out of my mouth as we played with each other's tongues in mid air.

The Golduck now slowly pulled his head up, his tongue going all over the shaft, as he released my cock, and playfully licked the head. He then started rubbing my cock with his left hand like never before, and I mean this. He'd done this before, but this time he really put effort into pleasuring me.

Now that I was willingly letting him pleasure me, he really took the chance to show me what he could do. He placed his right hand over his left one, rubbing faster than before. The feeling of the fins between his fingers sent shivers down my spine... It just felt that good.

The Typhlosion released my mouth and started down my neck, kissing his way down. I just closed my eyes and let him do his thing. He came to my chest, and started circling his tongue around my erect nipple. I loved the feeling of his tongue over my body.

Suddenly I opened my eyes, arched my back, and groaned out loud as I felt my orgasm hit me. It hit me so fast. The Golduck had barely started rubbing, and already I came.
"Oh!" I cried out, as I felt myself explode. And indeed, I did. I could feel several jets of my own hot semen shoot up into the air.

The Golduck grinned, and opened his beak wide, catching every shot of semen I shot out, while still continuing to rub my cock during my orgasm. It felt like my orgasm wouldn't end at all. I continued to shoot out cum, until finally I stopped. The last three shots of cum landed on the Golduck's hands, who smiled through half closed eyes as he released my cock, making it bounce back and forth a few times.

I gasped hard for oxygen as I closed my eyes, and laid down on my back on the grass. This was definitely my strongest orgasm ever, no doubt about it. The Golduck was humming quietly as he licked my cum off his hands, moaning as he enjoyed the taste.
"So... Did you learn your lesson?" he then grinned.

I took my time gasping for air before I answered.
"I... think so..."
"Mmmm... good..." the Golduck smiled, finishing what remained of my cum off his hand.
"So... Up for more punishment?" the Typhlosion asked, releasing my nipple. I didn't care anymore. I nodded slowly, and smiled.
"Then get on all fours..." the Typhlosion said.

I complied, and slowly sat up, crawling onto hands and knees. It felt weird, especially because I could feel the wind blow in my ass hole. I could see the Golduck smile and he looked at his friend for a second, so I knew they were up to something good. That's when the Golduck lowered his head in front of mine, locking me into a deep, passionate kiss.

I moaned as we played our tongues with each other, giving me the opportunity to taste my own cum. Surprisingly it tasted very good. SO good that it made me press harder onto the Golduck, eager to get more of my own cum.

That weird feeling of my ass hole soon changed, when I felt the Typhlosion rub two fingers over it. This made me shiver as I kissed the Golduck. The Typhlosion then pushed his fingers into my ass hole, making me gasp and break the kiss. I felt a little bit of pain as the Typhlosion did this, but a few seconds later it was replaced by good feelings.

I closed my eyes as the Typhlosion began pushing his fingers in and out of my ass hole, I felt a wetness, so this means the Typhlosion had wet his fingers before entering them, probably with saliva. I started moaning softly as he did this, and returned to kiss the Golduck.

When the Typhlosion had rubbed enough, he pulled his fingers back, making me sigh in disappointment.
"Don't worry..." he said. "It's not over yet... I'm not done with you..."
I was about to ask what he was up to, when suddenly I felt the tip of his malehood press against my ass hole. That's when I knew what was coming, and prepared myself for it as best as I could.

The Typhlosion then thrust forwards slowly, the head of his hot cock pressing through the tight barrier of my ass hole. It already hurt, because my ass hole hasn't been stretched open this far ever before in my life. An inch was inside me, and I already gritted my teeth to fight the pain.

"Hey take it easy, okay?" the Golduck said from above. I opened my eyes slowly as I got used to the thickness that was inside me, and smiled at the Golduck, thanking him for caring. He smiled back at me, and winked.

"Don't worry... We'll be careful..." he said, and pressed his beak against my mouth again. It was good he did this, because now I had something to concentrate on while the Typhlosion slowly pushed his cock deeper.

It really hurt now. The pain was immense. But I knew it would soon be over, just like it had with his fingers. The only problem was; fingers are way smaller than a cock. But after a few more seconds of groaning and moaning in pain, it subsided a bit as the Typhlosion had his whole 8 inches in me. I can't describe how it felt. It was a moment of total silence when he was inside me, as if time stood still.

That's when the Golduck broke the kiss, and licked my nose.
"You okay?" he asked.
"I'm... fine..." I replied, gasping for air and trying to get used to the feeling of having something up my ass hole.
"If you want, he could stop?" the Golduck suggested.
This was the first time since I've known them they were giving me an option in whether I wanted this or not. If I hadn't gone this far, I would've called for them to stop. I shook my head.

"No... I've gotten... too far... to quit now..." I said, and the Golduck smiled.
"Excellent..." he said, and looked at his friend. "You can continue, but remember... slowly..."
"I will..." the Typhlosion said, and placed his hands on my back, as he slowly pulled back, until only the head was left inside. I felt a moment of relief when the pressure was gone, but also a feeling of emptiness. Then the Typhlosion pushed forwards again, slowly pushing more and more of his cock into me. When all inside me again, he pulled back again, only to push forwards again.

It was starting to feel very good the more the Typhlosion entered my ass hole... My cock - which had softened a few seconds ago - was now being filled with blood again, making it hang down erect. It even made me hump back in his rhythm, that must I liked it. And while I was being taken anal, the Golduck lifted my head up with his hand. I opened my eyes, and looked into his.

"Let's give that mouth of yours something to do..." he said, and slowly grabbed his erect cock, holding it up in front of my muzzle. I looked down, and smiled, slowly opening my mouth as well. I thought the Golduck meant for me to suck his cock, but I had other plans.

