AGNPH Stories

Starcrossed Happenstance by final_xero


Chapter 2: Night of the First Day

Simon walked out of the Pokemon Center, with Reya right behind him. "Did you see the looks on their faces when we walked in?" Reya rolled her eyes, "you'd think they'd never seen a pokemorph before."

"Y'know, there were cameras in there." Simon noted. "You'll probably be on the front page tomorrow."

"All the more reason to leave today. Where are we headed?"

Simon finished configuring the borrowed satellite uplink, "According to this, my 'gear is somewhere around... Viridian City. Hm, closer than I expected, we should be able to get there by Monday evening."

"Two days in the wilds? Sounds lovely."

Simon released Shadowfax, his cousin's Ponyta, and the pair began the long journey.

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Starcrossed Happenstance (Or Something Like That)
A 100% plothole-free Pokemon story ;)
By Final Xero

It has come to my attention that I forgot some things in the prior chapter. I forgot to inform everybody that this story will eventually contain sexual content (like the rest of this site,) and that I don't own Pokemon (like the rest of the writers on this site.) Gee, how could I have forgotten something so important?

Oh yeah, I'll be jumping around a bit in these beginning chapters as I establish the first few plot threads. Do try to keep up.

Chapter 2: Night of the First Day
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{Goldenrod City}

In the waiting room of Dr. Mevij Roycroft's clinic, a dark-haired woman fusses impatiently with her hair. She glances periodically at her husband, whose gaze is fixed on a magazine that he isn't actually reading.

"Well, Mister & Misses Lowe," the doctor announced as he entered the waiting room, "Your daughter seems to be in perfect health."

The teen beside him -- a morphic Absol -- disagreed. "You call this 'perfect health'? I have fur, damnit! How am I supposed to go out looking like this?"

"You look fine Erin," the doctor assured her," and I'm sure the boys at school would agree with that, hm?"

Erin blushed a bit, recalling some guys she'd overheard discussing the "merits" of their favorite pokemorphic characters. And it wasn't just the nerds, there were all kinds of boys talking now. With Callista Stone--everyone's favorite cinematic sex symbol--having played an anthro in her latest movie, morph fever had just gone mainstream. "That's... totally beside the point." She said, as much to herself as anybody else.

Roycroft turned back to the parents, "She should probably stay home for a day or two, so you can keep an eye on her condition. I doubt anything serious will happen, but call me if something does come up."

The mother nodded. "Thank you Mev. I know this was kind of sudden, but..."

"It's nothing, really." He assures the woman. "Actually I wish I could do more for you. I used to study Pokemorph Theory on the side, but that was a long time ago. I haven't been keeping up with genetics research anymore, but I'll see what I can dig up tonight."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Shadowfax galloped at a fair clip, and they'd just passed Celadon by two 'o clock. But the ride was becoming tedious, and Simon was having a hard time focusing on the trail ahead of him, rather than on the girl pressed against his back. Come late afternoon he'd had enough, pulling their mount to a halt near the next riverbank. "We'll stop here for today," he explained as he helped Reya down. "Let's set up camp, and get something to eat."

They left Shadowfax on his own while they unpacked their gear. While Simon was preparing dinner in the shade of a large tree, Reya knelt on the sandy bank and refilled the canteen. 'I can't believe I'm this far from home...' she mused.

"... And you're still waiting for him to make the first move." Her reflection continued, leaning forward onto its hands.

She scowled, 'I'm not waiting for anything.'

"So why are you here?" The image lay atop its crossed arms. "I'll tell you why: You're here because he's here."

"I don't see what your point is." Reya lied.

"Dinner time." Simon announced.

Reya scrambled back to her feet and brought the canteen over to the fire. She ate her meal in uneasy silence, only glancing occasionally at her companion. Once they had both finished eating, Simon decided to try and start a conversation. "So, what do you do when you're not running off with a guy you barely know?" Realizing how that sounded, he back-pedaled, "Okay, that didn't come out right..."

"It's alright, I know what you meant." she paused, "Most of the time I have classes; I'm studying to be a writer. I do play a few sports on the weekends, but I'm usually either at school or work."

"Sounds boring... Uh, no offense." the trainer caught himself.

