AGNPH Stories

The Valley by exclamation_man



The Valley
Chapter 1: Newcomer

Now, before we start, I don't own pokemon, and even though this ain't nc-17, it's still R for a reason. Kids, you're here at your own risk; don't blame me when you're in therapy for ten years. Let's get to the story, shall we?

It was night. He had enough time to affirm this before the pain hit. He tried to groan but coughed instead. It felt like his skull had been cracked! But he was strong, and he figured it was gonna take more than a few dozen broken bones to bring him down. It was at this time that he made another discovery. Despite his determination to move, he couldn't. There was something on top of him. And it was still breathing.
Now his brain was starting to work again. Why it was night when he last remembered day, why he had no idea where he was, and why there was another pokemon lying on top of him. It was all that damn volcano's fault. He sighed and bent his face next to the sleeper's ear.
"You all right?" he whispered. A soft moan was all he got in return. It sounded feminine. Well, at least that's a plus, he thought. But now was not the time.
"...I..." she managed to get out. His eyes were getting used to the darkness now. It was a Sandshrew. She leaned up, coughed, and spat out some blood. She looked slightly hurt, slightly revolted, but above all confused. She looked at him now.
"I'm okay. Well, I'll be okay...uhm, who are you?" she asked.
"My name is Blaze. And yourself?"
"I'm Layla. Pleased to meet you." Blaze smiled into the darkness.
"The pleasure is all mine. So. Mind running the story of how you ended here by me?" he inquired calmly. There was a slight pause, then,
"Oh! The volcano! Oh, I hope everyone got out of there okay. I kinda got separated from my parents during all the commotion, we were all trying to figure out what was going on, and then, uhm, well, I don't remember everything..."
"Take your time," Blaze replied. She's young, he thought. Far too young to be lost in the middle of the night, lying on top of some stranger. But Blaze knew he didn't mind that last bit. A pity she's young though...volcano eruptions. One hell of a way to meet somebody.
"So how did you wind up here?" Layla asked. Blaze didn't answer right away, and chose his words carefully.
"I've been traveling in this area for the last couple of days," he began casually. "I only heard about the volcano just before it erupted, 'bout an hour before, anyways. I went to check it out, and there was so much commotion...Well, I wanted to help as much as I could. Looks like I might've saved you, for that matter." Layla now noticed the position they were in.
"Oh," she started, sounded a bit embarrassed. "Thank you..."
"Anytime." Blaze figured they weren't going anywhere for the night. Despite having just woke up, he was very sore and tired, and the grass here was comfortable anyway. "So how old are you, Layla?"
"19 months"
"19 months is a good age," Blaze said, almost sounding nostalgic.
"And yourself?" Layla said, using his words. He blew out some air, making a sound of indifference.
"I don't know."
"What, you don't know your birthday?"
Another smile wasted by darkness. "I do. Don't know what today is. But I'd wager at just about 3 years."
"And you just happened to be 'traveling in this area'? Right. You sound like a human."
"You're a very talkative Sandshrew, and very curious," Blaze stated. He put no tone in his voice, but it was clear that his retort was a strong counter. Silence. Then,
"I'm sorry..." Layla murmured, clearly meaning it. But Blaze laughed at her ever so innocent reply.
"You're very clever, too, especially for 19 months. You're right, I'm not traveling. I'm..." but then he stopped, for he didn't wish to give away too much. What the hell. She's only making conversation, and she's no enemy.
"I'm looking for someone." He settled on.
"You think you know him?" Blaze sounded doubtful.
"A Golduck. Goes by the name of Slyver."
"Hey, you're just trying to help. Maybe I'll catch up with him tomorrow. That is, if I can find him. You mighta guessed I ain't from around here. I don't know where the hell the river is, much less where he is." Blaze stopped, considering he had swore for the first time in front of her. "Sorry." Layla giggled a bit.
"No damage. There are always lots of pokemon coming through these parts, but you're the first Typhlosion I've ever seen."
"Then this would also be your first time spending the night on top of one?" Blaze grinned. Now she was back to being embarrassed.
"uhm...yeah," she managed. The Typhlosion laughed.
"Hey, I saved you, 'member? Besides, it's cold tonight. Now I recommend you go to sleep," he said wisely. Layla nodded and nuzzled her nose to his neck affectionately, for he was very warm the air was indeed cold. She was asleep soon, but Blaze found that new thoughts kept brewing within his mind. The fire pokemon spent a long time staring at the inside of his eyelids until peace finally found him.

