AGNPH Stories

The Valley by exclamation_man



The Valley
Chapter 5: Warrior

Beyond the chance of stumbling upon this story and wanting to read it is the chance of you being a kid that shouldn't be here. Get out. Also, I'm not getting paid, and I certainly don't own anything I write about. Oh, and everyone swears a lot for some reason. If you're offended by anything you think you might find, get out, caz you're gonna find it.

Right then.

This chapter takes place the crossover chapter written by Lion vom Silberwald, so if you haven't read that, please go do so, or this chapter will be lost on you. I am working on both this story and "StrangersLoversKillers," so if you read both stories you'll understand a lot more. And I know everything I write is confusing as hell, so here's me trying to sort some things out. Have fun.

Layla awoke to find herself in Slyver's arms. From what she could immediately see, the group had found a place to stay for the night. She nudged Slyver and he set her down. Layla blinked wearily. She didn't remember falling asleep, but she now wished she hadn't woken up.
"I'm starting to miss beds," she heard. Blaze rolled his eyes.
"Shut the fuck up, Slyver," he said in an exasperated tone, causing the Golduck to smile. They had both been in worse situations, and the chitchat was expected.
"Hey, what happened to my virgin ears?" Layla piped up, sounding almost as sardonic as Blaze.
"Ain't in civilization no more, kid," Blaze replied, mutilating his speech. "Just don't repeat me."
"As sorry as I am to interrupt this banter, I must suggest we get some sleep," Ryledar put in. "We're not out of the woods yet."
"We just got back into the woods..." Layla said slowly. It made the older pokemon laugh.
"He's got a point," Sable said, a smile still on her face. "We'll want to make quick time tomorrow. Now, as not all of us have the advantage of extreme internal warmth, will someone please light a fire?"

Soon Blaze and Valerie had collected enough downed branches to provide heat for the party. They then joined the others and curled up, falling asleep before expected by either of them. Slyver was soon the only one awake, as he was keeping guard. He already knew what Blaze had said in his eyes; it was near pointless. But something was still swirling in the Golduck's mind, and he knew he wouldn't fall asleep soon. He looked out upon the path they had torn through the wilderness. Shadows smothered all the trees and bushes. The air was still and quiet, nearly silent. Slyver racked his brain.
His mind was full of ideas but they all hit dead ends far too soon. He had realized, as Blaze surely had, that Sable was in a hurry to be somewhere. Slyver didn't know if their meeting and departure had been a lucky accident or something planned, something far more serious. Would she even have left if we hadn't shown up? he wondered. What is she after?
That question led right into a new one. What are we after? This is all spinning out of control, and for what? Realization was on the horizon, he knew it, but it just didn't dawn on him. There were still pieces missing. Unless...he thinks it isn't gone. Unless we're all still in danger. The whole valley would be threatened...
Alas, he told himself, these are thoughts for the morning. The Golduck was weary anyway. His short-lived guard duty was over, and he slinked toward the fire. It was a bit dry for his liking, but it would do. Slyver lay down, trying to calm his buzzing mind. This is the single best group that could be assembled, if there needs to be action. Of course, Ryledar's hurt, Layla's a bit young, and we don't have Falin or Kerelli, but other than that...Slyver gazed through the dim light. Blaze was asleep, his arm holding Valerie tightly to him. Slyver smiled and closed his eyes.

He opened them mere minutes later. Sable was not anywhere he could see.

Blaze blinked and decided it was time to get up. Valerie was still breathing deeply next to him, but he could see Slyver was already up and munching on some berries. Blaze stood and made his way to the fallen log that Slyver was perched on.
"Morning, sunshine," Slyver noted as Blaze yawned, sitting down.
"There's breakfast?" he asked sleepily.
"Sable and Ryledar are off getting some more. I think I'm gonna try and go find a stream or something. I could really go for a swim, you know?"
"No, I don't," the fire-type stated obviously. "Don't be too long. I want to head out soon."
"Always in a hurry," Slyver sighed, shaking his head. "You could do with less stress. Sure you don't want to join me smimmin'?"
"Pretty sure."
"So why do you want to get out of here so fast?"
"Because," Blaze started, exhaling, "first off, Layla needs to get home. She's younger than she thinks she is, and the last thing I need is for her to get hurt and me be responsible. Second, Sable came with us for a reason, which she obviously doesn't want to tell us, and she'll want to leave soon, too."
"I thought she had bailed last night."
"She was gone for a while last night," Slyver explained. "I dunno if there's any relevance, I mean, probably. She's got her own agenda."
"You've known her longer than any of us," Blaze pointed out.
"Yeah, well, she's always been a mystery to me. Even back at the mansion, there was nobody that was too close to her. I guess that's just how she keeps things. Distant," Slyver finished.
"Right, well, there's a third reason we should leave soon." Blaze took a breath before continuing. "You been wondering why those pokemon in the valley have been gunning for us even after all that's happened?"
"Damn straight. It's gone past serious now; we're killing each other."
"It's because they want power. They want to have control. Now, you and I know they're never going to have it, but they want it."
"The problem is we're still stuck on 'they,'" Slyver said. "'They' can be any number of any pokes in the valley."
"And there's another problem. Whoever they are, they can still get that power they want so badly."
"What?" Slyver asked, taken aback. "You just said they were never gonna get it!" Blaze said nothing, but a grin started to spread on his face.
"I guess we're gonna find out, huh?"
"There's always something behind your back, Blaze," Slyver told him. A small smile was forming on his face as well. "They don't call you a warrior for nothing."
"I'm no warrior. Falin, he's a warrior. Kerelli's a warrior."
"But they can't help us now. This time it's all you."
"What, and you're not coming along?" Blaze asked, raising an eyebrow. Slyver smiled.
"I guess we're gonna find out, huh?"

