AGNPH Stories

pixie by borenas


getting vulpix

This is a request from a friend. It's a sequel of the story pixie, from DavidDuck. I couldn't reach him to ask if I could write this so jimmy takes full responsibility. If you want to scold someone about this, contact him: [email protected]. Now on to the story.

Pixie: getting vulpix.

Ash walked over to the stream to think, and to get rid of his boner, which still stood erect and lead the way for him. As he made his way through the woods he thought back about what has happened with him and his new pokemon lover, which belonged to Brock. ~" man I can't believe I had sex with a pokemon, it was wrong." 'Yea can be but she was damn tight and willing, you should take her again sometime.'~ Ash stood still and looked over the lake as he thought. It was true, he knew it was wrong, but damn she was a tight lil bitch, and he knew he would take her again if he could.

He shook his head to clear his mind from all the distracting, but oh so appealing thoughts as he made his way to the water. When he came to the shore, he undressed himself and slowly stepped into the cool water. Immediately he felt himself relax completely as the water made contact with his skin. When he got to his waist into the water, he dived in, letting all his worries wash off him.

He kept swimming for a good half hour till he decided it would be the best to get out and head back to camp, before the others would miss him and look for him. As he got out and got dressed again, he walked back the way he came from. He knew what he wanted, but how would he get Brock to give vulpix to him? As he walked back towards camp he started thinking about a lot of things he could do to get her. When camp was in sight, he was greeted by the smell of Brock's cooking skills and his stomach came to life that instant begging for some food.

"Hey ash, you're right on time, I just finished breakfast so take a seat, and eat up so we can continue the journey. We still have a long way to go before you can earn your next badge." Ash quickly sat down on the ground and ate his food, being someone like ash; it didn't take long for him to finish his meal and being ready to leave while the others just started eating. Ash just sat there on the ground looking around, till he saw the pokeballs of Brock, lying on the ground next to his backpack. "Uhm hey Brock? Why don't you let vulpix out of her pokeball? She is always inside of it, and only comes out for dinner." Brock looked ash over with a bit of a suspicious look on his face. ~why is he so concerned about vulpix today, he never looked at her and now he want to have her out of the pokeball.~ "uhm sure ash that is a good idea." He gets up and walks over to his pokeballs and lets vulpix out.

As soon as she is out and ash sees her standing there, his mind wanders back to the previous night. As he thinks about it he can feel his cock come back to life at it makes a slight bulge in his pants. The little red vixen notices this immediately and walks over to ash where she lies down in his lap, to hide it from the others, which ash is truly glad with. He pats vulpix lightly on her head to the amazement of Brock and misty, vulpix never liked having her touched by someone else but Brock. "Wow ash, since when did you and vulpix gel along like this? This caused ash to get some embarrassment as he had to think of something to distract him from this subject.

Luckily for him, he got a series of hiccups due to him eating so fast. This gave him a good excuse to walk to his tent to grab something to drink. As he sat there, and drank some so he could breath normal again, he thought of something to say to Brock, about him and vulpix being so close in such a short amount of time. As he got something to tell the others he wanted to get up but soon found his vulpix in his lap. As they looked to another, they saw the same lust and love in their eyes. She slowly stood up on her hind legs and placed her paws against his chest. She reached her face up towards him, and extended her tongue, to run it over his lips. It didn't take long for ash to reply as he opened his mouth to let her tongue roam around in his mouth. He gently placed a hand behind her head, and pressed her closer to him, so their lips met. Their tongues danced around in his mouth, performing a dance of love and lust.

They kept their lips locked for a while before they reluctantly broke it, and looked into another's eyes. He brought his lips to her ear and whispered softly in it. "I love you vulpix, but maybe it's the best for the both of us if we didn't do this anymore. You still belong to Brock." She quickly jerked her head away from him and looked at him with a pained expression on her face, slowly tear welled up her eyes as she bound of off his lap and runned towards the woods. Ash got up and ran after her screaming for her to come back. His other two travelling companions heard it too, and runned after him to ask what happened. "Ash what happened? " "Vulpix ran away, I said we shouldn't see each other again at night...." Brock stopped dead in his tracks and looked at him with disbelief. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?" ash stopped also and turned around to look at him. "Brock well talk about that later ok? We got to find vulpix first." Brock nodded and ran to the forest again, knowing ash had a lot of explaining to do.

