AGNPH Stories

Disaster to Miracle by XD385


Mutual feelings

Yet another day had begun in the life of an Absol. At the age of 12, she was at the age to find a mate. However, she was a loner. Her ability to sense danger was extremely acute for her species. Her name was Cassandra. Ironically, it was also the name of a prophet in ancient Greece who could predict disasters. She was also a wanderer, never staying in one place for long. She had even left the Hoenn region by sneaking onboard a cargo ship and sailing to Cherry Grove City in the Johto region. She had no idea that her life would change forever.

After wandering through Cherry Grove City and New Bark Town, Cassandra arrived in the Kanto region. During the journey, she evaded Trainers and aggressive wild Pokemon. She even had to climb the rocky cliffs of the Tohjo Falls, which bordered the two regions. Eventually, she entered the Viridian Forest. Night was falling and she was getting hungry. However, she picked up a delightful aroma drifting through the air and followed it to a campsite.

Cassandra saw a small fire burning in the middle of a small clearing. Set on top of a metal frame was a pot of soup boiling. Stirring the soup was a human boy. At first, Cassandra thought that he was a Trainer, but she noticed that he didn't have any of those odd red and white balls that Trainers used to capture Pokemon. He didn't appear to be any older than she was. However, the aroma of the soup was really driving Cassandra wild with hunger. She had to think of a way to scare him off. Then, she had an idea. Using Razor Wind, Cassandra launched a blade of air at a tree branch beyond the campsite. It sliced right through it, causing it to fall to the ground with a crash. As expected, the boy went over there to see what had happened. Cassandra was hoping for him to get out of sight before she pilfered the soup from the pot.

When the boy was almost out of range, he stopped. Cassandra heard him say, "Oh man, hang on, little guy!" He bent down and picked something up. When he turned around, she gasped at what she saw. He was carrying a Pidgey who was bleeding from the head! It must have been right underneath the branch and was clubbed when it fell on it! Feeling guilty, she backed away slightly and watched what the boy was going to do.

"Poor guy. He's out cold. I just hope I can do this right." She saw him pull out some bandages from a bag nearby and looked at a manual. In a moment, he had bandaged the Pidgey up really well. The Pidgey even regained consciousness. "You OK? That tree branch really knocked you for a loop." The Pidgey just cooed and tried to fly, but was too dizzy to do so. The boy spoke, "Don't worry. We can have some dinner while we wait for your head to stop spinning." He served them both a bowl of soup. Cassandra was surprised that he would share with a lowly Pidgey! Once they had finished, the Pidgey tried to fly again and this time, he flew up onto another branch. The boy said his goodbyes and the Pidgey flew on his way.

The boy rolled out his sleeping bag and removed his jacket. Suddenly he heard a rustling in the bushes. When he turned around, he saw two red eyes that glittered in the flickering of the campfire. They seemed to be filled with fear and uncertainty. The boy spoke, "Hey, it's OK. I'm not going to hurt you. I can give you some of my soup if you're hungry." The owner of the eyes slowly stepped out of the bushes. The boy looked baffled when he saw a young Absol standing before him. "You're an Absol? I never thought I would see one outside the Hoenn region. Anyway, are you hungry?" She nodded. The boy lowered the pot off the frame and set it on the forest floor. "Help yourself. I'm already full, so you can have it all if you want." Cassandra did as he suggested and began to drink up the soup, thoroughly enjoying the unusual, but delicious flavors.

After Cassandra finished, she let out a small belch. The boy spoke, "You look like you've been through a lot of battles. I'm pretty sure you would be a great partner in 2-2 battles. Pikachu could back you up." Cassandra felt a chill slide down her spine. This boy was a Trainer all along?! She made a sprint into the forest and disappeared. That was too close. Another second and.....