She hadn't been away for very long, but to Valerie it seemed like ages ago she had set out with Blaze. Or rather, she caught up with Blaze and intervened with his battle. It had been a normal day, and now it had spiraled into...she didn't even know what. Val knew Blaze was keeping something to himself, or else they wouldn't be in such a hurry. And obviously Sable had her own plans. And nobody knew what the hell was up with Ryledar. Valerie thought him to be possibly the strangest in the group. He was the only one that didn't have a motive for moving on.
Valerie glanced at Blaze. He was quite the reluctant leader. Val sighed as she trudged along. She had grown close to Blaze in the short time they had been together, but...
"We're almost there," announced Slyver, who knew the valley better than anyone save Ryledar. Valerie was starting to recognize the scenery. She looked at Blaze again. He hadn't said anything since they started walking. Valerie had the feeling that whatever relationship they had, it was doomed. And yet she continued with the group. For one, she had nowhere else to go. She couldn't return to her parents...and she needed to know more about Heather...
"Layla, first thing, we find your parents," Slyver said.
"What?!" the young Sandshrew exclaimed. "You're just ditching me?! Hey, I might not be in on whatever's going on here, but I think by now I have a right to keep going! I been through just about as much as-"
"It was your choice to come along," Slyver stated defensively.
"That doesn't change anything! So what, I'm the youngest, I'm naïve, I'm not involved in these nightly cuddle-fests, I'm just the one that walks along quietly and sleeps next to the crazy Magmar! I've been chased down over and over and over, I was locked up in that mansion for days, and this is all after I woke up miles away from home after that DAMN VOLCANO! SO YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT JUST SENDING ME HOME, 'CAUSE LIKE IT OR NOT, I'M PART OF THIS NOW!"

Silence. There was no sound at all, save the stifled giggles of Valerie. Layla had an absolute fire in her eyes. Blaze looked at Slyver, who looked back. After much discussion through their eyes, they seemed to reach a conclusion.
"Okay," Slyver said. They started walking again.
"That's it?" Layla asked. Val thought her face was priceless.

All of them were exhausted after the past few nights, and they were still a few miles away from the volcano when night fell. Instead of continuing in the dark, it was agreed unanimously that they would stop to rest. Blaze torched a few logs and the group of weary pokemon laid themselves on the soft grass. As Sable engaged in conversation with Slyver, Layla headed over to speak with Valerie. This left Blaze alone with thoughts, but it wasn't long before Ryledar sat down next to him.
"You and I both know this hunt isn't over." The Typhlosion looked at him.
"State your point."
"My point is," Ryledar said, ignoring Blaze's blunt words, "is that for whatever reason, you came to this valley looking for something. You say it was the map that Valerie destroyed, but still you are searching for something. And you are intent on keeping whatever it is a secret."
"Everything you said is true," Blaze sighed. "But I don't see where you're going with this."
"Well, it seems we are still in danger, along with every pokemon in this valley. I am curious to hear of you motives to save this place, as you seem to not be unfazed by the death around you."
"Buddy, you gotta understand," Blaze replied shortly, "I ain't saying shit about motives until I hear some of yours." This made the Magmar smile.
"Fair enough. But I think it's about time you shared with us your knowledge, as we are at a disadvantage."
"Hey, I'm still trying to figure this out for myself," Blaze said defensively. "So, yeah, I'll explain some stuff, but then we wanna plan our next move carefully, y'know? I've had about enough of fighting."
"You are proving to be quite the warrior," Ryledar noted.
"Thanks. I liked it more when I was the bastard." Ryledar laughed and removed himself from the grass.
"We'll see where we are at in the morning. Sleep well, friend." With that the Magmar walked away, moving to the other side of the fire where Sable and Slyver sat.
"Sweet dreams." You crazy bastard, Blaze didn't add. Of all in their party, the Magmar was quite possibly the most enigmatic. Now alone, Blaze started to become frightened again. He was frightened because he didn't know what his next move would be, and because he was now a leader. Blaze was used to only having to follow, not making the executive decisions, letting others dictate the future. It was a whole new game now.
Blaze yawned and laid down, absentmindedly scorching the grass around him. Perhaps the morning would bring answers.