The three called vulpix and searched for her, but no one could find her. Ash had given up all the hope already and Brock was furious. He walked over to ash, and grabbed him by his shirt and looked at him. "What did you do to my vulpix?" ash looked at him with a rather scared expression, and tried to explain, everything, about how he found her in his sleeping bag, whit his cock in her muzzle and how things went from there. "you see? That is why I asked you let vulpix out, because I wanted to see her." Brock nodded and let him go, and sighed. "You know ash; you're not the only one who loves pokemon in that way. I do to, but I can see why you wanted this to remain this a secret. If you want we can let her choose who she wants as trainer. You or me? What do you say?" ash nodded and turned around to look for her again. He walked around in the woods, getting deeper and deeper, until he heard a slight sobbing noise, and he headed in that direction to investigate.

As he came closer the sound grew stronger, indicating for him he was heading the right direction. He came to a small clearing where vulpix lied in the middle, almost crying her eyes out. He sneaked closer until he was behind her, he reached out for her and lifted her up in his arms, holding her close to his body. She was surprised to find him here, but struggled to get away. He had hurted her enough already. "I am sorry vulpix, I was scared that Brock would be mad at me and keep you away from me, but he understands this situation." That instant vulpix relaxed and looked up at him, her pretty face all matted with tears. Ash wiped the tears away, and dried her face as good as he could before he sat down on the ground, hugging her close to his body. "Brock said he would let you choose who you want to have as a trainer, him or me." This made the little vulpix really happy, as she responded with a fierce kiss, which got ash off guard, causing him to fall over onto his back, with a very happy vulpix on top of him.

The two of them immediately started their love dance anew, as her tongue danced around his own, coating each others tongues in saliva. This kiss was broken really quick though, as he broke it, to head back to the others, and to let her choose who she wanted as trainer, and lover. As the others came in sight he called for them, that he found her, and that she was ok. They all returned to camp, happy that she was safe, and slightly worried, because on one knew whom she was going to choose as her trainer. In camp the decision was quickly made, as Brock said farewell to his vulpix, to hand her over to a very happy ash. Brock sighed and looked up at the sky. "Well I guess we don't have to pack and leave, because it's getting dark already. Ill prepare dinner."

A while later, after dinner, ash decided it was time for him to go to bed. (yea right ) the others agreed, since it was a rough day, looking for vulpix. Once ash lay in his sleeping bag, he held it open for vulpix, whom crawled in next to him. Ash closed the bag and pulled her close against his form, pressing his lips against hers to pull her into a deep kiss. The kiss lasted long and took the breath of both away. Causing them to pant for a minute before they could do what they wanted the most. Ash lied on his back, and vulpix quickly crawled on top of him, and turned around, so he had access to her love hole with his tongue. He wasted no time, and licked her lips with just the tip of his tongue, teasing her. A small pix was heard as he made contact with her, she didn't want to wait for her lover so she pushed back until her lips pressed against his.

She moaned again, as his tongue pressed into her, lubing her up for the lovemaking, she craved. Ash happily licked inside of her, as her heavenly fluids filled his mouth, which he swallowed happily. Vulpix loved the way he licked her insides, and looked down his body, towards his cock, she crawled closer to it, and extended her tongue, to lap at the head. Ash happily bucked his hips, to feed her more of his maleness, while he plunged his tongue into her depths. She moaned happily around the cock, whish she happily took into her muzzle. They remained like this for a while, until the need of vulpix grew to a height ash's tongue couldn't handle anymore. She quickly got up and turned around, and positioned herself above his maleness.

Ash grabbed her hips, and slowly pushed into her, letting his maleness sink into her depths. They both let out a long moan as ash sank himself to the hilt inside of her, before he pulled out and pushed right back in. he began a steady rhythm of fucking her, his love. Slowly they picked up speed, and in no time he was jack hammering away inside of her, giving them pleasure, they couldn't imagine possible. It didn't take long for ash to shift the position, to another more familiar position for the both of them. Soon he was ramming into her doggy style, filling her cunt again and again with his meat, while she only could moan and push back against him.

He kept this pace up, calling her name over and over again, as he neared his peak. They both were already a sweating and panting mess as they neared their climax. Ash pulled almost all the way out, while vulpix leaned forward, before they slammed back against another. Both almost screamed as they entered nirvana, as pleasure rocked their body's, his cock shooting his seed deep into her cunt, while her cum spewed past his cock. Coating his balls, legs and sleeping bag. Ash slowly fell to the side, and hugged the pokemon against him. Pulling her tight, with his cock, lodged away inside of her.

She looked up at him, and smiled cutely at him, he little pink tongue slipped out of her muzzle, to lick the underside of his chin. Both of them slowly closed their eyes, with a content smile on their faces. The orgasmic screams of 4 other voices fell on def ears as they entered the land of dreams....

To be continued?

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