The morph waved it off. "Trust me, it is. So, what about you? You planning to become a Pokemon Master?"

"No, I just couldn't stand the alternative. A steady job, roof over my head, my own little niche in the community... Not for me." His smile seemed to evaporate, and he shook his head, "Honestly, it felt like I was missing something. I set out on the road a few years ago to try and find myself..." he sighed. "It gets dangerous traveling the way I do, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. But you... I shouldn't have brought you into this."

"You're talking like you think I'm gonna die out here," Reya looked skeptically at Simon, "I really don't think it's as dangerous as you're making it out to be."

The trainer wasn't sure how to respond to that at first. Then he reached up to his shirt collar, and tugged it down. Reya gasped at what she saw: a long, horizontal scar stood out clearly across Simon's neck. "That was just about a month ago," he stated, "from a run-in with a rogue Scyther. It wasn't deep enough to cause any... permanent damage, but it came close." He smirked at his companion's shock. "What, you thought the League was just about badges and trophies? If a rampaging Gyarados attacked your town, who did you think would stop it?"

"Actually, I hadn't thought about that at all." Reya admits.

"Nobody does. But the truth is that's why trainers get treated so well everywhere. It's why we get to wander from town to town and stay at Pokemon centers completely free of charge." He stares into the twilight, smiling softly. "But for me at least, the best part is the right here. Out in the wilds, surrounded by life... real life, not that cold urban sprawl... it's just perfect." Maybe this is it, he thought, maybe I just wanted somebody to share all this with.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As he watched the sun set over Rustboro City, Will pondered his own situation. Yesterday he was just another guy. He spent much of his week in a cubicle, mindlessly tapping away at a keyboard. He liked his coffee black, though he could never explain why. He had a cramped but well-kept apartment on the south side of town. And he was totally, undeniably, one hundred percent human.

Now? Now he was a pokemorph, a freak. A mane of thick quills was growing from his head and upper back. His face had taken on a distinctly rodent-like shape. His hands were each short a finger, and sported broad digging nails. Smaller claws adorned his thumbs, as well as his six remaining toes.

And, as is often the case for someone whose life has been altered so drastically, he found his thoughts constantly returning to the same two words. "Why me?"

"Who else?" the cool voice of Ayver inquired from behind him, as a featureless hand was placed on his shoulder. The malformed transient had been watching his guest mope all day, and it was wearing on his nerves. It was time to talk some sense into the boy. "Do you know someone more deserving?"

William turned to his host. "Deserving?" he asked incredulously, "You talk like it's some kind of blessing. I've just lost my humanity!"

"Have you now... So, what about me? Am I not human, either?"

"You're different,"

"That's right, I'm different." Ayver interrupted, "I'm not like you. I'm not like anything else in the world. But would you say I'm human?"

"Well yes, but,"

"But nothing. I've seen all sorts of people, William. Too many of them let themselves float free, going where others lead them. They live and die only to fulfill their 'obligations,' without any thought to exactly what obligates them." The man's tone was becoming harsh. From what he had gathered, Will was one of those people. He worked all day, slept all night, and constantly reassured himself that it was the 'right thing' no matter how wrong it felt. Now that life was gone. "You have a lot to learn about the world, and yourself."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"... The world is still reeling from the sudden onslaught of hyperactive Clefairys, which swarmed cities across the globe this morning, leaving havoc and destruction in their wake. In this area alone many people have been injured or left homeless by the effects of haywire metronome attacks, numerous items have been stolen, and more people are being reported missing by the hour. Police are still scrambling to coordinate the relief efforts, so I doubt we'll know the full extent of the impact for quite some time."

The anchor turned toward camera two, "Good news for egg lovers..."

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I know I must be boring you guys to death with this "plot" bullshit, but bear with me.

For the longest time, I couldn't seem to finish Simon and Reya's chat. The conversation stopped, of course, but I couldn't figure out how to taper off from the scene.

Also, I've been doing some thinking about breaking up the three main plot threads, as they each have such different needs. Simon and Reya's part is going to bear the bulk of the humor, as it's a fairly lighthearted and casual adventure, in spite of his grim tone in this chapter. On the other hand, Will's story is shaping up to be a more somber, introspective piece. And Erin... let's just say I made her an Absol for a very specific reason.
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