AGNPH Stories

The Valley by exclamation_man



The Valley
Chapter 2: Wanderer

Don't own any characters. Just write about 'em. Don't want kids ignoring the R rating. That means you, kid. Enough chitchat. On with the story. This will start right where we left off. Well, actually, about an hour before.

Sunlight was piercing the clouds when she awoke. She rolled over, her mind craving just a few more minutes, but the bustle of all the other pokemon was enough to make her pull her tired body out of bed. Well, if you could call a hastily set up tent a bed. There were tents all of this part of the forest, as many pokemon was still in the area, helping victims of the volcano and rebuilding structures. She started off towards the woods, where she could find something to eat. On the way, however, she encountered a familiar face.
"Valerie!" The Vulpix turned her head. She saw a Sandslash making her way out of her den about five meters away. Valerie smiled and ran over to the older pokemon.
"Good morning, Andera," she said brightly. The two knew each other well, considering Andera was the mother of Valerie's best friend.
"So, what are you up to this fine morning?" Andera asked with a polite smile. She was always very polite, but around Valerie, it was natural. The Vulpix was young and compassionate, as well as very sharp. Unbeknownst to the maternal Sandslash, however, the young Vul had quite a temper.
"Oh, you know, what I always do. Right now I was gonna go get some food, but maybe I'll stop by later. Would that be okay?"
"Of course! Hmmm...I'm beginning to think my daughter only gets along with fire pokemon..."
"Oh, nothing," Andera said, smiling. "You run along now, and maybe I'll see you later, right?"
"Right. I'll see you," Valerie strolled off, smiling herself. Just then, Andera heard a voice behind her.
"Mom! Do you know where Blaze is? It's like he left..."

34 minutes and 27 seconds later Valerie was making her way back to the meadow. Hordes of pokes were in the meadow, same as yesterday. She sighed. It really was a beautiful place, but not when so many residents were packed in it. Her mind was filled with frivolous thoughts that were swimming away happily. Valerie did want to do something with her life, but she did enjoy the way she was living it so far. Besides, she didn't know what she was supposed to do. Supposed to do? Does Fate have something planned? she asked herself. Does it even exist? You're talking to yourself again, her thoughts told her snidely.
"Oh shut up," she whispered under her breath. If she had some hidden purpose, if she was to play out the intentions of some divine force, then there would have to be some incredible sign, one that meant a great deal to her and no one else. If irony were injurious, she would have died just then.
She froze, her first thought being how. How? Then there was shock, shock that spread through her body like some icy liquid, holding her still. It was after a pause that was much shorter than it seemed that Valerie turned. There he was. She had never seen this Typhlosion before in her life, but already she considered him different from every other pokemon in that meadow. There he was. But even though she knew who it was that had called out her sister's name, she did not know anything more about this "who" other than he was a Typhlosion.
She now started seeing him. Before she had only been looking at him. But as she began walking towards him, every step more cautious than the last, she started to see him for the first time. The first thing her brain registered was that the flames on his back were raging. This thought was quickly pushed out of her mind by the next one. His eyes. They were a mixture of deep gold and fiery orange. His eyes drilled into her. Valerie could now understand that metaphor for the first time, for his eyes were unlike any other pair she had gazed into. And suddenly she was angry and scared and curious all at the same time. The initial shock had spiraled into a deeper surprise. She spoke.
"What did you just say?"
The words were said quietly and fiercely. Her eyes matched the intensity of his. He was first to realize they had reached a stalemate.
"I'm sorry," he said, sounding very casual and innocent. "I thought I knew you." He turned his flaming back to her and started to walk away. It would be a cold day in hell before she let him get away that easy.
"How did you learn that name?" she called out angrily.
"Of what importance is that to you?" he replied coolly without even turning his back. Valerie's grew angrier. She hated having her questions answered with questions.
"Stop!" she yelled after him. She then started to run when she got no response. She was not going to let him leave. Especially if he knew more about Heather than she did.