� * * * *

Layla awoke to find the sun already in the sky. Sandshrew normally woke earlier, but there had been a volcano eruption yesterday, after all. She was now starting to take in the events of the past day. It had been 14 years since the last eruption, so hardly and pokemon in the valley remembered what it was like. The valley was going to be a lot different now. Homes had been destroyed, food sources had been lost, and pokemon may have died. Layla realized two things at once: her life was going to be very, very different; and she was lying on not but scorched grass. Blaze was gone.
There was a burning being at a stream not far from where it had left Layla to sleep in for them morning. Blaze had no intention of leaving the young girl; he was simply quenching his thirst. But he figured she might be worried when she woke up, so he started back, his mind filled with many thoughts. His primary concern was now getting the child back to her parents, for that was still her home. However, he had far from forgotten the reason he came to this valley, the purpose that the volcano interrupted. Damn volcano...
Blaze was a pokemon that tried to be careful but was reckless by nature. As much as he would like to be considered a good guy, he knew he wasn't. He instead liked to describe himself as a bad guy doing good things. But to others he remained a mystery, an enigmatic shadow that was always suspicious but never caught guilty. In fact, Blaze couldn't remember the last time he had to give his name, for the proceedings he went through were normally anonymous. That, or others were too intimidated to venture to ask. On the other hand, right now he was not suspicious or intimidating. Perhaps still a mystery, but he was at this point in time a friend to Layla and a savior to her parents. The parents still needed to be found. As for Layla, she made herself quite evident.
"BLAZE!" The fire pokemon snapped up from his thoughts to find his feet had found the place at which he had spent the night. And there she was.
"Morning, kid," he replied, a bit gruffly but cheerily nonetheless.
"For a second I though that you had left without me." She sounded worried.
"What, and leave you? What do you take me for? C'mon, let's go find your parents."
"What about breakfast?"

� * * *

It took longer than he would have preferred, but Blaze finally had led his newly found friend back home. How the hell did we get that far away? Blaze wondered. He didn't remember running that far, or even getting blasted through the air that far. But then again, he didn't remember anything, did he? Only that the volcano had interrupted some important dealings of his. Dealings or no dealings, he had gotten Layla home, but right before she spotted her parents within the large mass of pokemon in the clearing, he saw her. No. I didn't. He couldn't have. Her face was one in a sea of other faces, but it shone out to Blaze. But it's not her. No way in hell-
"MOM! DAD!" Layla screamed delightedly. Blaze jerked his head to see two Sandslash approaching them through the crowd. He quickly turned back to try to find her face, but she was gone. Shit.
"Layla! Oh, my baby, I thought we had lost you!" the older female embraced her child. "We've been searching and searching, oh, but I knew we would find you, I knew it!" Layla and her mother were chatting happily now, happy just to see each other again, and the other slash spoke to Blaze.
"I suppose we have you to thank for our daughter's safe return?" he asked.
"Just doing what I can," Blaze answered. The Sandslash grinned.
"My name is Towlin. And this is my mate Andera."
"How can we thank you?" Andera spoke to him now, truly grateful.
"That's not...well...I guess you could help me. I'm...I'm looking for someone on the river, but I don't quite know my way around the valley. If you could-"
"Of course, of course! It would be no trouble at all-" Towlin began, but a loud roar cut him off. The heads of all the pokemon soon turned to a large boulder one on side of the clearing. On the boulder was a Charizard who seemed to be of importance. Blaze felt relieved to see another fire pokemon, but when he realized this, he found he didn't know why.
"Citizens! Pokemon of the valley! My friends, this forest we live in is in danger!" the Charizard began. His voice was strong and his tone demanded attention. "The recent eruption of the volcano has shaken the foundation of our lives. Indeed, some brave pokemon have lost their lives in order to save others. As we speak, fire still rages in some parts of this forest. That is why we must band together now, and be stronger than this community has ever been! We have lived in harmony with one another for a very long time, but we must help each other! We must keep balance in the valley! With this balance, we shall live on! Now, I need all the brave pokemon that are willing to help to come over here, please." His voiced died down as the air was filled with cheers for his speech. Blaze smiled at the words of the Charizard. Now there is a poke that could lead troops into battle. He turned to see Layla right behind him.
"Blaze! We can help! There must be dozens of pokemon in need! We can help them!" she said urgently. Blaze was caught a bit off -guard; he wasn't planning no sticking around. But her enthusiasm and spirit were things he couldn't deny. What kind of hero would I be then? he asked himself, and then smiled. Hero. Hell, maybe I'm atoning for my many sins.
"Let's move kid."
"Stop calling me that!" she said with a frown. He laughed.
"Sure. Soon as you're two." They made their way to where the Charizard had made his speech, where they were shunted aside to a small group as the water pokemon gathered together. Blaze glanced around. In his group were an Ursaring, a Sandslash (not Towlin or Andera, for they were too old), a Magmar and two Charmeleons, as well as himself and Layla. So there are fire pokemon in this valley, Blaze thought. But his thoughts were cut short by the voice of a Scizor.
"All right. You guys are gonna be going into the volcano itself. There were still people up near it when it went off, and that includes our guys that were trying to save their sorry hides. We need some tough pokemon up there, fire resistant if possible. So you all are the first to go up there. If we can spare more people, then we'll get 'em to help you, but for now, we're counting on you." The Scizor had come to Layla. She was the shortest in the group, and by chance the only female.
"You cut out for this job, kid?" he fired at her. She shot him back a foul look that proved she was determined and that words weren't gonna stop her. Blaze smiled at her. Compassionate kid. His eyes narrowed when he looked back up at the Scizor, however. You better watch yourself, buddy. Better stop talking shit; lest you forget, I got double type on you. His eyes grew thinner. And only I call her kid.
"All right then. Here's the chance to prove yourself. Good luck, all you." He buzzed off back towards the Charizard.
"All right," said the Ursaring. "Let's do this!"

