AGNPH Stories

Love beyond species by XD385


Love beyond species

Somewhere in the Hoenn region, a young Zangoose had just come of age. Her name is Zandria, and her appearance is not what you would expect. Her tribe is an offshoot of most Zangoose. Her appearance is slightly humanoid. Her breasts would get many male humans quite aroused. Anyway, now that she had come of age, she had gone out on a Seviper hunt to prove herself.

(There. I've found my prey.) Beyond the bushes was a Seviper, sunbathing. (I'll show everyone what I can do by bringing back that beast's hide!) Zandria leapt from the bushes and tried to slash the Seviper's throat with her Crush Claw, but this Seviper was a veteran and slashed her with a Poison Tail! The poison has no effect on Zangoose, but the attack still hurt. After Zandria climbed to her feet, she tried a head-on assault, but soon found that she was not strong enough to match this Seviper. She tried to get away, but was too exhausted to run. As the Seviper closed in for the kill, Zandria braced herself for the pain.

Suddenly, the Seviper was blasted by a Thunder attack from above! It must have been potent, since the Seviper passed out after that. Zandria looked around and saw a Pikachu with a human boy who must have been his trainer. (A human?! I have to get away!) However, she was in no shape to move much. As he walked over to her, Zandria braced herself for the inevitable capture.

"That Seviper really got to you, huh? Hold on, I should have something for those wounds." Wounds? Was he going to help her? She watched the boy as he removed his backpack and started searching through it. "I know Brock gave me it. Here we go!" He pulled out a first aid kit and pulled out some antibiotic cream and bandages. "Don't worry. This shouldn't hurt." Zandria felt she could trust someone with eyes as gentle as his. He got to work on patching her up where the Poison Tail attacks had cut her. The whole time, he tried not to stare at her three sets of breasts. "You really are a strange kind of Zangoose. You almost look like you're part human." Once he finished bandaging the wounds, he said his goodbyes and began to walk away with his Pikachu. Zandria got an odd feeling as she watched him walk away from her.

"Wait!" The boy stopped and turned around, "What? Who's there?" Zandria then said, "I did! I just wanted to say "Thank You"." The boy stared at the talking Zangoose, "Um, sure! No problem! Well, see ya." As Zandria watched him walk away, she thought about what her tribe would do when she returned empty-handed. She could get exiled. She had never been that close with anyone in the tribe, but she didn't want to be alone. She then made up her mind. She dashed after the boy on all fours.

"Who's there?!" The boy spun around to face whoever was running up behind him. Zandria came to a screeching halt at his feet. "Uh, did you forget something?" She stood up on her hind legs. The boy was surprised to see that she was only a few inches shorter than he was. Zandria blushed, "I, er, just wanted to ask if I could, *gulp*, come with you?" The boy asked, "Why? Don't you have a home?" "Yes, but since I failed to slay a Seviper, I could very easily be exiled. So, could I stay with you?" He thought about it for a moment, "Well, sure. Do you have a name?" She grinned, "It's Zandria." The boy replied, "I'm Ash." He was caught off guard when she hugged him suddenly. "You seem like a sweet guy. Do you have a mate?" Ash blushed a little, "Uh, no. Not yet." He was confused at this Zangoose's behavior. The last one he saw was quite fierce and serious.

That night, Ash cooked some dinner that he had learned from Brock. Zandria was quite taken with human cooking. When it was bedtime, Zandria was intrigued when she saw Ash climb into a sleeping bag. Curious, she asked, "Do you sleep in that?" Ash answered, "Yep. It's called a sleeping bag." Zandria then asked, "May I sleep in it too?" Ash gave her a funny look, "You really want to?" She nodded. "Well, all right, but it's gonna be a tight fit." As Zandria slid in next to him, Ash tried to ignore the feeling of her breasts sliding against him. Once she was in, Zandria felt very cozy. "Hee hee! It is a tight fit! Still, it feels comfortable." Ash managed to get his shirt off, "Yeah, but it's too hot for me." Zandria couldn't see below his shoulders, but she was too sleepy anyway. "Good night, Ash." Zandria fell asleep with her arms around him. Ash whispered, "Good night, Zandria." Ash had no problem falling asleep himself. He thought this would be a good friendship, but had no idea what was in store for him later. Before long, he would have done the unthinkable. But he was too tired to even wonder about it.

The next morning, Ash woke up first. He tried to get out of the sleeping bag without waking Zandria. A moment after he pulled himself out, Zandria woke up. Ash was putting his hirt back on, but not before Zandria saw his bare upper body. All the walking he had done had really toned his body more than anyone could have expected. Zandria felt the same feeling again, except it was stronger this time. She wondered, (Am I in love? Can I really be in love with a human? What if he loves me too?) Ash then noticed that she was awake. "Good morning! Did I wake you up?" Zandria shook her head, "No, I just woke up on my own." Ash then said, "I hope you like pancakes for breakfast." Zandria had no idea what a pancake is, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy it. Although, Ash did have to show her how to use a knife and fork. Getting syrup in her fur made Zandria very annoyed.

Days and nights passed in similar fashion, until one day. Zandria thought she had sensed a Seviper and ran off on her own. It was a low leveled Seviper and Zandria was able to triumph easily. After catching her breath, she then remembered Ash. As she was making her way back to where she had run from, she thought she heard the sound of combat. When she reached the clearing, she gasped in horror at what she saw. There was Pikachu, unconscious. Ash was trying to fight off a Sandslash on his own! The Sandslash must have knocked Pikachu out and then went after Ash! As Zandria rushed through the foliage to help him, the Sandslash got in one more attack, and it was a deadly one.