Well, so much for not drawing attention, Blaze thought. You had to go yelling her name. It's not her. You already knew it wasn't her. But...but she knows Heather? Blaze stopped walking then, painfully correcting himself. Knew Heather...
"I said stop!" The Vul shouted. They were both getting a few odd looks from passing pokemon now. She's quite persistent, Blaze noted. Well, shit. Now what am I gonna do? He turned.
"You mind going into to the trees a bit before we talk about this, miss?" Blaze finally opted. His words were not spoken politely at all. It was just Blaze being his brusque self. The Vul stopped for a moment, then nodded. The tension seemed to have left her body, but her eyes still burned. Blaze wondered how this Vulpix could know Heather, and how she could be so sensitive about the issue. It's doesn't make sense. I don't know, Blaze contemplated. He didn't know as much as he wanted to, and though he was familiar with the feeling, he didn't experience it too often. Now that the two fire pokemon were in the closely clumped trees away from the bustle of the morning, Blaze's brain switched to question mode.
"Now. How do you know that name?" he demanded.
"I think I should be asking that question." She snapped back. "And why did you call after me and then just walk away?"
"I was telling the truth. I mistook you for someone I know," Blaze said, being careful with the last word. He didn't know how much this young Vul knew.
"How do you know Heather?!" She had lost her patience. Blaze knew he was going to have to give out some information after all. But he was certainly going to get some in return.
"Well.....we knew some of the same people. I met her about seven months ago. She was a friend of mine," he finished. Damn. He had said "was". But the Vul didn't notice.
"And do you know of her whereabouts know?" she continued her barrage of questions. Blaze knew he had won now. It was a question she didn't know the answer to. Well, actually, she wasn't asking directly about Heather. It was a yes or no question. So,
"Yes," Blaze said simply. "Now, I have told you my side of the story. I believe I deserve your explanation." The Vulpix took a while to respond. Blaze started to think about this coincidental run-in when she spoke.
I've known Heather longer than you.....and I know her better...but," she pushed on, with a bit difficulty, for her mind was swarming with a constant flow of thoughts, "but how did you meet? I mean, who are the people you're talking about. And...and why are you even here, if you weren't looking for me?" Blaze ignored those questions, for giving the answers didn't help his position at all. But just then, his brain had found the answer. He put two and two together and didn't even realize it yet. To him, it was just another notion in a sea of brainwaves. However, he made it verbal, and it changed everything.
"You wouldn't happen to be related, you two?" Blaze didn't expect her to stop, to show her first expression of insecurity and confusion, but she did, and it answered his question before she even spoke the words.
"She's my sister.....or...well, I don't know..." Suddenly Blaze understood a whole lot more, and he felt that swirling, burning feeling in his stomach that wasn't limited to just fire pokemon. It was the feeling of guilt, of shame, of fear and pain and despair all at once. He cut her off, and his tone was much softer. She didn't know.
"Kid...what's your name, girl?"

He suddenly sounded like a kind stranger who had stumbled upon a lost child. In that instant Valerie felt a horrible sensation within her, one that was going through the Typhlosion as well, but only he knew they both felt it. She almost cried right there.
" name's Valerie." Her voice wasn't far from a whisper.
"My name is Blaze. Your.....Heather died, Valerie. She died three months ago." Valerie felt some shock as the tears rolled down her face, for she was trying to prevent them while she awaited the inevitable news. But it didn't matter now. Now she was feeling a deep, horrible understanding alongside the overwhelming grief. Valerie knew Heather was involved with something that she had always kept a secret from her younger sister. She figured that Heather might be involved with some bad people, but...Valerie knew that Heather was the most kind and generous pokemon she had ever known. She would never sink down and be as bad as the pokemon she did business with. Heather was loved. Valerie cried harder. Heather was loved. Valerie had loved her so much. But recently, she had been a mystery to everyone she had known so well in the past, and now Valerie had finally found the horrible answer to the mystery. Her sister was really gone.
Valerie opened her blurry eyes to find the Typhlosion was sitting next to her. She was even more surprised when she saw the look of pure sadness on his face. He really had known Heather...
"I know-I know you feel horrible. You feel worse. I know it. I felt that way too, believe me. But-kid...Valerie, I'm so sorry for you." She blinked some tears from her eyes. He really meant it. Maybe he was really a friend. Even if he couldn't be trusted. He might even be partly responsible...she knew that he had put it mildly when he said Heather died. She had been killed. Valerie felt the tears coming back. Her sister was dead and she didn't know why.