� * * * *

They had found nothing. Blaze found this as either a good sign or a horrible sign. But he figured that most of everyone had gotten out. The team had been climbing all over the mountain, and was currently separated into two groups, Blaze being with the Sandslash and Ursaring. He was now wondering if he would ever get to the business he came to the valley in the first place for. But the task at hand was much more...valiant, so he settled his thoughts at the task at hand. But what the hell was that over-
"There." The Sandslash pointed. There was a hole in the wall of the volcano. It didn't look natural at all, more like it had been punched through. Maybe recently. Blaze and the slash slid down through the hole, leaving the Ursaring, for he was too large to fit into the rocky gap. Inside was like a cave. The only light came from outside the hole, apart from the glow of the magma far below. This seemed to Blaze like a small chamber of the volcano. The hole had led him and the slash to what was like a cliff overlooking the lava. Blaze started to get vertigo so he looked off to where the 'path' led them. It looked like-
"The magma's much close to the path over there," Blaze said, pointing to another chamber.
"Now, is it magma, or lava when we're inside the volcano?" the Sandslash asked quizzically. Blaze smiled.
"Shut up," he said conversationally.
There was a passageway (also appearing to have been hastily made) through the wall that led them to a new room. And it looked like there was someone inside! Blaze sped to the dark figure and opened his mouth to speak, but stopped very suddenly.
"Is he alright? What...oh fuck," the slash breathed next to him. "Oh fuck..."
Blaze cast his eyes over the figure. It was a Rhydon, and it was not breathing. It's face was locked is a state of pain. There were many burns on it, despite its tough skin, and there was a terrible gash running fro it's eye to his neck, but this was not the worst. The Rhydon ceased to exist below the waste. It's entire left leg had been incinerated, and it's right was gone below the knee. Blaze never had much understanding for the phrase Goddamn, but he felt inclined to use it now. He held his tongue, however, and began to analyze the situation. After a moment he spoke to the Sandslash, who was breathing hard and using the wall to support his body.
"He made the holes. He must have been trying to save someone. That hole back there wasn't big enough for him. So somebody got out. Least, I hope they did. Then maybe he came back for another one...but that means someone else died. Poor bastard," Blaze breathed out. "He must've known he was going to die. And yet he died while saving another, maybe more than one."
" think he came back for another?" the slash asked, still not sounding well. Blaze nodded. He knew that the Sandslash's reaction was not on account of a lack of bravery. Blaze found it quite disturbing himself. But he had never looked away in his past. He wasn't sure why, but he was always one to rough it. To accept the truth. Truth was ugly as hell today.
"I think he punched that hole back there and shoved someone through. What they were doing inside this damn volcano, I can't guess. Maybe some uninformed Magmars. But it looks like if he did come back for someone, we ain't gonna bury their body."
"Oh! We gotta bury this guy!" for they had decided on the corpse's masculinity. Blaze shook his head.
"How do you conjure we're gonna get this guy through that hole back there? And down the mountain?"
"We can't just leave him," the Sandslash said, gazing at the body again. He felt another wave of nausea, but ignored it this time.
"We'll get some Charizards back up here for him. For now, we should get going. There aren't going to be any others in here."