Instead of taking his cock into my mouth, I stuck out my tongue, and licked the shaft all over.
"Ooooo..." The Golduck shivered, getting his first attention. I went with my tongue over the head, taking a bit of his pre-cum that had appeared on the top. Then I licked my way down to his hairless balls, covering them both with my saliva.

The Golduck closed his eyes tight, and grabbed my head in his hands, helping me go up and down. A few more seconds of licking, and I went for the good stuff. I licked his shaft one more time, before ending at the head. There I opened my eyes, and looked at his closed ones, grinning to myself for what I was doing.

Quickly pushing that thought aside, I surrounded the head with my lips, and then pushed my head down, taking in 5 of his 7 inches.
"Oh!" the Golduck gasped, feeling the warmth of my mouth surrounding his member. I closed my eyes, feeling his cock between my lips, as I pulled my head back, slowly sucking on the head as I pulled back. "Mmmm... that was good..." the Golduck said. This only encouraged me to continue. I lifted one hand off the ground, and grabbed the Golduck's cock with it, slowly holding it in place as I lapped at it with my tongue, before taking it in again, and pumping my head up and down fast.

The Typhlosion meanwhile had increased his pace a bit more, and was no humping me faster than in the beginning. I could hear him groan and moan in pleasure at how a tight feeling I gave him. The feeling of his cock in my ass hole and the Golduck's in my mouth really made me horny, and wanting some attention.

I slowly let go of the Golduck's cock, and brought that hand down to my own. I grabbed it in my hand, and shivered. It didn't feel the usual way it did when I masturbated. It was the Typhlosion pumping his cock into me that caused me to feel this way. Anyway, I slowly started rubbing my cock up and down, pleasuring myself while I pleasured others.

It was a few more minutes later when the first one of the three of us announced he was getting close to his climax. It was the Golduck, since he hadn't had any pleasure yet except from what I gave him. He had his eyes closed, his head held up high, as he didn't dare letting go of my head. He had sank through his knees, and was now sitting while I blew him.

"Oh yeah! Al... almost!" the Golduck moaned, bucking his hips against my face as I tried as much to increase my pace as possible, trying all sorts of tricks on his cock in order to fasten the approach of his orgasm. It wasn't needed anymore. Because after a few more seconds of humping my face, he arched his back.

"Ohhh here I CUM!" he cried out loud, pushing his cock into my mouth one more time, before he burst. His cock started twitching, vibrating as he came, shooting a big load of blue cum into my mouth.

I couldn't believe the amount of cum the Golduck shot out. It was so much, I couldn't hold it all in my mouth. Several streams of cum leaked out of the corners of my mouth, as he continued to give me all he got. In the end, I had no choice but to swallow everything.

I swallowed the Golduck's cum, finding it to have a salty, yet quite tasty kind of flavor. Even after I had swallowed everything, the Golduck still shot some cum into my mouth. I decided to suck his cock some more while his orgasm subsided, giving him some pleasure afterwards. Finally he had stopped cumming. He released my head, and fell down on his back, legs spread wide, his cock slowly shrinking back to its small size.

Now all that was left were me and the Typhlosion. Now that I had nothing else to focus on, I turned my attention into making the Typhlosion enjoy the time he was having with me. I started pushing my butt against his crotch, going with his rhythm, moving my body forwards as he pulled back, and pushing it back against him when he pushed forwards. This really helped, I think, because he grabbed me by the stomach, and pulled me closer to him.

Suddenly he sank through his knees, and pulled me up with him, making me sit on top of his cock. This was something I've never felt before. The sensation of feeling his cock in my ass hole as I was sitting on it. It gave me the opportunity to do some work. I slowly started humping his cock, going faster and faster, receiving moans of satisfaction in return. We both had our eyes closed, enjoying each other's attempts to have a good time. I was still rubbing my cock, and now with the Golduck out of the way I could completely focus on that. I rubbed faster and faster, just as fast as I humped the Typhlosion. I could feel another orgasm approach me fast, and did everything to reach it.

That's when the Typhlosion came first. "OH YEAH!" he screamed, closed his eyes tight, and arched his back as he pushed into me one more time before he shot his hot, red cum deep into my ass. The feeling of his hot cum sent shivers down my spine.

A few seconds after his orgasm, I reached my climax. I arched my back, feeling myself explode. That's when I came, shooting another load of my male semen high into the air, making it land on the Golduck and onto the grass in front of him. My body was drained of energy. My body felt numb. I lost consciousness. Everything went black...


I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't know how much time had passed, or what happened. I sat up, looking up in the sky. It was a pink color, meaning it was early in the evening. I looked around, and saw nothing but trees. That's when I suddenly remembered what happened, and my eyes widened. I looked around to find the two, but they had disappeared again.

I sighed, and got up. That's when I felt something heavy on my chest, and looked down. It was a necklace. The same necklace the Golduck was wearing. I looked it over, and noticed there was something hanging on the necklace. It was a small box. I opened it, and my eyes widened. The small box contained two small pictures. The first was the Golduck, the other the Typhlosion. I smiled, and closed the box. I got up, and hummed while I walked back to the beach.

I didn't know if I was raped or not, but it was sure something I would never forget. It was something I would have never dreamt of doing, but I did it. I still can't believe I did all that, but the necklace I'm wearing will always prove it really happened.

I've never seen them again since that day, but I keep coming back, in the hope they return...

The End.

And I can't believe I wrote a male to male story... It was easier then I thought... Anyway, send your comments to [email protected]

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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