AGNPH Stories

Starcrossed Happenstance by final_xero


Chapter 1: Never Say Navar

Mt. Moon was abuzz with activity. Tonight was the Celestial Convergence, a once-in-a-century occurrence when all the world's Clefairy gather at the "landing site" to celebrate. Of course, what they celebrate is anybody's guess, but that's not important. What's important is the fact that they always spend weeks preparing, mostly by gathering food of all types from the surrounding area. This year was especially bountiful: There were piles of cakes, fruits, cheeses, and a great many brightly-colored metal cans.

The party began at moonrise, and lasted long into the night. But the real fun began just before dawn, when the participants began leaving... at up to mach 3! It seems the contents of all those colored cans was having an odd effect on the Clefairys' physiology. Now there were hundreds of over-caffinated fairy pokemon bouncing about the globe like winged pinballs, causing all sorts of mayhem.

Who could have seen that coming?

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Starcrossed Happenstance (Or Something Like That)
A 100% plothole-free Pokemon story ;)
By Final Xero

Don't worry, that first part was a satirical plot device. It's meant to poke fun at stories that try to sound feasible in spite of the sheer number of contrived and unlikely circumstances required to make things work the way the author wants them to, just to mask the fact that the story's only purpose is to let said author live out their sexual fantasies through some random, faceless protagonist.[/breath]
Mind you, there's nothing wrong with living through a character like that, it's your right as the author. I just don't think you should insult your readers' intelligence by trying to hide the gaps in your logic behind a haphazard, stars-and-planets-aligning-to-bestow-a-great-boon-on-some-random-shmuck situation. Unless, of course, you're trying to be funny.
Just ignore the plot pinballs if they bother you. The bulk of this will be more serious... Relatively speaking.

Chapter 1: Never Say Navar
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Simon Navar strode purposefully down the vacant streets, on his way to the Saffron Pokemon Center. The sun had just begun to peek above the rooftops, but the tranquil scene was soon disrupted by a scream, and a sound almost like an exploding xylophone. Simon zeroed in on the source: an open third-story window just down the street, illuminated from within by a flash of blue light. As he approached, several Clefairys flew out, carrying what appeared to be a half-dressed young woman. "Hey, you!" he shouted, catching their attention, "Drop her!" The Clefairys looked at him, snickered and did just that. They dropped their victim, and flew off.

'Shit' Simon thought, diving to catch her. But he'd misjudged the distance, and the girl landed on his back, while he hit the pavement hard. "Ahg," He spat onto the road, "Bit my tongue."

"Ohmygod, are you all right?" the girl asked, climbing off of him. "I'm so sorry."

Simon rose unsteadily to his feet, trying to ignore the stinging from his forearms. "S'all right, what's a bruised spine between complete strangers?" he joked weakly, sizing up the mystery girl. She seemed to be roughly his age, emerald-eyed, with bushy shoulder-length red hair. But there was something unusual about her features: pointed, cat-like ears; pale pink skin; almost paw-like feet; a long tail... She looked to be part Mew! Simon was taken aback, "Wha..." he started, just as she took off down a nearby alley. "Hey!" he shouted, chasing after her. Simon found her cowering behind a pile of boxes, on the verge of tears. "Don't be afraid," he told her, "I just want to help. Tell me what happened."

"I don't know," she whimpered, shivering in the chill morning air. "I was getting something for breakfast, then there was this burst of blue light, and suddenly I'm some kind of freak!" The girl began sobbing.

"Hey, I think you look... On second thought, let's forget I said that." Simon stammered. "What I mean is, just because you don't look totally human doesn't mean you're a freak... Okay, maybe it does, but... Look, I'm really bad at this sort of thing."

"Yeah, you are." she giggled, her mood lightening a bit.

He removed his jacket and handed it to the redhead as he helped her up. "By the way, the name's Simon. You?"

"Reya." she told him, slipping the jacket on.

Simon escorted Reya back to her apartment. He tried not to think about her getting dressed in the next room, focusing instead on the bits of grit and gravel now lodged in his elbows, and the absurdity of the past several hours. He couldn't recall hearing much about Clefairys flying, at least not in broad daylight. And turning humans into pokemorphs? That sort of thing only happened in amateur fantasy. His own Clefairy encounter was tame by comparison: They stole his pokemon and most of his gear, forcing him to make a detour to the nearest town. "And here I am." he thought with a grin.

Reya, meanwhile, was examining her new body thoroughly and skeptically. It was more than a little disorienting. She felt her hands running around her chest and down to her hips, over the countless minute hairs that now covered her skin. She felt the twinge of pleasure when her fingers brushed over certain spots. She felt herself doing everything the reflection in the mirror was doing, but it seemed like someone else entirely. 'This is too weird. Especially the tail.' she thought to herself.