Blaze held her as she cried herself out. He shared some of the pain she was feeling, but his faced showed nothing, save for the sympathy he felt for poor Valerie. Valerie. Human name. Captured? But no, she was too young to have been caught released again. Weird parents then. Besides, he himself had a name given by a human. And he liked the name Valerie. But as suddenly as she was Valerie, she was then Val, because Blaze was a sucker for one-syllable titles.
After a period neither of them knew the length of, she looked up at him, tears still in her eyes. Damn, he thought, but she is gorgeous. A cliché, he knew, but Blaze was shaken by the beauty he saw in her face, so young and innocent, her bravery fighting with the tears still in her eyes.
"Why are you here, Blaze?" she managed with a shaky voice. He gave her a look an older brother would give his sister, but Val didn't recognize it the same way, as she had no brothers. But she did see the reassurance in his face, the comfort in the eyes that had been so intense before.
"I was leaving when I saw you. Actually, I saw you yesterday, but I turned and you were gone. I'm leaving 'cause I need to find someone," he explained. "I probably woulda found him by know if it weren't for that damn volcano." Damn volcano.
"I-Blaze...can I come with you?" she asked, unsteadily but determinedly. She was so pure in her look that Blaze smiled.
"Sorry Val. Believe me in this: now that I've met you I'm a bit reluctant to go. But I have business by the river, and this business doesn't involve you, and you don't wanna get involved with this business." Blaze was polite in his words now, but he would stand by those words. Slyver was probably wondering where the hell he was, anyway. Probably should get going...
"Valerie, go home. Find your friends, find someone who can help you."
"I don't need help." She was quick to reply. Blaze was indifferent to her.
"You know that's a lie better than I do. You don't need to tell anyone about anything you don't want to, but you need to be with someone right now, and it can't be me. Trust me, I'm going to find you later. Go home, kid." With that he turned his back and started walking, and Valerie knew nothing she said would stop him.

Blaze was finally making use of those directions Towlin gave him. And that had only been yesterday. Not even twenty-four hours. Blaze marveled at time often. It was only the night before last he had opened his confused eyes to find a Sandshrew on top of him. But now he was back on the road. Right when he was starting to like the valley.
The valley was not a limited area between two mountains. It was a broad locale, a forest for the most part. The river came down from the north-most mountain, and the following river cut through a sizable chunk of the forest. And somewhere on this valley was a Golduck named Slyver, and he had knowledge that Blaze needed to attain. The Typhlosion was leaving his newly found friends behind so he could help them, though only Blaze knew this. He was really trying to save them. But Blaze disliked putting that much drama in the situation. He was just being the hero again. Blaze smiled at this new personality of his, the hero, but his smile did not last long, for he was about to encounter one big ugly mother-
"Fucking Golbat!" Blaze hollered at the retreating bat pokemon. What the hell was a Golbat doing when it wasn't even night? Blaze grumbled mentally. It was closer to dusk than he realized, but his fresh anger prevented kept his mind on one thing. That ugly bastard right over there.
The Golbat chattered at him, not even making real speech. Wild Golbats hardly even communicated outside of their species. They were just ugly and pesky and sometimes even dangerous. But not to pissed-off Typhlosions.
"Come here, you ugly brute!" Blaze ordered. This Golbat just summed up the word ugly, and Blaze was pleased with himself for the brute part. He could be a lot of bad things, but Blaze made sure he spoke intelligently. Just not all the time.
The Golbat was swooping down again now, fangs bared. Blaze nearly rolled his eyes. This guy was obviously not that bright. The Typhlosion prized his battling skills over even his precious linguistics. Maybe he was too good, and that's why he got into so much trouble. Blaze only had a second to consider this before he sidestepped out of the Golbats way. The flames on Blaze's back were rampant, living up to his name. Now the fight was on.
Smoke was emanating from Blaze's mouth as he watched the Golbat closely. His whole body grew hot, and then rapidly swirls of fire were streaming at the Golbat. The creature was wrapped in scorching heat as it tumbled to the earth. Flame Wheel. Blaze's favorite way to start a battle. The bat was up and countered with Supersonic. Blaze was now angry again. He hated that damn move. How unfair. But he made himself open his eyes and keep them open, and he saw the erratic looking figure of a Golbat closing in on him. He managed to avoid the brunt of the Wing Attack, but he was still jarred a bit. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so easy.
Dark flames smothered the Golbat, who screamed in rage and pain. Blaze's face showed pure puzzlement. That Flamethrower confused him more then the Supersonic did. But this was an advantage in a battle that the opponent didn't want to play fair. Blaze launched himself. He collided with the flailing bat, and seeing it's condition, prepared for one more attack. His fist sparked with electricity as he pounded it into the Golbat. Super effective, you ugly bastard. He turned and was not too surprised to see Valerie there, looking a bit shocked herself as her eyes swept over the fizzling Golbat.
"Did I not tell you to go home, Val?" Blaze said, panting just a bit.
"Yes. And I did. I went back and managed to find out where you were going."
"Just how in holy hell did you manage to do that?" he asked, sounding exasperated rather than surprised. At this, Valerie smiled.
"Well, it's a long story that I didn't get the chance to hear," she replied. "As she won't, you wanna tell me how you met Layla?"