Valerie closed her eyes once she realized she was awake. After several minutes she figured she wasn't going to fall back asleep, and might be needed awake. Her hazy eyes studied the scene. It was peaceful, a pleasant change from the norm. Layla was slowly waking, Sable was gathering warmth from the dying embers of the fire, and Ryledar was nowhere in eyesight.
Val's eyes found Blaze, and her mind rushed with mixed emotions. She had been through ups and downs in her mind over the past few days, but she had come to the conclusion that whatever was happening between her and Blaze, it wasn't going to work in the long run. She chided herself for being so childish in her attraction, but then countered herself. She had been in a state of extreme distress, and he had been there for her. Despite being a bastard sometimes, Blaze was a great individual. But Val shook the thoughts from her head. They were better comrades than they would ever be lovers.
They were all ready to move again before long. Ryledar took the lead, as he knew the valley the best, and Slyver and Blaze stayed a few strides behind the others, chatting tersely. Layla was taking the opportunity to talk with Sable, who had been near transparent the last two days.
"So how long had you been at the mansion?'
"Oh, about a year, maybe more, actually." Sable seemed to reflect the time in her eyes as she looked ahead.
"Where were you before that?"
"All over the place." It was clear there could be no follow-up question.
"Well, I think it's cool you could come with us," Valerie said fondly. "I mean, I'm sure it was a great place, but we didn't receive the best welcome. I'm glad you could start doing something you want."
"Kinda like what you're doing, huh?" Sable smiled. "Breaking out, escaping the confines of the everyday?"
"Geez, you sound like Ryledar," Layla said, rolling her eyes.
"No, not really," Val replied, smiling at Layla. "I was always the sweet kid. You want the delinquent, look at Blaze."
"I heard that, punk," Blaze called from behind them. All three laughed.
"I bet you'll get along great," Layla said.
"So why'd you do it?" Valerie asked. "You were doing fine at the mansion, why did you come with us?"
"Well..." Sable started uneasily. "You could say I'm looking for someone."
"Long-lost lover?" Layla guessed offhandedly.
"Always the hopeless romantic," Val sighed, shaking her head.
"Look who's talking."
"Not exactly," Sable told them. "I guess...I guess I was tired of just doing nothing. And it may be a long shot, but...well, it's worth it, I suppose."
"Aw, I'm sure it'll work out," Layla assured her.
"Yeah, once we get back to the volcano, you can ask Bolaran. I bet he could help you find anybody that's in the valley."
"What?" Blaze broke in. "What are you talking about?"
"Well, Sable mentioned that she was looking for someone-"
"No, no, I mean, what did you just say? Just now?" Blaze looked very serious. It was all in his eyes.
"I, um, said we can talk to Bolaran once we-"
"Bolaran. He kinda calls the shots around there, you know.
"You remember him, Blaze," Layla spoke up. "Bolaran is the Charizard that we saw the day after the volcano erupted.
"You don't say..." Blaze stopped walking now and just stared at the ground ahead of him.
"What? What is it?" Valerie asked.
"I think..." he started slowly," we need to find this Bolaran." Blaze looked up. "We need to find him, quicker the better."
"Why? What's so important about him?" Slyver asked him.
"You weren't there..." Blaze told him. "Bolaran...he's the one who spoke with Jero before..." Apparently this had some significance to the two of them, but the others remained confused.
"Does he have something you need?" Sable questioned him.
"No, it's not what he has, it's what he knows. I'll bet anything he knows where it is."
"Where what is?" Valerie pressed. Blaze looked at her.
"The map."
"The map? Blaze, the map's burned, it's gone! I destroyed the map."
"No," Blaze stated. "You only destroyed half of it."

With that, this chapter is over. I hope you enjoyed it. This turned out to be a short chapter, but I've decided I'm going to go with shorter chapters and quicker updates. It isn't easy to hit those 22,000 word chapters, you know.

Well, I've done it again. I've left you in the dark. However, I can promise to you, it's all leading up to something big...You will find out much more in the next chapter! And I know for a fact that a new character will be introduced. First, though, there will be an update of StrangersLoversKillers, and trust me, it will give you more information.

Don't forget to review. Seriously. I need your thoughts. Thanks for reading ~~ �EM!
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