AGNPH Stories

Morgenstern by sabata


Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Absol lifted her head up, and found that she was lying on a bed, alone. She pushed open the door, and saw Bryce standing in front of the stove, flipping something yellow.
"You hungry?" he asked when he saw her walk in.
[Quite, other than when we stopped for lunch, I haven't had anything to eat,] she replied, sniffing the air. [What are you making?]
"Mushroom and ham omelet. You want one?"
She nodded, her stomach growled. She looked out the window and didn't see the sun outside.
[What time is it? How late did I sleep?] she asked, startled.
"It's only 6:00. I usually wake up about 4:00, thanks to college," he said, tossing an omelet on a plate and setting it in front of her.
[What do you mean?]
"Well, I spent all of college studying. I had early classes. I had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning to be on time. Threw off my sleep schedule. That and I really didn't have time for anything else," he said, sounding somewhat sad as he sat down at the table and began to eat.
[You mean that you didn't have time for dating or anything like that?] Absol asked, finishing her breakfast.
"I had time for that among other things, but not for love." Bryce finished up, and set both plates in the sink. He was washing them off when he felt Absol brush against his leg.
[But you love me, right?] she asked.
"Of course," Bryce said, just before he pulled the faucet head out and sprayed Absol with the cold water. She jumped back before the icy stream hit her. With a playful growl, she tackled him and knocked him to the ground. Like she had done before, she lay down on top of him.
"Damn you're heavy," Bryce gasped.
[I am not,] she said, licking his cheek. Bryce hugged her neck. Absol WAS getting quite heavy, and the tile floor of the kitchen was hurting his spine.
"Absol, could you please get off of me? My back's starting to hurt," he said, trying to shift his weight.
[Aw, but I was comfortable,] she pouted, climbing off. Bryce stood up and grabbed some paper towels. He mopped up the puddle of water, and tossed the wad of paper in the wastebasket. The events yesterday had caused him to forget the day. He looked at the calendar. It was Thursday, which meant he had nothing to do today.
"We'll lie together on the couch, it's more comfortable," Bryce said, laying down on the couch and switching on the TV.
[Don't you have errands to run?] Absol asked, leaping onto the couch with Bryce. There was a sudden clap of thunder. Bryce switched to the weather channel. Over the entire Hoenn region, heavy storms were forming, and more were on the way.
"Not anymore," Bryce said, "these are usually the days where I just lay here on the couch and watch television and movies. Though if you'll get off of me for a second, I can get a fire going." Absol was shivering, and Bryce did feel quite cold himself, even with the large furry body on top of him.
Absol jumped down from the couch, and Bryce walked over to the fireplace. He quickly built a fire, and plopped back on the couch.
[Have you ever had a girl over?] Absol asked when she found a comfortable spot on Bryce's chest.
The question caught Bryce off guard. "Well, yeah, but that was back when I had an apartment in Lilycove. I moved here 4 years ago when I was accepted into Mauville University. My girlfriend and I were going through some troubles, so we thought it was best that we separate, and so we did. She became a Gym Leader, and I went to school for law enforcement."
Absol laid her head on Bryce's neck, and watched as Bryce flipped through channels. Finally he found an interesting one: MythBusters, though it was at a commercial.
"This is a good show. These two guys work with a bunch of different people to see if myths are true or false. They did one where one person said they cleaned out a cement truck with dynamite. It didn't work when they tried it, so they shoved a whole bunch of TNT inside of it and blew the truck up."
[Sounds...interesting,] Absol said, skeptical about the show. By the show's end, Absol had learned to enjoy the two men, especially the one named Adam, who seemed delightfully immature.
Bryce checked the TV guide: MythBusters on for another two hours, then nothing interesting. Well, he'd find a movie or something when that time came.
After the two episodes of MythBusters, Absol was sleeping on top of him. Watching her sleep was making Bryce tired as well, so he shut the TV off and closed his eyes.