� * * * *

Blaze was still awake long after the other pokemon had gone to sleep. There were a few others sitting around their scattered fires, but Blaze sat on a log alone. It was very rare he got cold. His mind raced with the events of the past few days, though he really wished he could just sleep. Tomorrow was the day, he had decided. He was going to find Slyver. For he knew that if he didn't, everything was gonna go to hell. And besides, he was starting to like this valley.
"So why are you still awake, my friend?" Blaze turned. It was the Magmar that had climbed up the volcano with him. This was actually the first time he heard him say anything. Questions were a game to Blaze. And he always won.
"I'm pondering tomorrow, and how it will affect what I've discovered today" he answered.
"Is that the truth?"
"You'd best believe it." The Magmar paused, and Blaze knew he had quite an opponent this time. Layla was full of questions, but she was rather young. This Magmar seemed to be relatively wiser than the average poke.
"So tell me, how can your future affect your past?" Blaze smiled. His thoughts were confirmed.
"The events of tomorrow can have a very direct effect on some of those whom I met today."
"Yesterday, technically."
"Yesterday, then. Now, I do not know what will happen, but I have my thoughts. And these thoughts are colliding with the thoughts I formed over the course of yesterday. I have a hell of a time trying to sleep without any thoughts buzzing in my brain. So that's why I sit on this log before you. I can say I've answered very honestly, too." Blaze concluded.
"Oh, I believe you," the Magmar replied. "Tell me, what's your name?"
"Blaze." No need to lie.
"Hmm...did you ever belong to a trainer, Blaze?" Blaze showed an expression of shock that he hoped he switched quickly enough to surprise.
"What, are you a fucking psychic type now?"
"Well, that confirms it. Profanity is a human thing. And I know because you said you were honest, and a fire type named Blaze sounds like the work of a human." The Magmar finished.
"You know, I can tell you're a smart guy, but you stay the fuck outta my past. I got nothing wrong with a friendly conversation, but you're talking like you oughta be the elder of something. And I am sorry for the profanity, I'm working on it, it's my New Year's resolution." Blaze shut his eyes and let out a breath. The Magmar smiled.
"It's August."
"Fuck you. I said I'm working on it."
"My name is Ryledar."
"Pleased to meet you," said Blaze, taking a leaf out of Layla's book.
"I heard you're looking for someone."
"I'm not even gonna ask how the hell you know that."
"If you want my assistance I'll give it to you." Blaze looked up, but kept a perfect poker face.
"Because you have a purpose, and you are determined, and you are willing to make sacrifices to help others. I was with you on that volcano, don't forget. Besides," Ryledar stood up. "What else am I to do in the valley, if not help the good of heart?"
"Find a mate?"
"Ha! Bastard. Now, you need rest." The fiery being turned his back and started to walk away. Blaze still sat on his log, surprised by the poke's reply.
"Thanks. I already knew that."

* * * *
Light. He sat straight up after waking, something not normal for him, to see what was going on around him. There was a whole community of pokemon in the clearing. Pokemon that managed to go back to carrying out their normal lives, as normal as they could. Blaze had slept in an abandoned shelter next to the clearing. He started to walk now, joining the bustle of the morning. He knew that many pokemon lived in the valley and the river in it, but he figured this was the epicenter. Blaze considered looking around and maybe bartering for supplies he might need, but soon realized he didn't know what he might need, he didn't want to draw any attention, and he had absolutely nothing to barter with.
The Typhlosion was all ready very soon. He knew where he was going, thanks to Towlin, and he figured he could find Slyver before nightfall. He was making his way out of the bustling meadow when it happened again. He saw her. I didn't. But he did, and he knew it. He wasn't crazy. He wasn't delusional. But there she was, all the same. But she's not. She couldn't be. She's dead. I know she's dead. So why do I keep seeing her? Blaze couldn't take this, so he took a risk. He had told himself time and time again that he didn't want to draw any attention to himself, but now he felt he had to. He yelled out.
And for the second time that morning, something unbelievable happened. She turned. She had actually responded. And the Vulpix, the one Vulpix Blaze knew was dead, began to walk over to him. When she reached him, they shared a moment of disbelief, neither one of them letting any emotion go to their faces. Their eyes bored into each other. Both could tell the other was surprised, but Blaze could see the Vulpix's eyes held anger. The Vul's mouth was almost smoking, and the Typhlosion's back raged with the flames that had been with his all his life. Then, quite suddenly, the Vulpix took a step back, and addressed the pokemon in front of her.
"What did you just say?"

End of Newcomer

Whew! It's 2:34! I've been writing since Blaze found Layla's parents! This was all done in three sittings, believe it or not. Now I gotta spell-check this thing and put it up for you guys to read!
Whether you loved it or hated it, PLEASE tell me why. Your feedback really matters to me. Want more or less of something? Tell me. But if it ain't positive and it ain't constructive, I don't wanna hear it. It was my first, anyway. Thanks for reading!
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