A few hours later, Cassandra mustered the courage to sneak back to the campsite. When she saw the boy sleeping, she also noticed a small note next to him. In was written in English, but Cassandra had taught herself how to read to avoid detection on the cargo ship she used to get to Cherry Grove City. By reading the layout maps placed around the ship, she was able to find effective hiding places. While being as stealthy as possible, she approached the boy and read the note. "Dear Absol, I'm guessing that you ran off because you thought I was a Pokemon Trainer. Well, you're right. I'm a Trainer, but I left all my Pokemon back home when I went on this camping trip. I'll be heading home in a few days. I just want you to know that I didn't want to force you to come with me. I hope you can read this note before you leave the forest. Yours truly, Ash Ketchum. P.S. I hope you liked the soup. I learned the recipe from a friend of mine. ^_^"

Cassandra felt foolish that she judged him so quickly. Even if he did intend to capture her, she would have sensed it long before he tried. She silently thanked him and turned to leave. However, she felt uneasy about going far, so she fell asleep under a bush nearby.

Morning came. Cassandra woke up after having a most intimidating dream. She was surrounded by darkness. The only thing she saw was the same boy who fed her the night before. He began to walk away from her. Even though she chased after him as fast as she could, he vanished into the darkness. Overwhelmed by the utter solitude and silence of being alone, Cassandra panicked and ran. She tried to get away by running everywhere. Anywhere. Just to find someone to comfort her. After what felt like an eternity, she fell. She fell through space and finally awoke. She looked beyond the bush and saw that the campfire had been put out. There was no sign of the boy. However, there was a small pile of various fruits. Thinking that he left them for her, Cassandra helped herself. However, once she finished, she felt a strange burning sensation in her chest, a feeling she had never experienced before. Thinking it was temporary, she went about her business.

A few days passed and Cassandra couldn't understand why the pain had not left her. It was particularly strong when she thought about the boy from that night. She couldn't understand what it meant. She had never trusted humans before, so why was the very thought of this one causing such a nagging pain? (He must have put some kind of poison in those fruits. He...) Blinded by disappointment and rage, she set off in search of the boy.

That night, Ash was preparing dinner. However, his thoughts had been turning to the Absol he had met a few days ago. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He had never felt this way about anyone ever before. She was beautiful. Her glittering red eyes looked like rubies. Her long glossy white fur seemed to shine in the moonlight. Could it be a preteen crush? He shook his head. Even if he was in love with her, there was no way a Pokemon could fall in love with a human. Or could they?

Finally, Cassandra found the boy she wanted to kill. He didn't seem to know that she was there. This was the perfect opportunity. One good slash to the throat and her revenge would be complete.

However, as she closed in for the attack, the pain in her chest receded. She noticed immediately. If the pain was leaving her, she had not been poisoned at all. As she got closer and closer, the pain became less and less. Only when she was right next to him did the pain completely vanish. She understood why. This boy, although human, cared for her. She knew that he meant no harm. Still, she wasn't sure if she wanted to get to know him that well. So she snuck back into the brush and fell asleep. That night, her dream would be much more pleasant.

Cassandra awoke to the feeling of a gentle breeze on her fur. She saw that she wasn't in Viridian Forest anymore. Instead, she was in a vast meadow with only a couple dozen cherry blossoms growing in it. The rest was covered with a variety of flowers. As she made her way through the massive flower bed to wards the nearest tree, she saw him. The very same boy. When he turned to face her, she felt a strange feeling as he gave her a gentle smile. Suddenly, it began to rain. He ran out to Cassandra and draped her with his jacket. Together, they walked to the tree and took a seat at the base. Absol giggled at the soaked form of Ash.

As the rain came down, they just sat there. Cassandra leaned against the side of her friend. She sighed when she felt him put his arm around her. When the rained stopped, a gentle breeze blew at the branches of the cherry blossoms. Somehow, the leaves were dry. As she watched the pink leaves fluttering in the wind, Cassandra felt a sacred desire awaken in her soul. She leaned a little harder against Ash, hoping he would look at her. When he turned his head to her, she moved her face closer to his. She felt him raise his hand behind her neck. She felt him gently pull her closer to him. Finally, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his. A second later, she felt both of his arms embrace her. She gently pushed against him more and more until he fell on his back. She then laid her body on top of him, still pressing her lips against his own. She could feel his hands roaming her back. Finally, they broke the kiss.