Absol's perfect life was disrupted when she slept. She dreamt about Bryce chasing after someone on his motorcycle, a huge crash, and then finally an explosion. She had images of his burning motorcycle and his broken body laying a few yards away. She cried out to him, but she received no response. She ran over to him, but when she was looking him over, the police arrived, and began shooting at her. Just as the first muzzle flash went off, she woke up, trembling.
Deeply scared, she woke Bryce up. When his eyes opened, she licked his face all over.
"What happened, Absol?" he asked, holding her.
[I dreamt that you crashed while chasing someone, and the police thought I killed you and shot me.]
"Don't worry, I'm a good rider. I haven't crashed since I bought my motorcycle," Bryce said, switching the channel. The 12:00 news was on.
"There was more news on the village town being engulfed in flames due to last night's severe thunderstorm. 20 people were killed and 50 were injured in the fire. The town was destroyed, and rescue crews are still searching for survivors," the newscaster said. Bryce heard Absol whimper.
[I could've prevented that,] she said sadly.
"Why couldn't you have told them?" Bryce asked.
[You're the only one that I can communicate with,] she replied. Bryce could see tears falling down her cheeks.
She laid her head on Bryce's neck again as she cried, Bryce stroking her side.
"It must have been awful, knowing that people will die, disaster will strike, and you can't do anything about it, because you can't let anyone else know."
Absol responded by burying her head further into Bryce's neck, and Bryce noticed that she was trembling. The dream and news report must have really freaked her out.
"I'll always be here for you, and you know it," he whispered as he held her tightly.
[Yes, I know. I just can't help feeling useless. I'm ditched because I'm a female, and I failed at protecting that town, even though I tried.]
"It wasn't your fault. But let's not worry about that right now, because the fire's out and I need to get it going; it's cold." Outside, the storm continued to rage.
[I can warm you up,] Absol said, her red eyes flashing. She lowered her head, and kissed him.
Bryce returned the kiss and his hand went between her legs. His hand stroked her velvety slit before he stuck one finger inside her hot hole, and began stroking. As Absol received this treatment, her probing tongue worked deeper into Bryce's mouth, licking his non-sharp teeth and occasionally meeting with his tongue.
She engaged him in a quick wrestle inside their mouths. Bryce wrapped his tongue around hers, but she slipped out of his grasp. He went for her again, but cut his tongue on one of her fangs. It hurt for only a second, and the match continued. It continued for a while, until Absol suddenly felt an intense heat build in her stomach, and she came all over the couch.
Bryce hadn't removed his jeans from the other night, and he felt a spreading warmth across the fabric as Absol came.
She broke the kiss. [I want to try something different. Get behind me,] she said.
Bryce knew exactly what she meant. But he did what she said, lowered his soaked jeans, and placed his cock at her entrance.
[Not yet. Aim a little higher,] she said.
"Are you sure?" he asked, a little startled. He wasn't sure her tailhole would be able to handle his size. Nevertheless, he slowly pushed in.
Absol growled quietly, and her claws dug into the cushions. Bryce continued pushing in, until he was fully inside of her. Bryce began thrusting into her ass while still fingering her twat.
Absol felt another orgasm coming, and so did Bryce. He began thrusting faster until he couldn't hold back any longer. Her juices drenched the couch and flooded over Bryce's hand like a river. Bryce exploded inside of her, filling her ass with his cum.
Bryce waited for Absol to catch her breath, and when she stood up again, Bryce plunged into her hot hole. He started thrusting, going slowly this time. Absol turned her head to face him, and kissed him as she felt him spreading her apart. As she always did, she whimpered as she felt her final orgasm approach. A loud clap of thunder drowned out Absol's cry of ecstasy as she came. As Bryce felt her shudder as she hit, Bryce reached the limit. He went in as far as he could, and let himself go inside of her.
Absol fell forward onto the couch and Bryce on top of her.
[Warm yet?] she asked. Her scythe had started to lose its sharp edge, and she nuzzled him.
"Yes. But that won't last for very long if I don't get that fire going," he said.
[Even with my fur, lying on top of you doesn't keep you warm?] she asked, sounding hurt.
Bryce realized his mistake and quickly worked to fix it. "It does, of course, but after a while, having a 103 pound body on top of me starts to make breathing difficult, you know."
[Very well,] she said, jumping down and picking up a blanket with her teeth, [we'll be warm under this.]
Bryce took the blanket, but stopped. "I have a better idea. I usually use this if I have someone over, like my family, but I think we can use it."
Bryce removed the soaked cushions from the couch (he'd have to clean them, Absol's juices had already dried in some spots and the cushions were sticky). He tossed them on the floor, and pulled out the Fold-Away bed.
[What magick is that?] Absol asked.
Bryce laughed. "This isn't magick, it's a bed. It folds up inside the couch for easy storage. We'll be warmer here and there's more room than on the couch." He laid down on the bed, and motioned for Absol to jump in as well.
She leapt onto the bed, and laid down on her side next to Bryce. Bryce turned on the TV with the remote, when Absol spotted the vertical silver box in the cabinet next to it.
[What is that?] she asked.
"That's a Trojan condom. It'sâ�""
[Not the television, that silver box next to it.]
"Oh, that's my Xbox 360. It's a machine that lets you play a thing called a 'videogame'."
[I remember that! My trainer had one of those, except it was much smaller and purple with four black dots on the front. But the first dot always had something connected to it,] she said, jumping down.
Bryce climbed out as well, and kneeled next to the 360.
[I want to see you play it,] she said, [what game is in it?]
"Um...Call of Duty 2, but I don't think you'd like to see that after what had happened earlier. I've also got Halo and Halo 2. I only have those three. I have a GameCube somewhere, but I can't remember where I put it. I'll go find it. It's that purple box that your trainer had. There should be a box with a picture of it somewhere."
Bryce left the room. Absol decided to help, so she went through the hallway opposite of where the bedroom was, and found a door with a golden cross painted upon it.
[Maybe it's in here,] Absol thought to herself. With great effort, she balanced on her hind legs and managed to turn the knob on the door. She nudged it open, and flicked the light switch with her tail.
It was a memorial to an Umbreon.
There was a large picture of an Umbreon on the wall, and hanging above it was a wooden crucifix. Below the portrait was a plaque engraved with a message:
October 8th, 2000-November 14th, 2020
A beloved partner, may your disappearance have not been in hate or in anger."
November 14th, 2020? She had just disappeared last year.
"Absol? I said I found..." Bryce trailed off as he saw Absol staring at the picture. "How'd you get in here?" he asked softly.
[I thought what you were looking for was in here,] she said.
"How did you get in here?"
[I opened the door.]
"How?" He was becoming angry.
Bryce's sudden change of tone was scaring her.
"I see. Out," he said sternly, pointing out the door.
[But I--]
"OUT!" he shouted.
Absol had never seen Bryce angry, and it scared her badly. She dashed out of the room, and heard the sound of a door shutting. She expected him to follow her, but instead a door slammed and locked. She looked behind her, but Bryce must have gone inside that room. Absol assumed she would have to sleep beside the bed tonight.
Bryce shut the door behind Absol as she left. He kneeled before the picture, and closed his eyes.
He silently prayed for Umbreon to be returned safely, although after a year, he'd pretty much given up all hope. But he didn't deny the Lord, or His ability to create miracles. Though, unbeknownst to him, a miracle was about to happen.
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