Zandria burst onto the battlefield as the Sandslash performed a Slash attack. She watched in horror as the Sandslash's claws thrust right through Ash's chest! Ash didn't feel much pain. He passed out almost instantly. Zandria could feel tears building in her eyes as she began to slash away at the brutal Ground type with her Crush Claw attack. After a moment, the Sandslash retreated.

Zandria walked over to Ash and dropped to her knees. She then gently lifted his head, "Ash, please wake up. I know you can hear me. Please...." He didn't respond at all. She became hysterical, screaming his name over and over while shaking his body. She couldn't believe it. He was dying and it was all her fault! She began sobbing against his blood-soaked jacket. "I'm so sorry. It's my entire fault. I could have stopped him, but I followed my instincts and left you. I loved you and I let you down. Don't die. Please, don't die! I love you, Ash! You mean everything to me!" Her words fell on deaf ears.

"I won't let you die, Ash. I'll get you some help." She managed to get Pikachu into his Poke Ball, even though he wouldn't like it, and put it into Ash's backpack. She then pulled Ash onto her back while gripping the backpack in her teeth. After about an hour of walking, they finally came to a Pokemon Center. It wasn't a hospital for humans, but Ash could die any minute now!

Zandria walked through the sliding door, "Someone, please! My friend needs help!" In moments, Ash was rushed into the emergency room, while a sorrow filled Zandria waited in the lobby. She couldn't stop crying. She had fallen in love and the boy she loved was dying because she wasn't there to help him when he needed her. After several hours, Nurse Joy walked out of the emergency room and over to Zandria. She feared the worst, "Is he going to be all right?" The nurse replied, "Yes. His condition has stabilized. However, he has lost a lot of blood and will need to stay at least two days for him to regain his strength. If you want, you can stay here." Zandria was grateful, but was fearful of what Ash would say to her. Would he be enraged that she had been so selfish? Would he leave her behind? The very thought of never seeing him again was almost too much. Zandria fell asleep in a guest room. She hoped Ash would feel better enough by morning for her to visit him.

Zandria was too afraid to see Ash until he had fully recovered. When he walked out into the lobby, Zandria wrapped her arms around his neck and began to cry. "Why are you crying? I'm OK now." Zandria answered, "I thought I was going to lose you! It's because of me that you nearly died!" Ash tried to calm her down, "Hey. I forgive you. We all make mistakes, right?" Zandria couldn't believe how forgiving he was! "Ash...... You are an ANGEL!" Ash blushed at that compliment. Once Zandria had calmed down, they left for Slateport City. It was here that Ash would board a ferry to return home to Pallet Town in the Kanto region.

That night, Zandria decided to confess her feelings to Ash. Once they returned to their cabin after dinner, Ash took a shower and got ready for bed. When he got out of the bathroom, he saw that Zandria was sitting on the bed with only one lamp on. He could tell that she was up to something.

"I can tell you want to tell me something. What is it?" Zandria braced herself for any yelling that Ash might send at her, "I have a confession to make. I didn't know until that day where you nearly died. I want you to know that I love you." Ash couldn't believe what he heard. What Zandria said next shocked him even more! With tears in her eyes, she asked, "Ash, I can't take it anymore! Please, make love with me!" She then pulled him down to the bed and threw his towel across the room, leaving Ash nude.

Ash shoved her off of him, "Why?! Why do you want me to do that?!" She sobbed, "I love you so much. I want to bear your offspring, but more importantly, I just want you to love me back." Ash went silent. Zandria was nervous and crawled over to him. Ash looked up at her and pulled her close. She felt a tear drip onto her face. "I love you too." They gazed into each other's eyes and closed in for a kiss. As they had their first kiss, Zandria felt so happy that she had left her tribe. She would never have gotten this from a mate if she stayed and mated a male of the tribe. She slipped her tongue into Ash's mouth, letting them merge for a moment.

When they broke the kiss, Zandria wondered why her front fur was moist. She gasped as she saw that her THREE sets of breasts were lactating! Ash asked, "Do you have six breasts?" "Yes. Would you like to taste it?" Ash began to suck on her left upper breast, causing Zandria to let out a moan as her lover drained her of some of her milk. After about a minute, Ash let go. He had become very aroused and positioned himself on his back. Zandria climbed over him and positioned herself so that she was on top of him. "Are you ready, love?" Ash answered, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Zandria came down on his member with a surprising amount of force. She let out a gasp of pain as her hymen was broken. Right after that, she began moving herself up and down on his pleasure pole, trying to make him impregnate her. The pleasure for both of them was enormous. Just before Zandria had her first orgasm, her vaginal walls clamped down on Ash's member. They let out a scream of sheer pleasure as they finally got what they wanted, each other. Zandria's juices drenched Ash's lower body as well as part of the bed while Ash shot his sperm into her womb. They had one last kiss before Zandria lifted herself off of Ash. She collapsed at his side. Ash pulled the covers over both of them.

Zandria asked, "Ash, did you really mean it when you said that you love me?" Ash embraced her, "I meant every word. I also hope that we were successful in making a baby. Good night, Zandria." Zandria embraced him, "Good night, my love." The two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms. Ash began to dream about the future and his family. Still, he was going to have to find a way to tell his Mom that she would be a Grandmother before he turned 13.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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