For a few minutes, they just laid there, enjoying each others' company. As Cassandra enjoyed the feeling of Ash's hands roaming her fur, an impossible idea entered her mind. What she wanted now would break all boundaries between humans and Pokemon, but she desperately wanted it. She broke free from Ash's embrace and turned away from him. She looked back and saw that he seemed hurt. With a lustful smile, she raised her bladelike tail. While blushing heavily, Ash began to remove his pants. Seeing that he got the idea, Cassandra looked forward again and waited. After a moment, she felt his hands grip her hips. She lowered her head and braced herself. She had no idea what to expect.

Suddenly, she felt something push into her flower, causing her to moan in bliss. She felt him pull out a little, and then push back into her, bringing intense pleasure with it. He began to move in and out at high speed. Cassandra was in Nirvana as she felt his member thrusting in and out of her. She let out a scream when she felt something shoot into her. She felt it fill her somewhere deep inside her body. She shuddered at the thought of what it could mean.

Spent, Cassandra fell on her side and looked back at Ash. He seemed equally pleased and exhausted. Suddenly, Cassandra noticed her belly starting to swell. Her heart leapt with excitement. After a few minutes, her womb was filled to its limits. She felt her body go into labor, even though there was no pain. She watched with a smile as her pups were born. Ash dried them off and they snuggled up to their mother. Right after that, she felt Ash thrusting into her again. This time, she could feel herself on the verge of an orgasm. Any second now. Any second.......

Cassandra awoke very abruptly at the feeling of rain. When she looked around, she saw that Ash had already packed up and left. However, he left footprints in the mud, allowing her to follow him. She thought back to the dream she had. She had always been a loner, but couldn't help but feel happy at the thought of becoming a mother. Still, she had to wonder if Ash could feel that way about her. She sadly shook her head. No, he couldn't. He would never think of her like that. Still, she trusted him and wanted to be near him.

After a while, Cassandra came to a path in the forest. The trail of footprints led south. The weird pain in her chest returned, but it was stronger now. Wanting to be rid of the pain, she sprinted after the trail. After several minutes, she saw him. He was sitting on a fallen log while looking at some high-tech device. She ran even faster, but slipped just ten feet from him, falling flat on her face in front of him. When Ash looked down to see her looking up at him, he couldn't stop himself from laughing at her muddy form.

By performing a Sword Dance, Cassandra shook all the mud from her fur. After that, the two of them just stared at each other. Suddenly, Cassandra jumped up onto the log next to Ash. When she looked at the device Ash was holding, the screen read, "Absol courting methods." Ash had completely forgotten that she could read, but Cassandra blushed heavily. Was he trying to learn how to court her?

After a moment of awkward silence, Ash spoke, "So, uh, I guess I better get going. See ya, Absol." Was it just her, or did Cassandra see him blush as he said that? Ash didn't go far before he noticed that the Absol was walking next to him. "Er, can I help you?" Cassandra nudged his side while murring. He smiled, "OK. I, uh, guess that's fine. Um, do you have a name?" Cassandra used her right paw to write her name in the mud. Before the rain could wash it away, Ash got a look at it. "Cassandra? That's a really pretty name." She blushed at that compliment. It was his turn to introduce himself. "My name's Ash Ketchum. Um, it's nice to meet you, Cassandra."

That evening, Ash and Cassandra arrived in Pallet Town. Ash introduced her to all his Pokemon and his Mom. She was even allowed to eat the same food that Ash ate at the dinner table. That night, while he was getting ready to take a shower, Ash thought he should bathe Cassandra first.

When she stepped into the walk-in shower, Cassandra looked back at Ash. "What? Do you want me to get in with you?" She nodded. "Well, OK. Just give me a minute." He shut the glass door and took off his clothes. When he opened the door again, Cassandra gave him a really odd look. His body was well toned from the miles he walked during his four Pokemon league challenges. She couldn't stop her mouth from watering at the sight of his physique.

"Uh, Cassandra? What are you staring at?" She shook her head to snap herself out of the trance. When Ash stepped inside, he turned the water on. At first, it was cold, but it quickly heated up. Cassandra enjoyed the feeling of the warm water soaking her fur to the skin. After she was soaked, Ash sat down next to her and poured some shampoo into his palm. He then began to scrub her fur with it. Cassandra blushed as she felt his fingers massage her skin. Soon, her already white fur was covered with a layer of foam. Ash adjusted the shower nozzle so that it sprayed Cassandra thoroughly. Once she was completely rinsed, she shook excess water from her body when Ash turned the shower off. She didn't expect him to wrap her up in a towel and carry her to his room.

