AGNPH Stories

Mating Habits Of The Eons by scion_umbranos



Mating Habits of Glaceons

With the addition of two new Eevee evolutions, there also needs to be an analysis on their mating patterns and habits so that future trainers, professors, and breeders like myself will know what to expect. Now, we begin with the scenarios, starting with the most common...both are of equal physical prowess and dominance.

Scenario 1) This consists, of course, with the male and female both being of the same strength and physical skill, not to mention dominance. These eons get into the classic "doggy style" position as do most of the eons. There is nothing really special about I will skip this to go onto the next one. Specifics on genitalia will be discussed later, as you well know from my format. Anyway, on to the next one.

Scenario 2) For now, we'll go with the male being the dominant of the two in this particular situation. The male will wrestle with the female, pinning her to the ground and using a powerful ice beam attack in strategic spots to pin her down: Around the muzzle, shoulders, tail, and hocks. Now, while this does not harm the female, it does make them immobile for quite some time, enough time for say...a male to penetrate and tie. Usually the female will give in and submit after one mating session...however, the male will not actually tie with them until the female offers her throat to the other in submission. This is also true for when the female is in control...but that will be discussed next.

Scenario 3) Lastly, this is when the female will be the dominant of the pair and forces herself onto a male. She will do much like a male would in a situation like beam immobilizing the male from his muzzle, shoulders, and, notice that the female does not bind the male's hips down, as he will want to buck, thrust, and otherwise hump at his soon to be mate. Much like the male does not tie with the female until she submits, the female does the same, pleasuring herself on him until he exposes his neck to her. Tie ensues, and everyone can guess what will follow that. Now, on to my favorite part...genitalia!

Genitalia: Each gender, and for that matter, each evolution, has its own unique genitalia. Shape, size, oddities, all are unique in their variations as are the Eons themselves.

Male: The thing I like about Glaceon genitalia is that instead of the normal pink, reds, and magentas that almost all species have...Glaceon have the unique quality of having blue genitalia. Yes, the male's penis is of a ice-blue color, about four and a half inches long, one and a half inches wide, and it has a three inch knot when fully tied. Pre, seed, musk, and the member itself tastes like drinking cold water with just a minor hint of spearmint in it. Personally, I enjoy it very mean I'm sure the females enjoy it quite nicely...The male penis gets to be about freezing temperature (32 degrees), and its seed is even colder, freezing on contact with anything it touches.

Female: Now, females...mmh, yes, females. They, like the males, have blue genitals, and are the same color inside as the male is on the outside, however the vaginal lips, when aroused or in season, become an almost stark white...almost. Like the male, they taste like cold water, and even smell like such when in, if your female Glaceon suddenly starts smelling like ice-water, then you know she's in season. Their insides are of a chilling temperature of 24 degrees Fahrenheit, so be ready for an icy dip...their feminine juices when climax strikes is as cold as the male's seed, freezing on contact, but remaining a liquid until then.
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