Blaze had an ally now, whether he liked it or not. They were moving on at a steady pace now, not too far from their destination. He had intentions of traveling in secrecy, but Blaze figured that if someone was to tag along, there was no better poke than this Vulpix. He already knew that she was smart and that she could be trusted. It wasn't that Blaze was susceptible to fraud or that he trusted to easily. He simply didn't trust at all, and that made his business much easier.
Valerie was a quick learner and was able to analyze decisions to benefit herself, or to stay safe. Blaze distinguished that she could be a good ally, but also that he couldn't put much faith in her this early. She's too young, he thought, and unfortunately too ignorant. Blaze hated ignorance, but was willing to help this Vulpix. After all, she was kin to Heather.
"That Flamethrower wasn't too shabby, you know," Blaze acknowledged. Valerie smiled modestly.
"I'm sure you could do better," she said.
"So where would a girl such as yourself pick up such battle experience?" the elder fire poke queried.
"Come on, all kids battle with each other sometimes. I was never as into it as some pokes I know, but I learned a thing or two. And where would a guy such as yourself learn electric attacks?" No need to keep away these matters now, Blaze figured. These secrets aren't nearly as important as others. And she is something of a friend.
"First off, you don't understand the concept of 'guys such as myself', so don't throw around the phrase," he stated. "Few know that Typhlosions can learn Thunderpunch, but I say TM moves can be helpful in certain situations."
"You must have had a trainer to have learned TM moves," she noted, more than a bit curious.
"And how would you know of TMs? And for the matter, 'Valerie' is a human name. Care to explain?"
"And 'Blaze'?"
"I asked first."
"My parents. They actually met in captivity," she began. "They both ended up belonging to breeders, a married couple actually. They were quite old, but for such a career, they were caring people. They let trainers adopt pokemon. I don't like the thought of us being sold, but the couple used the money to care for their dozens of pokes. My parents were released after Heather was born, because she wasn't suited to be in battles."
"Her leg." Val turned to Blaze, surprised.
"What precisely happened to her?"
"I don't know. My parents always left that part out. As far as I know, she was born with a bad leg. But it's a blessing as much as a curse, 'cause it let me grow up in the valley. Besides, she never let it bother her too much," Val concluded.
"No," he replied softly. "She didn't..." Damn it, why can't you talk normally when you think of her? his brain attacked itself. By now, they could hear the flowing of the river, and soon they saw the water beyond the line of trees. Valerie ran to the edge, for she hadn't had a drink since she left. Blaze followed, but Val noticed he was being very deliberate as he took his fill of water. A thought struck her mind.
"How do you bathe?" she inquired. He cocked his head at her.

They continued along the river, heading upstream, not knowing exactly where the elusive Golduck was going to be. Little did they know, he saw them long before they saw him. Neither of the fire pokemon knew that the eyesight of a Golduck is near perfect at dusk, a fact known by very few outside the species. The fading light was as close to vision underwater than anything else over the surface, and it provided Slyver with a great view of the river before him, as he was uphill of the fire type duo. He smiled, then jumped back into the water, because, aside from his intentions, Golducks love being under the surface, unlike their unevolved form. Humans sometimes associated Golducks with bird pokemon, but they as much birds as an Onix was. The water was where Slyver belonged, and he loved the river in the valley.
Valerie was starting to get a bit tired now, for she had traveled at a faster pace than Blaze to catch up with him, and she had been lucky for the fight with the Golbat that slowed him down. She was certainly not admit it though, for the Typhlosion showed no signs of stopping. Val caught an unexpected break, however.
"You there! Typhlosion!" Valerie gasped and spun around. She saw in the water a dark blue figure standing in the water that had been calm mere seconds ago.
"What business brings you here?" the Golduck demanded. Val's head turned to Blaze. But...he was smiling. The Vulpix felt much confusion as Blaze rolled his eyes and walked over to the Golduck, who was now smiling.
"I expected you to be sooner," he said, his voice very different than the one a moment before.
"You always were an old bastard," Blaze mused. "How are you?'
"Better than you, if it took you this long to get here," His old friend replied.
"You two are friends?" Valerie now butted in. "You never told me that!"
"And who is this?" Slyver asked, amused.
"My name is Valerie," she cut him off. "And I suppose you're Slyver."
"Sure am," he said. He almost sounded excited about something. "Now, shall we get back to my place? It's almost night."