"I don't know, your new friend seems to like it." her reflection seemed to say.

'What are you getting at?'

"Come on, you know some guys like their women... exotic." The image in the mirror purred.

Reya shook her head, 'I doubt that's it. He hasn't made a single advance toward me.'

"He's trying to be a gentleman." The mirror-mew took a wider stance, stretching her arms upward behind her head. "I wonder how far you'd have to push before he snaps."

"Are you alright?" Simon called through the door.

"I'm fine." Reya answered, lowering her arms and turning away from the mirror. She hurriedly dressed herself, opting for a simple skirt and blouse. She exited the bedroom to find Simon, arms freshly bandaged, standing in front of the stove. "Took you long enough," he chided gently. "Hope you like pancakes."

They ate their impromptu breakfast in silence, until Reya got the nerve to ask what brought Simon to town. He explained his situation to her, and she frowned. "So you're going to leave, then."

"Once I call home for some help, yeah. I need to track down those thieving fairies ASAP." Then he gave her a cryptic grin, "No reason why I can't come back, though. That's the great thing about roads, they usually go both ways."

The redhead mused for a moment. "Actually, I'd like to come with you. I'm not sure I feel safe staying here alone. Not when I'm a... scientific curiosity, and all."

Simon was understandably conflicted. "I don't know, it's probably more dangerous wherever I'm going."

"I know you're worried about me, but can you really keep me safe by leaving me behind?"

Simon smiled, "I suppose I can't."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'Mom always said there'd be days like this,' Officer Jenny thought as she logged onto the inter-city dispatch, and began typing.

Cerulean: I never expected to say this, but we seem to be besieged by hyperactive Clefairys.

She returned to her work while she waited for a response. They started coming in within the half-hour, and there were a lot of them.

Pewter: Join the club, sis. They're causing trouble all over this area.
Fuchsia: We've already had to shut down the bridge AND the Safari Zone.
Saffron: They seem to have lost control of their powers. The lab guys are going nuts over it.
Violet: They're out here, too. I've got a man in the ER, had a nasty burn. It's crazy.
Goldenrod: We've got reports of theft, minor assault, and more than a few "transformations."
Olivine: The buzz at the harbor says they're everywhere. We may be facing a global crisis.
Indigo HQ: Well it's a damned odd one, that's for sure.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wuh... What happened?" the man looked at his hands -- no, his claws -- in disbelief. He heard a giggle, and his eyes snapped back to his assailant. "What did you do to me?!" he bellowed, charging forward. The Clefairy just waved one finger, and a bolt of lightning shot forward. The man flinched, but never felt the expected pain. There was only the barest twinge of sensation to confirm that the attack had hit its mark. "That tickles," he sneered at the pokemon, before charging forward. He got in two good swipes before his attacker backed off to conjure up another attack. This time, a flurry of leaves resulted. The pokemorph ducked, causing the leaves to become lodged between the spines on his back. Using his foreclaws to gain purchase in the soft earth, he leapt forward once more. But a shrill noise stopped him in his tracks, and he clutched his ears in pain. He saw the Clefairy flee just before he blacked out.

When he came to he found himself lying on a small cot. He appeared to be in a clean but dimly lit office, with windows looking out on an otherwise disused factory. As he rose to his feet, he heard a voice nearby. "You're awake," it said, "that's good. You fought well, for a beginner. So who are you?"

"My name's Will," he turned around to face the speaker. It was a blond-haired man wearing a wool cloak. He was standing at a drafting table, facing away from Will, with a pencil in his right hand. "But shouldn't I be the one asking who you are?"

The cloaked man set aside his pencil. "I am Ayver. I was passing by when I heard your little scuffle. After you passed out, I brought you here to hide you until you recovered. I wanted to spare you the trouble of waking up in a cage somewhere." His hand gestured to the ceramic mugs on a small table off to one side of the room, "Please, sit. The tea is almost ready."

"How kind of you." Will intoned flatly as he took a seat in one of the chairs.

"You see, I too have been... changed by one of those trouble-makers." He explained as his unseen left hand retrieved a teapot from a nearby camp stove.

The spiny morph was confused, "You look normal to me." But when Ayver turned around, he gasped. "Okay, I stand corrected. You've definitely got the worse end of the deal." He shuddered, "Doesn't that hurt?"

Ayver just smiled, "Aside from a bit of sinus pressure, I've never felt better."

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Ooo, mystery mutations.
No sex just yet, but be patient. Reya hasn't known Simon but for a few hours, and we've barely scratched the surface of the other subplots.
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