Once she was completely dried off, Cassandra felt a little fatigued due to the heat of the water in the shower. She lay down on Ash's bed while he took a shower of his own. A window was left open, allowing a cool evening breeze in. When Ash came back 15 minutes later, Cassandra was already asleep. He gently picked her up and placed her under the covers and climbed in bed with her. Trying not to wake her up, he managed to lay a small kiss on her cheek. He fell asleep with his arms around her.

A week passed and the two friends were rarely seen apart. Cassandra had met and gotten to know most of the Pokemon in Professor Oak's reserve. However, one night, Ash made a risky gamble. He wrote a short note for Cassandra and left for a pond that they had discovered while exploring outside Pallet Town.

Cassandra had just finished eating dinner and came upstairs to see Ash. However, she found only a note on his bed. Worried where he would go when the sun had almost set, she read the note with hopes that it would give her some insight to his destination.

"Dear Cassandra, I'm waiting by the pond that we found a few days ago. The one that reflects the intentions of ones' soul. I need to tell you something important. Please come here. I promise to be here. Yours truly, Ash." Cassandra gulped. Judging by the style he had used, this was a love letter! Her heart soared at the thought that he felt the same way she felt about him. Without wasting a second, she bolted down the stairs and out the door.

The moon was a beautiful crescent shape that night. Ash was waiting right where he said he would. However, he was having second thoughts. He knew that Cassandra could read. What if she knew that the note was a love letter? What if she would reject him when he told her his secret? He felt a sense of dread, as if he had made the worst mistake of his life.

After five minutes of running, Cassandra came within sight of the pond. Her heart leapt at the sight of Ash sitting by the water's edge. For once, he wasn't wearing his hat. She tried not to swoon at the sight of the moonlight gleaming off his raven colored hair. Silently, she took a seat next to him and leaned against him.

They just sat there for a moment when Ash spoke out loud without looking at Cassandra. "Cassandra, I..... I know that I've never really acted like it, but I need you to know something." She gazed at him. (Please say it. Please say what I want you to!) He lowered his head while shedding tears, "I...... I love you......" He felt Cassandra stand up and walk a few feet in front of him. When he looked up, he had no time to react at what she did next. She lunged at him and placed her paws on his chest while knocking him flat on his back. She then pressed her lips against his and forced her tongue into his mouth. They danced for a moment before Cassandra lifted her head away from Ash's, dangling a string of their saliva from her tongue for a second.

Ash gazed up at the face of the Pokemon he had fallen in love with. Tears were streaming down her face. Suddenly, she spoke in clear English! "Why did you wait so long to tell me? I've always loved you just as much." Ash replied, "I thought that you just couldn't fall in love with humans. But if you could talk this whole time, why didn't you tell me about how you felt?" She blushed, "I thought the very same thing that you did, except in reverse." Ash sat up and held his new lover tightly to his chest. She felt tears falling on her face. Cassandra lovingly licked them off of Ash's face and whispered, "Shhhh, I know how it feels. I've spent my whole life alone. Honestly, I'm so happy right now that I can't describe it." She managed to get her forelegs around Ash's neck and pulled tightly. She held on to him like she was afraid that she would lose him forever if she let go.

Ash managed to stop crying and looked down into the love filled eyes of his lover. They both closed their eyes and pressed their lips against each others for a kiss. Their tongues performed another dance of bliss. They stayed like that for a few minutes before they broke the kiss. Ash began to run his hands through her fur, causing her to purr in pleasure. He stroked her fur all over her body. Finally, Cassandra felt Ash getting up and tried to stand up herself. However, he wouldn't let go and held her against his body. "It's OK. Let me carry you home." Not wanting to argue, Cassandra held on to him as he began the walk home. That night, the two lovers would fall asleep in each others' loving embrace. Everything from Cassandra's dream had come true except for one thing. Still, she only wanted to cherish their time together before going to the next level. And knowing that she was the same age as Ash and having a lifespan average of 100 years, Cassandra was willing to wait a while. Still, her dream that night would be filled with heartbreak and grief.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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