They were soon sitting in a clearing in a ring of trees very close to the bank of the river. A fire was crackling, for even though the two fire types were a bit chilly, Slyver's wet body got cold easily, and his skin rarely grew dry.
"You live here?" Blaze asked him, for despite their friendship, they had spent a long time apart, as Blaze didn't come to the valley with Slyver.
No, I don't live here, you fucking idiot, I just thought maybe you two would prefer to stay on dry land," Slyver snapped back playfully. Though no harm was intended, his language earned him a stern look from Blaze, who jerked his head at Valerie. She noticed.
"How long do you plan on protecting me?" she asked, a bit hotly.
"As long as I'm older than you. Now, please be quiet for a while, I really do need to talk for a bit." Valerie almost made a protest, but found she had nothing to say. Besides, she was the one tagging along; Blaze came out here for a reason.
"Now. How many pokes know you're living out here?" Blaze asked his friend.
"Plenty. I'm quite the character, you know?" Slyver joked. Blaze knew he could be very serious, though. "They're good folks out here, Blaze. It's a good place for me. Don't worry about the locals knowing about me, they're no threat, I mean, some are really good friends of mine now. I have a life now, you dig?"
"I can dig it. It's just, well, you know, I'm the big secret, the Aipom in the wrench, the pain in the ass." Blaze retorted. Val hadn't yet seen him speak casually, despite his tone hadn't changed much. Slyver was laughing.
"I know it only too well."
"So tell me. Moment of truth. Do you know where it is or not?" Blaze asked him.
"I can get you to it," the Golduck replied. Valerie was trying to no become inpatient, but to no avail.
"Should I cover my ears or something? I thought you were here to get something from him, Blaze," she interrupted. "Now you're getting directions? You're not here to get something."
"Sure I am. I needed to get the knowledge from my friend Slyver here so I could go get that something I need," he countered calmly and very unhelpfully. She was getting angry now.
"Why did you drag me along with you?!" she demanded.
" I didn't," he said, his voice cold now. "You were lucky and found we, then followed me. You could've left at anytime, but you didn't. Your choice. I'm not letting you go back now it's dark, because you are much younger than you seem to remember. As for tomorrow morning, I'm not wasting my time walking back, so maybe if you're lucky Slyver here will look after you while I attend to my business. Now," he said sharply, for she was going to interrupt, "you can by all means join me tomorrow, but you need to remember a few things. You're putting yourself in danger, you can't trust anyone except Slyver and I if you're going to be involved, and you may have deal with some reoccurring instances in the future. I'm letting you come if you want because despite your age and inexperience, you may be helpful, and I want to keep an eye on you. You have tonight to think about it," he finished.
"I have a few questions."
"By all means, ask them."
"Why should I trust you two? Why should I trust that easily?" she asked, but it was partly a statement as well as a question.
"Ah, good question," Blaze said, now sounding like his usual self. "You shouldn't. Trust easily, I mean. I say you should trust me because I am perfectly aware of my own intentions. I say to trust Slyver because he won't betray you. If he were that kind of guy, he would've betrayed me much earlier. He's had plenty of opportunities in the past. Next."
"Are you bringing me because this business you're talking about involves Heather?" she asked sharply.
"No." His answer was immediate and indifferent, and she was a bit surprised, for she had been fairly sure the answer would be yes.
"I assume we're gonna meet with some other pokemon tomorrow, and that they aren't gonna be friendly. Do you know these pokemon?" Val continued her volley of questions.
"You speak as if you've made up your mind," Blaze commented. "I know of them."
"Fine. I guess that's it."
"You two can sleep here," said Slyver, who had kept quiet during the previous few minutes, choosing to listen intently as his friend worked his magic. She was definably going now, and that meant he was coming too. "I'll be close by in the river."
Slyver left, and the two fire pokes lay down next to the fire after Blaze had dumped some more logs into it. Valerie considered her current position. She was with two total strangers, and it sounded like she was headed into danger. But Blaze had known Heather...That kept Val with Blaze. Besides, despite her usual tone, she didn't really dislike him. Val spent what she thought was about an hour gazing at Blaze before she finally voiced her inquiry.
"Blaze?" she whispered. His eyes opened like he had never been asleep. Perhaps he hadn't.
"Last question."
"What is this thing that you are so determined to obtained?" Val asked. Blaze smiled and winked at her.
"You'll find out tomorrow," he answered in a composed whisper. She was unquestionably going to come with him. "Now, get some sleep. It's been one hell of a day."

All right! This chapter came quickly as well, I think I'm getting a feel for these characters. However, I always want to hear what you think. Love it, hate it, want more of something, want me to do away with something, hit review and tell me. Oh, and the thing about the Aipom was modifying the expression "monkey in the wrench." Yeah, I kinda stole that line from Die Hard. As always, thank you for reading. Until next time!
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